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Everything posted by Aaryanna_Mom
What a ridiculous thread, or rather the responses I've been seeing in here.[quote] By contrast, racial discrimination is illegal, and yet Affirmative Action is still necessary.[/quote][quote] I hope you understand this statement is hilariously fallacious.[/quote]Let me guess, you?re now saying that discrimination is actually legal? And what point was Morpheus supposedly bringing up? None really, other than to state a fallacy in the first place, unless the argument is that nothing should [I]ever[/I] be done to address any form of discrimination, in which case the point just might be valid. [quote] And please don't try to derail this thread into pointless semantic blather.[/quote][quote] But it's cool if you do it, right, that makes sense.[/quote]You know, perhaps if people would address the issue instead of looking like little children saying stupid things that make no sense to begin with someone wouldn?t need to point out that they are derailing things with semantic nonsense. Or as the Internet term I've heard, would quit trolling in the first place. It makes the one trolling look foolish and the one defending said troll look even more foolish. If you're going to sail in and say [U]since when was something even needed[/U], how about explaining [I]why[/I] you think something isn't needed. Instead of nitpicking like a bunch of silly kids and thinking that it somehow makes you look smart. Now as for the actual topic, I'm really in agreement with Gavin in that on some level it doesn't really affect me and my religious beliefs aren't something I need to be forcing on others. So to put it bluntly, I really don't care if gay marriage is allowed or not.
[quote name='Aceburner']Yeah, that's you. I figured Aaryanna Mom would be a kind of weird name (then again, I went ahead and used chibi-master's full screenname,) So I used your first name and decided that if I gave your daughter a part later on, her name would be Aary. Weird, huh?[/QUOTE]I see, in that case and keeping in line with how wacky this thread is so far... *takes Rachmaninoff, Gavin and chibi-master by the ear and drags them to a corner* There will be no smacking here, thank you very much. So each of you... time out! And Allamorph, no substitution either. ^_~
What an amusing thread and concept. I have only one question since it seems you are using members from the site for the story, and that is to wonder if by Kathy Anna you are actually referring to me? Or is there another Kathy here at OtakuBoards that I am unaware of? Anyway, it was interesting and fun to read.
And I am finally done, I hope you don't mind Shy and Sandy that I placed Dame Anna in CHAOS as it's new Executive Housekeeper. Much like how the monarchy is changing and the police, so is the school. The idea being that traditionally, such positions like that of Headmaster held a lot more of the decision making power in regards to school business. So Catherine merely saw an opportunity to delegate some of that to someone she felt was qualified to oversee it. It feels strange to finally be here at the end of this rpg. It has been a lot of fun though, so thank you for creating it and thank you to everyone who has been a part of it. I've enjoyed it a lot. :catgirl:
[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/victoriaann-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/damegrimalkinavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/leonhartavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] A lot had changed in the past two months as Catherine along with the rest of the staff at CHAOS waited for the go ahead to reopen the school. It would have been sooner if not needing to wait for a group of inspectors to carefully check the school to make sure nothing was wrong structurally. Even though debris from the overhead battle had not struck the school, some of the tunnels close to the school had collapsed, rendering one of the roads leading to the school useless until further repairs could be done. Since the tunnel in question was one that led to the school itself, it had been thought best to make sure the ground under the school itself was still stable. Once crews had moved in to seal the tunnel leading to where the collapsed section was and ensure that the instability was not an issue, the school had been reopened and the first level of staff had moved in to get things ready. They had started by replacing the windows that had been shattered and cleaning up the ash and dust that had settled into the school. Now as Catherine along with Victoria Ann and Dame Anna rode the train for the first day of school to begin, she wondered how it was going to feel. They would be double checking to be sure of the reports, but it would feel different with those who would be missing because of the terrible battle that had happened two months ago. So many innocent people had been hurt and killed by the falling debris. No one had been safe, not even the children. ?[B]I wonder if the other students kept up with their studies.[/B]? Victoria Ann ventured hesitantly when it became apparent that the two adults with her weren?t going to say much if anything at all. ?[B]Perhaps,[/B]? Catherine replied. ?[B]It won?t matter if they did or not.[/B]? ?[B]You made me keep up as if school was still running.[/B]? Victoria Ann looked at her through narrowed eyes as she realized something. ?[B]You did that to keep me busy and out of the way.[/B]? Catherine smiled at her perceptiveness. ?[B]You?re correct young lady.[/B]? Victoria Ann just sighed slightly as the train came to a halt at the station closest to the school and then took off, leaving the two behind. She was eager to see her friends and teachers again. ?[B]Are you sure this is a good idea Catherine?[/B]? Dame Anna asked after Victoria Ann was out of hearing range. ?[B]I am, with everything that has happened; I?m going to need someone to manage the supplies at CHAOS.[/B]? She grimaced slightly. ?[B]The Headmaster still considers such mundane duties beneath him and I can think of no one better suited to oversee that aspect of the housekeeping at the school.[/B]? ?[B]People will still object though,[/B]? Dame Anna sounded a bit worried. ?[B]Things are changing for all of Czenovia at the King?s orders no less.[/B]? Catherine smiled. ?[B]Just let them try and object to what the King himself wishes to see done.[/B]? Catherine was not expecting any real objections to creating the position of an executive housekeeper for the school. In the past all of the decisions regarding supplies and the needs of the teacher had been handled by the Headmaster. Until recently such a system had worked well, that is until the new Headmaster had been appointed. His indifference and unwillingness to oversee what had traditionally been part of his duties had lead Catherine to the conclusion that someone needed to take care of those concerns. It hadn?t been all that hard to convince him. She had brushed aside his indignation over the idea by calmly explaining that he could accept the new position and the person she felt best suited to the task, or she could take her concerns about his leadership of the school to the board of directors or even further if need be. For all of his posturing, he had at least been smart enough to realize when Catherine was not bluffing and though he still objected a bit, he had approved it. Later, as the first day of school came to a close and Catherine stood in her office, watching the students leaving the grounds, she was both pleased and sad. Pleased at how well Dame Anna?s introduction had gone with the rest of the staff. After all the complaints she had gotten about the Headmaster neglecting that side of his duties, they had been thrilled to have someone who would see to such matters. It had been sad to find out just who and how many were gone though. Catherine turned at the sound of a knock at her door, instead of moving she called out for whoever was there to enter. To her surprise it was Leonhart. With all the work he was doing to help with the changes, she knew he didn?t have the time to come and visit her like he had done in the past, even if that was but a rare occurrence. ?[B]What brings you here?[/B]? Leonhart moved to join her, both of them turning to watch the children as they continued to head home. ?[B]I had a brief moment and decided to see how you were doing sister.[/B]? ?[B]You haven?t once asked me about the cannon since this whole mess ended.[/B]? Catherine had already made her decision, but she had been surprised that nothing was said yet. She had been expecting someone to talk to her about what had happened during the time she had been kidnapped by the Starks. ?[B]Nothing will be said unless you wish it sister.[/B]? He met her gaze when she turned to give him a puzzled look. ?[B]The King knows of the cannon, just as he knows it was destroyed.[/B]? ?[B]I don?t understand, why would you and the others say nothing?[/B]? ?[B]The others do not understand the technology behind how it works and I have made it clear that we will not pursue it.[/B]? Catherine turned back to the window, the front grounds to the school now empty. ?[B]Good,[/B]? she finally said. ?[B]I would not have helped even if you wished it.[/B]? ?[B]I know.[/B]? Leonhart replied. ?[B]We need to build a better future for our children, instead of creating even more weapons.[/B]? He placed his right hand on her shoulder, prompting her to look at him. ?[B]I have enough time to see you home before I must get back.[/B]? Catherine smiled at the thought. ?[B]Let me get my things.[/B]? A moment later and the two left CHAOS to head for Rosengard.
[CENTER]Light Warm; gentle Illuminating the ground Seeing life in it's soothing glow Golden sunshine[/CENTER]
Writing Poetry Contest - Everyone Welcome!
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Sabrina's topic in Creative Works
[quote name='Sabrina'][FONT="Tahoma"]So with that in mind the voting will remain open through Friday the 9th to make up for the bad timing of finals for people last week. :catgirl: [/FONT][/QUOTE]Thank you very much hun, the additional time to get one's vote in was appreciated. -
Writing Allamorph vs. Raiha [Poetry Contest]
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Sabrina's topic in Creative Works
For Raiha's poem, though I think it's wonderfully done with the fine line between seriousness and a play on irony, it never seems to hit an even balance and I don't know just which form you were going for. I do like how it's consistent through out the poem even if I can't tell if your serious or joking. Allamorph, though I do love the variation and how well written your poem is, I very much dislike the element that requires one to actually be more familiar with Raiha's writings here at OB. However, you balanced that bit out by going further into detail about her qualities that would make her the obvious choice. This one is a bit harder to choose from because I think both of you outdid the other one in certain areas. In the end I am going to vote for [B]Raiha[/B]. -
Writing Aaryanna vs. Indi [Poetry Contest]
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Sabrina's topic in Creative Works
I really do like the cute variation with the wording Bichon Frise worked into your poem Indi. Even though some of the wording is a bit awkward, it still suits her really well. Now for your own poem Bethany, the variation is a fun play on her previous user name and overall I think you have a better flow to the wording, especially that last line. In the end I will be giving my vote to [B]Indi[/B]. -
As Beth already knows, I've been on the sick side and thus hardly online at all the past week. I am feeling better so you all can expect a post from me within the next couple of days. Won't be much to post about with Daniel's in his current predicament but I will have something to cover. Also, just to let you know Indi [SIZE="1"](interesting user name change there by the way)[/SIZE] I really enjoyed how you carried out Kreid's objective, even if he was pretty heartless. Anyway, you got Daniel's responses down really well.
My apologies for not getting that post up, I've been feeling under the weather and I'm only now starting to feel better. Barring any complications I should have my final post up in the next couple of days.
Writing Poetry Contest - Everyone Welcome!
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Sabrina's topic in Creative Works
[quote name='Sabrina'][FONT="Tahoma"] Right now I intend to wait until this weekend to see just how many votes are in. If by say Sunday it's still pretty slim I'll extend it at that point, after all, school comes first![/FONT][/QUOTE]I sincerely hope that you do extend it, I've been feeling a little under the weather and haven't been online much at all in the last week. So though I'm feeling better, an extension for a few days would be appreciated. -
In my case, there is nothing to work around. I have three children, but only one lives at home. And she is old enough that most if not all of what needs to be done, she does it herself. Back when there might have been an issue, we didn't really use the Internet for anything at all, so making time never came up.
Congratulations hun, she's beautiful. The wonder of having that first child is something you never, ever forget. :catgirl:
And here I just got done commenting on their world blogs over at theO, but you can never say it too much really. Happy Birthday you two. ^_~ And what a cute little video for the occasion. As for myself, I don't really do much of anything though usually people I know end up having some form of gathering to wish me well. What I love best though is all the little cards I get from family and relatives living in other states. It's just nice to hear from them and I look forward to that each year.
[quote name='Korey'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Justice is blind man, it's all based on laws and statutes that were made by humans based on subjective views of right and wrong. In the end, it's all up to the judge and jury. If they say guilty, then that's pretty much that. There isn't much you can do, appeals hardly succeed either. By the time the case would be reviewed, it would be years after the initial case. This is just one example of how Justice is about as good as the guy banging the gavel.[/FONT][/QUOTE]I disagree, as horrible as this case is, it points to a problem beyond the officers involved and that would be significant deficiencies in, supervision, tactical planning, communications and management accountability of the police force in question. People need to stop focusing on this part of the verdict and remember that the next person to sit in judgment on what was done to Sean Bell and his two passengers will be the police commissioner, Raymond W. Kelly. He must resolve questions that are politically charged for himself, his department and the public at large: whether the individual officers should be allowed to return to duty, and more broadly, if the case exposed shoddy practices in some undercover operations that put members of the public at risk. I would be more alarmed at the verdict if further investigations were not being made. But as I just stated, taken from the various articles I have read, that is not the case.[quote name='Zen'][color=royalblue][size=1]However, this isn't the main concern here, its the "Police Brutality" and "Assuming the black guy had a gun" scenario.[/color][/size][/QUOTE]If your above post is true, take out the word Black in the assuming he had a gun spiel. All you're doing is continuing the wording that makes it look like it had a racial slant when it did not.
Anime The Battle Between Manga and Anime (Anime Side)
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Nomurah!'s topic in Otaku Central
This is no battle for me at all as I am not heavily into anime and never read manga at all. I'm sure it's probably good and all that, I simply have no interest in it. I've never been a fan of what is considered a form of comics, other than stuff like say Charlie Brown or Calvin and Hobbes. Simple single panels that you read in the Sunday paper and so forth. I know it's not the same, it's just that I have never had a huge interest in that format period, no matter how detailed the story is. I have always preferred watching it animated vs reading it on paper. I did look at a few manga's out of curiosity when given the chance but I still did not care for it. -
This is the time of year when I miss all the miles and miles of wildflowers covering the ground in Texas. And I do mean that quite literally of course. [CENTER]Pastel Soft gentle color Soothing the troubled mind All along the ground as far as one can see Delicate spring flowers[/CENTER]
Spring for me always, always means getting outside more and gardening. The late season for Utah, and by late I mean compared to Texas, is the only thing I dislike about living here. I grew up where spring came about much sooner. Anyway, that's what I always do, yard work to get ready to plant everything from flowers to vegetables and herbs. I also tend to work on cleaning the house from top to bottom. It's much easier when it's warm enough outside to have all the windows open to air the place out as well. I really dislike the harsh smell of chemicals. And then, I spend my days being outside as much as possible since I enjoy it and because I have a nice view of the mountains from my backyard.
I will probably get mine up sometime this weekend. I've had a lot of things going on this week, making it difficult for me to actually sit down long enough to get a post up. I do know what I wish to do though, it's just a matter of actually writing it up. :catgirl:
Writing Poetry Contest - Everyone Welcome!
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Sabrina's topic in Creative Works
[quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Well when you put it THAT way. Maybe. I suppose. I mean I won't die or anything but ...*snivel* [B][U]It's just not the same.[/U][/B][/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]Oh yes it is, the topic, [I]regardless[/I] of the letters running down the side is still the same. A poem as to [I][B]why[/B][/I] the other person should win. [spoiler]Stop being snide, it's most unbecoming[/spoiler] I see no issue whatsoever with a variation of the actual phrase if the same intent is still present. I assumed from the very beginning that the reason we were all given the same phrase was on account of varying lengths in user names. After all, there's a big difference between "Why Aaryanna_Mom Should Win" vs. "Why Treble Should Win" So my answer is that so long as the actual letters running down the side are close in length to the original phrase, and the meaning the same... I see nothing wrong with a variant, especially since it would be interesting to see what people would come up with. I don't plan on changing mine but if Treble wishes to, more power to them. ;) -
Writing Aaryanna_Mom vs. Treble [Poetry Contest]
Aaryanna_Mom replied to Sabrina's topic in Creative Works
[B]W[/B]hy are you [B]H[/B]ere when the answer [B]Y[/B]ou seek is clear? [B]M[/B]ake no mistake or [B]Y[/B]ou'll do a double take. [B]O[/B]nly one thought should be [B]P[/B]resent. [B]P[/B]erhaps I haven't explained this well [B]O[/B]r maybe you're been caught under a spell. [B]N[/B]ow don't make me break - or [B]E[/B]ven be tempted to spank. Your [B]N[/B]ext move is so obvious, do I really need [B]T[/B]o say it? [B]S[/B]top dawdling in [B]H[/B]ere since the answer is clear. [B]O[/B]ut you go! [B]U[/B]ntil you see - that the [B]L[/B]imelight was never meant for me. [B]D[/B]o us both a favor, just this once. [B]W[/B]hy do you hesitate? [B]I[/B]t's so easy to see [B]N[/B]ow do you understand? Treble - is far more grand. -
[quote name='Shy'][size=1]You'll learn that the creator has less to do with the content level than the players themselves. So little information has been given about the story or the tone of the RPG that it's too early to tell how graphic is might be.[/size][/QUOTE]Not to disagree hun, but in all seriousness, the creator [I]is[/I] the one who sets the boundaries as to what they will not tolerate. After all there is a huge gap between mature and say more explicit material. James' comments thus far and speaking with Crystia via AIM have addressed my questions in that respect. So I am satisfied with their responses as to what I can expect should I decide to try for this rpg. I ask because after all, the Ragnarok had mature material so I do not oppose it but I do like to know what I might see and really my only concern is stuff that would go beyond mature. I've seen that here so I think it's reasonable to find out in advance if that would be the case. If you have any doubts as to what I'm referring to Shy, I'll link you to specific examples via pm. Anyway, I have no questions since the new information in the first post gives me an idea of what type of story to expect. Yes I have questions, but some of that I believe should wait for when the sign ups go up since clearly this is just a teaser as to what one can expect and nothing more.
[quote name='James;810522]Basically, this "version" of the future is what you might imagine if you were living in the 1950's. Imagine if you took 1950's/60's design and infused it with futuristic technology. That's the style we're going for here.[/QUOTE]Now that's an interesting style and ironically more fitting to what I grew up with and kind of expected until I got older and technology went in vastly different directions. But still that definitely brings back memories.[quote name='Sandy;810531]How come I'm getting a sort of "Loveboat" feeling from this? ;D[/QUOTE]I'm wondering just what type of loveboat you are talking about. lol Because...[QUOTE=James'][list][*]The RPG will be relatively short and will have a definitive end. It will contain three main "acts": [b]Adventure[/b], [b]Survival[/b] and [b]War[/b'].[/list][/quote]I've yet to see a loveboat show with that second and third act. ;) Anyway, I of course have only one question and that is the level of what's going to be considered acceptable in the rpg. I bring it up because recently I quit following an rpg just for that reason. Content that were I a participant, the stuff that got inserted into the story would have resulted in my withdrawal at that point. It certainly killed any interest I had in reading it. So though I find the concept interesting, at the same time, I'd rather not waste my time, nor yours, by signing up for something that has content I am not interested in reading and most definitely would not write.
I grew up in Mt. Pleasant Texas and therefore in tornado land as one could put it. I've seen all sorts of horrible storms from twisters destroying everything, to hail the size of softballs, to blizzards to flooding bad enough in Provo Utah that we literally had little rivers running down streets that were barely kept in check by sandbags. It's hard to pick just one instance of terrible weather among the violent storms I've seen, though for sheer destructive power, I'd say tornadoes are on the top. Even with that twister in SLC, which fortunately for that type of storm was mild, I much prefer living where such occurrences are unusual instead of expected each year. That's one aspect of living in Texas that I do not miss at all. Well that and the hot humid weather too. I don't miss that either.