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Everything posted by JapanGirl

  1. I was recently reading a preview of this manga called Vampire Knight. Its about this acadamy with a day class and a night class, but what the day class dosen't know is that the night class is entirely made up of vampiers. sounds cool!! But dose any one whose read it know if it worth my money? I know it was a big seller in Japan. :rolleyes:
  2. I Haven't seen any of the anime I am trying to focaus on the manga. If you liked the anime I am positive you'll love the manga. we love shonen that love shojo! haha :animenose [COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1][INDENT][B]JapanGirl[/B] It?s great that you like Fruits Basket but perhaps you could have explained a little of why you liked it? Your currently post is close to being considered spam as there is very little content regarding the actual manga. Once you've re-read the rules this will make more sense. So please put more effort into your posts. ~indifference[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. Yeah I would definatly want her to end up with Yushin too. ( I think thats how you spell his name) I think Habiku is to much of a player but I love his dark eyes and hair. :animeshy:
  4. Thank you so much for posting!! :D Anyway I picked this manga up at waldenbooks they have the biggest selection of manga that I have found. I got a preview of vol. 2 of this manga in shojo beat and I think the manga shows alot of girl power and it has so many real life problems. Like having a crush on one of your guy friends who is already in a relationship. I really didn't expect this manga to be as good as it was and I am really excited about getting the next volume. :p
  5. JapanGirl


    Has any one really checked out japanesse pop music. You know the Theme songs to anime. Really like (I Like You) the theme song to Full Moon. :animeswea
  6. I picked up this manga called Crimson Hero and thought it was pretty good I was just wondering if some one else has read this. :animeshy:
  7. Major fan !! :animestun Fruits Basket is one of the best manga I have ever read. Now Fruits Basket is shojo (manga for teen girls) but I did know a guy who read it he put it down but he laughed the whole time he was reading it. I know if you read a little further into the series you will see Fruits Basket has a bit of a dark side. Now it really hasen't given any thing away yet and I owne every vol. avalibal well I won't give any thing away read it your self. also don't read it unless your ready to invest Do NOT start reading this manga They haven't even finished it in Japan I think they are on 20 or so and we are on 13 but the wait and money is well worth it. It has been almost 4 month since I've read a new one its like cutting of my supply of air :animecry:
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