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Everything posted by musical_kitten

  1. I lost again. I love reading the new posts so I always lose. Its a fact of life, so all those of you denying it have no.... no... no reason to.... um.... ok, never mind. But I must admit I was suprised to find Des had started it. And I have never heard of The Game before my last post in here. And to Retribution and everyone else: if ya don't like it, don't play it. You don't have to admit you lost because we all know you did. :p And did I mention I lost?
  2. [QUOTE=Momiji Love][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana] I am 5'3" and weigh anywhere from 110 to 115 throughout the week. For as long as I could remember, I was the teeny girl in my elementary school.Always the shortest, always the skinniest. That was almost always true in my first year in jr.high (7th grade).[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Glad to hear I'm not the only one. I am 5'7" (or whereabouts) and will be a sophomore this upcoming school year, and I have held 115 for about four months now. I usually don't excersize, but I'm not lazy either. I do work and help build my grandparents' house, and it helps that, since I was in our school's musical, that I didn't eat a whole lot during the day. I usually when I did eat it was junk, with the exception of breakfast and dinner. I hope to stay in 115, and if I go over I will start eating healthier. Heck, I should start eating healthier anyways. :animeshy:
  3. I lost. This game is as bad as the umbrella game. Hey.... Now if that game isn't spam, Maybe I should start a thread.... Hmm. Interesting. I'll have to look into that. I lost, by the way. Did I tell ya? I'll be posting in here every chance I get. I'm not denying that I'm stupid. And I'm not denying that I lost, which I did. Did I mention that?
  4. I went and used the link that Shinmaru supplied (thank you) and got what I expected. ASHLEY -Gender: Masculine and Feminine -Usage: English -Pronounced: ASH-lee From a surname which was originally derived from a place name which meant "ash tree clearing" in Old English. Usually when I go to type up my name under some "What does your name mean?" related site, I usually get something along the lines of "Ash Tree." Using [url]www.babynames.com:[/url] ASHLEY -Either m or f -English -From the Ash tree field So, in conclusion, I am either an ash tree, or was an ash tree, or am from an ash tree. Yay. I also noticed that whenever you go to these sites, there are always some names that you never have heard of before. Would you name your baby girl "Arkansas"?
  5. Real Bout High School might be nice for you. It sounds like something you'd enjoy. I haven't gotten very far yet, but its pretty good. Also, just for the record, anything by Clamp is good. Or most everything. I prefer Tsubasa, and have read the first volume of X/1999, which were good. Hope I helped you out. If not, sorry.
  6. Welcome to Otaku! Fruits Basket is prettygood. Its about a girl named Tohru who meets a family who is cursed by the chinese zodiac. Its really funny, and has a little other stuff in it too. If you would like some others I personally recommend, I would say Tsubasa, Card Captor Sakura, and other books by Clamp are good. I like their ideas for anime and manga. They draw really well, too.
  7. Tenchi: Holy crap, What is that thing on her head? IT'S CUTE!!!! Hoo. That sucked. I'm not very good at these things apparently. Oh well. If I think of another (better) one I may post it.
  8. Ok, guys, I just found this manga at the library (which is where I usually find them), and picked it up because not only did it look good, it was by Clamp, which is always a bonus. So I read it this morning, and have been thinkin about it all day today, even while listening to the radio, which usually distracts me. It is a very beautifully drawn manga, and even though I've only read the first volume, I already recommend it. Ok. I would love your guys's input on it. Is it worth it to keep reading it? Or is it not? Do you like it? Would you recommend it? EDIT: I'm pretty sure that is the title... tell me if its not.... please..... [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][INDENT]I merged your thread with the already existing thread for this manga. Next time [B]musical_kitten[/B], please be sure to check the official directory before creating a new thread about a specific series. ~indifference[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. I just finished volume seven (very suprised that my library had it) and was suprised that Hiro was such a... a... was so.... cruel. I understand why, I mean, because he didn't like Tohru, but I think that if I was her, I would've beaten the heck out of him by the first or maybe the second time! But that's just me. Tohru's just too sweet. And I like how Kyo is trying to protect Tohru, and it seems like Yuki notices alot. Or maybe its just me.... Anyways, I wanna read more, So I definitaly recommend it!! (Again)
  10. This is all I have to say about Banning myspace from schools: It may or may not be a good idea - it all depends on your point of view. I don't use myspace, and never thought of it, but I have read in the paper about all the people who have done things (arson and things like that) and told people about it over myspace, posting pictures and everything. Then the police find them through myspace and arrest them. So my point is, why ban the kids at all? You're finding your criminals through it. But that's just my opinion. I'm sure you all don't really care.
  11. Wake Me Up When September Ends I wouldn't have got it if it weren't for the hint. Thanks for it. Ok, let's see.... ngmnaah Hint: it is a game... shouldn't be too hard
  12. I'm fifteen, but I don't know what others think of my age. I personally don't know what age group I act in. Sometimes I can be serious, but often times I find myself goofing off - in public, even. We were at Mt. Rushmore, and I was marching to the music and walking funny. Sometimes I have reason to believe that I act very childish. But its not my fault. I was born that way. Blame it on my parents. XP
  13. Actually, I want some things in my life to become more clear. Like why everyone had to use my bathroom during our week-long family reunion. I swear that all 52 people used my bathroom at one time or another. And I had to clean it. I'd also like to know why my mother found it necessary to ban me from the computer every other day. Dang, I like the computer!!! And why won't she let me watch anime??? Why why why??? And did I mention I'd like a bowl of oreo ice cream? Why can't I have that? EDIT: To continue from the beginning.... I would love to know why my mom hates anything anime related. I dont know why, but she does. :animecry: And she makes my life miserable because of it.
  14. I cannot believe that this thread is still living. Maybe its because I died laughing when I read everyone's posts. On topic now: I think cottage cheese is pretty good, actually, and when I eat it I don't usually think about the fact that it is spoiled milk and all that. But I never imagined that people actually eat it with other stuff..... I always ate it plain, and thought it should stay that way. Never add bacon or pickles or sandwiches or whatever it is you guys like it with. I just like it plain. Though if you're putting bacon bits in stuff, its good with eggs and cheese....
  15. I'd rather jump into my fav anime myself, as long as I can return to reality.... Would you rather have every anime and manga that you've ever wanted at your fingertips Or......... Would you rather stay with your loved one forever???
  16. What do I want right now???? Ice cream. Oreo Ice Cream. I love that stuff to no end. I also would love to be able to watch anime and read manga's whenever. And it wouldn't hurt if I had some hot guy to hang out with....... :animesigh Life sucks.
  17. I think it would be kind of cool to escape to an anime world, so you could get whichever world you'd want when you want it. I mean, what could be better than (excuse the wording) saving the world AND getting the guy/gal you'd always wanted??? I'D take that in the blink of an eye. But I'd still like the real world too. I'm not quite sure why.... But I would. :animesmil
  18. I agree with you, PaganAngel - Chobits made me actually have to think while reading. I liked it for that purpose. Chobits is one of those anime's that's almost indescribable. I also think that Fruits Basket made me think a little too... Or maybe its more of a wondering, like, why is this the way it is, why can't the author just tell us everything at once... But the way the people act toward each other makes me think of how different everyone is, and how many people can be.
  19. Another experience I had was near the end of the last school year, which was my freshman year in High School. I was already stressed out by the musical (I was in the pit orch) and was actually doing pretty well, considering. So I'm leaving the lunchroom when this guy I liked walks out, holding hands with another girl. Now, before you blow me off, some background on us: First of all, we've never gone out, nor verbally acknowledged that we liked each other, even though we both knew that the other knew. I met him halfway through my seventh grade year, and we liked each other for two years. That's pretty dang good. If there's one thing I've learned, its not to expect it to go on forever. So after I saw him holding hands with her, I squeaked and moaned and made my friends who were with me wonder if I was ok. I didn't reply; instead I dropped silent for two hours, speaking maybe two sentences total. After a while my friend just walked quietly next to me, trying to get me to say something or get me to smile. It didn't work. I was incredibly bummed, especially since I saw him hug her right before class. What happened next? Read my post from above: [quote name='musical_kitten']one time at school I got a little overly-stressed, so I ended up cryin in the hallway. Alot of my friends looped by and gave me a little reassurance, but they left soon afterwards. Well, along comes this guy who I happen to see every day and he stayed there with me the whole time. Not joking. Soon like everyone was gone, and its just me and him in the hallway and he walked me back to my class a little ways. He is soooo nice.... I hope everyone can find someone like that someday.....[/quote] I guess I'm not too upset anymore (I was flying off the wall after that happened). I do still like him, and have (faint) hopes, but now I'm worried cause the guy who was really nice to me is going to be a senior, and I'm gonna be a sophmore. :animecry: Life sucks sometimes. But in the end, it'll be ok.
  20. I'm not sure if anime has made me look at things in a good way. Now when I go to write I don't picture what I'm writing or what I'm going to write as if it were a movie with real people. I picture my characters as if they were anime characters and I picture the plot just as if I was watching an anime show. Its insane. I pick up the little things too, without knowing it, like the teasing and the tauntings that the characters from different books and shows throw at each other. Its funny in a sense cause one of my friends recognizes it and is constantly saying, "Hey, that's just like when this person did this thing in this book!" Or something like that. So I guess I learned a little, but probably not in a good way.:animeswea To me its just entertainment and something my mom hates. :animesmil
  21. One song I heard that was really funny was Cows With Guns but I don't remember who its by. It was really funny cause it was talking about a cow revolution where when the cows were hauled off to be butchered they went and put up a fight and it told what happened. It was hilarious.
  22. Now they all shall live because they suckered someone else into doing their dirty work for them. Little did they know how dirty the work - and the water - really was. :animesigh Good enough. I'm tired.
  23. I guess I'd tolerate the weird people singing. I have earplugs and the internet. What could be better than that? Besides, I like listening to music, and if I was deaf, then I'd die. Sorry. Would you rather hang sheetrock all day Or... Would you rather eat snails?
  24. Outside of Otaku? Sadly there is such a thing. I love using the computer. My mother hates it and says that I should only be on for a half an hour, but I usually end up cheating and going for longer. But then again she's sleeping... I also play four instruments, so I'm constantly practicing... We are hanging sheetrock in our garage... Not that I enjoy that, mind you... Um, I draw when I feel like it, write when I don't (I'm starting notebook #4 for one story and I've got others to do when I'm done with my current one.) I like writing. And drawing. And my pets. They're cute. My family are pet addicts. We'd die without animals. So that's pretty much my life outside of Otaku, until school starts....
  25. Lose it all for the one I love. I'm a little selfish that way. Or is it selfishness? Would you rather go on the Otaku boards Or Go on a date with your special someone?
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