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Everything posted by AomiArmster

  1. right now i'm going through my entire Silent Hill OSTs. current song is: Snow Flower from Silent Hill 5: Homecoming. course the composer is Akira Yamaoka :animesmil
  2. I'm not so much into these star sign things but I do find them interesting, sometimes very frightening in their context. 1) What day is your birthday? March 21st 1986 2) What is your zodiac sign? Aries, year of the Tiger 3) How does your zodiac sign describe your personality? To the freaking T! 'Active, fiery Mars rules Aries and indeed, Aries people are high-spirited, energetic individuals ready to try anything at least once. Courageous, optimistic, and friendly, they are lively participants in the everyday bustle of life, maintaining a frantic pace others find difficult to match. Constant physical activity works off excess energy, and its vitalizing influence is important to their intellectual and creative endeavors.' Yep, thats me alright. 'It is usually the energetic Aries who is willing to start projects others would be afraid to tackle. However, it is also Aries who often fails to finish things when too many details demand attention or they simply lose interest. In spite of the physical energy associated with Aries, they are not above using the inability of others to keep up with them as an excuse for their own idleness. If they expect others to provide them with constant stimulation and are unwilling to find their own diversions, they become lazy. Cut off from physical activity, they become depressed, unproductive, and overweight.' Again.. how frightening, this is all me in a nutshell. even my chinese zodiac hits the nail on the head 4) Does the description of your zodiac actually describe you? Why? As stated above, it does as is. 'Aggressive, willful, powerful, assertive; enthusiastic about whatever interests you at the moment, focused in short bursts, unlikely to sustain interest in the long term; ego expression; adventurious, pioneering; Warrior-type energy; impatient with having to cooperate with others, works best alone or in leadership role; unconcerned with approval or acceptance; lacks persistance and stamina; honest and forthright, "what you see is what you get"' Absolutely states what I am, I really don't know how to explain it. 5) How does your zodiac sign PWN over the rest? Well off the bat, being the first sign.. and well taking all the character traits from a butt-head, war type things, heck, I don't know that for myself so I can't really make that call. Maybe being born in a cusp makes me also have Piseces traits, I'm not very arrogant...
  3. I was a MyOtaku users first before I joined the boards. I joined mostly for the art and the bloggery my friend--made me join all in all. I like the community!
  4. my name is Teni in Armenian it was a princess's name in Farsi (Persian) it means dew or mist in Ethiopian it means firetower Teni is a unisex name -- although thats the name i like.. and keeep but my other name (yeah.. i have 2 ) Anarane , i dont think has a meaning =\ i was told it ment dead/dried river
  5. the weirdest experience in my life was when it was... i think 6 days before my birthday and i got up around 8am, i went down stairs , wearing socks and pajamas, everything was dandy. i began to make myself breakfast-- then i heard this tap-tap -tap-drip-tap now, the TV was off, mostly everyone was asleep- i ignored the sound and went back to makin myself a huge-as-hell sandiwch but the tapping was still going on so i wandered out of the kitchen to find the source of the noise. i almost got near the stair case when i felt this sharp twitch in the back of my neck and then i thought i saw red but i looked away towards the window and my vision was clear- i whirled back towards the stair case and the red vision was there, i shook my head and as i tried to take one step up, my foot got soaked in some foul-smelling fluid. I looked up and the red vision was gone, but i saw this black/red puddle on the ceiling, it like.. crawled from where i stood to the back end of the wall, where the stairs would go up and it just pooled from there on. my brother wakes up then, complaining of feeling stuffy and having this rusty-coppery tang in his mouth he bursts out of his room, stares at the ceiling, glares at me like i had something to do with it. he avoids the dripping fluid as he comes down the stairs, goes out to get the manager, because he thinks we got leak of some kind- which is ridiculous since we have no plummbing up there nor would water collect. whatever the case- we dragged the manager over, who was grumpy from being awaken and she just stares at the red blotch on our ceiling, the red stuff dripping down our stair case and goes out to call some matience crew. so we just sat around in the kitchen while we waited- drank our coffees/whatnot and as we walked back and forth, crossing the strange area, that exact spot began to get REALLLLLY COLD. 20 minutes later the crew is there, they're equally baffled so they waddle up to the roof, had to cut a hole to get into the vent/area where the ceiling is ( whatever they call it) and they say they can't find anything and theen they blame it on wood-- rotting wood that had been dyed-got soaked SUPERLY SOAKED.. (from what we can't fathom) and.. yeah that was it. We cleaned up puddles on the floor & stair case, we painted OVER the blotch on the ceiling for it was too gross to stare at. that was the oddest/ what the FREAK moment in my entire life.
  6. 6th grade was odd for me i was just discovering myself and well.. yeah it was just poop people were jerks.. although only for the first 2 months but by then i was already in a hapkido class so my self esteem was like TOP HIGH-- i was sooo happy of myself everyone in my social group was like O_o and kinda.. taken aback oh well-- then i started makin my place in the ranks.. not too popular but popular enough that people THAT I DIDN'T KNOW knew me i never bullied anyone expect the bullies themselves and.. thats basically all i remember @_@
  7. hnn first date... i'd always ask ( i'm up front about everything) what they wanna do ,etc) so, ya know exchange ideas & such I usually always ended up at the studio (hapkido) and just sparred with my date i don't know! i'm weird, then again none of my dates complained.
  8. all i know is.. 'what the hell are you expecting?" palestinain militants-- their actions are getting.. well look at it this way most of the world ( well those with common sense) are getting sick of these random abudctions and executions--- getting out of hand and sickening so what should we expect Israel to do? whoop *** and ask questions later- i guess, sad, sad sa,d horrible yes but enough is enough yeah.. somethings don't change with time.. but c'mon already i dont know- i want to say things but i'm holding back i just think its about time to switch tatics, act more like your enemy than just what you are.. this back and forth bombings & killings dont seem to help anyone in any situation =\ its like ( argh this is upsetting.. i know. war sucks butt ) dont step on peoples' toes and not expect to get your knees smashed.. or something.. and i totally agree with Boba Fett
  9. I am looking back now.. really really trying to find something and.. I'm not catching anything.. then again.. it probably had to do with where i lived.. ( we were more concerned about getting home without stepping on a landmine) i mean.. my brother had always told me things [B]as they were [/B] so and i wasn't lead to believe something for the sake that i was just a kid i was taught [B]how[/B] to think not what to think. well now that i really think of it.. i just had misconceptions of trust... backstabbing friends, things like that this is an interesting topic... its makin me think about something i haven't really thought of *bangs head against desk*
  10. hnn i have nothing related to my [B]aomiarmster[/B] (personally) nicknames other than that its my favorite' character's name and i only register it everywhere because.. i just want to D: ya know but.. for my other galleries/sites i've always had [B]youkai-hime [/B] as a username my friend satomi --ever.. since we were kids always called me that as did her brothers meaning occult monster princess or melting princess out of my demon of a temper and... the fact i hated the sun with a passion but before all that.. like around 1997-- yeah i had the youkai-hime nick but i went around as [B]Teni [/B] (my name) cuz well... i really didn't know i had to make a nickname.. not that it was a big problem or anything.. then i jacked my friend's name [B]Erisa[/B] but.. she wasn't happy about it man.. the fights that came after than.. man o man.. but yeah.. youkai-hime, teni and Erisa my usernames..that had something to do with meeee
  11. i like unicorns of all cultures, no need to post a picture of em but they're out there on the web i like unicorns because-- i dunno look so innocent but i duno about that horn! D:
  12. hnn.. quotes to live by-- i go by a few =\ "Stop telling me an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind, a blind person who sees is better than a seeing person who is blind!!" - Cirdan de Rais Salanoche sometimes if we're blind we don't take things at face value and judge needlessly- instead it would take more time to get to know something more-- i dunno- sometimes vengence is good as well? its a vague thing- i just like it. ---- "Welcome to L.A...now get out of here!"- Xaphan the moment i moved to LA- he says that and BANG shootout i remember that quote because it gave me a heads up- about ALL towns.- not so much the quote itself- just the reality of it --- " Hey, we'd all like a machine gun but sometimes a rusty knife will do." - Nathan Ataria this one- just make do with what you got, if not- impervise!
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