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I am in need of a banner of Ryoho and his alter power from S-Cry-ed. If anyone is willing to make one...please pm me
This is a pokemon RPG of course. This will be super fun I hope. You are sitting in your house, watching the last five minutes of an awsome pokemon battle between some guy named Jack and a girl named........well, you forgot her name. The girl was using a big, blue Gyarados that had just launched a powerful hyperbeam attack at its rival. The Gyarados's rival, the kids pokemon, was a really fast and an incredibly strong looking Scizor. The scizor dodged the attack and....CLICK. You just turned off the TV. You went into the kitchen to get a soda. Man, you thought to yourself, I cant wait to get my very first pokemon. You knew it wasnt until a month that that great day would come. You grab your soda and then you remember what you dad told you to do when he was gone. To get the mail. You walk out side and down the sidewalk and you look up to see a couple of pidgy fly by. You finally reach the mailbox and you look inside. There doesnt appear to be anything.. but wait! You see something which you take out. It is adressed to you. You rip it open and inside is a letter. It reads........ Dr. Mr./Ms. ----------(Your character name ) You and five others heve been selcted to begin an adventure to Alurie Academy. You must have 3 pokemon. ONly three at first. You must also fill a sighn up sheet to see if you are accepted into Alurie Academy. One pokemon must be a starter You run to your room and start packing urgent to begin your adventure. You pack your pokemon, 3 pokeballs, 4 potions, 9 berries, your pokedex, and other inportant needs. Here are the rules of Alurie Academi RPG: Rules: MUST READ TO JOIN! 1. No flamming. 2. No bunnying. 3: No godmodding. 4: Keep cussing to a mininmum if possible none at all. 5: Profanity keep to minimum. 6: Must read storyline to join... 7: Must follow structure of sign up sheet. 8: Please keep OOC (Out Of Character) talk to a minimium. 9: Please have fun and follow the Rules. Name: Age: (13-16) Gender: (um....) House: Dragon. Fire, Mind, Water, Ice, Steel, Grass, Flying, Rock Apperance: (3-4 lines) Personality: (3-4 lines) History: (2-3 lines) Starter pokemon: (any first evo pokemon, but I can say no to your choice or even pick one for you if I want.) Here is mine: Name: Kazryo Age: 16 Gender: Male House: Mind Apperance:he has green hair and green eyes to match. He wears a black shirt with a goded pokeball on it. His hair is all bangs. All is his hair is strrainght forward and the bangs are puched to the side only to show one eye. Personality: He is easily annoyed and is a very persistant trainer. He had gone on several adventures before. But he wanted to start new. He isnt really interested in friends but will make a few. History: Not much is known about him because he comes from a smaller sub-town call Hildegard Keep. He is know throughout Hoenn and he wants more fame. Starter pokemon: Charmander, Ghastly, Duskull
awesome job, I like all the s-cry-ed ones.....includining Ryoho, question, would you make a banner for me, and if you will....PM ok?
Only the best of the best pokemon trainers can come to this school... The best young trainers come from all the continents to train here. They all come for one goal, to be the best trainer in the school. Tournaments will decide that, but what journey and quest will the students endure during their stay at Alurie Academy? Do not worry that is not my quality of Role Play just doing a short little intro... So let me get to the rules..... I am just trying to get this up so i can get members... Rules: MUST READ TO JOIN! 1. No flamming. 2. No bunnying. 3: No godmodding. 4: Keep cussing to a mininmum if possible none at all. 5: Profanity keep to minimum. 6: Must read storyline to join... 7: Must follow structure of sign up sheet. 8: Please keep OOC (Out Of Character) talk to a minimium. 9: Please have fun and follow the Rules. Sign-Up Sheet: Character Name: Age: Pokemon Type: Year: Pokemon: Trainers Appearance: Talents: Flaws: House: Character Likes: Personal life: Anything else you want to add and anything i missed please tell me... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Sign Up Sheet Character Name:Shadow (Male) Age:16 Pokemon Type: Dragon and Fire Year:1st Pokemon: Dratini, Charmander, Bagon, Trapich, and Houndoor Trainers Appearance: Black medium length hair, baggy faded jeans, blck skin tight shirt with emblem of a dragon surrounded by fire,faded gray eyes. Talents:Is known for beating Ash ketchum in the Pokemon Leage Preliminaries. Beaten several gyms without struggle, great with pokemon, and loves to toy around with opponent Flaws:Bi-polar, easily angered, conceited House: Dragon House ( the house is surrounded by some scorched earth from precious battles there from the past. There are two dragon-like statues by the door. They seemed to be like an ancient pokemon that only some have only seen.) Character Likes: Playin with his pokemon, hanging with freinds, and can be a big flirt Personal life: He comes from a small family from Hildegard Keep.(made up name) He wanted to make a bigger name for himself so he signed up for Alurie Academy. He was accepted without second though because he beat the instructor without loosing his cool.
A boy arounf the age of 16 walks into the forest of all the weak pokemon for he only has one. A lvl 15 charmander. He wanted to meet some new aquaintances that he could travel with. He found a caterpie and battled it. He defeated it but it didnt put much of a fight up. " Grr, I need some way to find a good trainer that has a grass type that I could battle in order to get my Charmander to evolve." The Charmander looked up to the boy and said " Char" desperately. It also wanted to become stonger for its trainer. This boy had gone through so much in order to get through life, yet he always gets with the wrong crowd. Shadow(the boy) walked a little further and found this group of ppl that he didnt know and he looked happily to Charmander. " Look Flames, we found some ppl, and look at that person with the tough pokemon. I wish you were that tough. You are great, I promise you Flames, I will get you to envolve so that way we dont get picked on anymore." He walked up to the group witha smile with Charmander by his side. " Hello, my name is Shadow and this is my friend Flames."
A boy walks along the road almost to Pallet town. He was visiting from Viridian City. He needed a pokemon he could travel with. He loved the fire type. The sun above him was burning bright whech meant it was a good day for him to get his first pokemon. He had finally gotten to Prof. Oak's Lab. He walked in and nodded to all the assistants. He walked to the Prof. and tapped him on the shoulder. " Hello Professor! It is time for me to go on my journey. I have talked to Ash, Brock and Misty and they all said that I am ready to begin." Professor Oak turned and smiled. " Good, well sadly, we are all out. But I do have one pokemon that I have saved for you. This was my First pokemon that I caught. I already have his full evolved form and I already know all about him. But, he does have a bit of a temper." He pulls out a pokeball from his poket and hands it to Shadow. " Here" Shadow takes the ball and throws it. " Go Pokeball!" a ball rings and it opens. It was a brightly colored Charmander whose tail was brightly lit. It looked to Shadow and turned his head in anger and spat fire at him. Shadow dodged the fire by luck and looked to it. " Well, looks like I have a lot of work to do now. Charmander! Return!" He pointed the ball to it and it returned without hesitation. Thank you professer. This will work just nicely. " He returns home and gathers thravel equipment. He has his first pokemon and it was his favorite type. Fire. He left the door. He has 12 pokeballs, 3 potion, and his map. His mom comes running outside. "Dont forget your cell phone!" He was finally on his adventure to glory or his road to leadership.
[I]A boy walks along the road almost to Pallet town. He was visiting from Viridian City. He needed a pokemon he could travel with. He loved the fire type. The sun above him was burning bright whech meant it was a good day for him to get his first pokemon. He had finally gotten to Prof. Oak's Lab. He walked in and nodded to all the assistants. He walked to the Prof. and tapped him on the shoulder.[/I] " Hello Professor! It is time for me to go on my journey. I have talked to Ash, Brock and Misty and they all said that I am ready to begin." Professor Oak turned and smiled. " Good, well sadly, we are all out. But I do have one pokemon that I have saved for you. This was my First pokemon that I caught. I already have his full evolved form and I already know all about him. But, he does have a bit of a temper." He pulls out a pokeball from his poket and hands it to Shadow. " Here" Shadow takes the ball and throws it. " Go Pokeball!" a ball rings and it opens. It was a brightly colored Charmander whose tail was brightly lit. It looked to Shadow and turned his head in anger and spat fire at him. Shadow dodged the fire by luck and looked to it. " Well, looks like I have a lot of work to do now. Charmander! Return!" He pointed the ball to it and it returned without hesitation. Thank you professer. This will work just nicely. " He returns home and gathers thravel equipment. He has his first pokemon and it was his favorite type. Fire. He left the door. He has 12 pokeballs, 3 potion, and his map. His mom comes running outside. "Dont forget your cell phone!" He was finally on his adventure to glory or his road to leadership.