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Everything posted by Ayi

  1. [QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=#0e1030][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS] Well I can't say I was disappointed with them showing [spoiler]Sasuke so early since I already knew it was bound to happen[/spoiler]. I just guess since a majority of the people who watch Naruto have already read the manga and they just assumed that showing him early would help to loose the tension many Sasuke fans have of wanting to see him in the new series. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Point taken. I suppose I'm just used to climactic build-ups and I was expecting that from the whole [spoiler]long-awaited Sasuke confrontation[/spoiler]. That and I was just expecting the episode to pick up with [spoiler]Naruto's return from his training with Jiraiya[/spoiler] :animeswea But I'll get over it. Oh, and did anyone else find that [spoiler]Yuura's betrayal[/spoiler] was obviously coming?[/FONT] [/COLOR]
  2. [QUOTE=Lunox][color=dimgray] Naruto Shippuden spoilers. [spoiler] Pacing was a bit slow for me as well. I was disappointed that they didn't actually get over with Naruto and Sakura's fight, and I have mixed feeling over the beginning of the episodes. I mean, animated timejump!Sasuke and Sai was pretty awesome, but was it a good move to just show Sasuke? I was anticipating a build-up and everything. >_> [/spoiler][/color].[/QUOTE] I agree with you on the whole [spoiler]"revealing Sasuke right at the start"[/spoiler] thing. I, too, was quite disappointed when they just showed him. I mean, come on, they pretty much just showed one of the most climactic/anticipated parts of the story right off the bat. But other than that, I was quite happy with the quality of Naruto Shippuden. Shannaro!
  3. [QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=#0e1030][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS] Gah, Beat me to it. ...They are 2.5 years older though right? Why is Naruto's voice almost [I]exactly[/I] the same?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] His voice sounds exactly the same to me (but then again my speakers are crap :animeswea ). Maybe Naruto's voice is one of those voices that doesn't change much until he's way older? YouTube also has an extended teaser as well, but all their voices sounded really quiet.
  4. [QUOTE=Kitana23]Ok I know about 85% of the naruto watching population think Naruto and Hinata should hook up but drop the favoratism. I love hinata but Naruto just does not see her in that light. where he has liked sakura from the start, and even though she is one of the most annoying characters in the series thier personallities match very well. just to me naruto and sakura. Oh and what ever other character pairning you believe are good too don't take any personal offense Hinata x Naruto fanss . :animesigh [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][INDENT]I've merged your thread with the already existing Naruto thread. Next time be sure to check the offical thread directory before starting an anime specific thread. If this is unclear, a quick re-read of the rules of the Anime Lounge will clear things up. ~indifference[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Well personally I've always been a hardcore SasukexSakura fan, which is why I tend to pair Hinata with Naruto. I suppose I'm the type of romantic who enjoys it when the girl finally gets the guy she's been following. Also, because since the pairings are opposite of each other, they balance out well. Naruto's loud, obnoxious nature balances out Hinata's timid and shy one. Sasuke's dark and brooding, and Sakura's light and cheery (with a hilarious temper :D ). Also, as I've constantly noticed, most people can't stand Sakura because she's the epitome of annoying in the starting of the series as well as doesn't do much. While I was irked by it in the beginning, as I continued watching to later in the series, she has undoubtedly become my favorite character due to her immense improvement. So I say just give her a chance. And same with Hinata. Sure the two don't get the action spotlights often, but usually when they do, it's pretty gratifying. Oh and is there anyone who likes Neji paired with TenTen?
  5. [quote name='Tallgeese-']Well I did watch Temari vs Shikamaru in sub and I was wondering why he wasn't saying "this is such a drag".[/quote] In the subs, I'm sure you've noticed that Shikamaru's tag line is along the lines of "How troublesome" and that's how many took it to be; however, the American dub changed it to "What a drag". It's little things like that that can end up changed when translated. Another example would be Sakura and her inner self's line of "SHANNARO" in the subs whereas they changed it to "Cha" in the dubs.
  6. [quote name='Orien_Xel']Read the manga, don't plan on seeing the anime. WHy? Because I've heard the show tends to drag. And drag. And drag. Then again, could just be stories.[/quote] Well the show does have an EXTENSIVE line of fillers. >.< About the clothing question, I believe Naruto was directed for kids 10+ or kids in general, and providing a variety of colors helps grab their attention. So I'd say it's either for promotional spreading or the animatiors just wanted to get a little creative. *shrugs* That's my take on it anyways.
  7. [quote name='uchihagirl']:therock: Ooookay, so the more tails the better? :therock:[/quote] In way, you could say that. Sadly, [spoiler]after four tails Naruto is no longer in control, it's kinda like the Kyuubi takes over after that.[/spoiler]
  8. Tenchi: *thinks* Must restrain....this would be illegal...control...control... Ehe..so I'm outta ideas, *shrugs*
  9. Okay, I'd say it's time to pick a winner. Okay, Honorable Mention goes to : Lord Dante [QUOTE]Chidori: So... you're saying that what Sousuke needs to do is just demand his yo-yo back? Hayashimizu: of course. we are the student council. Chidori: But isn't his teacher, y'know... his teacher? Hayashimizu: that is irrelevant. we are the student council. Sosuke: I told you the student council was powerful, Chidori.[/QUOTE] Second goes to: BK Styles [QUOTE]Kaname to Hayashimizu: Wait...you mean you think Tessa is really hotter then me too!? You gotta be kidding me... Souske: See, i told you! You wanted the second opinion, satisfied now?[/QUOTE] And finally...the winner is: Bláse! [QUOTE]Hayashimizu: "Alright, your new Life Science project is to take care of a sack of flour as your own child. Kaname, you're the husband." Kaname: "Y... you're kidding... right? I was the husband last time you pulled this stupid 'assignment' excuse on me! Sousuke just wants to go to that drag club again, doesn't he?!" Sousuke: "It's not my fault I feel the need to be feminine..." [/QUOTE] I just thought that was freakin hilarious. Your turn Bláse
  10. [quote name='Lunox][color=dimgray'] No, Gaara definitely has the one-tailed bijuu in him. Where did you get the thing about the corrupted priest...? [/color][/quote] Well, seeing as the quote from wikipedia proves it, then it seems I was correct after all. [quote name='Ichibi-Shukaku][spoiler']Shukaku is said to be the corrupted spirit of a Sand Priest turned demon. He was originally sealed inside a tea kettle and then placed inside its first Jinchūriki. He was sealed inside Gaara by Chiyo on the orders of Gaara's father, the Fourth Kazekage, by using Gaara's mother as a sacrifice. Shukaku has had two other Jinchūriki before Gaara, both of whom died when Shukaku was extracted from them.[/spoiler][/quote] Ichibi-Shukaku, you should prolly use spoiler tags next time. There's a big chance there's some Naruto fans don't know that yet. So yea, just a future reference.
  11. Well I hope if you don't mind if I choose one, Lord Dante. [IMG]http://animeworld.com/caps/fullmetalpanicfumoffu1.jpg[/IMG] Okay, for anyone who has no idea what anime that's from, it's a pic from Full Metal Panic? FUMOFFU Brown haired guy is Sousuke Sagara Aqua haired girl is Kaname Chidori And the white haired guy whom you can only see the back of his head is Hayashimizu, the Pesident of the school's autonomic student council. Good Luck!
  12. [quote name='Azarath]Gaara pretty much scares me especially when [spoiler]he tried to kill Rock Lee while he was in the infermary after he had beat him in the prelims.[/spoiler].But I do think he's pretty cool. :animesmil.he and Naruto have something in common though.The fact that [spoiler']they both have some kind of monster sealed inside them but Gaara's is i think one of the kazekage's of the Village Hidden in the Sand.[/spoiler][/quote] Actually: [spoiler]The monster sealed inside Gaara, according to the anime, is the spirit of a corrupted priest in the sand village.[/spoiler] Or maybe I'm mistaken, it was something like that.
  13. Lol, thanks Nee-chan. Don't sweat it. Natsumi: *thinks* Oh well...at least it's rich in calcium and vitamin D.
  14. Mihoshi: I wonder which one we're going to eat first...
  15. While you're up there, could you please check the light bulb? It seems a little dimmer than last time.
  16. Ayi

    Who is this?

    [quote name='Kinson']Hello everyone. I guess I'm a newbie, being my first time to post on this board is right now, lol. I was just wondering if anyone could tell me who is in the picture attached below. I'm still not sure as to how to properly insert images into a post, but I'll learn soon enough. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks![/quote] That would be Tamahome, a character off the anime/manga series of Fushigi Yuugi, one that I would highly recommend watching/reading. There's prolly a thread for it that would be open for discussion and I suggest referring to the Thread Directory to find it. On a sidenote: Seeing as this has been answered I have a feeling this thread won't last for very long. And finally, welcome to the Otaku Boards.
  17. [QUOTE=Heero yuy]So, funny story, not really. So, wednesday night, I'm with my friends two boys including me and my friends girlfriend and our friend who is also a lady. We're standing around a bowling alley parking lot, waiting to meet up with other friends. When this guy walks by and my friend says "hello", but the guy finds it offending and glares him down. When the guy is down giving my friend the "eye" for lack of a better term, he goes in and bowls...when he's done...as he was heading towards his car, my friend says "have a good one" and then that guys goes crazy. He stops and just looks at me, and says "what are you looking at you (racial asian slur, involving the slant of my eyes) piece of $h!t" and turns to the girls and starts calling them "whores"...So, the girls go crazy and start calling him stuff, then he goes to my friend who was greeting him before and says "keep your bitches in line", the moment I heard that, I was pretty offended...but that's not all, he starts talking about how he keeps his "women" in line by "putting her in her place". I was about to deck the crap out of him...but I didn't want to fight infront of the girls. Instead I got in his face and told him to leave or he needs to start showing common courtesy, at least towards the girls. He looked at me and spit this nasty loogy right by my shoe...and he just took off. But this isn't the first time this has happened with the disrespect of women. I mean they do absolutely nothng to start it, and yet they get all this bad attention... it's total B.S. I don't know, I was raised mainly by my mother and always taught me to alway respect females...and always shows it. Is it our culture now? I mean this guy, to label him a "wigger"... And that type of music, doesn't really show respect towards women...at least, it seems that way to me. What do you think?[/QUOTE] Personally, I would've gone over the edge and whipped out some pepper spray and mace as soon as that guy started with racial criticism. It's bad enough that he doesn't have any respect apparently for Asians and then he goes and degenerating women as well. At one aspect, I suppose one could blame the music for the fact that it easily affects the young impressionable minds of adolescents and then they begin to act like the people the idolize, calling women things besides their names, acting "gangsta", etc. etc. Then again, to blame all of this behaviour on the current music would just be looking for a scapegoat. One could blame this on the lack of judgement in today's youth. I have plenty of friends who listen and enjoy rap, but they don'r go out and start calling girls "bitches" and the like. No, they were raised to know better and they do. In the end, our culture pretty much has gone down the drain, but thankfully there's still some respect out there which means all hope is not lost. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman]I actually know of one who is in dire need of sensitivity classes because everytime he gets pissed at what I have to say he goes into a tirade about my sex life and that I hate all men because of my divorce. Basically when that happens I accuse him of hating all non virgins and block him. But I really despise being called a slut, a whore and all else simply because of my personality. [/QUOTE] Referring to the guy that Meg-nee-chan is talking about: he's just a whole other story. He's the typical type that really do give guys a bad name, especially because he spends more of his time flirting and womanizing online than trying to get a job. He also expects others to listen to him complain when he won't listen to anyone else's problems. I should probably stop before I go completely off topic. ^-^;
  18. [quote name='r2vq']Actually, I find this to be true with most Asians, not just Japanese. 8) I'm Filipino and it's just common sense for me.[/quote] Yup, you're right about that. I'm Vietnamese and it's completely second nature of me now. As well as bowing to elders and new people that I'm meeting. [quote name='Sunadokei-chan']I've also learned how to use chopsticks properly by endlessly rewinding episodes of Naruto to figure out how to hold them. [/quote] Haha...well perhaps an easier way to learn how to use chopsitcks would be to take one and hold it how you would your pencil, then slip in the second one and try practice opening and closing them. That's how I learned. Anyways, the majority of which I've learned from anime is japanese itself. I can speak most of the common phrases such as the greetings and farewells as well as ways of thanking or apologizing. Then there's also the lessons such as "believe in yourself" and "strive for your goals" etc. etc. Other than that, I suppose that's it, because I was already accustomed to most of their customs due to my heritage.
  19. Ayi

    Inu Yasha

    [quote name='Wolf2gto][spoiler']3 the dead are supose to STAY DEAD. [/spoiler][/quote] In all fairness, it's not like Kikyo wanted to come back. I blame [spoiler]the old witch hag who stole her remains and brought her back to this world.[/spoiler] Then again, yes it is quite wrong that Kikyo doesn't accept Inuyasha as who he is as Kagome does. So personally I do prefer Kagome over her, but you have to cut Kikyo some slack once in awhile. [COLOR=#007520][INDENT][SIZE=1]Ayi, if you're quoting a spoiler, and the original poster didn't add spoiler tags, it would help the moderators out if you added the spoiler tags for them. Thanks. -r2[/SIZE][/INDENT][/COLOR]
  20. [QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=#af992f][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]....You people confuse me. Before even stepping into this thread I didn't know what a Honorific was, yet after researching some more...I think I got even more confused, I feel ever so lost. Yet from what I could gather, in the dubbed anime that I watch atleast, I really don't mind the characters. I just try to implement the thought in my mind that. "Its a different country, its like this there, just live with it yeah?" So then my mind just shakes it off and its not that much for me. The only one I can even recall, (and I say this still not really knowing much of what a Honorific is), Is full metal alchemist..where I though it was kind of ...cute in a way? So yeah... Ignoring the fact that I really don't 100% get what everyone is talking about, what I can grasp..I think I don't mind them? This...thinking is making my head hurt.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] What I believe they mean by honorific would be the ending suffixes such as "-san", "-sama", "-chan", etc. As I'm sure you've noticed, some animes, when dubbed, translate the ending suffixes to "mr." "mrs." etc. and then others leave the original suffixes in. Personally I don't mind either way, though there would be some cases that one would have to adjust to. Example would be Hououji Fuu from Magic Knight Rayearth. She addresses Hikaru and Umi using the "-san" suffixin the original version, so if one were to translate that it would be "Ms. Hikaru" and "Ms. Umi". Though that would sound slightly annoying at first, it's how her character is, so one might as well deal.
  21. [QUOTE=Hayabusa]Let's see. I do have a problem with "Believe It", but I've never seen the original version because I don't have that type of time to download it. However, I do read the manga. Anyways, as I said, I do have a problem with it, but normally I either put up with it or turn to another channel. (No, I'm not that much of a fan of the series) My main issues with the dub though is that there is no emotion. (Well, they seem to be getting a bit better now) Back when it first started, I found myself nearly halfway asleep everytime I heard Kakashi and Sasuke talk. (I am repeating myself) They sounded too dull near the beginning of the series.[/QUOTE] Heh, well Kakashi sounds like that because he's known to be the "laid-back" type. Thankfully he knows when to get serious, otherwise he just sits there reading his book. Sasuke on the other hand, well due to some past experiences he's become quite the ice-block. So yea, those two would lack emotion. I suppose we should be slightly grateful to Naruto's obnoxiously loud voice to aid in giving the show some emotion. But, of course, there's also that rule of the ninja: "A ninja is not to show any emotion under any circumstances" or something to that effect. To some that all up: it's just their character. *shrugs*
  22. [QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=#af992f][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS] To be honest, I think its just a thing that people are going to have to get used to datteybayo. Because I really don't find it that annoying as some other people do datteybayo. Yet in the end, just remember Naruto is just an annoying little character dattebayo.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] LOL. Ironically, I only have a problem with "Believe It". ^^; But then again, I've watched nothing but subs of Naruto, so when first seeing the dub, I immediately became critical, biased, and torqued. I was so used to Naruto saying "dattebayo" all the time, that when I heard they dubbed it to "believe it", something in me got slightly ticked. I suppose in the end, it goes back to the never-ending battle of dubs versus subs. But I was just wondering what others may think on this matter.
  23. [COLOR=Indigo]This is a continuation of a conversation r2vq and I had in another thread, but I've decided to continue over here since this is the thread it belongs in. Anyway, I can't stand Naruto's English phrase "Believe It!" Though, due to a point made by r2vq, it is probably the most reasonable translation of his original japanese tag of "Dattebayo", however, I still find it rather annoying. The only problem is, it's either that or removing it completely, which is not a good choice either, (point also made by r2vq) because it would cause an uproar about Naruto's loss of a tag line. How does everyone else feel about this? [/COLOR]
  24. [quote name='Kita Erindur]Yeah. I was going to say this anime. The ending of Samurai Deeper Kyo is more annoying than confusing though. Its like [spoiler]just tell us who she stays with, tell us.[/spoiler] I watched the ending again and again.[spoiler] The man who falls at the end of the fight has short hair as does the man with Yuya at the end. Most people expect this man to be Kyoshiro.But something in the face (even if its shaded) tells me otherwise.[/spoiler] As for the others hearing Yuya's voice.[spoiler] Thats Sanada at war with Edo, yes; as Yukimura comments on Benitora's stregy. But them hearing her voice is like, their remembering her, and everything that happened. I think[/spoiler'] :animestun. Their 'fighting for the joy of fighting'. As they say over and over in the manga. Which has a comletely different story by the way.[/quote] That's the only anime ending that has truly annoyed me. There have been some speculations on this, however. [spoiler]If the winner of the duel were to be Kyo, then there's the possibility that he could've cut his hair. Some have even pointed out that at the end when they close in on the shaded man's face there's a tuft of red hair that is showing.[/spoiler] I haven't had the chance to confirm this but if anyone else does, well have at it.
  25. [QUOTE=r2vq][color=#007520]Just a curiosity, what would you have translated it to, or would you have removed it altogether? -r2[/color][/QUOTE] Hmm...honestly, with the way he used it so versatily in the japanese version, there would be no "proper" meaning to it, so I'd would have to remove it altogether. At least that way, he wouldn't be repeating a single phrase so repetitively in the dub such as "Believe it".
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