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Everything posted by Solbadguy
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkRed]OOC: Just so you all know, my character will kinda be bounce-played between me and Knuckles Girl...and whomever else wishes to engage in contact with him, for the next two weeks starting on the 11th. Im going back to germany for 2 weeks of R&R, a nice vacation after being stuck in the desert for 7 months. So this night will probably be the last night i post unless i find the time to jump on and drop a little story here and there. I just hope Aoki doesn't end up killed when i come back :animesigh IC: Aoki's forces were ready, the battle was staged and the time was right. What was taking the king's forces so long? Aoki already had his runeblade primed and ready, a few more spells readily on his mind. He dropped into his low battlestance again, his favorite sword style ready and waiting for the enemy to walk right into the trap. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkRed]Aoki watched his sister fly off for the second time that day, her and Barcain's armor making them seem like a huge diamond in the sunlight. He scratched the back of his head, sighing. 'This is really getting interesting. I wonder how many there will be in the tunnels for us to take care of?' 'Alot, Scorch. Just leave it at that.' He turned to face his dragon, that playful mischevious look on Scorchs' face. Aoki smiled, knowing what was coming, and unable to hide his excitement any longer. He turned and ran, Scorch leaping into the air and following close behind, towards the nearest tunnel entrance. The guards there saluted him as he rocketed past, Scorch landing and glaring at them both. 'Now now, friend, dont terrorize them much, keep a vigilant watch on all the entrances, and make sure the rest of the dragons left here in the dens are doing so as well. I'll keep as much as i can in the tunnels, but i wont leave you without anything to play with.' Aoki smiled to himself, feeling the warm embrace of the dragon in his mind. He shot through the tunnels, his legs carrying him swiftly, catching up to the force of the army of the Haven, the elder in command waving a greeting to him as he jogged up next to him. "Aoki! Good to know you made it for the fight! We were beginning to think you'd left again." "Me? Leave at a time of war and miss all this fun? You gotta be kidding!" Both warriors looked ahead, keeping the focus on the tunnel as they got nearer to the cave below the waterfalls, where the main battle would take place. Aoki slipped the leather glove off of his right hand, the rider's symbol glowing red and bright still, despite the time it's had to calm. He noted this, and smiled, feeling the blessing of the Fire Mother flow through his senses. She was with him still, strengthening him and guiding his powers. This fight must mean more than just a skirmish between two forces. His mind flashed to the golden egg, and the unknown breed of dragon that waited there. These thoughts were quickly extinguished however, as they entered the clearing of the cave. No sight of the enemy yet, but as the haven army converged, they could all hear them, monsters and tamers, the smell of death, which meant necromancers, and other beastial sounds echoed through the opposite side tunnels, getting louder. Aoki drew his blade, the runes softly glowing as he whispered the spell onto the metal, and directed his force to do the same, preparing for the oncoming struggle. A smile spread across his face once again. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkRed] Aoki's eyes were closed, his stance low and taut, like a spring. He breathed out slowly, and his eyes snapped open, at once his body was in motion. The punches and kicks he threw were precise, powerful and deadly. The practice bag buckled with each blow, never recovering enough to swing back. A left cross, right upper, then a few left jabs and a right elbow. He juked left, sweat flinging from his body as his right knee came up and connected, he juked right, and his left knee followed suit. A swift right kick smacked the bag, echoing through the field, and then the one kick turned to three, six and then ten, his foot slapping into the bag as he held himself balanced on his left leg. He hopped, spinning and landing on the ball of his right foot, his left in a front roundhouse. As it connected, he spun again, his right foot now whistling towards the bag and striking solidly, snapping the iron chain holding it up and sending it flying, smashing against a wall and exploding into sand and chunks of leather. He stopped, breathing slightly heavier, and bowed, his mind tranquil and clear for the first time in the last few days. His tense stance relaxed as he slipped his hands into his pockets and leaned against a nearby tree, gazing up through the leaves into the sunlight. The rays of warmth reflected off his body, making the beads of sweat almost crystalline, his well trained physique scarred all over from battles lost, and wars won. His face was peaceful, eyes closed as he drank in the sunlight. A few stray strands of his deep blue hair was matted against his forehead, due to the sweat, and he sighed, knowing he would need another wash after this. Unless he wanted to smell like Scorch did after a flight. 'I heard that.' 'Oh hush, you know you reek after a long flight, don't try to deny it.' 'I am a dragon, we are above you elves in all manners of smell and appearance' Aoki laughed aloud at the joke his friend cracked, feeling truely carefree since this whole mess began. He stood up off the trunk of the tree and slung his jerkin over his shoulder, slipping his boots back on and his sword as well. He turned and began walking back towards the dens, wanting to spend some time with his partner. The only true friend he's ever had. 'You musn't blame yourself for her actions my boy, they were her decisions and hers alone.' 'Scorch, you really creep me out. Sometimes I feel like you're living inside my head' 'Well my friend, this is pretty close enough don't you think?' Again Aoki chuckled, taking the steps up to the haven two at a time, a casual smile on his face once again. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkRed]Aoki silently watched his sister fly off on the back of Barcain, knowing what it was she was doing. His anger began to rise again, but he cut it off this time, scoffing as he turned and headed back to the training grounds. This time he wasn't going to babysit her, he was tired of chasing ghosts and strangers. 'Scorch, how much longer before you think this war will reach the haven?' 'Im not sure my friend, it may be days from now, maybe months.' 'Well, if you need me i'll be in the training grounds.' 'Are we not going after her? She is hurt mortally and has not recovered even the slightest' 'I've said my piece Scorch. She knows what would happen if she came across them out there, knew the danger. If she wants to die so badly that her own family can't talk sense to her, then i say let her go.' With that Aoki turned from the balcony and walked back into the haven, his boots ringing off of the empty hallways. His eyes were normal, no flames leaked or even a glow was present. He had a tight rider's glove over his right hand to cover the mark, since his last temper broke the restraints on the powers at his command, the mark was constantly glowing, and he knew it would die out in a few days. As he entered the training grounds he smiled, this is where he knew he would relax. He prepared for the workout he had planned, shucking off his leather vest and stretching, a few joints popping and worn muscles aching. This would at least help him work off some steam.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkRed]Aoki grimaced as he heard Barcain's roars of anguish. But he knew what was happening, Arya was feeling pain, he could tell. The tingling on his back would have crippled any normal man from the pain, but Aoki was used to such methods of torture. Many long battles endured and more wounds still, he remained after. 'Scorch, you must look after Barcain, make sure no wild animals harm him, and be sure to get him back on his wings as soon as possible, I'll continue on my own from here.' 'Are you sure my friend? I know you are capable, but is it a smart decision?' 'You feel the pain as much as I do Scorch. I cannot allow this much longer.' 'As you suggest then, I will hurry as fast as i can' Aoki muttered the words his sister taught him, then felt his body become weightless. He lifted off the saddle and floated for a few seconds, watching Scorch turn back and dive towards Barcain's location. Aoki turned back, drawing his sword from the scabbard and closing his eyes, praying to his mother element, fire, for guidance. The sword ignited, the flames spreading, enveloping his whole body with an aura of magic. He angled himself towards the source of his sister's suffering, and his heels exploded with fire, rocketing him towards the mountain. As he closed the distance he noticed the torture posts at the peak, and the body of his sister with the blade ran through her. Vincent was there, and another woman, but he didn't recognize her. His hatred ran hot and wild through his body as he shot towards vincent, his sword resheathed, and tackled Vincent, his magic aura exploding and throwing the other warrior back into the mountain wall, Aoki hovering a few feet above the ground. His eyes blazed, his face contortded with rage. The dragonrider mark on his right hand blazed to life, the symbols swirling and circling the top of his hand. He blade sang to him, begging to be released from its sheath and cleave the man in front of him, but he ignored it. He pointed his finger at Vincent, and when he opened his mouth, the voice that came from it sounded as if it was made from flame itself. "You now have no hope left, fallen Rider. You have taken from me the only thing that kept me happy in this world, except for battle. And now you will feel my joy, my exhiliration of this happiness i call battle. You will feel my anger, and my sorrow. And i hope it burns the sanity from your soul with flames of my vengeance!!!" Aoki's eyes were no longer orbs, they were flames, sockets where there used to be eyes. His body was enveloped in magical power, any sorcerer or necromancer, rider or mage within miles of the mountain could feel his presence. He had broken the last tie between himself and the elements, and his anger only fueled the flames that was his hatred for Vincent. His deep red shirt was burned off his skin, the leather jerkin remained, flame resistant as he had it specially made. The heat from his body seared the ground below him, black streaks emitting from his feet. His pants billowed with the pressure of his magic aura. The braid his sister gave him untied itself, the leather band holding it together burned away, and his tail of hair spread out, fluttering in the wind. Miles away, Scorch felt the rage of his master. The dragon grew concerned, and knew that both of the siblings, when enraged, were no longer the controlled masters of thier powers that they showed, but were monsters, unable to be contained unless by mental means. Scorch tried to touch his rider's mind, and was instantly burned back, his head filling with sharp pains. 'Barcain, we need to hurry. That mountain will not stand long.' [/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkRed]After the meeting with the elders, Aoki left the chamber one golden egg lighter. He paused in the main hall, rubbing his temple and swearing. Old men babble way too long for his taste. He wandered to his bedchamber, needing time alone for a few minutes. As he shut the door and locked it, he felt uneasy, as if something was gnawing at the back of his brain but he couldnt place it. He shucked off the bloody leather tunic and pants he was wearing, walking towards his washroom. The many scars on his body gave away his warrior's status. He was proud of many of them. Only a few had bad memories. He sighed as he filled his bucket with hot water that the maid had left him, and walked to the wash bin, beginning to soak his muscles through with the soothing water, bits of lavender making the aroma all that more comforting. As he finished his bath, he donned a deep red tunic, and a leather jerkin, the dragon symbol he had on his hand adorning the back. He pulled on his black monk pants, the loose, billowing cloth keeping him unrestricted, the way he liked it. His usual leather boots were replaced this time, with a pair of riding boots, the ones he was given as a gift from the general he served under in the last war. The buckles on them were still bronzed, and shined bright. If this was going to be a fight, he would make sure he looked his best. He pulled his sword from the scabbard and began to wipe it clean, paying special attention to the runewords on the blade. After it pleased him, he slid it into his battle scabbard, and strapped it to his side. As he stood to leave, the castle began to shudder, as a roar deafening and terrible ripped through the halls. Aoki swore, remembering that his bedchamber had telepathic blocks that kept his privacy. He threw open the door and was immediately assaulted with mental links, both from Barcain and Scorch. '--tured! Aoki! Damn it boy, where are you!? It's Arya!' 'Scorch i'm here, now what about my sister?' 'It's gotten worse Aoki, she now resides as a prisoner in the King's mountain chambers!' Aoki's heart lurched at the news, his eyes blazing hot with anger and hatred, grief and sorrow all at the same time. He gritted his teeth, red energy crackling up his arm from the rider's mark. 'Scorch. I must go. You understand, I hope.' 'Of course, it is best if we do. Barcain is about to destroy this place in his irritation, nobody else will dare move against the king.' Aoki dashed, his legs moving as fast as he could run, reaching the main hall in record times even the youngest elf would gawk at. Scorch already waited, Barcain clawing the floor in his impatience. Aoki began to pull himself up onto the saddle, and stopped, feeling a familiar presence, one he couldn't quite place. He glanced around and noticed the stranger from before, looking as if he just finished the Heoul Rider's marathon race. He raised a hand in greeting, as he launched himself up onto Scorchs' back. "If you want to fight them, follow me. Nobody else here has the guts to assault the mountain. But they have my sister. I can't, and won't sit by and let this go without an answer. If i have to slay every necromancer and rider they have, I will do so. And if Vincent is whom you want, im willing to bet he will be there." Aoki looked at Barcain's empty saddle, the anger and hatred rising again, pain at his loss causing his eyes to blaze bright and furious. He looked back at the stranger, his hands gripping the saddlehorn so tightly that his knuckles were turning white. "I cannot sit here any longer friend, you can rest here if you want and meet me there, but I must go now." Scorch extended his wings and let out a bestial roar, loose rocks falling from the ceiling as Barcain joined him, both dragons enraged at this turning of events. They took from the dens, Barcain in the lead, at top speed, heading straight for the mountain of Hell.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkRed]Aoki and Scorch arrived at Heoul Haven, landing lightly on the outcropping infront of the dragon's den. Aoki unslung his saddlebags and hefted the golden bounty onto his back, the egg warm and comforting against him. A group of servants rushed to him, shocked at his bloody appearance and the egg which he carried. He shrugged them off, walking briskly towards the elders chamber. This war, it seems, would be a hard fought battle. 'Scorch, await me in your den. There's some matters I need to attend to. Keep a track on Barcain and Arya, I sense that they're on their way back by now. Notify me immediately upon her arrival.' 'Yes, yes. I understand. I will notify you as soon as she arrives.' Aoki stopped right infront of the elder's chamber, and kicked on the door, demanding that he be let in. His eyes softly glowing as they usually did when his emotions ran hot. [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkRed]Aoki watched the stranger leave, shaking his head slowly. He knew the tamer could put up a decent fight with his sister, but he didnt know what the out come would be. He turned back to Scortch, and climbed up on the saddle, sighing heavily as he rested against one of the back spines. 'This whole mess is just getting worse by the minute my friend. We should go back to the haven and get this egg delivered swiftly, before any more riders show up.' 'Yeah, yeah. I guess its back to the haven then. Scortch..im worried. I don't think im going to see her again. The way that shes following this guy makes me feel as though shes obsessed more than in love.' As Scortch lifted off, Barcain close behind, Aoki's gaze lingered on the forest, then his eyes changed to the golden egg. Wondering aloud, he folded his arms over his chest. "All this for an egg? I hope she knows exactly what she's doing." [/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkRed]Aoki spun quickly at the sound of the question being hailed in his direction. He focused his eyes on the stranger that was brought into heoul haven earlier, and relaxed, his sword lowering slightly, but only slightly. "He left of his own accord stranger, as you can see, we have our hands full with other matters." Aoki calmly points his sword upwards and words spill from his tongue, the runeblade igniting and blasting a bolt of flame upwards, peircing the heart of a Hell Mountain dragon, the rider toppling off and getting crushed under the fallen reptiles weight. Aoki's eyes never left the stranger however, as he flipped his blade over and stuck it in the ground, leaning his weight on it. "Besides, he could have killed her, and he chose not to. I had no reason to stop him after Barcain basically snapped his spine with a lash from his tail. What brings you out this far into the woods anyway? Did you find the prey you were hunting earlier?" 'Careful my friend, he seems to be quite agitated. I would not test his temper.' 'Oh c'mon Scortch, he knows we let him go earlier when we could've killed him for trespassing on Heoul's holy forests. I don't think he'd start a fight here. At least I hope not, I'd like to fight alongside him, not against him.' 'Agreed.....however i still think you should be cautious' Aoki glanced back at his sister Arya, frowning as she dropped to her knees, sobbing into her hands. Barcain defensively wrapped his wing around the stricken rider, looking into Aoki's eyes. Aoki nodded, and turned back to the stranger, the other Hell Riders beginning thier descent. Aoki quickly yanked his sword up, and flipped backwards, landing on Scortch's snout, then propelled himself straight up, slapping his right palm on the underbelly of a dragon. He closed his eyes and spoke ancient words, his Rider symbol glowing painfully bright. The dragon's body seemed to expand, and as Aoki dropped away, catching an arrow from the rider right before it hit his face, the dragon exploded in a burst of flames and gore. The rider was thrown, plummeting to the ground. Plummeting, that is, untill Scortch helped himself to a nice snack, crunching the Hell Rider between his powerful jaws. "You don't mind if we take care of these guys first before we start answering questions do you?" Aoki asks the stranger, his blade already glowing with another spell.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkRed]The fire in Aoki's eyes dimmed some as he saw the frustration on his sister's face, and he stood up straight, re-sheathing his sword. He folded his arms over his chest, and glared at her. "You know how foolish this is! Even if he is the same Vincent you knew, who says that he's on our side anymore? I'll let you talk to him, but I will not move from this spot untill you are finished. And if you think you can make me move, you're more than welcome to try." His glare turned murderous as he looked at Vincent, his concern for his sister's safety over-riding all other feelings he had. Scortch felt the annoyance and huffed, his hot breath washing over Aoki, blowing the small rat-tail braid his sister gave him years back, over Aoki's shoulder. He leaned back against Scortch's side, and watched the meeting quietly, the fire in his eyes smoldering down to raw hate.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkRed] Aoki stopped, his hand trembling and his eyes nervous, waiting for the next move, the words from his sister cutting through to him. He started searching for answers, but Scortch could not give him any. "Arya you're blind! He's standing right infront of you threatening to kill you! You call that love? Thats not the same person!" 'Aoki...you know this is going to escalate if we don't do something soon, she looks as though she will fight you for her right to speak with him.' 'I won't allow it, not by herself. I will not see my sister slain in front of my own eyes.' Aoki waited, tense, watching Vincent and keeping his mind linked with Scortch, preparing for the next move.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkRed]As they closed in on his sister's postion, Aoki knew something was wrong. He was recieving mixed signals from his sister, her emotions storming his mind and leaving him confused. He shook his head and put a hand to his temple, trying to sort out what he felt. 'Scortch, can you hurry? This isn't something I enjoy feeling.' 'Im going as fast as i dare, lest you wish to fly off of me.' 'Just do it Scortch, get us there, NOW.' Scortch increased his speed, his wings pumping furiously, covering the last few miles in a matter of minutes. As they came upon the village, Aoki noticed the body of a Tamer, headless, and Spreeks and Mar'kol corpses littered the area. He smiled, despite himself, admiring his sister's handiwork. Arrows right between the eyes, as usual. He scanned the area, feeling the storm of emotion getting stronger. Scortch stopped, hovering, a low growl emitting from his throat, the black flames leaking through his teeth as his lips curled. 'It is him, my friend. The one. She mourns for him, and yet, now, he appears before her again.' 'Vincent?!' 'Aye, but yet, something is different. He feels......dark..empty, as if there's nothing of the old warrior in him that we knew.' 'Scortch get me down there before she does something stupid!' 'As you wish' Scortch dove, rolling, his back to the ground. Aoki dangled from the saddle, holding on with his left hand, his right holding the hilt of his sword, still in the scabbard. As Scortch got close to Barcain and Arya's position, he dropped, rolling as he hit the gound, coming up on his feet with sword drawn, his right hand poised over the blade, the words ready to come if they needed be. His gaze glanced from his sister to Vincent, and back again, the green glow they usually emit, now blazing, the magical energies pulsating from him. "Arya! Get away from him!! He's not the man he used to be!"[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkRed]Aoki's body was trembling, his eyes beginning that usual green glow as he leaned forward against his companion, the dragon Scortch. The wind whipped past him, causing some of the magic flames to leak from his eyes, his blue rat tail, braided by his sister, whipped about behind him, the wind whistling past. Scortch kept a hardy pace, his wings pumping furiously. The massive head arched back, looking at the rider. 'Do you have any idea what you're getting us into my friend?' 'Scortch, you should know me better than any other living thing alive, besides my sister. No matter how bad this gets, you know as well as I do that we won't lose' Scortch exhaled a puff of black flames from his nostrils, the fire slinking past Aoki's face. Aoki smiled, patting his old friend on the neck. He knew that this battle was massive, that many would either perish or get wounded, and his thoughts lingered on his sister. 'Do not worry youngling, she is as strong willed as a slab of iron, and her skills with the sword was as good as you made it. She will not perish easily.' 'I know, I just wish we could be fighting alongside her and Barcain' 'As do I my friend. As do I' Aoki looked down, the rider's mark on his hand crackling with energies as they came nearer thier destination, a village on the outskirts. Scortch angled his descent and rocketed downwards, Aoki leaning in on him, eyes wide open despite the force of the wind blowing against him. Scortch popped his wings at the last second, a gust of wind stopping them right as they landed. Aoki hopped down, his hands in his pockets and his usual smirk on his face once again. He looked around, and his eyes adjusted to the sights around him. Bodies lay mangled and twisted, blood ran in the streets. Stakes were everywhere, heads adorning the spears with twisted grimaces and dull looks of horror. 'Scortch, what can you tell me about this scene?' 'Well, from what we see here, the blood is still fresh. None of the bodies are decomposed, and the burned ones still smolder. My senses tell me that the Mar'kol have moved on, but from the evidence here suggests that they're not far off. ' Scortch turned, looking at his Rider. The ruby eyes were aglow with rage and excitement. It's been a long time since his claws tore flesh. Aoki picked up a run and leaped as Scortch took off, landing on his back and holding on. Scortch leaped, black flame leaking from his mouth as the pair took off, keeping low, flying just above the treetops. They soon spotted the Mar'kol force that took out the village, and Scortch roared his defiance, black flames charring at least half of the force before they realized what was going on. Many ugly faces turned and looked upwards, arrows already flying. Aoki stood, and leapt, his right hand palm out, and drew his sword, the runes on the blade glowing brightly. As he rocketed towards the ground, the ancient words spilled off his tongue, and the blade ignited into flames. His palm shimmered, and an unseen force exploded from his fingers. Where a mob of Mor'kal stood, a smoldering crater remained, parts of creature and a shower of blood rained down on the remaining force. He landed in the middle of a mob of Mor'kal, and spun, his blade emitting a force knocking the creatures around him flying, a few already split in half. The battle raged, Aoki never stopped. His blade sung with a fury of the flames, wounds already cauterized where it passed. He deflected, dodged, and parried, always counter attacking, his body in fluid motion. Scortch watched the batttle from above, mentally providing Aoki with the guidance he needed. The pride in his rider returned as it usually did as he watched the sharp proficiency of the strikes with the sword, the flame creating a streak of light when he swung. Scortch kept his eyes scanning, searching for the tamer, but he didnt see one near enough to hold enough control over these creatures. He sent the mental message to his friend, and kept vigil over the fight. Aoki knew something was wrong after the first few minutes of the fight, he was killing these creatures too easily, his blade finding the mark again and again. He spun, a backslash beheading a Mar'kol, the head rolling off after the surprised look the creature gave him. He stood then, breathing heavily, his leather tunic soaked with blood, dripping from his blade and his face. He looked around, and the creatures were all standing stock still, dumbfounded, as if they were in a trance. He knew something was wrong, and he looked up to Scortch for the answers. 'My friend, what's happening here? Why aren't they moving?' 'Barcain has just told me, your sister has slain the tamer, these creatures weren't under his direct control, but a higher power has them, and i do not believe they know thier tamer was defeated. These pawns simply await thier next instructions.' 'What fun is that? Fighting things that don't fight back, boring. Come Scortch, let's go find out what my sister has done.' Scortch swooped out of the sky, his black flames sweeping through the remaining ranks of the Mar'kol, searing their flesh and bone without a scream or a show of pain from any of them. Aoki leapt, and grabbed hold of Scortches wingpaw, flipping himself up onto the saddle. He wiped the blade clean of blood, using his pants, and slid it back into the scabbard, and tightened the strap across his chest. As they rounded the battlefield, he extended his hand, palm up, and uttered a prayer to the flames. The ground trembled, and a fissure opened, Mar'kol falling in to never be seen again. The ground ate it's fill, disposing of all the bodies and standing creatures, and closed again. Aoki breathed a sigh, thanking the elements again. His grip tightened on the saddlehorn, and he leaned forward urging his companion onward towards Barcain's and Arya's mental signature. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkRed]OOc: Sorry about that guys, Turenn is one of my friends, i forgot to mention the signup. My bad. Ic: As Aoki watches the stranger leave, he chuckles to himself, confident that he made steps into gaining a powerful ally. 'Well old friend, i think we should head up to see what my sister is ambling around that boring mountain for' 'I'm afraid that this task is better set for you, young one. I do not wish to incur the wrath of a female scorned.' 'Suit yourself then, wait for me in the dens, I'll come let you know what I've found out about the area from her when I return' With that the dragon Scortch lowers his reptilian head, and the two softly headbutt each other, a sign of a fond bond of trust that they have gained throughout the years. Aoki watched his companion lumber away towards the dragon dens, smiling, knowing that the dragon would be ready for any task set before them. As he would. Aoki turns in place and picks up a light jog, heading up the path his sister took earlier, the small braid of blue hair he kept at the base of his hairline flapping a few times in the breeze. As his pace picks up, he finds that his mind wanders, a few scenes replaying in his head, but one sticks out the most, a joyous memory, of his graduation fight between him and his master....... [/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Arial Narrow][B]Aoki's Vision:[/B] [COLOR=DarkRed]The word spread quickly about the graduate tournament, the first held in years at the acadamy. The two finalists were to duke it out today, in the most anticipated match known to the rider's corps. Aoki, the best hand-to-hand combatant was the underdog, whereas the other finalist, an elf that nobody had known much about during the beginning but quickly word spread of his skill, named Carthan. Both elves were well trained in the arts and forms of combat and strategy, although the head trainer, Liutenant Colonel Grazze, had his personal view on the match. The crowd was feverish, rampant, almost rabid for the match to begin, both fighters were evenly weighted, but Carthan held a good 6 inch height advantage over Aoki. Lt.Col. Grazze was dressed in his best suit, adorned with his medals and achievements during the last wars. A very imposing sight indeed. The crowd hushed as he came into the makeshift ring, eager faces all trained on him, awaiting his speech. He cleared his throat and held up his dress sword, a fine elven rapier, gleaming in the sunlight as if it was on fire. "These last years of your training have been a challenging, trying time. Many of you found your true selves during the field combat training, and many more of you discovered what it mean to be a rider on your survival missions. Now you are MEN, and WOMEN, no more. YOU ARE RIDERS! THE FINEST WARRIORS THIS HAVEN HAS TO OFFER!" The crowd erupted, and a few recruits in the crowd began the chant, the riders chant that they themselves came to love. It was quickly hushed as Grazze looked around. "These two men before you are the finest combatants we've seen in our years. During this tournament we have all seen spectacular displays of dragon and rider tactics, magical power, and mental prowess. But today, those are to be considered handicaps! Our finest enchanter has placed a null barrier around this ring, negating any and all magical items, effects or components. The riders here, have no dragons to back them up, and no spellblades to call upon or arrows to let fly! This is purely hand to hand! A battle of might! A battle of RIDERS!" After his speech the crowd couldnt contain itself, men were cheering, women were swooning. Veteran riders were saluting, the swords clanging across old chests all through the crowd. The fresh graduates began the chant again, and this time the whole crowd took up the words, making it swell and imbue the two combatants with a power of adrenaline. Grazze looked between the two, and dropped his sword arm, the singing rapier seeming to cut the air itself as the blade passed between the men. 'Finally, that long winded geezer was beginning to bore me' Aoki smirked at his own thoughts, and dropped to his ready stance, left foot slightly behind his right and his hands up, guarding his face. Carthan advanced, wearily but steadily, keeping his gravity centered. Aoki bolted, suddenly and powerfully, his legs propelling him forwards like a coiled spring. He dashed low, and hard, aiming to take the fight to the ground from the start. Carthan saw the move, and leapt, his hands planting on Aoki's back, over top of the younger adversary, and as he came down his left foot swished behind him, tripping Aoki and landing him flat on his arse. The crowd whooped and whistled, random cheers of "Get up youngster!" and "Kick him while he's down!" echoed through the mob. Aoki kept his smile though, and bounced back up, whirling around to face his enemy, his stance changed already to that of a more agressive style, one he was comfortable with, his hands lowered to his shoulder height, and his feet firmly planted. He began the slow tedious advance towards his opponent, bouncing on the balls of his feet and circling around, judging distance and openings all the while. Carthan circled as well, keeping a small buffer of air between the two, waiting for the opening that he knew the more offensive Aoki would give him. And then it came, as Aoki feinted left. Carthan swung right for where he knew the head of his opponent would go, but he didn't take into the fact that Aoki saw the move ahead of time. The air rushed from Carthan's lungs as Aoki didnt go right as he thought, but instead came forwards, connecting solidly with his knee into Carthan's abdomen. Carthan tried to catch his breath, but before he could recover, another blow was dealt, Aoki repeatedly kneeing him as he was held in place. Carthan closed his eyes and focused, then opened them, right as another blow was coming in, and quickly contorted his body, making the blow glance off his side, and throwing Aoki off balance. He took the chance, and shifted his centre of gravity, throwing his weight back, and pulling Aoki over and into a makeshift DDT. Aoki struggled, trying to get out of it, but it was futile, his face hit the dirt and a choke hold was applied, cutting his air supply off. He closed his mind off, channeling all of his attention on getting oxygen into his system. He choked, coughing a little, but didnt tap, even though his vision was fading. His mind raced, searching for an answer, and then it came, like a shock, and he smirked again, despite his situation. He thrust his hands forward, palms first into Carthans chin, hard enough to crack the other's teeth together. Carthan let loose a yelp of surprise, and the choke hold loosened. Aoki slipped his head out of the hold, and landed two good blows into the kidneys of his opponent as he stumbled back. Carthan wobbled, his head still swimming from the blow to his chin, and shook his head, opening his eyes in time to see Aoki leap, rounding a kick straight towards Carthan's temple. The crowd at this point was ecstatic, people were throwing hands up and booing and yelling in disapproval as Aoki turned the tables. Aoki's kick landed home, and he felt the dead weight of his opponent drop as the heel of his foot passed through. As Aoki landed, he kneeled, and launched himself forward, catching Carthan as he fell. He lowered the limp body to the ground and stood, breathing heavy, still trying to catch his breath from the hold. He saluted, and then turned to Grazze, saluting as well. Grazze stepped forward and lifted the hand of Carthan, allowing it to drop limply to the ground, the warrior too unconcious to even react. Grazze smiled, and stood, facing Aoki. He took the young rider's hand, and placed his own overtop of it, uttering the chant of the ages. Aoki's face changed from joy to agony, to composed anger, as smoke started to rise from his hand. As Grazze let go, Aoki curled his fingers into a fist, and raised it high, turning to the crowd and letting them see the brand of the rider that Grazze had adorned him with. "FOR THE GLORY OF THE RIDERS OF HEOUL!!" The crowd erupted into cheers, and the salutes of the veterans and recruits alike changed into the raised fist, brand outwards, and the voices in unison, all answering the call. "MAY THE WINGS OF FATE GUIDE US TO VICTORY!!" Aoki smiled to himself as he continued up the path, his right hand burning with the brand, as the memory faded, and he focused his mind on the task at hand. [/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen][CENTER] [FONT=Century Gothic][I]*Merged posts*[/I] Please do not double post, Solbadguy, it's against the rules even in RPGs. - Sandy[/FONT][/CENTER][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkRed]Aoki's usual smirk comes easily to his face as he observes the stranger's attitude to the other Heoul warriors around them. This tamer is obviously not going to cause him a problem, at least, not here, there's too much pride at stake. He motions for the human warrior that found the tamer to step forward, the insignia on his right hand gleaming, verifying that he was, in fact, a rider. 'Scortch, do me a favor.' 'Anything, my friend, you need but to ask.' 'Do a quick recon of our area, or have one of your buddies do it for you, we need a verification on where this man was picked up, and if anything, signs of where the creature he was tracking dissappeared to.' 'I will send my best fledgling, you have nothing to worry. This tamer is more interested in his prey than what we have going on here' Aoki grabs the human by the collar as it gets close, his grip iron tight and his eyes blaze with green flame, as he speaks, his voice seems to echo throughout the hall. "How do you expect us to make new friends when you treat them like animals and trap them in this forest? Did he harm you?! NO!! HE WAS TRACKING A MAR'KOL!" The flames die down from his eyes as he scrutinizes the helpless warrior, the air around his head seeming to shimmer. "You will take him back, and let him resume his hunt. Do as i say, and do not veer from my course of instructions. NOW GO!" As he releases the warrior, Aoki watches the terrified man scramble out of the hall, calling for his horses and wagon. After the man gets out of the hall, and all eyes are on Aoki, he bursts into joyous laughter, doubling over, tears almost flowing from his eyes. "Man! Did you see the look on his face!! HAHAHAA!! That was classic! Whewww.." Aoki wipes the tears from his eyes as he straightens up, looking once again at the Tamer infront of him, a fool's grin still on his face "You obviously have no reason to stay here, but you're welcome to if you want. We could use more scouts, and you know you're way around a hunt. Just don't cross swords with us, and we'll leave you alone. I hope you find the Mar'kol you were searching for." Aoki points to the back of the hall, where the human, still with horrified eyes, waits, sweat pouring off his face. Aoki then places his two first fingers to his temple, in a mock salute, the way he usually bids farewell to a friend he hopes to meet again. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkRed]Aoki reaches up and scratches his head, slipping his hand back into his pocket. A tamer? Out here? 'Should we trust him, Scortch?' 'Perhaps, i sense no evil intent in him, nor any pure feelings either' Aoki turns to the path his sister walked, smiling. 'She still goes to ponder on that same trail.' 'The death of Vincent scorned her well my friend, as her brother you would be wise to remember.' 'Oh i know, Scortch, I know. Just amazing how so little changes in such a long time.' 'Such is the way of things' Aoki turns back towards the tamer, and overlooks his appearance with his well trained eyes. "You know how to fight, obviously, otherwise you wouldn't have your hat right now. And i can tell from the way you handle yourself that you're a pretty decent tamer." His green eyes begin to almost gleam with excitement, his hands sliding out of his pockets and resting on his sides "What do you know about the attacks happening here recently? The Mar'kol armies?" It's becoming harder for Aoki to hide his anxiety in the matter, a warrior's thirst for battle is hardly quenched by haven chatter. 'Calm yourself, partner. You're begging to make my blood boil.' 'Scortch, your'e a dragon. Your blood always boils.' Aoki's eyes glimmer now, awaiting his answers.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkRed]He listens solemnly, letting the words sink into his mind. 'An entire Mar'kol army my friend, you realize what this means?' 'Yes, it means more fun for us?' 'As always Scortch, you read my mind' His smile slowly returns to his face, and the wild look enters his eyes as he locks his gaze with his sisters, unfolding his arms and sliding his hands into his pockets. "Well, do we have any battle plans yet, or are we just waiting for them to come get us? I'd rather take the fight to them myself, you know that." A slight puff of black flame comes from Scortches nostrils as he nods in agreement, his tail curling around himself and his rider.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkRed]He deftly tosses his sister the arrow, the usual smirk adorning his face. "Its nice to see the elders haven't made you lose your touch! I was beginning to get worried about you without your big bro around to keep you on your toes." His dragon Scortch lands behind him, a smirk, if it could be called a smirk on a dragons face, clearly showing his enjoyment of the matter. He slightly bows his head to the pair before them, his eyes closing slowly. Aoki sheathes his sword and tightens the strap going across his chest holding the scabbard on his back. He then folds his arms over his chest, the family signet ring glinting in the light, and his smile fades just as easily as it appeared. "I heard you were attacked by a tamer. Hence the reason i came back, you know me, I can never pass up a good fight. But this is more a war than a fight.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkRed]The rocks behind Aria's head shimmer, just before they explode in a burst of flames and pebbles. A shadow soon covers the Heoul camp and a familiar voice from her childhood is heard in a rolling battlecry, a figure running along the back of what seems to be a dragon above them. The figure leaps, and rockets towards Aria with sword drawn and in a downward striking position, his clothes whipping about him as the wind blows past. "TOOOORRRRYYYAAAAAAHH!!!!" His sword begins it's downward arc as he gets closer to her, his wild eyes and blue spiked hair becoming visible[/COLOR][/FONT]
Name : Aoki Jakol Age: 185 Race: Elven Side: Rebel Specification: Rider Bio: Elder brother to Arya by 5 years, he lived as much of a childhood as he could untill his dragon's egg chose him. After the choosing, he underwent rigorous training, becoming the top rider in his class and one of the best swordsman in the village. His magical skills were still average though, a trait his sister loves to rub in his face. He enjoys mischeif and mayhem just like any other freespirited adventurer, but when times get tough he adapts just as swiftly. Appearance: About average height for an elven, with slightly tanned skin. Deep green eyes with short, spiked blue hair, and a small scar just under his left eye. Prefers to wear his usual garb, a leather tunic with no undershirt and brown commoner pants with leather boots and metal buckles. Has a ring that was handed down to him from his father as a gift for graduating the rider's training. Weapons: Elven crafted mithril longsword, with the engraving of his favorite spell into the blade. Prefers to get into the fight, so he knows a fair amount of hand to hand, and he keeps a small dagger hidden in his boot, a trick his little sister taught him Magic: Fire for attack, but knows some self buff magic as well, including speed, flight, and strength. Personality: Very free spirited, and almost never in a bad mood. Only gets serious when the times call for it, but then, even thats not serious to him. Dragon Name: Scorch Color and Appearance: Red with small back spines and a whip-like tail, with a black underbelly, his eyes the color of rubies. Fire: Black