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Everything posted by Tekkaman

  1. Destovi was sweating hard, staring as Toshi ate her chips, admiring every crunch. He started thinking of the dirty things he could do to her body, the multiple positions he could put her in, how many times he could make her cum. He was starting to lose control of his leading personality and whenever that happened, he usually couldn't control 'himself'. He tried to resist, but the change was already happening. His thought patterns have already began to change. His control was dwindling, his current sanity began to plumment. [I]It happened all at once...[/I] [B]"I want you Toshi, now."[/B] "Hu-wha..." Toshi was definitely caught off guard. Everyone else was too, simultaniously stopping what they did, looking at Destovi. [B]"This is what you want, right?"[/B] Cassidy said taking off his clothes slow enough for all the ladies to see. [B]"You don't have to speak."[/B] From the ladies astonishment, Destovi had a better body than he let on. [B]"I know it is."[/B] [I]"What are you doing Cassidy, Sit back down now."[/I] [B]"Silence fool, sit back and enjoy the show. I'm in control now."[/B] Cassidy walked to where Toshi sat and got on his knees. Without breaking stride, he immeadiately began sucking on her clit. Cassidy, unbeknownst to everyone else, was unleashed. Toshi melted into the couch, immediately forgetting the party from the pleasure. Everyone was dumbfound and shocked to see what was happening... Cassidy looked at Toshi and wiped the juice from his mouth. [B]"Things are heating up I see."[/B] Cassidy went right back down to work, completly controlled by his emotions, leaving Toshi to her satifaction.
  2. OOC: Oh my gawd... I wasn't expecting this kind of party! LOL :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After Toshi gave Destovi the address and time to be at the house, first period ended soon after. Destovi and Toshi parted ways after class saying their 'goodbyes' and 'see you laters'. Destovi went through the rest of the school day with his split personality as his only weapon against the veteran students coming from the Underground. After school, Destovi immediately drove to Toshi's house, wanting to be timely in all of his actions. Unfortunately, he didn't tell his dad where he was going to be after school, thinking he would come straight home afterwards. His dad was problably worried and wanted to know where he was, but Destovi would simply tell him that he had met his first friend and all would be ok. The only question that still burned within his head as he walked to Toshi's was 'why everyone looked like a veteran fighter?' The school didn't make sense at all. People were acting weird all through school. [I]The bloody bully who threatened to beat him up... The teachers who gave kids evil looks instead of detention... No homework... The large notepad with student names who were bad in class... Dangerous threats that went unanswered in classes... The smell of dried blood through the vents of the building...[/I] "Why damnitt?" Destovi thought to himself? As Destovi walked to the porch of Toshi's home, he double-checked the address to make sure it was correct. After he made sure it was correct, he rang the doorbell two times; a standard ring for guests. Destovi heard giggling and the shuffling of feets before the doorknob turned. As the door opened, Destovi was greeted by a pair of perky breasts that were defined clearly from the hard nipples sticking out from excitement and adrenaline. "Welcome!" said Toshi. Destovi closed the door from outside, leaving the beautiful set of perky tits inside the house. He couldn't belive what had just happened. [I][B]"Holy shit!"[/B][/I] Cassidy said aloud. [I][B]"Go back inside! What're you, a virgin? There's a naked, beautiful woman in there!"[/B][/I] "Shut up damn you!" Destovi said to his other personality, wiping the miniscule drool from his mouth. He couldn't understand what was going on with the school or with the girls. He did understand, however, that his libido was calling out for the women as well, throbbing as hard as his beating heart. He double-checked the address one last time to make sure he wasn't dreaming or insane, then rang the doorbell again. Toshi opened the door again, slower this time, still naked and smiling. "You ok, Destovi?" She asked, not even thinking she was naked. Destovi nodded. If he would've talked, a glob of drool would've fell out first. "Good, come in." she said turning aroud, skipping towards the living room. As Destovi stared at the tight little ass owned by Toshi, he walked in, closed the door, and walked inside the house towards the living room. His libido grew even harder, as he turned into the living room meeting two additional sets of breasts and vaginas. [I][B]"You're my fuckin' hero man!"[/B][/I] Cassidy said in Destovi's head.
  3. School kids who looked as if they've survived multiple armegeddons gave Destovi death-gazes as he walked up the steps towards Tori High, his new school. "What is wrong with these people," he thought to himself? "They look as if they've never seen a new student before." All Destovi wanted to do was to get to his first class today, which he was already late for. "Damn," he said to himself, as sweat trickled down his nose and forehead, "I'm late." As Destovi picked up his pace, his bookbag bumped violently into three enormous students who, unbeknownst to him, had just came out of the Underground competition.They were this week's survivors and destroying their calm demeanor with a violent shove was something no student wanted to do. "Watch yourself dweeb, or i'll rip your damn head off." One of the titans mouthed, blood still on his face from fresh scars. From the smell, he hadn't bathed in weeks. "What's wrong with you, I was just trying to get to class. Sorry and excuse me." "I'll personally beat the hell outta you if you EVER touch me again punk," picking Destovi two extra feet off the ground. "Got that shit head?" Destovi gave the bloody giant a glance that only he could see, scaring him to the point where he actually dropped the new student on his feet. Never wanting to admit the fear he felt to his two subordinates, he felt that he had the last word and walked off into the wave of students, dissapearing for the time being. [I][B]"You have no idea..."[/B][/I] Destovi's 'other' personality said to himself in a totally different speech pattern. [I][B]"No idea at all..."[/B][/I] As Destovi made it into class, He picked a random seat, next to someone who wouldn't cause him anger.He saw a school girl in the middle of the class talking to two other students and figured that the middle of class wouldn't be too bad of a spot to sit. As he sat behind the student and dropped his bag, they introdused themselves. Her name, from what he gathered was Toshi, and she had asked him to meet her at her house later. "Why would you want me to come to your house and you just met me? I don't even know you." Destovi said in a optimistic manner. "This is your first day I assume," Toshi said, smelling his fresh-washed body and admiring his casual-formal attire. "So let me ask you, have you made any friends." She asked looking deep into his eyes. "Or should I say," moving closer, practically whispering words rarely uttered in Tori High, "Have you met anyone you can trust?" "No." "Then stick with me, champ," she said with a genuine smile. "Trust is the reason you're meeting me." [I][B]"Hmm. She's ok by me."[/B][/I] A voice inside Destovi's head rang. "Be quiet, Cassidy" Destovi told his dormant split personality, breaking eye contact with Toshi. Destovi hadn't had a friend for a while and felt better talking to someone that didn't include his other personality and [I]'different ways to kill people who annoy you.'[/I] He figured trusting someone would be a great change of pace and informitive about the new school he was going to. He turned back to Toshi. "So I guess we're friends now huh?" Destovi half-grinned.
  4. [COLOR=Red][B][U]Hold on,. You got one more to sign up![/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][B]Name:[/B][/COLOR] Destovi [COLOR=Red][B]Gender:[/B][/COLOR] Male [COLOR=Red][B]Description:[/B] [/COLOR] Destovi is an Japanese-American who was transferred to Japan b/c of his father's diplomatic ties with senators around the world. Altough his father is rich, Destovi does not act like he is the son of a rich man. On the contrary, Destovi is laid back and enjoys having fun. Although other students want to beat the living snot out of him because of being different, Destovi just wants to have a good time. He dresses like a formal-casual American: Dress shirt w/ Black Khakis and snake-skin shoes. Because he just joined the school today, Destovi is completly ignorant, not knowing what will happen. [COLOR=Red][B]Thoughts on fighting and death:[/B][/COLOR] Destovi has taken Ju-Jitzu and Muay Thai Boxing Lessons, compliments of hiss father, but Destovi thought that they were just to show the diplomats that we are involed in different activities. Destovi hasn't contiplated death in its entirity, but he doesn't enjoy the thought of getting hurt. [COLOR=Red][B]Personality: [/B][/COLOR] Destovi has a dark split personality to him when he is angered named Cassidy, scaring even his father. Usually nonchalant (As a buffer for his anger) Destovi rarely gets irratated. Although, when he does, he has no regrets towards human emotions or life, period. It takes hours for him to calm back down. While he is calming down however, Cassidy is in full control and is unstable with what he will do next. [COLOR=Red][B]Char. Details:[/B] [/COLOR] Destovi has chocolate skin (His birth mother was black) and long hair (From his father). He has learned to control his anger from karate classes and his father's weekly talks. He dresses comfortably and has only 1 scar above his eve brow and ending right above his cheek bone.
  5. This is my first time doing a forum, but I luv [I][B]pokemon[/B][/I] and i'm happy to sign up if possible! [B]Name:[/B] Destovi [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Species:[/B] Human [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Affiliation:[/B] Trainer [B]Appearance:[/B] He dresses in formal-casual attire:Tan Buttoned-Down Dress Shirt and Black Khaki Slacks with Tan Loafers on. He has an air of calmness about him and you definitly see it as you see him. Destovi is confident in everything he does and loves playing with his pokemon as a parent does its child. He loves training his pokemon every chance he gets and settles for nothing less than victory. [B]Pokemon:[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Alakazam and Heracross[/COLOR] Pokemon Moves:[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue] [I]Alakazam[/I][/COLOR] (Item Held: Choice Band) - Psychic, Trick, Torment, Protect [COLOR=RoyalBlue] [I]Heracross[/I] [/COLOR] (Item Held: Salac Berry) -Megahorn, Brick Break, Earthquake, Endure [I][/I] [B]Personal Equipment:[/B] Backpack w/ 2 weeks supply of food and a cell phone/walkie talkie [B]Personality:[/B] Destovi is very friendly to others and their pokemon, though, he usually stays to himself and his pokemon. Alakazam and Heracross are the only ones who really know him completly (with the exception of Umbreon, his third pokemon left behind.). [B]Bio:[/B] Destovi [COLOR=DarkRed](His real name is [I]Darrel Hinton[/I]) [/COLOR] began his pokemon trainer's journey with three pokemon. The leader (And Destovi's favorite), Umbreon, backed up strongly by the tag-team duo Alakazam and Heracross. Together, the foursome toppled elite trainers across the globe. After their 500th win, Destovi was told about a mysterious meeting of the world's best trainers battling an even more mysterious dark force @ the Orange Islands. Always up for new challenges, Destovi hopped abord the closest boat he could find, leaving $5,000 for the boat on the dock, sailing for the islands. Hope this is ok. [B]PM [/B] me to let me know what u all think! :D
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