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Everything posted by Aaryanna_Mom

  1. Though I do not think it's not necessary to rate films based on smoking... I can see why people would even consider it. I have to wonder if any of you kids really understand the significance of those pictures you posted. It may look like a contradiction, but that was before it was firmly established just how harmful smoking really is, which is why most children's cartoons and programing no longer has such stuff in it. And I'm referring to the truly kiddy stuff not anime which is more like regular television programming. Seriously, try learning a bit before you get off being smart since all you're really doing is making yourselves look ignorant. Prior to World War I, lung cancer was considered to be a rare disease, which most physicians would never see during their career. With the postwar rise in popularity of cigarette smoking, however, came a virtual epidemic of lung cancer. Further research linking the two together didn't come about until in the 1950's and since then the last half a century has been one of learning even more as to how dangerous smoking is. Seeing it in cartoons when it was still heavily debated as to whether or not the claims it caused health issues was true or not... is laughable at best. It's no argument at all, other than one of perhaps proving that many of you are ignorant of the history surrounding how the public at that time was largely ignorant of what it does. It wasn't a better childhood for those directors or whatever, it was one of ignorance, of thinking nothing of it. In the end, I think it's a parents responsiblity to set a good example and teach their children about harmful substances instead of relying on censoring in television and movies to do our job.
  2. Thanks you for the warning Crystia... those kind of pranks are the type that I find the most frustrating since my limited computer knowledge leaves me wondering how to get things back to normal. Amusing for perhaps the younger generation, but not for me. Anyway, What I find the most amusing about the prank done by Desbreko is the dancing figures at the top of the site and how all the avatars are doing that silly dance too. You can't help but laugh at it when the music is playing at the same time. :catgirl:
  3. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"] I can't wait to see what Des has planned...so long at least as he doesn't turn the entire boards into one giant Caramelldansen video. *Shudders*[/SIZE][/QUOTE]Oh dear... It seems that he did just that, the thing you were hoping he would not. And even though it's beyond silly, I find myself laughing at it. :catgirl:
  4. It's not often that there is a contest around here that I can actually do. So I'll give it a try as well. I enjoy reading poetry, but I've rarely tried to write it.
  5. Those type of quizzes are always kind of fun. I am not surprised by my results. [B]Care Score: 6 Justice Score: 3[/B] That really does fit my line of thinking, whether or not the quiz is accurate or not. Still, for something so simple, the descriptions do fit and I definitely lean more towards the other style as described.
  6. I'll probably take the time to check that book out Darren. I find that kind of stuff fascinating and fun to read. Though I suppose I could also pull out my text books on music history from when I was in college. Anyway, currently I'm reading [B]Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth's Last Days[/B] by Tim F. LaHaye. It is interesting for a fictional approach to what's known as the Rapture of the Saints--the scary last story in the Bible in which Christians are swept to heaven and unbelievers are left behind to endure the Antichrist's Tribulation. But I'm not sure if I'll bother to finish it or not. It's a bit to predictable and overly melodramatic in a manner that I don't really care for. It's sole problem being that it is written at a middle school reading level with characters that are two dimensional at best. So though I find the concept interesting, so far it's not being brought to life very well or rather I think it's appeal is for a much younger audience that is less familiar with the premises it is based on because overall the story is just too simple.
  7. I haven't read or done any poetry in so long, but removing the restrictions makes this look like it would be fun to do. [CENTER]Baby Girl Blonde and blue eyed Happy, Cheerful, Smiling Love knows no bounds Daughter[/CENTER]
  8. Daniel resisted the urge to cough through all the dust settling in the room and instead reached over; extending his hand to Kried who took it, letting go once Daniel had helped him regain his footing. [I]So much for getting out that way.[/I] He looked to the group that was with him, most of them other than Zaidin and Kried had been taken out. If they didn?t get out of there and soon? He shook his head slightly, there was no changing his decision. He had made it and he could not second guess it, not at this point and he was still positive that Representative Flynt was acting on his own. Other than a glance to make sure that the others had things under control, Daniel pulled out his hand held computer to quickly check to see if he could get a signal to the [I]Liberator[/I], but Flynt had been smarter than that, the area was being jammed. Though that worked in his favor as well, making it harder for them to coordinate their attempts to take him down. They had a tiny brief window until the area would be swarmed again now that their escape route had been cut off. Though it was unlikely it would do any good, Daniel set the distress signal on automatic and then put his computer back in it's pouch. He had to get them out of the room and all the stairwells leading out would have more assassins waiting for them, the only route that was feasible was the same way the Representatives had gone. But that way would be well guarded or rather the security on the doors would be tight as it was meant as a safety feature. "[B]This way,[/B]" Daniel motioned to the group as he moved towards the exit behind where the Representatives sat during a session. They had a short window before the others moved in and if they were to get out that way, it would be now or never, but if he was wrong... it was out in the open and they'd be mowed down before they could get back under cover. "[B]What are you doing sir?[/B]" Tarika Zaidin was aghast. "[B]We don't have the security code and it's too exposed![/B]" Kreid caught him by the shoulder, "[B]I agree sir, we need to find another way out.[/B]" [B]"I'll take care of the security code, you two need to focus on protecting my back while I do so.[/B]" He pulled free. "[B]We don't have the time to discuss it.[/B]" "[B]But sir![/B]" Zaidin was saying, but Daniel was already moving for the doors. She turned to give Kried a look of exasperation but he and the others were already following Commander Landers. Cursing slightly she moved to follow, keeping her sights set on the surrounding area, looking for movement that would indicate that the next wave was there, Kreid and the others doing the same. "[B]I hope your information is correct William.[/B]" Daniel muttered under his breath as he entered the code that he had been given. "[B]William sir?[/B]" Daniel spared a quick glance towards Kried who had a slightly puzzled look on his face. He grinned faintly and turned back to what he was doing. "[B]We didn't get this far by being led by an idiot Kreid.[/B]" Daniel said cryptically, he just hoped that the override code William had gotten for him in case he should need it worked. [I]I'm going to feel like a fool if it doesn't. [/I] With an audible hiss, the door slide open and not a moment too soon as shots rang out indicating that the next group had arrived. The party quickly made their way into the next room, the door shutting behind them, a few shots impacting harmlessly on the closing door. "[B]The door Kried.[/B]" Daniel started to explain but Kried was already ahead of him as he blasted the controls to the door, short circuiting it to prevent the groups from following them. They were turning to make their way further into the building when a powerful explosion caused the entire building to shudder, and then another followed up by yet another one. Only one thing could be causing that, the only question in Daniel's mind was how had Spencer found out? He was moving to retrieve his hand held computer to contact the [I]Liberator[/I] when they were caught in a transport door and deposited on the bridge of the [I]Liberator. [/I] "[B]What's the situation Spencer?[/B]" Daniel asked immediately. "[B]We picked up the explosion from the surface and when our attempts to contact you were met with jamming, I took the liberty of destroying the generators for the Representative Center.[/B]" He paused meaningfully. "[B]Once the jamming and the shields were down, we picked up your distress signal. We locked on to it and I had you transported here.[/B]" "[B]Good work Spencer.[/B]" "[B]What happened sir?[/B]" "[B]Representative Flynt attempted to have me assassinated. You're to move in and secure the area immediately. I want them taken alive though since it is my belief that Flynt was acting alone.[/B]" "[B]Right, I've already sent groups in to secure the area.[/B]" He turned briefly to issue the order. Daniel turned to address the security still standing there. "[B]Good work Kried and Zaidin, go and get cleaned up, I'll call you if I need to head to the surface again.[/B]" He acknowledged their salutes with a nod, watching them and the others until they had left. Then he turned his attention back to the current operation. It didn't take long for the groups to seize the Representatives Meeting Chambers. And thankfully, once the mess had been dealt with, the rest of the surrender and take over was handled without further incident.
  9. Seems to be the thing then since I too have been recovering from being sick. I am caught up with all the posts though. Those two events surrounding both Gadget and Daedalus... I enjoyed reading them, even if they were on the sad side.
  10. Like anything else, publicity can be both good and bad, but it's far from useless or an indication that society is in decline. I would counter argue that the moment you see publicity disappearing is when one should be worried. Anyway, it has it's negative aspects in the form of invasive marketing, but it also has it's good points in promoting artistic events and charities. And it's an excellent tool for getting a controversial opinion known.
  11. My apologies for the delay in finishing up sector four. As Beth knows I've been recovering from a bug. I'll be sure to get that post up tomorrow so we can get back on track as it were. [B]EDIT:[/B] And it's up... Again, sorry for the delay, that bug I had is still giving me a little grief.
  12. Excellent, especially your post Gavin, you set up what I had in mind rather well. ^_~ Anyway, that was what I had in mind, so that makes you next Sandy. I don't have anything else in mind to add at this point. I must say that I am terribly curious to see how the battle turns out though. Especially on account of how it started. That was rather unexpected and made it fun to read.
  13. [CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/leonhartavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Catherine had been oblivious to the sounds of the Underdogs getting ready for whatever they had in mind, her thoughts elsewhere. But Leonhart had paid close attention, noting how the Underdogs had been preparing for what had to be a battle. With the firepower of the cannon on their side? Things were going to get ugly, even if... But when the cannon, with a deafening roar was fired, the sheer force of the blast shaking the very cavern they were in, resulting in several small cave ins; even he was startled by it's sheer power. With a start, Catherine's head shot up in surprise from where she was sitting next to Leonhart, their backs to the wall in their cell. The tears that she had finally gotten under control, starting up again, only this time, just silently running down her face. "[B]Catherine,[/B]" he began, waiting for her to turn and look at him. "[B]Can you turn it off? If you got the chance?[/B]" She shook her head negatively, "[B]It would take too long to figure out the sequence. You noticed the etchings when you activated the first key right?[/B]" Leonhart nodded, he had seen the writings, though like what was on the side of the cannon he had not known what it said. "[B]Each one of those is a puzzle in itself, a clue telling you how to find the next key.[/B]" She explained. "[B]Some of them required that you literally press certain letters in the question in answer to the puzzle before the next key would become open for activation.[/B]" Catherine looked away from Leonhart and down at her hands that were tightly clutched together. "[B]The entire board was one logical puzzle after another, to ensure that one of Almagest blood couldn't just simply keep pushing the buttons that responded in an attempt to eventually find the right sequence.[/B]" "[B]So why did you keep finding the next key?[/B]" "[B]Because that type of puzzle indicates a means to undo what you are releasing.[/B]" She sighed, looking back at Leonhart. "[B]The cannon has a means to set it to self-destruct, I was looking for that sequence.[/B]" "[B]Did you find it?[/B]" Catherine choked a bit, struggling to keep her emotions under control. "[B]You saw how the first panel was replaced by a new one when the cannon turned on right?[/B]" He nodded, indicating that he had seen it. "[B]The sequence is on that panel instead of the first one. I failed to realize that one couldn't access the ability to set it to self-destruct or to switch it off unless it was on.[/B]" She almost laughed at the sheer irony, but not quite. "[B]I hunted for it and instead ended up turning it on. Donner did not give me the chance to work out the remaining keys.[/B]" Catherine smiled sadly, "[B]Even if I could somehow get to the panel, it would take more than simply pressing the right button. I'm sorry.[/B]" She found herself unable to stop the tears, after all, she had foolishly given the Starks what they wanted and who knew how many people had just died when the cannon had been fired. It was her fault, she should have known better. "[B]Don't be,[/B]" He finally said in answer to the guilt he could see in her expression. "[B]The only one who should be sorry is the Starks.[/B]" Catherine just said nothing, not even when Leonhart put his arm around her to comfort her as best he could, the shackles getting in the way a painful reminder that they were still prisoners.
  14. With the brief break in posting... I feel as if we've entered that calm before a storm. I just know I'm going to sign off and end up coming back to find all of you have posted at the same time. :catgirl: That never fails to make me laugh. Though if I come back later and it's still quiet, I'm likely to go ahead with my post, whether the battle has started or not. I'd prefer it, but it's really not necessary for what I want to do. Anyway, this is going to be fun!
  15. Oh my... You have no idea how much that post of yours made me laugh Blayze. That bit where Daniel shot Kried, I don't know why but that just cracked me up. :catgirl: Though Daniel is feeling pretty stupid over it I imagine. Anyway, fun stuff.
  16. [quote name='Sandy']I'll wait for the airbattle to begin before I make my post. Kathy, do you want to post something with Catherine before Gadget comes to rescue you? I imagine he will give the compass to Catherine and Leonhart so they find their way out.[/QUOTE]I plan on it, but it needs the battle to start first and for Catherine to have had a chance to calm back down, at least as much as anyone can in a situation like that. There is more to how one figures out to turn the cannon on and it was my intent to explore that in a conversation between Catherine and Leonhart. I'm not completely sure though since until I attempt to write it, I'm not sure if it would work or not. Regardless, I wish for the battle to have started first so I'll wait on that and if it won't work... I'll post so you'll know not to wait on me.
  17. I imagine Catherine's story arch as it were, will mainly focus on ending up getting free somehow. After all her usefulness to the Starks is coming to an end. I imagine her and Leonhart are now only being kept alive[I] 'just in case'[/I] With the cannon now active, they really doesn't have a use for them anymore. So I imagine that will end up coming about on account of the actions of the others, Victoria/Gustave/etc. I'm not sure how though. Any ideas?
  18. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]That's why I said there was stupidity involved. I'm not calling the kid an idiot for trying to be like Gaara. That's natural. I'm giving him grief because he didn't go "this ain't so hot" until it was far too late. He didn't deserve to die, but, as cruel as it sounds, his death was his own fault.[/FONT][/QUOTE]No. For those of you who do not have children... No. Don't try to compare it based on your own experience or thought process either. That is inherently flawed and part of the reason why children at that age are considered minors and unable to make decisions. No two kids think a like. I've have three, I've seen this in action. It was an accident, make no mistake about it. A tragic accident and in no way the child's fault. That is the very meaning of the word accident: An undesirable or unfortunate happening that occurs unintentionally and usually results in harm, injury, damage, or loss; casualty; mishap. Any event that happens unexpectedly, without a deliberate plan or cause. Don't forget that, [I]ever[/I]. This is going to be hard enough on his parents without total strangers being insensitive and cruel by attempting to find a spot to place blame. Sometimes, there just isn't any.
  19. And as you can see, the cannon is now active. I left the time vague so that it can be afternoon, evening or even later in the night. Whatever time fits best. Also, it should be noted that once active, it does not require an Almagest to actually fire it. Anyway, on another note, those action posts have been fun to read. Seeing Gual, Hugo and Grants get what for was very satisfying. I know Catherine won't be sorry to learn that Hugo is dead.
  20. [CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/leonhartavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/donner-avatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Under any other circumstances, weapon or not, Catherine would have found studying the intricate controls for the cannon fascinating. The actual means to aim and fire were fairly simple, but the means to gain access to it?s power source was anything but simple. Not only was it tied to understanding the language of the Xear but to patterns of logic, in the sense of a type of technology meant to process and execute commands, to take in data and determine if that data matched what was stored in it?s memory. A program meant to determine what could and couldn?t happen. It was tied into the theory behind why some devices simply worked even though they didn?t completely understand why they worked. It was believed that these programs as they were called were somehow embedded in in the devices in question, and that the means to create some of them worked only by virtue of copying a process that was not fully understood. It worked, but they didn?t understand why it worked. They didn?t know how to create the programs that guided their function. Which was what made some things so difficult to come across as most attempts to duplicate the effect met with failure. Something she could see by the failed attempts to bypass the controls and simply tap into the power source. It too had something that would only respond to the proper input, making it useless even if it were to be removed and placed in something else. A pistol would fire no matter who pulled the trigger. This device, if she understood what she was seeing correctly, would only fire if someone armed it. Someone that the program was designed to recognize as being allowed to turn it on so to speak. But that made no sense either as the translation indicated that only an Almagest could use it. What good was a weapon that would be useless if the only one capable of turning it on was dead or elsewhere? How did the Starks expect them to make something work when the original creator was long gone? And yet even as that thought crossed her mind she knew it couldn?t be that simple. It would make no sense to build something that would be rendered useless so easily. Catherine was cautiously running her right forefinger along the semi raised crystals that formed what had to be the means to controlling the device or rather activating it. Not much bigger than a few inches each, they had an odd feel to them. Instead of being smooth, the top was porous and running one?s finger on it felt much like sandpaper. Shaped like a hexagon, they were firmly in place as a simple push indicated that they did not move inwards like a switch needing to be pressed. [I]What kind of control is this?[/I] A thought that was interrupted by the next one she touched lighting up from within. With a startled gasp she pulled back, her heart pounding in alarm as the light faded upon her moving away. ?[b]That?s about all it does,[/b]? A voice told Catherine, she turned to see one of the other alchemists standing just behind her. ?[b]It only does it for your brother though.[/b]? He moved forward, touching the same one she just had, nothing happened. ?[b]See?[/b]? Confused, Catherine moved back, reaching out to touch it again, sure enough it lit back up. Her brow furrowed as she realized that along the slanted edges of the raised crystal were etchings that showed up. Etchings in the language of the Xear, like on the side of the cannon. Keeping her finger in place she leaned forward until she was able to read what was written. The other alchemist forgotten as all sorts of new ideas ran through her mind upon realizing what she was seeing. It was almost frightening as she worked on the key for unlocking the device, to realize the intelligence that had to have gone behind such a set up. Why would anyone that smart build something like the cannon? It was one thing to have the knowledge and yet another to actually use it. Did they have no choice? Was that the purpose behind attempting to limit it to only an Almagest? Building a power weapon that was perhaps required for survival and yet limiting it at the same time. It was an interesting concept and yet ultimately flawed. One could be certain of say their children or grandchildren?s nature or actions, but what of future generations? It wasn?t possible to know how they would behave, but one could limit what the other was even capable of doing. Making the key only accessible to those who were either highly intelligent, or possessed the patience required to study and learn. And the further she got, going from one key to the next, the more it was clear that the weapon was likely a last resort, it simply couldn?t be used in haste, at least not until it was armed. It seemed to have a recognition program or rather means to tell if the one unlocking they key was an Almagest, at least by blood. Yet another area of magi technology that was purely theory as biological aspects were still in their infancy as far as studying went. The concept of a genetic key was by most, considered impossible. For something to recognize by touch alone that the one was an Almagest, spoke of understanding the technology at the highest level. And it was more than that, things like temperature and timing in addition to knowing which crystal was next was important. One couldn?t simply figure out the sequence and make someone activate each one in order. As distasteful as the thought was, it also meant someone couldn?t simply take a part of what would genetically trigger the keys. And yet that disgusted her as well, a key that put such a heavy burden on more than the creator, what had her ancestor been thinking by creating such a terrible lock? This sort of thing was part of why she refused to actually create things or do real research as others would put it. Catherine might study what was published and discuss it with others, but she wasn?t going to actually create something that could only be meant to take another?s life. That kind of knowledge was not something that she shared, she had never felt the desire to put into words or publish what she thought on different aspects of magi technology. At least nothing that could lead to something like the cannon being built. Catherine could respect that others like Daedalus did, but never for herself. It was something she had no interest in. There was one thing that puzzled her though, and that was figuring out the sequence for turning the weapon off. Unlike arming it so to speak, she imagined that disarming it was probably far more simple. Such a safe guard would make sense in her mind, but at the moment she couldn?t seem to see anything that indicated the path for switching it off. Just as she couldn?t see the path for making it self destruct either. Something she was positive had to exist, and though she knew the consequences of such an action, she couldn?t help but want to trigger it. If she could do that, it was possible to take out not only the cannon but the Starks as well, it was a price she was willing to pay, just as she was sure Leonhart was as well. She was so engrossed in attempting to find that as she continued figuring out what key came next that Catherine was unaware that she was being watched, nor did she see the look of satisfaction flash across their face when with a loud hum the weapon turned itself on. [I]What??!?! But! That?s not?! [B] No!![/B] [/I]She thought in panic. [I]I need to set it to self destruct! Not turn on! [/I] She could only watch helplessly as the panel with the crystal buttons moved down into the machine to be replaced by a new set that came to the surface. Understanding dawned on her face as she realized that in order to access the ability to turn it off and to self destruct; the weapon had to actually be on, the power necessary to cause it to destroy itself only available in that state. [I]Oh gods! What have I done?[/I] She thought in despair as she frantically looked for the first key to either initiate the self destruct sequence or at the very least turn it off. Catherine gave out a startled shriek when hands grabbed her arms from behind, pulling her away from the cannon. ?[b]I think you?ve done enough Lady Almagest.[/b]? The amused voice of Donner Stark filled her with dread. ?[b]Let me go![/b]? She struggled furiously, to which he just laughed before handing her over to other Underdogs with a curt order to put her back in her cell. Furious with herself she fought them wildly to no avail, collapsing on the floor of the makeshift cell upon being tossed inside, dissolving into heartbreaking sobs that threatened to take over. She barely noticed when the door opened again, the group shoving Leonhart in as well. Miserable, she didn?t even look up, even when he moved to hold her while she cried. ?[b]It?s my fault.[/b]? She finally got out between sobs, ?[b]I thought I could figure out how to make it destroy itself.[/b]? She continued to cry, her heart breaking. ?[b]It will be alright Catherine,[/b]? Leonhart finally whispered, but Catherine was beyond hearing him, too caught up in despair over what she had just done.
  21. And there we go, I meant to get that post in sooner and kept getting busy with other things. Anyway, I hope you don't mind that I left it for you to finish up on Blayze. I figure by now it's pretty chaotic in the Representatives meeting chambers.
  22. Daniel knew that Tarika Zaidin was far from happy with his decision to accept the surrender of the Representatives for sector four in person. However, even with her duties to see to his security and to investigate Greydon Kreid, she was not privy to the information that William was working to get the sector to break off. She was not aware of the investigation to pin down a potential traitor in sector nine. So she couldn?t know that their eagerness to surrender was unlikely to be a trap, or rather not in the sense that she was thinking. No, if it happened, it was more likely to be a case of the person responsible taking advantage of the situation to possibly kill him. However, being in transit had prevented him from being able to verify if William had found the problem, but still, it was a risk he was willing to take. The idea was to take over with as little blood shed as possible and no one Commander?s life was more valuable than another?s life. He ignored her frustrated glances as they transported to the surface, the security detail in tow. ?[B]You?re making a mistake sir.[/B]? She said forcefully as they moved to greet the delegation that was waiting for them, all of them dressed plainly and unarmed. The team was understandably nervous as they surveyed the area, but true to the agreement, everything seemed to be in the clear. At least on the outside of the representatives meeting chambers. ?[B]You really think so?[/B]? Daniel smiled slightly. ?[B]Tell me Ms. Zaidin, what is your take in regards to ordering an attack against a force that has expressed a desire to surrender?[/B]? Daniel watched her mull the question over as they entered the building and followed the small party sent to guide them to the meeting chambers. It was clear she didn?t have an answer for that one, after all, one could not operate on the stance that any and everything was a form of treachery, it simply didn?t work. ?[B]It?s simple Ms. Zaidin. A Commander who knowingly orders troops to participate in crimes against peace betrays himself and those who serve under him.[/B]? ?[B]But sir!?[/B] ?[B]How many people are on a battleship Ms. Zaidin?[/B]? Her brow furrowed as she searched for the information as well as for the purpose behind the question, but it was more rhetorical than anything else and Landers continued without giving her time to answer. ?[B]The exact number isn?t so much important as it is that each and every one of those people have undeniable rights as a citizen. And that includes the opportunity to lay down their arms and come to a peaceful solution.[/B]? He finished and then caught her gaze briefly just as they were about to enter the main chamber. ?[B]No single life is more valuable than the lives of millions of soldiers who are only doing their duty. Never forget that Ms. Zaidin.[/B]? ?[B]How can you say that sir?[/B]? She was clearly puzzled. ?[B]Especially after everything that has happened to you? I mean, no offense but, I?ve seen your file sir, before the war broke out. I know what happened to your family.[/B]? Daniel just smiled sadly, ?[B]That is precisely why it?s so important. There?s no point in attempting to overthrow the High Council if we aren?t going to change anything.[/B]? And then there was no more time for questions as they began to approach where the Representatives were waiting. They were almost there when Tarika Zaidin moved over as if to whisper something and then with a nod to the others dragged him sideways under the partial cover of the balcony and the chairs for those attending the meeting. The simultaneous sound of a shot going off was more than enough to tell him that things had gone wrong and he offered no resistance when they suddenly moved him. He looked around quickly to see that there was obviously something going on in the upper balconies as even more shots were fired. As all hell broke loose and Zaidin moved to get him further back and into some form of better cover, he cast a quick glance to the three Representatives who were moving back themselves to dash for cover. He caught a glimpse of their faces before they turned to run, seeing the briefest flash of irritation for one, sharply contracting the surprise on the faces of the other two. He made note as that look made it clear that they were likely the one responsible for the treachery. As the group keep themselves between him and whoever was trying to take him out, he wondered who was up there providing cover for them, though knowing Zaidin? He resisted the urge to laugh in spite of the desperate situation, it was in a way rather ironic that she had ignored his orders. Then as they moved to barricade themselves in one of the stairways leading up to the next level, the thought crossed his mind that if they didn?t get out of there alive, at least he knew he could trust his second in command, Spencer to step in and stop any pointless retaliation against those who would have known nothing about the decision to attempt to kill him. Then there was no more time for thought other than to take out those moving in on their position, something that with their armor made it difficult as they were not equipped with the more powerful rifles necessary to penetrate their armor. Instead Daniel focused on hitting exposed equipment such as the tiny receptors on their helmets for communications. Even if it would only scramble things for a bare second or two, the distraction of being hit in the head, even if you knew it wouldn't be lethal was enough to make most soldiers hesitate, dodging out of the way. He kept moving with the group when it became apparent that their position was far from secure and in danger of being overrun by a group coming down from the balcony above. Daniel just kept getting off shots with his disruptor whenever possible, hoping he'd help to give whoever Zaidin had called in... time to take them out.
  23. [CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/leonhartavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Catherine was startled awake by the sound of the makeshift cell door opening to admit Leonhart as well as other alchemists to their respective cells. Earlier, she had been visited briefly by Donner who had been satisfied with her translation of what was written on the cannon, but instead of moving her to join the others he had left her there, allowing her to attempt to get some rest. She had not expected to actually fall asleep, but as she struggled to a sitting position as Leonhart sat down next her; it was to realize that she felt even more tired than before. She was wondering what was going on when a handful of Underdogs, doling out what looked like soup and bread along with filling a small bucket in each cell with water, caught her attention. Considering how tired she was, it was unlikely that she had slept the day away. Somehow she got the impression that she would have been woken up long before that could happen.[I] It must be around lunch time[/I] she thought as she took the food that was given to her, setting it on the floor once they had left, securing the door behind them. ?[B]You should eat something Catherine.[/B]? She knew he was right, but even though she was hungry, she was also feeling sickened by what she had done. For giving in so easily and translating what was written on the cannon. Catherine looked to Leonhart, seeing the same look in his eyes, understanding a little better what she had seen when they first met since his kidnapping. It didn?t seem to matter that she knew intellectually that anyone could be broken or coerced into do things against their will. Emotionally, the pain of feeling that she was weak and lacked resolve told her that she had failed. Even if the fault did not lie with her, but with the Starks and the members of the Underdogs. Catherine pushed the feeling away as best as she could, ignoring her food in favor of asking Leonhart what had been on her mind ever since she realized what was going on, or rather since she had first seen the cannon. The idea that something like that could have simply stayed undiscovered was in her mind, impossible. At one time the entire whole of the mountain had been completely explored and mapped. So the idea that the Underdogs would just suddenly find one was ludicrous at best. She had an idea already and all she needed was for Leonhart to confirm it. ?[B]How long have you known about the cannon?[/B]? She held his gaze, catching the bare flicker that told her he had known about it all along. ?[B]Since before the Mine War. Daedalus and I found it during one of our excursions.[/B]? Her brow furrowed. ?[B]So how did the Underdogs manage to get to it? Something like that is far to dangerous to simply leave in place and hope no one finds it.[/B]? ?[B]You?re right. It was originally moved and placed under military guard to keep anyone from getting to it. For it to be here, the Air-General responsible for seeing to the guard for it has to have told the Starks.[/B]? ?[B]What about those guarding it? Couldn?t it have been one of them?[/B]? Leonhart shook his head. ?[B]Those guarding it?s location were never told what they were guarding or allowed to actually see it. Plus, even if the Starks had managed to find it?s location on their own, we?re talking about an elite guard here. They would not have been easy to defeat. I doubt the Underdogs would have been capable of such a feat.[/B]? ?[B]Surely they could have been outnumbered.[/B]? Catherine pointed out, but Leonhart shook his head. ?[B]Daedalus made sure the set up was well fortified. Everything was designed to allow the elite guard watching it to easily block the path of anyone attempting to seize it?s location. To give them the time to destroy it before it could fall into enemy hands.[/B]? He shook his head. ?[B]The only way to get to the inside would have been through the Air-General in charge of it.[/B]? ?[B]How were they suppose to destroy it if they never saw?.[/B]? Catherine trailed off. ?[B]You rigged a trigger for setting off the charges for destroying it from the outside.[/B]? Leonhart smiled faintly. ?[B]Still as sharp as ever sister.[/B]? The smile faded. ?[B]For it to be here means that the Air-General who was charged with it?s safety is a traitor.[/B]? Catherine?s gaze moved back to the food still sitting to the side of her, but she still had no interest in eating. Her mind was too busy racing with all the questions she had in regards to the cannon and what the Starks had in mind for it. If they managed to get it working? And what about Leonhart, did he already know how to operate it? ?[B]You don?t know how to operate it do you.[/B]? It was the only thing that made sense to her and she wondered if the Starks realized that they had seized the wrong Almagest. Daedalus was the one who knew far more about weapons, she did as well, though not from hands on experience like Daedalus had. ?[B]No, I don?t. They have us doing repairs and fixing up what we do know, but as you?ve seen the means for operating it is unlike anything we have today. It clearly operates on a much different system, anything I tried now would be guesswork at this point.[/B]? He gave her the first amused slight grin she had seen since she arrived. "[B]The Starks value their hide far too much for random button smashing as it were.[/B]" Catherine gave off a tiny laugh and then sighed. She already had a few ideas, it was hard not to with all that she had studied and read over the years. The problem was that it was all theory and rested on so many unknown factors, stuff that was so out there that other than to laugh over it a bit, it was not considered a serious source of study. Much like her few books on the Xear Culture, no one really paid much attention to it. In the end, it was really nothing more than a pleasant way to spend one?s time in discussion. She finally picked up the food, grimacing over how it had turned cold as well as wondering if she could manage to make herself actually eat any of it. She imagined that now that the language had been translated, once the brief break they were allowed for lunch was over, she would be expected to study it like the others in an attempt to figure out how it worked. Something that she did not want to do.
  24. [quote name='Sandy']It'd be great if the cannon was operational by then (maybe Catherine is threatened so that Leonhart will agree to use it, Kathy?), as it would lead us to the true climax of this game: a battle between Daedalus in his airship and Leonhart at the cannon.[/QUOTE]That idea won't work. I have already worked out how this will happen with Shy. The battle will happen, but not in that fashion. I will write up brief notes to forward to you so you'll be on the same page as to what I have in mind. Well once I get back online later that is. I need to take care of some other things first.
  25. Since I became a member and started being a part of the various rpg?s here at OtakuBoards, one thing I have noticed is that what one person considers good etiquette or rather posting rules pertaining to the characters, both player controlled and npc?s, others do not. Now I realize that it will depend on what type of rpg you are in, for example, the death card series. Those had very specific rules. Just as I realize that it also depends on the boundaries set by the creator of the rpg in question. What I?m curious to discuss here is personal likes and dislikes when you are being part of an rpg, do you like high levels of collaboration? Or do you like more a more free flowing environment where just about anything goes? Also, do you like character driven stories or plot driven? Character driven being that the characters do things because that's how the character would behave, where plot driven has them doing things mainly to advance the plot regardless of whether or not the character really would behave that way. Personally I like a little of both. In the death card series, the very nature of it gave you total freedom to develop any of the characters however you wished in conjunction with the other players. In the other major rpg I?ve been in Silver One, it?s the exact opposite, it has a much higher level of collaboration in the sense that you are focusing on just one character so you put a lot of work into building them to who and what they are. Hopefully this can be fun since I?m betting people have very different opinions on what they like and don?t like to see. And I?d like to understand that a little better really.
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