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Everything posted by animeniac41
My worst day definately wasn't as bad as the people who already posted here, but it was still depressing to me. About 2 days ago, i was over at my friends house looking at the bike she got for her birthday, so i set my cell phone and my wallet on the back bumper of their car while we were looking at it, and of course i forgot to pick it back up. So her brother drove the car the next day, and I think someone picked up my phone and wallet, which had my debit card in it, after it fell off somewhere so I was freaking out about that. I had to order a new phone today, and apparently I didn't have insurance on it, so the new one costed $230, which is not the way I wanted to spend half of my paycheck. Oh well, **** like that happens.
I would say im at an 8 right now. I tried to reply to this thread earlier today, but before i could finish it, my computer decided to be mean and kick me off the internet... and not let me back on :animecry: so that wasn't fun. On the other hand, today is the first real day Harry Potter 5 is playing all day, and i don't have to work haha! And Im having a movie watching night at my house, but i have no idea how many people are showing up, and that worries me slightly. So yeah, life is good at the moment.
[QUOTE]Originally Posted by[B] Desbreko[/B] [COLOR=Navy]Sorry, but cake > pie. I know the truth hurts, but it has to be said[/COLOR].[/QUOTE] Unfortunately I'm gonna have to agree with that. When it comes to pie, I'm really picky... maybe because of the flaky-dryness texture of it all. Cake is good all around. Apple pie is pretty good though.
This summer's gonna be aweosme for me! My biggest plans for the summer is the start of marching band season :animesmil :D Band is my life, I've been counting down the days until band camp finally comes, and from now on i'll know everyone (it was my first year in marching band last year) I'm sooooo excited, this year's show is awesome and I can't wait to get started! As for traveling, I won't be going anywhere exciting. The only kind of traveling that'll happen is camping :animesigh Something about being stuck in a camper with only my family for 3 days in the middle of who knows where, 5 weekends out of the summer, year after year, just doesn't excite me.... oh well, life goes on. I got a job a while ago, so maybe i can save up to get a car when I'm able to drive. Then I can drive myself everywhere :catgirl: And of course, i'll hang out with my friends, and get lots and lots of anime that everyone else but me has seen. Oh yeah, and reading manga :animesmil
I really don't know anything about weapons, but this thread looked fun to post on. I would probably want some kind of weapon that causes lots of destruction (not like a bomb or anything) because i probably wouldn't be able to save myself with anything else. Something so i can randomly shoot away and hopefully it would blow them all up :D ... and hopefully i wouldn't kill myself :animedepr
I also think pokemon has gone a little too far. I remember when it was more popular when I was in 2nd grade. It was cute and fun to watch then. I think I got to a point where I could name any pokemon from the original 151 by looking at their pictures, but that was about 7 years ago. I can't believe pokemon is still on tv, they just kept on going, and going, and going! :animestun! I can't believe they are still going!They probably have about 500 different pokemon now, if not more, and who in the world can keep up with that if they haven't grown out of it already. In my opinion, there's pretty much no point in the show anymore. It's all the same. There' s other pokemon stuff that's not as bad, like the games for gameboy and stuff, I still have those, there fun. Collecting cards was kinda fun too, but the show has gotten so boring :sleep: That's just my opinion. Sorry if I offended anyone that still watches it :animeswea
My day was good I guess. I really didn't do much at all and had my easy classes today which made it awesome, so I didn't have to think much. I had 2 classes. Then 2 off-hours where people can go off campus and stuff, so there was 3 hours of free time to do anything. I had a yummy lunch too. After that, I had 2 more classes, got pretty much no homework, then I got to go home and now I'm posting on the otakuboards! Oh, and grey's anatomy is on tonight :D
There are lots of anime's that had me feeling really sad and depressed at the end when something sad happens, but the only anime so far that I remember watching making me actually cry was Please Teacher. I cried when [spoiler] Kei has that bad standstill and Mizuho tries to save him from it, but by doing that I think she broke some kind of law and had to leave earth, so it made it look like they would never see each other again [/spoiler] It was soooooo sad! :animecry: :animecry: :animecry: I didn't see it coming at all. But the ending was happy, so I feel stupid for crying :animeswea
Ah, i remember the good old days... I just got an e-mail the other day about all the stuff to miss about the 90's. Anyway, i used to love watching all those different shows before i even knew what anime was, like pokemon. I was obsessed with pokemon when i was in 2nd grade. That was like the coolest show. I have the yellow, blue, red, and crystal versions for gameboy... and still play them :animesmil And i still have a TON of cards, and there's no way to get rid of them because there pretty much worthless. I used to watch sailor moon and card captors a lot too. I remember watching DBZ at 6:00 (at least i think that's when it came on) on toonami. And then there's Yu-Gi-Oh. I just got into that because my brother quit on pokemon, but i have a ton of those cards too. I don't want to throw them away because i spent sooo much money buying those $4 packs that only came with 9 cards in them :animeswea and for what, just so they could get some other cool show to replace that and all of my cards would become worthless AGAIN :animeangr :animesigh oh well. I think i also remember seeing a ruroni kenshin episode or two on tv.
I'm terrible at talking with people i don't really know (except for when i'm being a spaz) I usually just sit there all quiet and the only time i talk to them is when they ask me questions. even when i talk, it's usually to quiet for anyone to hear, so they have to ask me what i said, and then i freak out :animedepr . but suprisingly i do have friends even though that happens almost every time :D
I'm not trying to put this in a terrible way, but I it's my familie's fault that I am the way I am. My parents devorced when I was about 3, then my mom got married again when I was 10 to a control freak jerk I still don't like to this very day :animeangr (but she doesn't know that) Now we have new baby boy, Andrew, in the family, and they are so focused on him that I don't think they really care if I talk to them or not. They kinda give me the silent treatment, they never make an effort to find out what's going on in my life :animesigh It's so depressing. I'm the one that has to tell them. And pretty much every time I try and say something, they cut me off without even realizing it because Andrew did something. Then they completely forget what I was saying and move on to another subject. I'm pretty sure it's gotten worse since I joined marching band because I was constantly away at hours of practice, I didn't have time to talk to them, and really didn't care, because for once I was around people who talked to me and had tons of friends. So since band is over for the season, I get to be home more often :animesigh great. 7 more months until it starts back up again and my life will be saved :D So yeah, it's my familie's fault that i'm so shy at first, and never talk in any of my classes ect. sorry if that was kinda long.
The most recent game i bought (which wasn't so recent) was probably SSX 3 for playstation 2. I still play it, not like an everyday thing though. I like all the different characters. I play it either with myself or with my brother. Unfortunately, we are finishing our basement right now, :animeswea and wouldn't 'cha know it, that's where the ps2 is. So i haven't got to play anything for a while now because the tv and everything is unplugged. But when it's done, i'll get to play it again :D yay
I don't usually have dreams. When I do, they have my friends, but that's the only thing i can recognize. They take place in really random places that i've never been to before. And on top of that the story line always changes. it's like my dreams combine into 1 big one :animestun It's sooooo confusing! Sometimes I have anime dreams too. This one time, I had a dream that i was playing golf on this really wierd course that was like a 3 hole golf course/track field. I was playing with some of the people from fruits basket. One of them was Akito, and as soon as he got mad at me, I woke up. It was kinda scary. So yeah, those are what my dreams are about :D
When I have a bad day, I just go and close myself in my room and listen to music or sit and do nothing. That way I can get away from anyone and everyone that's bothering me. Or I go in my basement and play videogames. I don't know exactly how that calms people down though, it just does, and it works for me too. If none of the above helps me at all and it's getting late, than I just go to sleep and try to ignore it.
This thread looked really funny, i just couldn't resist. Okay, so my first story, this was probably when i was like 7, but my mom had just picked me and my younger brother up from daycare. Right in the middle of the ride home i realized i was sick... and had to throw up. I tried to get the window to roll down a.s.a.p. Unfortunately it wasn't quite fast enough so i ended up barfing all over the car My brother who was in the front seat was so grossed out by this that he threw up about 5 seconds later. I don't know why, but that story makes me laugh every time i think about it This other time about a year ago i woke up in the middle of my sleep with a terrible pain throughout my whole body. I couldn't breathe and pretty much couldn't control anything. When my mom came in my room she helped me to the bathroom where i puked about 3 times :animedepr Yup, those are some of my barfing experiences :animeswea
Yes, yes, and YES i'm a band geek and very proud to be one. Lets just put it this way, band is my life. I don't play a lot of different instruments though. playing clarinet is my passion. i've been playing it for 3 years, going on 4, and i'm trying to teach myself guitar and maybe piano. Right now i'm in Concert band for my school, but i'm 2nd chair :D I'm also totally dedicated to marching band which takes up a LOT of my time cuz we practice a bunch :animestun but it's so worth it. And no, i don't have my own band. POWER TO THE BAND GEEKS!!! :animesmil
You today compared to you a year ago
animeniac41 replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
Well, a year ago i was more shy and wasn't exactly the most social person. I was also self-conseous about myself and was afraid of change. I wasn't on the computer as much, was just part of 1 group of friends, wasn't into anime as much, and didn't even know what manga was. Since then, i've become more social, outgoing, and became a lot busier. I'm still self conseous, but not as much as i was then. Now i think it's cool to try new things, well most of the time. I also have more friends and try and meet new people. I also feel like i connect better with my friends than with my family(is that wierd or what?) I'm gonna be going to high school as a freshman in 5 days. I'm also more rebelious :animeswea , nothing too out of hand though. I read manga and am more into anime. And of corse now i have an Otaku account :D -
hi, i'm donna. i was born in kingman,arizona, but i now live in colorado. i'll be turning 14 in a few weeks in august :animesmil . i have a 12 year old brother, a 23 year old half sister, and a 2 year old half brother. big age difference huh. i'm in band, and marching band, which right now is basically all i do outside of school :animeswea i like animals, sleeping, sports, music... all that good stuff, and i love manga, anime, and video games. i'll be going to high school as a freshman (phew, finally out of middle school). oh yeah, and i have a dog. that's about it. :D
i like most all of the different genre's of manga, but comedy is definately my favorite. i also think mangas are really good when they have a little of everything.