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Everything posted by Aaryanna_Mom

  1. [quote name='Kenso;810504][SIZE=1]In the name of Kossuth, aren't there some sort of laws against revealing that sort of information about one's parents?[/SIZE][/QUOTE]Crystia is right, if I didn't want that info known, I would not have included it in my profile. ^_~[quote name='Aberinkula;810508][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][size=1]Actually, as they say, with age comes wisdom. I don't mean that in an offensive way, but I'm saying shes one of the oldest member so really she's one of the wisest members. Don't take offense to that please A_M >_< I mean it in the best way possible! And shes also made Aaryanna a very polite and well behaved girl... at least I think she's well behaved.[/size][/COLOR][/QUOTE]How could I take offense over being older? Now as for my daughter... I think most of the credit goes to her. Trust me, she can be quite the mischievous imp at times... And I'll quit embarrassing her now. [QUOTE=Allamorph'][FONT=Arial']Don't ask where I am. Tennessee is my cover.[/FONT][/quote]Why am I not surprised? It's been a while since I've been to Tennessee.
  2. The fleet was due to arrive in sector three shortly to help with the switch over and set up the defenses to accommodate being a part of the New Alliance. Daniel was currently in the side observation room just off the bridge with Tarika Zaidin, going over the status of her current investigation into Greydon Kreid?s past. He finished reading what she had on him so far, which was to be frank, pretty much nothing. ?[B]As you can see sir,[/B]? she was saying. ?[B]It?s like he doesn?t exist. I?ve pulled information from every possible and known channel and yet no one has even heard of this Greydon Kreid.[/B]? ?[B]True,[/B]? Daniel agreed. ?[B]However, the same can be said of quite a few members of the Versilan military who have elected to join the New Alliance.[/B]? ?[B]Sir, in addition to standard channels, William accessed another one onboard the [I]Creator[/I], one that even with their access found nothing on this guy.[/B]? Zaidin leaned forward from her position of sitting in a chair across from the massive desk in the observation room, placing her folded arms on the edge of the desk. ?[B]I realize that he?s proven time and time again that he?s dedicated to his duties, but I must point out that even so, there are others who though less experienced, are at least less questionable in terms of security.[/B]? She sighed and leaned back, her tiny frame dwarfed by the chair she was sitting in. ?[B]It is my professional opinion that he be replaced with someone else and shifted to other duties. I see it as an unnecessary risk sir and my report to Williams will reflect that recommendation.[/B]? Daniel closed the report she had prepared for him. ?[B]I would expect nothing less from you Ms. Zaidin and I assure you, William and I will give your report the attention it deserves.[/B]? Their meeting was interrupted by a chime demanding Daniel?s attention, something that after checking briefly to see what it was, he stood up. ?[B]We?ll discuss this later, once we finish with the switch over and once I?ve had a chance to talk to William.?[/B] He headed for the bridge with Zaidin right behind him, his thoughts moving from her report to the details of handling the switch over. Discussing Greydon Kreid would have to wait until after other more pressing matters were attended to. The doors leaving the observation room and leading into the bridge opened automatically upon their approach, closing once the pair was through. Kreid was waiting next to Daniel?s seat as expected since he would be helping to oversee the security changes in sector three. Daniel just gave him a brief smile before sitting down and giving the drop out of hyperspace his full attention. He had been expecting things to be calm, not to be hit with distress calls within minutes of their arrival. [I]What in the world is going on?[/I] It was utter chaos in sector three as explosions were being picked up among the ships going about their business while others were fleeing in all directions. There were no signs of an Imperial fleet but Daniel ordered the fleet to full battle readiness just the same. To their confusion, what seemed to be a shipping freighter rammed into a passenger ship before exploding, destroying both ships. ?[B]Find out what?s going on![/B]? He ordered even as he himself looked up the data feed, but it made no sense, how could a ship carrying raw plant materials explode? ?[B]Sir, orders from sector nine have arrived![/B]? The communications officer?s voice broke from nervousness as he turned to face Daniel. ?[B]We?re to order all transport ships to power down and destroy any that do not comply![/B]? Those orders made Daniel stop and think.[I] What in the world?[/I] He didn?t have time to question it since the verification came straight from William. Instead, he had the orders followed, wincing every time a ship slipped through and managed to hit something before it could be stopped. [I]There has to be a way to determine which ships are rigged![/I] But the scans coming back were of no use. ?[B]They?re keyed to attack anything that gets too close.[/B]? Greydon Kreid spoke up, startling Daniel who on some level had forgotten that he was even there; he turned to face Kreid who was looking at him. ?[B]Let me take the fighters out, we can use their greater maneuverability to help determine which ones are designed to attack the other ships.[/B]? Daniel started to object and then changed his mind. Kreid was right; the fighters would have the best chance of getting in close to transport ships and then pulling free to allow the fleet to deal with the ship. ?[B]Alright, I?ll issue the order to launch.[/B]? Kreid didn?t waste a moment, taking off for the hanger bay before Daniel had even pulled up the list of those trained to pilot the ships. Within ten minutes of the order being issued, the fighters had been launched, Kreid flawlessly taking over as if he had been expecting to do so from the very beginning. Daniel focused on coordinating with him as they concentrated on flushing out the ships that were rigged. Half an hour later and minus a handful of fighters who had not managed to get free in time and the threat was over. ?[B]Good work everyone, stand down for now.[/B]? He stood up to head for the observation room once again as he needed to talk to William. ?[B]Organize the clean up and assist any stragglers Spencer.[/B]? ?[B]Understood sir.[/B]? Daniel took himself off and into the observation room just off the bridge, it was imperative that he talk to William immediately. [I]What is the High Council thinking? Why did they target civilians? [/I] Not only was the attack unexpected, but they had been unable to determine which ships were affected, something that if another one was to show up, would be even more of a disaster than the first one. He needed some answers and he needed them quick.
  3. [quote name='Aceburner']I'm assuming you mean you don't want to be married to James, because I'm almost sure that you already knew you wore considered the mother figure of the place.:p[/QUOTE]It's already been addressed, but it's more of a case of my being twice his age. Someone that young is someone I would see as a kid. No offense James. ^_~ And yes, I've heard people refer to me as OB's mom... I think of that more like adoption than actually being a part of the site's beginnings. Though I think the adoption happened from the other direction. o_O
  4. [quote name='Retribution'][font=Arial]There is no maliciousness in the news selectively reporting stories from Iraq, that's a fact of the press. Rather, I think their selective reporting is indicative of an overt American bias -- no, you really don't find frequent stories on Americans killing Iraqi civilians intentionally. I would assert that they're usually stories of collateral damage or accident, not of direct intent to murder (or at least that they're construed as such). Generally war crimes are only reported on when the reporter was a firsthand witness of the act, which is exceedingly rare. Meh.[/font][/QUOTE]Yes, there is bias, that's unavoidable really and applies to both sides in a conflict. Though I don't think it's because we don't want to hear it. I'd rather things like that were addressed instead of being hushed. Also, I think it's a given that crimes are often not reported unless seen by a third party, especially crimes involving intentional and accidental death. That's true of all killing/murder.
  5. [quote name='Aceburner;810315]Well, if ya wanna get technical, Mom and Dad would probably be Aaryanna_Mom and James.[/QUOTE]What? o_O [quote name='taperson'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]D - A lecture regarding something else.[/COLOR'][/SIZE][/quote]Lecture? No dear, a title that you are attempting to assume as a member of the family. Commonly known as the [U]black sheep[/U]. Whether or not it's true... Anyway, as much as I enjoy coming here, it's never crossed my mind to think of it as a family. I do like it here, and yes I'm stating the obvious, because if I didn't I wouldn't come back. :catgirl:
  6. [quote name='Retribution'][font=Arial]American media focuses with a fine lens upon American deaths -- every single casualty or prisoner of war is generally accounted for, with the POWs receiving a great amount of media coverage (see: [url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9905E5DE1E39F931A35757C0A9659C8B63][b]Jessica Lynch[/b][/url] for case in point). However, outlets such as the New York Times or Washington Post do not generally carry stories on American soldiers killing civilians intentionally. You will hear things here and there (see: [url=http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/08/world/middleeast/08blackwater.html?scp=20&sq=Blackwater&st=nyt][b]Blackwater shootings[/b][/url]), but very rarely are there reports of Americans destroying the lives of civilians (intentionally or not). It's perceived to be un-American and despicable stateside, so it's not really done, save for the most flagrant violations of human rights (Abu Ghraib, but again, I don't believe this was the "one bad apple" either).[/font][/QUOTE]Since when? Are you talking only about mainstream media? Because it's absurdly easy to hunt around and find more in American newspapers about other aspect of deaths besides that of American soldiers. Deaths and other incidents that relate to the occupation in Iraq. Such as this tidbit that was published by the[I] Los Angeles Times[/I]. [INDENT]According to estimates by the Iraqi Police in Baghdad , US forces killed 33 unarmed civilians and injured 45 in the capital alone, between May 1 and July 12, 2005.[/INDENT] I think your confusing audience interest with a deliberate intent to keep people in the dark. Yes we want to know about what's going on, but on a personal level, it's those stories about our loved ones off somewhere that interest us the most. As heartless as that sounds, other than to know they died and that steps need to be taken to reduce civilian causalities, people are more interested in hearing about their own. I'm sure it's the same in on the other side, the focus is on their own people not ours. Also, quite a few of as are well aware of civilians not only getting caught in the cross fire but being killed intentionally. Though I'd argue that it's not intentional in the sense you seem to be hinting at. Just as I don't agree with the implication that such killing was actually ordered by the military. You could come back and say, but this incident happened and I'd point out that usually, such a thing isn't ordered. And yes you can go back into history and find where such things have happened. Anyway... Others have touched on the stress of war and how there are some who have acted in a manner that is unacceptable, but I don't see that as a systematic issue of people being taught that it's acceptable to kill civilians. On the contrary, I imagine that most find the idea of deliberately taking a life horrible. This is true among those I know personally. Both friends and family who have served in the military.[quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium]Perhaps that is because people our age are not familiar with living in times of war. I mean, if you compare this war and World War II... well, there's just no comparison. Our parents and their parents probably have a slightly different perspective, because they knew what it was like not only to face serious threats but to suffer as a nation for a particular cause.[/font][/QUOTE]This I have to agree with, I may have been born after the war, but I remember how much that did and still does hurt my parents and others, even decisions made after the war, like the Berlin Wall for example. All it did was go from madness to being separated from loved ones for nearly three decades. And yes that is my way of saying we had relatives stuck behind that damn wall. Anyway, now that I'm here, yes I believe in military service, events such as the holocaust have proven that no matter how peaceful you may be, others are not. I have no illusions over how I would not be willing to calmly sit by and let someone else make the call as to whether I or my family live or not. As a mother, I could not stand by and watch someone shoot my daughter and do nothing to stop it. It's not going to happen, even though the one pulling the trigger would be someone else's son or daughter. I may wish we didn't need the military, but realistically, I have to wonder just how messed up our world really would be without it. So therefore, to those who do serve, I do appreciate the work and dedication given by those who do their best. I myself have never served and never will (health reasons including too old) but I have the highest respect for those who do, including those who find themselves in the unfortunate situation of being placed in a situation no one should have to face.
  7. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial][B]Edit:[/B] [COLOR=DarkRed]A_M[/COLOR]? Rhyming "something grand" with "Dixieland" made me smile a lot. Nicely done.[/FONT][/QUOTE]I'm glad you enjoyed that. It was the one thing I was determined to fit into the poem because for me, a vacation or the sense of one comes most from where I grew up, and that would be in Dixieland. ^_~ So living in Utah, the song "I Wish I Was in Dixie" tends to come to mind when I think of taking a vacation. Anyway, I like very much how your poem Darren takes such a different approach to the concept of a vacation. :catgirl:
  8. Alright, both poems are nicely done, but there is one thing that in my mind sets them apart. And that is getting the depth and feel of a desert in one's poem. To explain, I do like how well Raiha's poem uses the setting of a desert, but it still skirts the topic in favor of love instead. Where Rach's poem [I]is[/I] the desert, something that as one who lived in a desert state, one that's more of one than Utah is, I can see how it reflects it best. So with that thought in mind, my vote goes to [B]Rachmaninoff[/B].
  9. I'm going to fall back on simplicity here again because though I think 8bit's poem is a bit more epic, it doesn't have the playfulness that Treble's poem does. I like the simple nature of making one want to go to the ocean to experience it vs the serious slant in the second poem. So with that in mind, I vote for [B]Treble[/B].
  10. Both poems here speak of seasons in a different manner, the first of the actual cycle itself, the second of one experiencing it first hand and the beauty of seeing it. The thing that draws me the most is how the first one seems to call to itself a bit, as if nature is the one celebrating the change. So with that thought in mind, I choose to vote for [B]indifference[/B].
  11. Both poems here take a very different approach, Gavin has a bit more of connecting to the city, even if the flow seems to be two different storyline's. Allamorph, though technically more correct, seems to flow as if watching from the outside or as the city itself. My vote will be based on which one I connect with the most. And that will be the sentiment in [B]Gavin's[/B] poem. I grew up in a very, very tiny town and never set foot in a city until I was much older and that first verse in Gavin's captures that sense of being overwhelmed by being in a city really well. So that is who I choose.
  12. Instead of re-hashing what others already said, I'll simply point out the simplicity vs complexity. When a poem requires reading more than once to get what the author is trying to say... is when I feel the poem has lost it's line of thinking. This isn't a bad thing, but rather one of merely needing to focus that creativity and channel it. With that thought in mind, I vote for the simplicity and therefore: [B]Aaryanna[/B]
  13. [quote name='sbsp13668'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="DarkRed"]LOL! I know I can sound a bit like an old geizer when it comes to certain topics, and I could go on and on about how the darkness in the world has been forcing us young people to "mature" faster, but I don't want to bore anyone to death with my cynical antics. XD You're totally right about what you're saying to those members who don't like change simly because it's [I]change[/I] ("it's different, it's new eek!"), so I encourage anyone who's like that to read this... actually... that's an order, so read it change dislikers! Rar. ^.^[/COLOR] [/FONT][/QUOTE]I can relate, because I can turn around and counter that darkness with how much the world is better since I also remember how hurt people were by world war II while I was growing up. Along with a lot of other things as well, so that kind of debate just goes in pointless circles. That's really my whole basis about accepting change, you can always find something bad to be unhappy about. Whether it's the things missing, or the 'darkness' in the world, etc. No generation can make the claim that they understand it better, or feel loss better. So in the end, other than legitimate concerns to address things that can be improved, whining is just that, [I]whining[/I], and really needs to end. ;)
  14. [quote name='Darren']AHHHHH!!!!!!! Arryanna_Mom at the beginning?!?!? Are you insane? A better question: Am I insane for attempting to compete against her?[/QUOTE]I don't know why you're nervous. I never did learn the rules or even names for different poetry. Nor did I take an active role in reading it during my lifetime. Anyway, it's up. So best of luck to both of us and everyone else. ^_~
  15. [CENTER][B]R & R[/B] When was the last time you saw something grand? Oh the adventure to be had, as you boldly set forth. The ocean, the mountains; deep south in Dixieland. A winding path that all can take, don?t hesitate! In all your life, there is more than you can see, I think I?ll go, for I will not stand by and wait, Above and beneath the turbulent wide seas, Such beautiful treasures to be discovered, so great. So when the night begins to call and sing it?s song, Telling me it?s time to take my leave and head home, Those pictures taken will hold those memories strong, Till the next vacation when I declare, I?m gone![/CENTER]
  16. [quote name='James;809720][font=franklin gothic medium]Yes, those edit/reply buttons are truly mesmerizing! :catgirl:[/font][/QUOTE]Those little buttons really are amusing. And even if it is rather bright, the colors are at least easy for me to read. [quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium']Meanwhile, new members will be scared to death (or oddly entertained) when first choosing a skin at OB, lol.[/font][/quote]I'm voting for oddly entertained, because it is amusing to watch and the music is cute as well. :catgirl:
  17. [quote name='sbsp13668'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Navy"]I've been getting the impression that MyOtaku is being ignored in all these changes/improvements because some people think that those who are sticking with MyOtaku are unwilling to change. [B]The fact is that some people are sticking with MyOtaku because they don't like change [/B]and other people are with MyOtaku because they simply don't like the changes that have been made around TheOtaku and MyOtaku. There are many reasons people don't like these changes, they're inconvenient and they're seperating TheOtaku and MyOtaku. [/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE]I'm not going to address most of your post since the others already did and because I never was a member of myOtaku. But I do have to wonder at the frame of mind behind this bit here, primarily what I highlighted. I'm going to dive a bit into philosophy here because to be frank the idea of someone who is a teenager complaining over change... I can't help but blink and wonder if I'm hearing things. Usually it's the other way around, the kids telling the adults they need to keep up with the changes. Anyway, my point is that everything is always changing and moving, and has some aim, goal, or purpose. Why do I say that? I'm old enough to remember when the Internet didn't really exist like it does today. To remember when CD's and DVD's didn't even exist yet. When blogging sites such as myOtaku did not exist. Just as I remember how much people were downright afraid of such change. Because it was not what they were use to and I even recall speculation on how e-mail would result in regular mail falling apart. Now I'm not saying you don't have valid concerns in regards to the new service, but I am saying that not liking change is kind of short sighted. And clinging to the past so hard that you lose sight of the future isn't healthy either. I've seen quite a bit of ranting over the change when I've browsed around and all I can think is how [I]impatient[/I] people are for the new system to receive similar upgrades or features. Or how unwilling they are to even attempt to find the benefits of the newer system. Now since this is really about a move, I'd be telling people the same thing I told my children when we moved from one state to another, not my youngest but my eldest. The move isn't going to change, adapt, learn, and for heaven's sake! Get out there and find something fun to do instead of lamenting your old neighborhood. Unlike a true move, your friends can still follow you and I'm positive that it will only get better.
  18. I think it's rather simple, the moment someone has broken enough to kill you is the moment that unless you've done something deserving of death, then I would not allow myself to die.
  19. [CENTER]Twilight Dark and deep Explosions running wild Death and destruction raging Night falls[/CENTER]
  20. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]Nope, no objections A_M, that was exactly what Litheway was planning to do. I really liked how you expanded Daedalus' sacrifice [spoiler]to include him saving the rest of his family in the process, it just seems so like him to do it, even unintentionally.[/spoiler][/SIZE][/QUOTE]Excellent, since that is what I was thinking when I decided to do that. Your post gave me the idea in the first place after all. :catgirl: And I enjoyed your post following up after mine, since as the others have said, getting to see more of Dwalish was fun to read. Anyway, I too am done, so only that final post left for me. So I'm ready for you to wrap the day up Shy.
  21. And I am done as well, a little late since I had other things come up this morning but done just the same. Now to be clear, the group ended up so far off on account of having to keep changing their path from the tunnels collapsing. And unless you object Gavin, since you indicated that the Liberator was aimed at High Czenoble, I figured that Litheway would have aimed it at the [spoiler]base of the Mirror Palace in an attempt to destroy it and incidentally bury the members of the royal family alive. So that's what my post indicated, that ship that Victoria Ann saw was the Liberator. Good thing Daedalus destroyed it. It's only a pity he won't know that he unknowingly saved the others. [/spoiler]
  22. [CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/victoriaann-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/gustave-avatar.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/leonhartavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/maceyellen-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/fauntleroy-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/marieevangeline-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] It was hard to believe that they had somehow managed to find the others, Catherine hadn't been sure what to expect once they had become separated from the others that Gadget had freed. They had no choice but to continue as different sections of the tunnels had collapsed giving them no choice. But now, having found the others, they were having the same problem, three times they had followed a path Victoria Ann had said lead to a way out, only to have to turn around and backtrack on account of the path being buried in rock and rubble. It only made Macey's words ring even more true, that facing gunships and insanity was better than being buried alive. "[B]I'm sorry,[/B]" Victoria Ann said despondently as they were forced to turn around the third time, the path blocked. "[B]Maybe someone else should find a way out, I keep picking bad ones.[/B]" "[B]Don't be sorry Victoria Ann,[/B]" Gustave reassured her. "[B]You're doing just fine.[/B]" The others just nodded in agreement as they continued back towards the next junction to head for the next possible exit, the same thought on each of their minds, one of wondering if they would manage to get out before they were trapped. It was an ugly thought, and it weighed on each of them heavily. That they wouldn't get out of there alive. Even the Chimeras were clearly nervous as they danced a little from time to time, their distress clear. Once again they followed the directions from Victoria Ann as she kept track in her mind of the paths that were no longer clear in her mind. They had barely headed down the section to the next spot when yet another rumble ran through the tunnels and the group instinctively moved forward quickly at the sound of the tunnel collapsing behind them. They managed to outrun the collapse, pausing momentarily to make sure everyone was alright before continuing forward. "[B]Uh...[/B]" Victoria Ann spoke up hesitantly. "[B]If this way isn't clear, that was the only way back into the tunnels.[/B]" Before anyone could object Fonty smiled at Victoria Ann and spoke up, "[B]Then the way will be clear.[/B]" The others gave him an odd look which he just seemed to ignore. But a short while later, it proved to be correct as they finally came to a set of wide steps carved into the stone leading up to a set of double doors. "[B]Finally![/B]" Eva was relieved, "[B]I was beginning to wonder if we'd never get out of the tunnels.[/B]" She wasn't the only one who was happy to see the doors. In no time all of them were off of the Chimeras and up the stairs to force the double doors open, Gustave coming up behind leading the Chimeras up the steps and into what appeared to be a type of work shed with all sorts of equipment for tending to gardens and lawns. "[B]Where in the world are we,[/B]" Macey was heading for the closest set of doors leading out, the sounds of the battle in the air could be heard. Without hesitation she opened the doors and just stood there, saying nothing as the others moved to join her. The view one of horror. Leonhart pushed past the group and looked up behind them to see that they were at the base of the Mirror Palace, in one of the many private gardens for the royal family. He turned back to the others who were staring out at the city, the sight of the First Air Fleet fighting an Underdog fleet and the fires breaking out in the city was like something from a nightmare. "[B]We're in the private gardens for the palace.[/B]" The others just looked at him, startled that the tunnels had taken them there, other than Victoria Ann who merely nodded. "[B]So do we stay here until that madness is over with or do we look for someone to see if we can find better shelter?[/B]" Catherine was asking when Victoria pipped up. "[B]How come that ship is heading right for us?[/B]" She pointed at one of the larger cruisers that seemed to be headed their way. The others turned to look, various degrees of startlement and horrified surprise coming from each one. For one horrifying moment they were frozen in place and then Gustave was shouting frantically, "[B]Back inside! Now![/B]" He snatched up Victoria Ann and ran for the doors leading down, calling to the two Chimeras as well. Time seemed to stand still as they hurried back inside in a desperate rush for the doors leading back into the tunnels before seconds later a terrible roar filled the air as the ship exploded, the shock wave shaking the shed they were in and then before even one of them had managed to make it to the doors leading down, the sound of debris hitting the ground outside could be heard. Then something huge slammed into the ground nearby, the force knocking all of them off of their feet, sending them sprawling to the ground, the Chimeras instinctively crouching as they backed into a corner of the shed. Then just as suddenly the sound of the wreckage hitting the ground and the palace was over. Cautiously the group started to get back up, Victoria Ann immediately running to see what had happened, slipping past Catherine before she could stop her. "[B]Victoria Ann! No![/B]" She called after her, but it was too late. Gustave was quick to get to his feet and go after her, but instead of grabbing her and coming back in, he just stood there. "[B]It's alright,[/b]" He called back. "[b]The ship, well just come and see for yourself.[/B]" Hesitantly the others did, stopping at the door and looking at the remains of the ship that had slammed into the base of the palace not to far from the shed. Somehow, the First Air Fleet must have stopped their suicidal run against the Mirror Palace. Saving not only the Dynasts but them as well. The group just stood there, watching the rest of the battle as it finished up.
  23. Well I know I'd enjoy seeing that post too Gavin. Also, Beth is correct, I do plan on posting about the group getting out of the tunnels, though mine is not likely to go up until tomorrow morning since I have other things I'm doing today. But I most definitely do not want Shy to wrap things up since my post will indicate that the battle is winding down or ending by the time they get out of those tunnels. I have the moment or rather event I want them to see shortly after getting out. So unless someone else in the group wishes to add more, I will be posting to that effect.
  24. [quote name='Sabrina'][FONT="Tahoma"]Now as for this piece, one of the things I tend to do each year is write a little poem to go along with a card and a small gift for my mom for Mother's Day.[/FONT][/QUOTE]That's really a nice idea. It reminds me of music lessons when I was younger and living at home, my teacher would have us compose a small melody for our mothers each year... goodness, I wonder if I still have that? Anyway, it's a fun poem, I like how it's all about describing what a mother is only to end with the reminder that you love her. Short and sweet.
  25. Well since we are off on this tangent of poems that match the prank running right now, I think I'll do one as well. It will be different though. :catgirl: [CENTER] Month First day Silly pranks abound Laughter can be heard April Fools![/CENTER]
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