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About Sunadokei-chan

  • Birthday February 18

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    chinsuko chan

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  • Biography
    I'm a girl and half black, but I like manga, anime, and video games. So what?!
  • Occupation
    Poking people to annoy them.

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  1. I am really close to my mother and father, but I would have to say that the most important person (?) in my life would have to be my dog. I know I should be grateful to my parents, and I am, believe me. But for some reason, I always feel closer to animals than I do to people. Many people would say that that is kind of sad, but it's just how I feel. After all, you can whisper a secret into a pet's ear, and they'll never tell. :p One of the great benefits of having an animal as a best friend.
  2. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Oh. My. GOD. I had this one that I had after watching 2 1/2 hours of Wolf's Rain. I was completely human, and I was on this guide of a prison (?) with a police officer. Then it started to get weird. I saw a perfectly white wolf, like Kiba from Wolf's Rain. And I ran at it, picked it up, and ran off. The police ran after me, and you know how sometimes you'll run in slow-mo in dreams? Well, due to the slow-mo-ness, I was caught up with and the police shot me. I thought I fell over dead, but I kinda like, [U]slid[/U] out of my skin and became a wolf too. Is that weird or what??[/COLOR]
  3. Ninja-ness always! I went on a whole camping trip where my friend was a wirate (wannabe pirate) and I was a winja (wannabe ninja). She poked people with a tree branch, pretending it was a sword, and I threw paper shuriken everywhere. I would be a ninja rather than a pirate because I could use the stealth-ness to read over people's shoulders on the bus without anyone knowing. But seriously, the stealth factor really takes the cake. That and chopping skills and shuriken. I'm so into the ninja thing, I was thinking of making myself a giant shuriken for Halloween!
  4. I actually have a dog of my own who used to be a real problem with chewing. She would just get so bored with things and eventually find something to attack. And personally, as a dog lover, I think it's never to late to train a dog to do something. My dog is seven, going on eight, and I just recently trained her to fetch, even though she's supposed to be a hound. One trick for the ripping/chewing problem is to put hot sauce (or specialized crab-apple sauce that can be found in pet stores) on the things that she would normally chew on, but if she's stubborn, like my dog was, she would lick off the sauce, go get a drink of water, then go back to chewing it. Is your dog male or female? You wrote that it's a "she", but then you mentioned that you haven't gotten her neutered. Do you mean spayed, or is your dog a male? And while I'm on that topic, I'm not sure if the fact that you haven't spayed/neutered it has something to do with the problem. If your puppy is really young, then it might not have gone into heat yet. But if it is a female, and it is old enough, then it might have to do with it.
  5. Gosh, I've learned so much from anime, it's hard to narrow it down to the important things! I learned that in a japanese household, it's customary to remove your shoes before entering. I've actually started doing that at home even though no one here at home is japanese, so they don't get why I take off my shoes. The beauties of habit...hehe. I've also learned how to use chopsticks properly by endlessly rewinding episodes of Naruto to figure out how to hold them. My friends tell me I have WAY too much time on my hands to spend hours just trying to figure chopsticks out. I can also say three whole sentence in japanese! Lots of people say that that's not really a big achievement, but to me it is. This links in with how I also learned that there's no L sound in japanese, and instead the pronounciation is more of an odd mix between an R and a D. It's hard to describe. Wow, I wrote a lot. But yeah. Anime has taught me a lot. Hehehe... :animesmil
  6. I really like the Yukino X Arima pairing in His and Her Circumstances! They look so cute together, and they each have their own little problems that they have to work out, together or by themselves. I think they represent love at it's purest. I'm such a sap for stuff like this. :animeswea I'm so weird, but I also have to say the Shuichi X Yuki pairing from Gravitation. I'm really surprised I watched the entire series. Forbidden love always seems to get to me...but it's also how people can love outside the rules placed by society.
  7. I actually think that Mormons can be highly intellectual. Just look at Ken Jennings, who won 72 rounds of Jeopardy straight. I'm not necessarily saying that all Mormons are pure geniuses, but I'm just trying to make a point. It's a person's natural instinct to make fun of others to make themselves seem like the most clever, awesome person in the entire world. Most of the time is backfires. Just shows how idiotic people can be. Just because they can't accept someone doesn't mean they should poison everyone else around them with their stupidity. ...Ken Jennings was awesome. He carried a Totoro plushie with him too!
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