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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DaRk DrAgOn [/i] [B]ummm...actually Luigi isn't in SSBM.So if you think he is you're wrong...sorry to say.I was reading an official Nintendo magazine and they said Luigi is not in SSBM.They claim he was busy making Luigi's Mansion:laugh: .Well,anyways that's it [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=green][font=arial][b] i certainly hope you're kidding there.. if he's not in there.. it must be his identical twin brother eh? look at the screenshots.. look at the character select screen even.. gee anywhoz.. edge guarding is cheap.. i'm refraining from using it anymore.. unless some cheap level 9 character is cheating out of it's ***.. but against human players definitely not.. abd my bro's stategy? gee.. he just kicks.. i'm in competition to kill more than him even.. he's that good [/size][/color][/font][/b]
[SIZE=1][FONT=arial][COLOR=green][B] hey.. isn't anyone going to comment on edge guarding?? anywhos.. for the people say they are undefeatable.. i'm going with noryko and saying that you have no idea of the greater challenges in the game.. and though it depends on your friend's skill as well.. if you want a nice challenge using just the comps.. make it 3 against 1 with three level 9 HARD characters.. with no items and see how you fare.. considering they can rack up the damage on you to about 100 in a second or so.. and their suicides don't count.. that's just shoddy ai [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
[SIZE=1][FONT=arial][COLOR=green][B] erm.. luigi is in ssbm.. and noryko.. that's not edge guarding.. edge guarding means that the person can't even get to hold onto the edge.. so basically if you're coming back from the abyss.. and you do your triple jump to grab onto the edge.. edge guarding means that as you attempt to grab on.. you'll get hit back.. and since you haven't grabbed onto the ledge you haven't got access to your double and triple jumps since you just used them.. so basically.. you're screwed if they edge guard.. so yeah.. edge guarding means you won't be able to grab onto the ledge.. and feel sorry for us in australia as well.. 'autumn' release? bah have we got a set date yet james? [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
[B][FONT=arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=green] aaaahhh.. super smash brothers.. the best fighting game you could ever play.. and now ssbm.. even better than the original.. ain't this grand people? eheh anyway.. in the original ssb.. my brother is much better than me at it.. considering he can use all the characters very well (though i'm better with falcon and perhaps link.. haven't used link for a long time) and can whoop my butt most of the time.. what i really REALLY hate is edge guarding.. gooooooood that annoys the hell out of me.. i mean you're getting back up.. and your opponent stands at the edge.. waiting to send you back to your doom.. sickens me really.. i have nothing with proper spiking.. which is jumping OUT into free space spiking the poor bugger down.. i don't mean the spiking where you stand on the edge and then spike.. that's just edge guarding as well.. anyway.. who else finds edge guarding annoying? cause basically if you edge guard.. you are almost guaranteed a kill.. it's so damned cheap i prefer proper killing with combos, non cheap strategies and use of proper spikes (and i also forgot to mention not including kirby's cause how hard is it to hit someone down and then float a couple of hundred times back and do an up b attack to get back up? not hard at all) i find i'm ok at using falcon now.. i can kill reasonably well.. even two level 9 falcon's against me as well.. eheh.. i haven't tried three of them against me.. cause i did that with lower levels.. and they basically get me up to 100 in a second or so.. sooo yeah yeah.. as james said.. the list was 100% true.. interesting though isn't it? i wonder who leaked the info.. cause some other people had the same list from other sources as well i think i have nothing against it.. as long as each character handles differently.. and once again.. i can not wait to use zelda/sheik.. ooooh yeah.. baby yeah.. *droooooooooools* apparently she's very very strong.. zelda's pretty slow.. but very strong.. sheik is very fast.. and the fact that when she transforms she's invincible (and also being able to transform midair) oooooooh yeah.. can't wait.. *dreams about playing as her* and noryko.. i'm assuming that's cause link just died.. ahahahah but yeah.. this game is huge.. :D [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
Do any other girls feel the way i do,?
hyperlink replied to MysticalShawty's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Capt. Stephanos [/i] [B];) [/B][/QUOTE] ahahahah now that's funny :D [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jeff [/i] [B]hey ashlie. hate to say this but you screwed up. i had a online girlfriend. she came over to see me. crossing 3 states on a bus, traveling 21 hours. she was in total love with me. she was obsessed with me. she was crazy about me. get the picture? i don't know what she saw in me. but she was scarily obsessed with me..that always make men back away from those girls. we were even plan to get married.....after we broke up, i even thought about having her back..to see how it goes. but she didn't leave me alone. i asked for my space. she wrote me a letter, beeping me on aim, blaming me for her troubles and sacrifies she had done for me. which i don't give a **** about. now, she is doing whatever in her power to hurt me. i try to ignore her..hoping she would do the same. but she doesn't. so it turned into hatred. i hate her more than anything. i thought my situtation is kinda similar to yours. except you are the bad person what my ex is doing. like everyone is saying, move on. [/B][/QUOTE] woah.. that was similar to my other incident.. though it wasn't as serious as yours.. but the obsession and the 'stalking' was.. *cringes* i'm got a question out of curiosity.. but how old are you MysticalShawty? cause generally 'love' (and i say *generally*) needs a matured mind to be able to comprehend such a notion.. -
erm.. the movie was good and all as you said but the main reason for creating the movie was for hasbro to kill off all the old ones and make room for new transformers ie new toys 'scourge' is from the original transformers.. i'm assuming this 'scurge' is from the recent ones the transformers dvd is out.. but is it in australia? what other functions does it have? and what's dream wizards?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]ugh, never heard of it, is the song any good? what.... [/B][/QUOTE] never heard of chop suey? go d/l and see for yourself though it may take a few times to grow on you perhaps
what's nikko? i can't draw at all :bawl:
sorry to hear i'd give you some helpful advice as well but i must dash so just putting some stuff in a nut shell.. you may come across many hardships.. some small some huge.. but you can be rest assured that you will learn from these.. you will gain more experience with these situations and you will become a better person from them so even though it may seem rocky and despairing.. hold on for the ride and you'll be happy after EDIT: i forgot another thing.. people come and go.. but it's you that will remain.. strong and resilient.. so most of the time things are for the best.. though they might not seem like it (i've gone through many betrayals backstabbing blackmail etc etc.. i'm a much better person now because of it.. i lived through it and i've gotten over it.. but most importantly i learned from it)
woah transformers i LOVED the original transformers.. it's 'rodimus prime' it's a shame hasbro decided to kill em all though.. can you actually still buy the original transformer toys? i've only seen a bit of beast wars but it truly turned me off after a few episodes.. it's only good for it's graphics never seen anything after so i dunno scourge was one of galvatron's henchmen in the movie he was one of those guys with the beard and were blue and transformed into a cruise/hover thingymajiggy..
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt.D [/i] [B][color=rainbow] I found Rainbow Six excedingly difficult. Mostly cause you die with 1 hit. Plus the controls....I mean moving with the C buttons? C'mon.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] rainbow six?? c buttons.. that's not the default control configuration and it's similar to using a keyboard and mouse.. the moving with c buttons is for pro's basically.. since you also can strafe run immediately..
pd is relatively hard.. but still pretty easy i used to do challenge 30 for fun.. eheh single player mode is fun as well to give a weapon to the god of war.. go up to that small altar thingy and press either a or b.. can't remember since it's been absolutely ages since i've played.. and your current weapon will drop.. i do remember that sometimes it didn't work for some strange reason.. but just do that and it'll work.. eventually for the spaceship stage.. you need to destroy the three computers or whatever they are in the starting of room with the two skedar.. go down the lift.. go right across to the opposite side.. go up the lift.. kill the skedar.. open hangar door via the terminal.. go back down and elvis will appear with his two henchmen then do the remainder of the stage
one request only.. please please puhleeeeeeeeeeeeeease change his eyes if there can only be one thing changed.. change his EYES!!!!!!!! they're so scary.. :nervous:
it's not by system of a down it's by some underworld group that sounds like system of a down.. but it's not actually by system of a down mmm.. if you want a song by system of a down.. get 'chop suey' that's a MUST have.. :D
shadow beast? refresh my memory please dark link.. oh baby yeah.. i saved a game right before entering that lovely mirage room.. god that looks so nice.. so yeah played it.. had fun.. reset.. played it.. had fun.. reset.. etc.. eheheh and it's always fun playing against them :D
er.. how did you happen to blow the hole in the floor to get to king dodongo if you didn't have the bomb bag? (it's been a while since i've played it.. so if there's a bomb flower.. then so be it) bomb flowers are as easy as normal bombs if not easier.. since they've got a longer fuse
what the? you don't need to use arrows or the long shot at all.. just do a spic swing when the fists come to slap you.. and if he slaps you from above.. you can do the downward slash or just get hit.. he doesn't take much energy off you anyway and when the two fists come along.. either charge up or just do a spin swing and keep on doing that when he's still he'll be down in no time.. with the biggoron sword it usually takes a few seconds to kill him
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yuri [/i] [B]after you get the seven eggs you learn a song plsy it to the zora girl a turtle will pop up and you hookshot onto his back.......................The only part in mojoras mask I can't do is when you go on the moon andyou have to roll from ledge to ledge can you help me with that Cecil? please:cool: [/B][/QUOTE] are you talking about the one where you have to change into a goron and roll around? weeeeeeell.. that really ticked me off initially.. i was trying to manually steer myself along the thin tracks.. almost did it a few times.. but then i found out that you don't need to do much steering.. just aim for the treasure chests and you'll bounce off nicely and just roll all the way to the end
i love the fierce diety only cause link looks so gosh darn cool in it.. but otherwise it's a cheat mask but the blast mask is great for fun bunny mask is the most practical due to the burst in speed and zora for sleek zora fighting capabilities eheh [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]sorry i trelly hate cussing in the zelda forum :) FF sure but not my zelda...[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
if you think that's annoying.. wait till you *try* to beat him in the race.. damn nintendo.. whatta rig (oh yeah.. running man runs along a certain path.. since he runs so friggin slow and stops several times to just sit down.. you can run along that path and find him.. of course in the opposite direction so it's faster to find him)
players guides?? why use them for??? there'd be no point in you buying the game then.. buying it after you've completed absolutely everything in the game is ok.. i've got none but i think i might buy oot and mm for the beaut art work