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About Inu-Hime

  • Birthday 06/03/1988

Inu-Hime's Achievements

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  1. I used to watch that show on ABC Family. It can be quite hilarious. My favourite games were "Props," "Strange Newscasters," and "Two-Line Vocabulary." I never liked Drew Carey, though. I always felt bad for Colin because everyone was always teasing him for being bald.
  2. I am a Christian. I believe in Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour and in the Bible full-heartedly. I'd like to write more, but I think I've said everything I believe in those two sentences.
  3. I'm afraid of a lot of things. I've got the usual phobias -- spiders, heights,the dark, hobos. The worst is probably bugs. I can't stand them. I once wore a mosquito repellent to bed because a mosquito got inside. Another one is the telephone. I hate answering and getting phone calls. I'm rather afraid of store clerks too. When shopping and one asks "May help you?" I freeze as if I had just been caught in the middle of murdering someone. I'm not afraid to admit that I'm a coward.
  4. This has been a very helpful post! I am an 18 year-old female and hail from Minnesota, US of A. I'm 5 feet exactly (about 152.4 cm.) with long burnette hair. I have an older sister who's 22 and is a paralegal (and, of course, we all know that's a lawyer who likes to travel in pairs). I have 10 cats. I could name them all for you, but I'd like to keep this short. I love dogs; hence, the screen name Inu-Hime which is Japanese for Dog-Princess (at least, I--I think it is). I'm going to be a senior in high school this September, although I'm home-schooled. I only started watching anime in February this year because before then, I and my whole family had/has a strange predjudice against it. My favourite anime are Azumanga Daioh and Mai Hime (Shizuru rocks!). I have a drawing addiction--yes, 'tis an addiction. Blank space on paper needs a picture of whatever. I also collect My Little Ponies and am a member of a few of their boards. Actually, this is my first Message Board that actually has both males and females. Most of the other forums I've been a part of consisted mostly of females with a few guys here and there. That's just about it.
  5. Things I've learned from anime: * English teachers are more fun than gym teachers (Azumanga Daioh). * With a tiny pinch of insanity, it is possible to make it out of high school sane (Azumanga Daioh). * If you go to a private school, be prepared for unusual happenings (example, monsters attacking, etc.). * When the universe is in peril, leave it up to a clumsy, 14-year-old girl to save it along with her talking animal companion. * Monsters and robots attacking the world is a way life. * When a girl loses her panties and a boy approaches her, a wind will always blow at her sending her too short school uniform upward, creating a Marilyn Monroe-like moment. * Most of the time, you will be able to breathe in outer space just fine without any special outfits. * When clothes somehow burn/fall off a girl's body, the outfit always knows when and where to stop, covering the essentials.
  6. [quote name='Ålpha-Æpsilon']I don't know. I think. I watch...TOTALLY SPIES! I love RPG's. MTG is great.[/quote] You watch Totally Spies? Wow, I thought I would be the only one. I get such a guitly/strange pleasure from that show. I'm not afraid to say that I'm a geek. A big one. Get this: I read informational books for [I]fun.[/I] I keep a pocket-sized dictionary by my bed so I can study when I'm bored. Nothing says fun like finding a new vocabulary word! I've done extra homework that I [I]requested[/I] from the teacher. One of my dreams is to learn how to play chess and join a chess club. I'd also like to learn how to play Dungeons and Dragons. I wear glasses. *laughs and snorts and pushes glassed back up*
  7. I used to think that ice cream sandwiches were literally sandwiches: vanilla ice cream between two slices of bread equaled an ice cream sandwich! Yummy! (By the way, I'm new...Hi, good people!)
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