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Everything posted by Aaryanna_Mom

  1. [quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]I thought it was A track. .....or maybe my dad was lying to me this whole time. I remember vinyl records too, although those are popular again with DJs and other music enthusiasts. It's just like tight pants suddenly becoming cool again after the 70s.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]He might have called them that, but this is what they are: [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stereo_8"][U]8 track[/U][/URL] Since it's what we had when I was a little girl, I remember them clearly. I actually still have all of my records and a player for them. Though I prefer cd's.
  2. [quote name='Lunar;821361][COLOR="Indigo"][FONT="Book Antiqua"] I think they're going to put something on there that's going to change the way Americans think and therefore change something in the U.S. that's just a theory, though. What do you think?[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]No more than how they changed how Americans listen to and store music by dropping 8-track in favor of cassette tapes and then dropping that in favor of CD's. No more than dropping black and white in favor of color television and computers. Switching from analog to digital is only going to open things up for more options and that's a good thing.[quote name='Lunar'][COLOR="Indigo"']Your probably right about the "forcing" thing........but some defects with digital is that is breaks up sometimes and you miss the whole show.....[/COLOR][/quote]Analog, especially if you don't have cable or are in a poor reception area, is absolutely terrible in quality. Digital, if I understand it correctly, doesn't have anywhere near as much issues with break ups if you're using an antenna instead of something like cable. In short, life moves on and technology changes, leaving the old behind. If we followed the mentality of not forcing that change. The world as I knew it at your age would still exist. And I'm positive that not one of you would like having no computers, video games or color TV. ;)
  3. For some reason, this one seems oddly appropriate today. [CENTER][IMG]http://images.icanhascheezburger.com/completestore/2008/9/10/interestingif128655618237863031.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
  4. My daughter is a member here, so I simply tagged on the _Mom at the end since I am Aaryanna's mom. I didn't even think of using my real name Kathy or anything else. I wouldn't know what to use for a user name really so I just stuck with what I am.
  5. [quote name='The13thMan'][FONT="Trebuchet MS"]I just like to give ya'll crap. Feel free to throw some back at me time and time again. [/FONT][/QUOTE]And you wonder why many of us don't take you seriously at all. :rolleyes: Anyway, in general I don't object to the idea. I've always been one to believe that using our intelligence to figure things out is part of the learning process of being on Earth in the first place. What we do with said knowledge is another story. I may from a religious standpoint not agree with the obvious uses for gay and lesbian couples, but at the same time, I also advocate free choice. So having said that, I'm fine with this.
  6. [quote name='The13thMan;821242][FONT="Trebuchet MS"]If my post is so rife of fallacious logic then please point it out. Otherwise i will not and cannot debate with you anymore. If i did, it would be just as one sided as getting down on my knees by my bed and praying to the good lord himself. And we both know i don't waste my time with [I][U]that[/U][/I]. [/FONT][/QUOTE]Your statement that I refuted was this:[quote name='The13thMan'][FONT="Trebuchet MS"']I mean... the christian faith has been around for 2000 years and there still has been very little change. And really, the change only seems to come around when it's completely inevitable. How long did it take them to accept the world wasn't flat? [/FONT][/quote]My point still stands, you were implying that religion didn't change (or had very little change) unless they had no choice and that's not true. I was pointing out that the change was more than just a "little". Just as my point is coming from the stance that only religious people would object to a more complete education is inaccurate. If you want me to actually take you seriously, don't be so general with your declarations. As for this sentence here, I'll explain it: [quote name='The13thMan'][FONT="Trebuchet MS"]I'm sorry, i don't understand what you mean by "fleshing out the current circulation to be more complete." [/FONT][/QUOTE] I'll start with the word Fleshing from that sentence you don't understand: fleshed, flesh·ing, flesh·es v. tr. 1. To give substance or detail to; fill out: fleshed out the novel with a subplot. If the current sex education is incomplete, then the idea is to make it more complete. Next word, circulation: cir·cu·la·tion ?noun 1. an act or instance of circulating, moving in a circle or circuit, or flowing. 2. the continuous movement of blood through the heart and blood vessels, which is maintained chiefly by the action of the heart, and by which nutrients, oxygen, and internal secretions are carried to and wastes are carried from the body tissues. 3. any similar circuit, passage, or flow, as of the sap in plants or air currents in a room. 4. the transmission or passage of anything from place to place or person to person: the circulation of a rumor; the circulation of money. In this case I was using number for, the current circulation of information in regards to sex ed which right now is abstinence only. And finally the word complete: com·plete ?adjective 1. having all parts or elements; lacking nothing; whole; entire; full: a complete set of Mark Twain's writings. So the meaning is that they need to do more than just teach abstinence only so kids are fully prepared. I trust that makes the meaning of my sentence clearer for you. Though I suppose the word curriculum would have worked better than circulation in that paragraph.
  7. [quote name='The13thMan'][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][CENTER]Insert stuff here.[/CENTER][/FONT][/QUOTE]I don't intend to really reply to your post and this obvious problem with your logic that really isn't logic explains it: Religion hasn't changed in 2000 years according to your post. Interesting to know that you understand ALL religions well enough to be able to state that. For starters, witch hunts and crusades are in the past. The Salem witch trials no longer happen. Women not only have the right to vote, they often do more than their husbands do and can even hold political positions of... Wait I forgot, you said they haven't changed, silly me. Or is it silly you? Try to be a bit smarter with your comeback dear. Try and actually [I]learn[/I] about the religion that you are claiming hasn't changed in 2000 years. Because I have a serious news flash for you. The LDS church hasn't even been around for a Millennia let alone 2000 years.
  8. [quote name='Retribution'][font=Arial]The reason I pick on the (specifically) Catholic/Evangelical refusal to distribute contraception or talk of the benefits of contraception is because it runs counter to Christian values. Rather than protest out of principle while hundreds of thousands of people become infected everyday, distribute condoms in Africa. Not only does it help preserve family structures, it allows countries to get back on their feet, it reduces human suffering, and it is certainly a component to economic strength. You can say "Christians should stick to their guns!" but that's fundamentally flawed. It fails to take into account the magnitude of human suffering that could be reduced had the Church taken the [i]spirit[/i] of the Bible, rather than the shallowly-interpreted written text. Essentially, their refusal to distribute condoms is contradictory and hypocritical.[/FONT][/QUOTE]Africa seems to be the catch phrase of why any and all religion should toss out their core beliefs systems when it comes to sex education. I've heard that argument so many times. Plus at the same time, you're veering off on a tangent here instead of sticking to the topic. Which is sex education for teens and pre-teens. People who by law are considered unable to give consent to having sex in the first place. So to turn around and admonish any religion for not handing out condoms to someone who by law shouldn't be having sex in the first place is what's contradictory and hypocritical. It would be silly of them to encourage them by placing the means to avoid STD's in their hands and send them on their way. You know damn well that any parent of a kid who got pregnant or got an STD would then turn around and sue said religion for giving them the condom/contraceptive in the first place. Tossing contraceptives in any form out there is like putting a one inch band-aide on a six inch gash. It might help a few people, but it doesn't address the real issue. Fleshing out the current circulation to be more complete is one step, and I'm in favor of that, but expecting [I]any[/I] religion to hand them the end means to do so is downright silly. And once one is an adult, that's something they can decide themselves if they plan on using them or not. So really, the argument here isn't about handing it out, it's about a more rounded education and blaming religion does nothing to fix it.
  9. In all honesty, after so many times of hearing how the "latest" research has the potential to destroy the world, you start to tune it out. Not that I don't find this interesting and all that, it's just not the first time I've heard it. Plus, based on my limited understand of this project, it's not going to happen, or rather it's almost beyond unlikely. I do think it's a nifty idea though. I was kind of disappointed when the one being built here in the US back in the 90's fell through. So I'm glad to see it finally being done.
  10. [CENTER][IMG]http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/2357/kathykf5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Nothing seemed out of place on the Von Braun. It was both reassuring and a bit unsettling to Natalia. After what they had seen on the space station, it was important that no one realize they had been missing at all. But for them to have gone missing and for no one to even notice was alarming. She really wished she could complain to the Captain over that. It was unbelievably irresponsible in her mind. It didn?t take her long to get to the Casino, even with the usual press of people going about their business on the Von Braun. It seemed almost surreal to her, to see all the people behaving as if they didn?t have a care in the world. Even the staff at the Casino just nodded in her direction. No one said anything to her at all other than the normal polite gestures and greetings she always got. She didn?t bother to actually stop and talk to anyone, but instead headed straight for the main offices of the Casino. A handful of the security was there like always, keeping an eye on the guests via the security displays. ?[B]Hey boss,[/B]? one of the turned to greet her upon realizing she had entered the office. ?[B]How?d the trip to the space station go?[/B]? ?[B]It was fine[/B].? She said simply. ?[B]That?s too bad that they decided to cancel letting anyone else go over.[/B]? ?[B]Cancel?[/B]? Natalia?s eyebrow shot up. ?[B]There was an announcement that the space station was on staff rotation so giving tours of the place was canceled,[/B]? another member of the security crew turned his chair to face her. ?[B]They said we're going to stop by on the way back.[/B]? ?[B]I see.[/B]? ?[B]You?re so lucky,[/B]? the first one said. ?[B]Knowing my luck I won?t even get a chance to see it when we return.[/B]? ?[B]I?m not sure if I?d go so far as to say lucky.[/B]? Natalia finally replied. ?[B]I would.[/B]? He sighed, ?[B]Anyway, did you need something?[/B]? ?[B]Yes, I?ll be gone for the rest of the day so be sure to make a note in the schedule.[/B]? He turned back to the computer terminal and pulled up the schedule. ?[B]No problem ma?am. You?re already listed as being gone for today.[/B]? ?[B]Right,[/B]? that puzzled her for a moment until she realized that it would have been done by one of the assistant managers. She hadn?t given a specific time for how long she would be gone since she hadn?t known. They must have played it safe by listing her out for the day. She smiled at the two who were waiting for her to continue. ?[B]I?ll be off then. Keep up the good work.[/B]? ?[B]Yes ma?am.[/B]? Natalia left the office, fully intent on simply heading to her quarters. She didn?t feel like socializing with anyone. But when she got to the doors leading into the Casino, she couldn?t help but feel isolated and even more alone than she ever had in her life. ?[B]Forget this.[/B]? She growled to herself. ?[B]I think I?ll take Mr. Ivanov up on his offer.[/B]? Decided she headed for the closest lift that would take her to the deck where his quarters would be located.
  11. [quote name='Desbreko'][color=#4B0082]Just to provide a bit of clarification about the old record, that number was about 90% Google spiders and other bots that were crawling the site at the time. It wasn't anywhere close to 3,000 actual people online at once.[/color][/QUOTE]Do you know the actual number of people then? It would be interesting to try and break that record if you know what it was. ;) I also agree with making it noon for pacific time and 3pm for Eastern. Makes it easier for those who enjoy sleeping in on their weekends.
  12. [CENTER][IMG]http://images.icanhascheezburger.com/completestore/2008/3/22/icanhasahug128506996472968750.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
  13. [quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]This may come as a shock to some, but teen pregnancy statistics are actually declining for a change. Whether this is due to Clinton, Bush, the previous Bush, Reagan, or those who came before, nobody can honestly say. It's a murky issue, and not one that I'll let you get by with casually passing off on Bush as so many today are wont to do. Don't believe me about the statistics? Just google "teen pregnancy decline." And then go look yourself. The first two links are rather informative. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]Try googling Teen Pregancy Rates so you'll pull up more than you want to hear. Adding the word 'decline' will of course result in articles that only cover a decrease in the rates which isn't accurate. [URL="http://www.webmd.com/news/20080711/teen-pregnancy-rates-edige-higher"][U]Article[/U][/URL] Putting that aside, I'm a Christian myself and I find the idea of only teaching abstinence foolish. The best way to keep your kids safe is to make sure they are fully prepared for the possible consequences. And since the state of Utah isn't up to the task, it's fallen on parents who I hope are smart enough to actually present the facts. All of them, not just the one that will work the best. I kind of lucked out in that respect though. o_O Aaryanna is a curious kid and used the library and the Internet to figure all that out when she was eleven. I had planned on having that talk with her when she turned twelve.
  14. Oh definitely. Kids are like that when it comes to baths. And speaking of kids, this is how Aaryanna was and still is. She's the one who loves school. [CENTER][B]Aaryanna[/B] [IMG]http://images.icanhascheezburger.com/completestore/2008/9/3/izgotoskool128649057663286468.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
  15. I've always though the argument over Barbie or any other Doll somehow turning our children into needy girls/boys suffering from poor self esteem was a bit of a stretch. The biggest influence, in my opinion, is a child's parents. I don't even know how to properly explain it really. I do know that I don't consider one worse than the other. If you haven't taken the time to explain to your kids that they're not real in any sense of the world, then you've failed as a parent. It's not that hard to simply not buy such things for your kids if you really think it would be harmful. So if anyone is allowing this so called influence, it's yourself for purchasing it and putting it in your kids hands. So it got added to a display in a museum, so what. I fail to see how showcasing how toys have changed over the years really matters at all.
  16. [quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium]Okay so I just want to find out who is still able to post in this thing. We are starting to near the end and it'd really be great to finish it if possible. I just want to check in to see who is still interested and who isn't. If not enough people are interested in keeping this going then I may end it slightly earlier. :catgirl:[/font][/QUOTE]I'm still interested. I always have been, I just had health and personal things going on in my life for a while there. Things have settled back down, it's just been a case of getting back into things here at OB again. Anyway, I talked to Sabrina and had her send my character off on her own so I will be posting either this evening or tomorrow to follow up on that. It won't be much though, just her making sure she wasn't reported missing before heading back to join the others at Viktor's quarters. [B]EDIT:[/B] And done. It's not terribly long, but it does get me back into the rpg.
  17. Since the war had begun sometimes James felt like he never got any sleep. If he had been busy before with leading the Elite Specialists & Task Forces, it was hard to see it after nearly a year of dealing with the war. There was never a day when he didn?t spend every waking moment dealing with more paperwork than any person should see in a lifetime. He had barely finished up with the newest reports when the chime indicating someone was just outside his office door at the Council Center sounded. A quick glance showed that it was his aide. James stifled the urge to sigh and issued the command for him to enter. ?[B]What is it this time?[/B]? He didn?t mean to sound curt, but some of the nonsense he had dealt with that morning had him feeling a bit cross. He looked up and instantly regretted his abruptness. His aide looked just as tired and harried as he did. James made a mental note to make sure he was given plenty of time off once things settled back down. He had certainly earned it for putting up with him. ?[B]The [I]Transcendence[/I] has arrived sir. Specialist Kreid has requested a debriefing.[/B]? If he had noticed that James was less than courteous he didn?t show it. ?[B]Commander Landers has been transferred for level one interrogation, did you still wish to oversee that yourself sir?[/B]? ?[B]Yes, keep him on hold for now. Unfortunately, I still have a few things to deal with first.[/B]? ?[B]Sir,[/B]? His aide hesitated and then didn?t finish. ?[B]What is it?[/B]? He ignored the uncomfortable look on the guys face and then sighed inwardly. ?[B]Speak up; I won?t hold it against you.[/B]? ?[B]Sorry sir, it?s just that some of us are wondering if Landers will be executed once the interrogation is finished.[/B]? James?s eyebrow shot up. ?[B]And why would you wonder that?[/B]? He knew the answer, war or not, there were a fair number of officers who felt that what happened to his family was uncalled for and therefore warranted leniency. ?[B]Never mind, I know why.[/B]? He said before his aide could answer. ?[B]I don?t know what will happen just yet, if I can tell you I will, fair enough?[/B]? His aide nodded. ?[B]Anything else you?d like to ask me?[/B]? ?[B]What should I tell Specialist Kreid?[/B]? ?[B]I?ll contact him before the day is out to set up a time for his debriefing, until then he is to consider himself off duty. Now unless you have other things to cover, you?re dismissed.[/B]? His aid bowed in his direction and then turned and left the office. James sighed for real once he was gone and looked back at the reports he had been sorting through. Sometimes he wondered if it would be best to simply work out a compromise instead of insisting on forcing the outer systems to comply.
  18. [B]What level of education are you at? Highschool, college?[/B] I am past school, though technically you could have said I was a sophomore in college before I withdrew for health reasons. [B] What's your favorite subject, or if you're in college, what's your major? [/B] Music has always been one of my favorite things to study about or learn or teach. I am disabled but I am still able to work a little in what would have been my chosen field since I teach piano and organ lessons. [B]What's your ideal job along the field you are studying? I'm looking for more realistic answers.[/B] I may not be doing it along the level I originally wanted, but I am doing what I want to do. After being a mother of course, that comes first. [B] Talk about whatever it is that interests you! [/B] My answers to the questions should tell you what interests me.
  19. Like many others have stated, I have no interest in knowing when or how I'm going to die. I can't change it so I just don't see a point in actually knowing it. I think I'll just enjoy life and be glad I don't have to worry about something like that.
  20. [quote name='Sabrina'][FONT="Tahoma"]I know the feeling. Some of my friends and I got the idea to have a picnic and had to cancel it since it decided to hail and storm most of the day. The type of storm that soaks you completely. Usually around here it rains briefly and ends, but not yesterday. We ended up with flash flood warnings and all that. o_O Oh well, guess we'll have to try for another day. Hehe. [/FONT][/QUOTE]We had the same issue down here as well. However, since we didn't have an outside barbecue planned, it was easy enough to move things inside. It was kind of hard to be disappointed since the drop in temperature was such a nice change from the hot weather. I think it's like some sort of tradition for the weather to be wacky on Labor Day around here. That's the one thing I don't miss about camping trips, sudden rain storms messing up the fun. Not that I mind rain, but when it comes down like it did on Monday, you can't do much without getting completely soaked.
  21. Well at least you haven't been offline for over a month. Family drama does that to you I'm afraid. However I do intend to try and get back into things. I just got caught up on what I missed since I'd like to see this come to an end. We've come too far to let it fizzle when we are so close. So I'll work on getting something up this week too. :catgirl: [B]EDIT:[/B] A little delayed, but I finally got that up. Oh and though I already told you via AIM, very nifty idea with the base Allamorph. Just as I enjoyed the bit with the transport door for the ship earlier.
  22. [quote name='Sabrina'][FONT="Tahoma"]I'm sure many of you have noticed that we have this event running in the event center: [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=59315"][U]OtakuBingo![/U][/URL] It looks like fun and yet I've discovered that unless someone mentions it in their posts or profiles you can't see what country they are from. So that got me wondering if we really do have people visiting here from ten different countries. [/FONT][/QUOTE]Personally this makes me think that Shy would have been better off making a slot of... find members from ten different states/countries. A mix if you will. He'd probably get more responses to the game if he did that. Anyway... I am in the US of A. My ancestors are from Germany, but they came to the states a very long time ago so for all intents and purposes I come from here. The state I live in, Utah, is a fun place to live. We have lots of beautiful places to visit and overall it's been a nice place to live.
  23. I'm fine with Intelligent Design, within reason. It's one thing to present it on a religious basis and yet another to attempt to stuff it into science classes. It has no business being taught there. I also have no issues with evolution either. But then I've always been of the mind that if someone like God really does exist... they would be smart enough to take advantage of how things work instead of wasting their time by "mirco-managing" everything.
  24. You're image for me is spot on Darren. I could and would so do that. Anyway, if you take the FQFG rpg that ran last year into account... this one is Gavin. ;) [CENTER][B]Gavin[/B] [IMG]http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/funny-pictures-darth-vader-cat.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
  25. [quote name='Rachmaninoff'][CENTER][IMG]http://img367.imageshack.us/img367/6002/11989426191198924719636le7.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/QUOTE]That's so our cat... silly thing likes to chew on power cords. Anyway I saw this one in another thread and since it made laugh, I'll post it here. [CENTER][IMG]http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/2593/whutpd0.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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