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About beckywilford

  • Birthday 03/27/1989

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  • Biography
    I am a student
  • Occupation
    I work in a bookshop

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  1. Muse-Black Holes and Revelations: I think that this is a very good album, although perhaps not as good as Origin of Symmetry. I think most of the songs on it are BRILLIANT!!!!! :animesmil
  2. A thin mist covered the swamps surface as the group pushed the slim boat through the water. Everyone was tense. The sweat dripped off their bodies as the heat became overbearing. One man broke the stillness by lifting his hand to wipe his brow. Suddenly, the tension was broken. A ripple of water was travelling fast towards the boat and everyone scrambled up, pulling out weapons from left right and centre, waiting for the impending attack. Sara looked across at Neil, hoping to catch his eye. She was dissapointed however, as his attention was fixed on the dark shadow that was now visible through the mist... The year is 2060, and the "group" are a group of 12 mercenaries on a mission to recover a bomb left in the jungle during the Avila War. They must recover the bomb before a group of terrorists use it to blow up London. The race is on, and there are many dangers from mutations that have been growing unnoticed in the jungle. You can either have a member of the terroirst group of one of the good guys! Here is the profile for Neil: Name: Neil Wite Age: 23 Appearance and Weapons: He has shoulder length brown hair that he keeps out of his face in a pony tail. He is wearing a hat to protect his eyes from the sun, with sunglasses. He is thin and lithe, and can run great distances without breaking stride if he needed to. He carries lots of knives - they are needed in the jungle, and also has guns concealed on his ankle and under his jacket. Group: Mercenaries Links to other people: He has had a messy break up with Sara in his platoon, and his family live in America. He has been called over by MI5 to take care of this bomb as he is an accomplished member of the bomb disposal squad. Personality: He has been trained thouroughly to be able to keep cool in tense situations. He is obsessive about keeping things in order, and can keep people in line very easily.
  3. The evlors started their charge. They ran up the hill with swords at the ready, preferring them to guns. Xalt planted both of his feet firmly on the ground and grinned at the approaching enemy, with a defiant expression on his face. [I]No one can take me down[/I] thought Xalt, raising his sword as the Evlors were almost upon him. A shadow went over both platoons and Xalt's men looked up in fear, expecting a new type of attack. Instead their fearful expressions turned to relief as they saw it was Ontaro. However, their attention quickly turned back to the battle field when the Evlors swarmed over the men like ants. Xalt raised his swrod ready to strike when everything around suddenly stopped, frozen in battle. Ontaro landed gently beside him, his expression caught between amusement and anger. "Did you really think you could take on over 200 Evlors with just 12 men?" He asked.
  4. The Evlors He stood watching the horror unfold below him. The balcony stretched across the side of the building, giving him a clear view of the almost hypnotic balls of fire bursting into the night sky. He shook his head silently, and went inside, turning his back on the disaster unfolding in his home city. He looked up and saw a panting figure sillhoueted in the doorway. "Ontaro!" The figure panted, leaning against the door frame for support, "You have to help us! We are overwhelmed, the Evlors have sent in reinforcments and they are destroying everything around them!" The man called Ontaro silently walked over to the corner and picked up his gun, before moving back to the balcony. Once there, he climbed up onto the edge and jumped, making the man behind him gasp and run to the edge. He needn't have worried, as he watched Ontaro soar away into the distance. He sighed in relief, knowing that if Ontaro was helping, earth would be safe... The year is 3130, and the earth is at war. The Evlors, once faithful slaves to humans, have turned against us and have proved to be worthy foes. Until now, Ontaro has been keeping out of the fighting, but has been forced to help. The Evlors are winning because of their sheer numbers, and the humans are gradually being pushed back.
  5. He stood watching the horror unfold below him. The balcony stretched across the side of the building, giving him a clear view of the almost hypnotic balls of fire bursting into the night sky. He shook his head silently, and went inside, turning his back on the disaster unfolding in his home city. He looked up and saw a panting figure sillhoueted in the doorway. "Ontaro!" The figure panted, leaning against the door frame for support, "You have to help us! We are overwhelmed, the Evlors have sent in reinforcments and they are destroying everything around them!" The man called Ontaro silently walked over to the corner and picked up his gun, before moving back to the balcony. Once there, he climbed up onto the edge and jumped, making the man behind him gasp and run to the edge. He needn't have worried, as he watched Ontaro soar away into the distance. He sighed in relief, knowing that if Ontaro was helping, earth would be safe... The year is 3130, and the earth is at war. The Evlors, once faithful slaves to humans, have turned against us and have proved to be worthy foes. Until now, Ontaro has been keeping out of the fighting, but has been forced to help. The Evlors are winning because of their sheer numbers, and the humans are gradually being pushed back. If you want to add a character to this story, just use the guidelines below! I'll do one for Ontaro as an example! Name: Ontaro Age: His age is unknown, having been around for centuries. Appearance and weapons: He only wears black, and prefers a long coat that covers his whole body. He always keeps his eyes hidden behind a pair of sunglasses, and his hair is kept in a neat pony tail at the base of his head. He carries a huge machine gun which cuts through the enemies lines with ease, and yet if needs be, he always keeps a huge broadsword with him. He has superior strength to humans, and he cannot be killed unless he is poisoned. Links to other people: He keeps mainly to himself, but has had a few select friends over the years, most of whom are dead. However, his most trusted friend he has kept from harm - you decide who this friend is! Personality: He lives on his own in a penthouse flat in future London. His austere ways make many people dislike and fear him, but it doesn't matter to him. His life has been so long that he has grown used to it, and he sees human life as mere blits in time.
  6. Name: Terry Vandabolt but is known as Zad in the group. Age: 34 Appearance and Weapons: Zad is in charge of of the technical equipment at the rebels base, and he can detect the others using a new programme on his computer that he created. He has short mousy brown hair, and wears thick glasses which are constantly on the edge of his nose. He carries a short dagger consealed in his boot, but has a hand gun to hand should he need it, but prefers hand to hand combat. Group: Rebels Links to others: He was left in care as a child so has never known his parents. He grew up in a home and became best friends with a boy called John. John was killed by the others just as they joined the rebel group, and Zad has made it his life's ambition to revenge him. Personality: He enjoys making new weapons to try to destroy the others and is currently trying to find a weapon that makes it easier to kill them. He has commited himself totally with the task of researching the others weaknesses, and is very loyal to the Boss.
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