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Everything posted by liveinmybubble
Have you ever noticed weird things happening that you can't explain but they all tie together? like you dream something and then it happens or by accident you go somewhere where you never planed to go and meet someone that you've always wanted to see again? Does destiny and fate seem to be pulling you? do you believe that there is such a thing as destiny or fate? Yes or No but, please expalin.
Humanity has done so much to the earth we pollute with our cars chemical factorys we never replace what we take or at least try to make up for it. Years from now maybe even decades I picture the earth being a waste land earth quakes will occur rapidy tsunami's and storms. We as humans do so much to this planet and it's life, we kill the animals and eat them and complain when mad cow disease or chicken flu arrives, we cut into the earth pulling oil out and later tsunami's hit and eath quakes we're causing our own bitter demise. So how do you see earth in the year 2039, do you think the damage done can ever be repaired,should trash be sent into outter space to better our own planet or do we deserve to go down with our ignorance? Tell me what you think.
The administrator's revenge PART 2
liveinmybubble replied to liveinmybubble's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Sara][color=#b0000b][size=1]The administrators aren't robots, guys. They're normal human beings, just like you and me...who are unfortunately chained to a desk in the Site Director's basement. He doesn't let them outside, so it's understandable that they sometimes get a little cranky. He only feeds them when they meet their closed-thread quota for the day, so [b]remember: When you post pointless threads, you are actually doing the admins a [i]favor[/i].[/b] The more often you post closable threads, the more often Dags and Des get fed! Don't begrudge them their small happinesses. Those handcuffs really chafe.[/size][/color][/QUOTE] So they're chained to a desk also? this is a small world after all ;) -
The administrator's revenge PART 2
liveinmybubble replied to liveinmybubble's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Sojiro47]Alas, we have won. The Otaku Empire has been saved, again! Liveinmybubble, perhaps deleting yourself isn't the answer. Get to know the Administators and Modreators. You can't deny that this was stupid, but you can make up for it. Start new, and post well. And not about Administrator Conspiricies, either. But try to make up for your stupid acts with acts of genius. Good Luck.[/QUOTE] I realized something you guys are too stiff no one jokes. I don't care if you create a thread titled Liveinmybubble's revenge and create crazy conspiracy's because I literally don't care what people think so what you hate me you'll get over it and if not so what but I don't know the administrators personally to hate them and that being a fact you took this thread serious then you must think low of your frineds. But hey, I said sorry. If you can't except it thenm hey. We make mistakes so we can learn from them. How many negative things have you ever said about people? and soon to realize that what you did was wrong? You guys are attacking me like I actually know who these people are personally I'm talking about their jobs as a whole. In society we create many conspirarcys and that's what they are just conspiracy's :catgirl: If you dislike me now everything I thought about people is true. I'm a administrator of another web site people hate on me I don't care because people should be free to speak their mind and joke but you guy's are right i should have asked if it was ok to joke around because everyone is different some people are more sensitive than others. Feel free to say what ever you want on this thread what ever is a expression of your soul and emotions because I'm cool with it. -
The administrator's revenge PART 2
liveinmybubble replied to liveinmybubble's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=RiflesAtRecess][font=trebuchet ms]I cannot speak for Dagger, since I've never talked to her, but James and Des are quite awesome and are very much human. Or... well... Des could be an elf, if he is indeed Link IRL. Yes, the Admins (save James and Adam) started as newbies and transcended due to great posting quality [COLOR=DarkRed]and effort to make OB a better place, unlike you, apparently.[/COLOR] Yeah. It'll be closed. Points defended, there. [COLOR=DarkRed]Now here's one: You're a ****ing new member.[/COLOR] Don't make conspiracies about awesome folks that you don't know anything about! Seriously.[/font][/QUOTE] I appreciate your reply ! I don't hate the people who are the administrators of this site. I think their pretty cool and funny. that's the way I am with people who I like sorry if you took it the wrong way. I like you the way you stick up for your frineds you're pretty cool and again I'm sorry. DON'T WORRY i'M DELETING MY ACCOUNT . iF ANYONE was offended I apologize> They really do do a good Job! -
I know when you read the title to this you pissed your pants or what ever it is you wear but know that I 'm back with more conspiracy's! I shall never stop! Any way 3 more: 1.) The administrators of Otaku aren't humans they're just robots created to give us hell! 2.)In the administarotors past lives they were passionate posters dare I say it they were newbies just like us who just wanted the freedom to post peacefuly until the post demon AdmenistratorMON collected all of their souls and now they bestow the same fate onto the Otaku Posters of today. 3.) This thread will be closed soon and in the closing the cruel truth will come out!!!!! Posters of Otaku tell me your Conspiracys of what goes on behing the mainframe of the otaku administarors' minds and I will give you a prediction of what's to happen to your post in the near future oh the horror. Note: If I somehow disapear from Otaku.com know that the administartors got my soul but they will never ever take my heart. :animeangr
The quote that I live by is like a pretty long quote from the song "what are you waiting for" song by Gwen Stefani "Take a chance you stupid Ho"[/COLOR] Like an echo pedal, you're repeating yourself You know it all by heart Why are you standing in one place? Born to blossom, bloom to perish Your moment will run out Cuz of your sex chromosome I know it's so messed up how our society all thinks (for sure) Life is short, you're capable (uh huh) Oh... oh ohhh LOOK AT YOUR WATCH NOW! YOU'RE STILL A SUPER HOT FEMALE! YOU GOT YOUR MILLION DOLLAR CONTRACT! AND THEY'RE ALL WAITING FOR YOUR HOT TRACK!" This song inspires me to be great because I have so much potential and I'm free to let it explode into something greater this song tells me not to put up with humanities crap and see the positivity in the world I live to his song and I'll perish to it if I'm lucky. Sometimes it takes the negativity in your life to make you create soo much positive energy!!!!! So watch me as I live a kick *** life!!!! (Within Moral reasoning) :catgirl:
We have all been tortured by the horrible anime Rave master . Like me for a example the Rave Master theme song going off and comming on make me want to rip out my guts chop my head off come back from the grave reincarnated and do it again. It's just so corny who would allow for this horror cofuses the H#%% out of me :animeangr I know that I can't be alone in my hate for Rave master the anime and that corny as H#%% theme song. Tell me why you hate the anime them song how it annoys you and what you do to stop the pain especially when the person you live with is a freakin rave master nut!!!! :mad: Oh the bitter not so ever sweet torture of it all!!!!! :catgirl: ( Behind this smile is a sigh of horror and sheer terror.)
[quote name='Kenshin DX][COLOR=DarkGreen']I dont get your thread. What are the mods getting revenge for? I seriously doubt any of the mods have grudges aganist anyone.[/COLOR][/quote] They're getting revenge for... :animestun for us taking their jobs by being great posters! if everyone posted great who would need site administartors! :animestun I've just fainted out of confusion... Smelling salt anyone? :animestun
When I'm bored it varies what I do sometimes I draw on paper or on myself sometimes I play with sharp objects and in class I bang my head to the desk or wall until the teacher gives me an assignment or I go brain dead or pass out. When I'm not I school and bored I bug and annoy the hell out of my family members and my frineds or get into a fight with my family members or frineds. :catgirl: Who wants to see my bordom wounds that I have obtained from being bored as hell? :p
It's sheer horror the site administrators are out to attack! have you noticed them attack lately? here's the signs that you have been targeted: 1.) Everytime you post a site administrator edits your post and writes something in. 2.) You notice that out of the blue your threads seem to be closed. 3.) You received 2 out of 3 of the followin complaints: "You're reply does not add to the disscusion any more of replies like this and they will be deleted" You cannot post twice no double posting! Oh no the site administarotors might delete this thread cover your eyes :animedepr the horror! Please tell me if you to have seen the have seen thisa horror and how has it effected you? I've read you guys replies OK EVERYONE! i'M A NEWBIE GIVE ME A BREAK YOU GUY'S ARE SOO MEAN PROMISE THAT YOU'LL NEVER CHANGE :catgirl:
[QUOTE=Tsume]I love this song! One of the best songs on the soundtrack and I wish they could have used it more effectively in the anime. :animeangr Well enough with my complaining, I'll try to answer your question... I don't think just reading the lyrics does it justice as you need to listen to the song to get a feel for it. With the tempo of the song matching the lyrics so well (as well as the lone trumpet playing in the background giving you sense of sadness almost) the song defiantly makes you want to set off on some kind of journey. Whenever I hear it I want to drop everything I'm doing and just head off to some unknown destination. Maybe that's why the song leaves some kind of void inside of you. You might be longing to go off on some kind of adventure almost. Very beautiful song in my opinion. Hope this helps![/QUOTE] Tsume your reply helped me out alot because it made me realize maybe the adventures I go on and the one that I'm on now is pointless on this path I won't find my paradise I won't find the person that I've been searching for, for such along time I need to stop going on what ever mission that arises and just make my own that will lead me to what I'm searching for. Thank You so much Tsume. Note: Your answer about the song came close to the answer that would have been given by the person whom I'm looking for thanks alot thank you soo much! :p
I would love to go on a date with inuyasha's brother and or Malfiona from Outllaw star :catgirl: Inuyasha's brother is so ice cold he's just my type and under his ice cold exterior is a deep spiritual warmth. Our date would consist of kicking Inuyasha's butt and then fighting each other and then kissing afterwards. On my date with Malfiona from outlaw star we'd talk and go to a karaoke bar I would date her because she has a nice soul she's very caring and spiritual just like me. If i was to date both Sesshomaru and Malfiona at the same time our date would consist of chasing around Kagome, Inuyasha and the rest of their group and them tormenting the hell out of them. Who could ask for a better date? My date tops everyone elses date here anyone beg to differ I thought so. :p
Sorry that you feel betrayed, and yes it is betrayel but atleast they told you they could have just kept avoiding you so by them telling you it shows that they respected you. Be happy I'm sure you'll get more frineds maybe even better. Hey I'll be your frined! :catgirl:
Wolf Rain "Strangers" We've found a kind of paradise in a flowers bloom. We've seen the end of a mystic land so close it meets the parting sun. We've shared the thoughts that two could share, we feel the truth, magic that we send... Searching for something new Isle of Gold in flowers bloom We've heard a kind of paradise beyond the desert's dunes. We've walked the earth in solitude, so cold we need the warmth of sun. We've lived the life that we could live, we see the truth magic that begins... Searching for something new Isle of Gold in flowers bloom We've found a kind of paradise, below a sky so new. We've weaved a web of mystery so wide, we need the light of day. We've worn the cloak of secret lives, we've seen the truth, magic that we send... Searching for something new Isle of Gold in flowers bloom so when will it end? so when, when will we meet, my friend? I created this thread because I'm searching for something and i'm hoping that if someone tells me how this song makes them feel that the void that I feel can be filled so be honest what ever pops up in your head when you read it or how it makes you feel please write about it. :catgirl: [
I believe that the soul is recycled also sometimes it stays in one plain some times it goes to different plains. If you really did find out the truth now when you're alive then would the end really be worth it when it does come? :catgirl: