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About sticcosteve

  • Birthday 10/31/1991

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  1. I try to enjoy halloween but it's also my birthday. So it's more of a birthaween. I put on a costume, i try and dress up as something random like a chicken or something. I also try and blag people out of more sweets because it's my birthday and i can. And to make matters worse this year is going to be the first ever time i'll be in school on halloween. So I'm going to try and blag my way out of school :animesmil
  2. I'm one of those guys that find really sad and pathetic jokes quite funny. For example. What's the most common type of owel. The tea TOWEL!! hehehe that had me in stitches. but most people tend not to get that joke but o well there the one's missing out.
  3. In my dictatorship because i'm from merry old England i would make sure no 1 ever runs out of tea and biscuits because that is some torture no one should endure. I would also make all guns illegal so fights have to be settled over the old style dualing style of fuighting. *SLAP* I chlenge you to a dual HEHEHE onguard. The only other thing i would outlaw is stupid chav's who think there GANGSTARS!! They do my head in.
  4. Yar ye be a pirate? bcause they speek realy cool. Plus they have pet parets. (sp?) I mean how many people can have a pet that repeats evrything they say. Another thing is that they have eyepatches and come on are they cool or what! See ninjas just jump around and confuse me :animestun with there crazy moves. I also dislike there hole "i'll kill you with a super cool move if you don't stop right there!!"
  5. Hi ye i'm kinda new sooo helooooo evrybody!! I don't know what people's problems are with chat up lines i think there cool and sometimes give that extra edge to start the conversation. This i got from a mate: I'm lost can i have the directions to your place. Aparently works well in France? :animesmil Soz don't know any website only advice is to google it.
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