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Everything posted by Azarath

  1. I guess my strongest emotion is both happiness and sadness :catgirl: .Mostly I'm happy because I'm around my friends or there's something that I've accomplished.Or I'm just having fun :D .Then there's the sadness.I can be sad and happy at the same time.Which is pretty weird.I get overcome with sadness if there's something I'm trying to do and I can't really seem to do it. :animecry:
  2. Well when i'm not being an otaku I'm usually practicing for this orchestra I'm in.I play a couple of instruments.Besides that I just watch tv,or do something with my friends. And i draw things besides manga.Mostly though I'm on the computer. :animesmil
  3. Violinist-I've been playing violin for about 2 years but I'm very skilled at it.I'm in the highest orchestra that I'm eligable to be in and I'm 1st violin. Drawing-I've been drawing for a pretty long time.But now I'm seriously good at it and enter art contest.I've one 1st place and 2nd a couple of times.And I've gotten honorable mention before. Writing-I really like to write and just like drawing I've won awards for it and gotten prizes.Mostly I like to write fan fics or make up manga's. [spoiler]Hacking[/spoiler]-One of my most dangerous skills.I'm pretty good at it but I don't really do it.I've just tried it a couple of times because I was looking at an article explaining about it.I don't really get into school things or government things.maybe I have maybe i haven't.[spoiler]If you want to know the truth about things I've hacked into pm me[/spoiler]
  4. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]COWBOY BEBOP- [spoiler]Spike fell out of the building and I thought he was dead.[/spoiler] NARUTO-[spoiler]Haku jumped in front of Zabuza when Kakashi attacked him losing his life.Then Zabuza started dying and Kakashi put their body's together so that Zabuza could be with him one last time.[/spoiler] Inuyasha:Affections touching across time-[spoiler]Monumoru took control of Kagome's body and forced her to shoot I nuyasha with a sacrd arrow[/spoiler] I cried so hard :animecry:[/FONT]
  5. Gaara pretty much scares me especially when [spoiler]he tried to kill Rock Lee while he was in the infermary after he had beat him in the prelims.[/spoiler].But I do think he's pretty cool. :animesmil.he and Naruto have something in common though.The fact that [spoiler]they both have some kind of monster sealed inside them but Gaara's is i think one of the kazekage's of the Village Hidden in the Sand.[/spoiler]
  6. I think Orochimaru from Naruto is pretty much a bad***.It's like he doesn't care who he kills.As long as they get in the way of whatever he plans he's bound to kill them.And especially if you betray him. :( .He's pretty much all out scary.
  7. I must now add 2 more people and I think that's it. chaos Alvis-at first they seemed kind of shy but started to seem as if they were outward and honest with me. intothemyst-they like to ask questions just as much as I do.And he agreede to be in my story and be the character I finally needed somebody to be.
  8. I forgot some people. bodhidharma--He's a really interesting person.He's really fun to talk to.And he seems really cool. ;) aoi_hikaru-She likes Utada hikaru's song Sakura drops just as much as I do. :D Leon Fury-He's really good at writing scripts and their really funny. :catgirl: I think that's it.
  9. I wish there was a sequel to these shows: Inuyasha-It was one of the best anime of all time to me.I liked how it focused around Inuyasha and Kagome all the time. and Fruits Basket--I miss seeing the way Yuki and Kyo acted when they were around Torhu.They seemed to just open up to her.It was cute. Now all I can see is reruns. :animeangr
  10. I would choose ninja over pirate anyday.Pirates don't have stealth or shuriken.Sure they have swords but a ninja could kick there buts anyday.Plus As a ninja I would have a demon wind shuriken.That thing is way better than a skinny little wimpy sword.
  11. There are a few I'd like to meet but 2 that I really want to meet. Sojiro47-It's really fun talking to him.He seems like a really cool person.Plus he said he'd like to meet me too. and Kurayami Oji--He said that we could just talk and seems as if he can be serious and be fun at the same time. I'd of course like to meet everyone else too :animesmil
  12. I'm really happy that now their showing Hikaru No Go.You think they'll show it on Toonami on Saturdays instead of just on the internet?That would make it even better.I'm also glad that Jetstream will be showing Prince of Tennis.
  13. [COLOR=Red] I think that [spoiler]Zexion should still be alive[/spoiler] because he was a cool member of the organization.Plus if there had been more members of the organization left then maybe it would make the game even more awesome than it already is!! I really do hope that in KH3 that Sora will be included except not as a normal fighting character like Donald and Goofy.But kinda how they showed the little movies in between the different chapters of the story.Like Selphie but just in more of them because I think that dhe was only shone in about 2 of the movies. Maybe KH3 will tell you things about all the different keyblades and I'm pretty sure there will be different keyblades to choose from and different worlds.Like maybe another world that was included in one of the Final Fantasy games.Maybe Spira but I doubt that ever happening[/COLOR] :catgirl: [size=1][color=darkred]Added spoiler tags. -- Bombu [/color][/size]
  14. I just don't think that's right in any form what so ever.And Papa Smurf!I would have to completely disagree with you on how it's not racist in anyway at all because you said and I quote"How is this racist?"It is racist in so many ways that I couldn't explain all the reasons why they shouldn't show that. It makes a lot of people mad to think that they would show something like that in the kind of world we have today.In this world just about all races have some sort of problem with another race.That add just makes it worse to me. As divided as this world is today they put something like that up as an ad and don't think that some people are going to have a problem with that?I thought that people wanted to stop rascism![COLOR=Red]NOT MAKE IT WORSE THAN IT ALREADY IS[/COLOR] :mad: :animeangr :flaming: :angry2: :cussing: :evil3: :grumble: :nope:
  15. Mainly I wouldn't put this in this forum but there's nothing wrong with that of course!Yes the Simpsons is a very good show but do they still make new episodes?I thought they just showed old reruns or something or maybe some that they forgot they had in the first place.
  16. I do know who your talking about but I can't remember.Sorry :animesmil .But of course they could never top Kagome and Inuyasha :catgirl: I know I said Miroku and Sango were cute but they always argue which makes their relationship just so cute!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Well I pretty much know I wasn't so no.The film is just kinda stupid to me unless you liked or have you seen it?Man I'm confused :animeangr
  18. Well alrighty then!I'll try that once I get the chance to.But that is a pretty good idea.
  19. If I understand that correctly then I think they show a different episode of each of those shows on tv every Saturday.But Besides that I don't know about the internet for sure.Sorry but I hope I understood your post correctly. :catgirl:
  20. [quote name='Sojiro47']Sorry, I don't know of a website that has free banners, but if I find one, I'll PM you![/quote] Thanks a lot.That rocks.STill haven't found one with Keitaro But I tried>
  21. You don't have to do it before you get hit.When your flying through the air and their about to hit you or kick you you can do it while you have the chance .Like when they pause right before they hit you or you can have the scroll that gives you the substitution jutsu effect.DUH!!!!!! :rolleyes: And no.You don't get hurt like in Clash of Ninja which is good because then it would be way boring. :catgirl:
  22. Well thenif they love each other than they just might get together or are they already together?You tell me. But I do think that Tohru [spoiler]and Kyo get together[/spoiler] in the end and the crazy girl stops [spoiler]torchering poor Kyo[/spoiler] like she always does which is pretty painful I would have to think which I'm sure other people would think as well if I do say so myself. Of course if it is true that they get together in the end then I feel sorry for poor [spoiler]Yuki because I think that he felt a certain way for Torhu as well the way he used to make her blush and how he felt so comfortable around and always protected her.[/spoiler]It was just so sweet! As for Akito I think that he would be mad about it because he didn't want anybody to show any kind of Kindness to Kyo which is very mean and heartless just the way Akito thinks.He thinks that Kyo [spoiler]is a monster unlike Torhu who doesn't care what he looks like in that strange stinky form[/spoiler] and thinks that he is someone that can be loved just like anyone else! :catgirl: [SIZE=1][INDENT][color=#007520]Azarath, I added spoiler tags to your post. Be sure to use them in the future, revealing plot elements to the mass public without spoiler tags is rude and not permitted. -r2[/color][/INDENT][/SIZE]
  23. Yeah I've seen something like that and I was pretty disturbed but I got over it eventually.I told my friends and they said if they had watched it they probably coundn't get to sleep.
  24. Are you just advertising this stuff or what :animeangr .To me it seems pretty weird.I'm not used to seeing this on a forum board.No offense though :animesmil
  25. I remember one being on a website somewhere but I don't remembe :animeswea r.Sorry :animesmil .But if I do find it again I'll PM you :animesmil .Do you know a website with banners because the one I looked at you had to by them.You think you could tell me one for free or something ;)
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