*raises hand* That's a big AYE from me. I even remember when they had Outlaw Star, though my brother's friend ended up buying the whole series on DVD for my bro's graduation present.
Hah, I used to stay up all night Saturdays just watching those animes, actually I have a friend who bought the YuYu Hakusho series, quite the interesting ending too, but you're right, it is a pretty big rip off for only three eps in one DVD.
While we're on the subject of complaining, has anyone watched the subbed version of Naruto before CN dubbed it? Please no Naruto dub-lovers take this to heart, but I honestly just want to shoot the people who did the voices, but that's only because I've watched up to ep. 189 in Japanese so I was rather shocked when I heard the American voice actors. And personally, I find they really do them no justice, especially when they changed Naruto's tag line of "Dattebayo" (which has no real meaning) to "Believe it!" as well as Shikamaru's "Soo Troublesome" to "what a drag".
*gets off her soap box*
Well I'm done...