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Ice Dragon v2

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon v2

  1. First off, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanzaa and happy watever in the month of December. I'm making short this time since I'm running out of good questions. As usual, post reasons if you want to. 1. Do lead a happy life?? 2. What is the most disgraceful you have ever done?? 3. Are you willing to die for a family member?? I know it's short this time. But what can I say, I already asked the good ones.
  2. Its time for my pop quiz of Gundam. I hope our knowledge has increase since v2. 1. What is a standard to all Gundams??? 2. There is only one Gundam that doesnt have its yellow crest trademark. Which one is it?? (Hint: it was in 08th MS Team) 3. Which Gundam is designed for close combat?? 4. Which Gundam is designed for tactical nuclear strikes?? 5. Name the only Gundam that can regenerate. (Hint: this was mention during the big debate of EVA vs Gundam) 6. There are two female Gundam pilot. Name one of them. (For the hell of it, can you name the other one) Bonus: *Wing Gundam's buster rifle limited due to its power and tendancy to overheat. How many shots does it have before switching to close combat??
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B]So, time for war, again, very well! Load up ur rifles men! Time to bring Bill Gates down to reality! [/B][/QUOTE] I meant in a peaceful manner
  4. How many anime series/sagas do you remember in the good old days?? I remember: G-Force Voltron (the 80s version) Transformers (the 80s again) Thundercats Astroboy Samurai Pizza Cats and that's practically it. How many can you remember???
  5. Attention all Hotmail users. We have a very big problem. As a free user and of you guys are free users too, I suggest that you read this: Hotmail Notice! Attention Hotmail Users: Due to a recent increase in the number of Hotmail users, we have found that our free web-based email service has become too popular for our resources. Because of this, we are going to begin charging a fee to the users who are not sufficiently taking advantage of the technology we are providing them. The users who receive this email and do not forward it to at least 15 people will be charged a fee of $25.00 per month. I have conferred with my associate S. Jobs, and we have agreed that this is an appropriate amount. Sincerely, William Gates, CEO Microsoft Inc.Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : [url]http://explorer.msn.com[/url] I wanna take it up to Bill Gates saying this is [BLEEEP!!] but I need your help on this.
  6. The GP02 Physalis and its tactical nuclear strike capabilities.
  7. Lately, I've been trying to find pics of the Valkyries of Macross for my site. Just for the fun of it, I compared the the mechas from Macross and Robotech and they are completely alike. From the Battriod, Gerwalk and Fighter modes, they're still the same. Both look interesting but what's the difference??
  8. Christina Mackenzie: Pilot of the NT-1 (0080 series) And mabye Loran Cehack: Pilot of the System A-99 WD-MO1 (Turn A)
  9. Christina Mackenzie: Pilot of the NT-1 (0080 series)
  10. Well whaddya know......... There is a lot denser people here. At least you guys admit it.
  11. Density is defined as the mass of a certain thing. (Or something that deals with weight, mass, etc. etc.) Well. I wonder how many people are dense in the head. In other words, how long do you figure out on how to do a simple thing or understand a simple situation. Reason why?? My friend's tell me I'm a very dense person. I don't really give a crap about it but I just wanna know how many dense people are out there.
  12. Oh geez..... This was in Armageddon. If you guys remember the scene when Oscar (Owen Wilson) said that he'd go crazy if no one knew Jethro Tull. And that shrink just asked the question, "Who's Jethro Tull."
  13. Hmmm............ Other than my life, pics of my g/f. And my drawings of G Gundam.
  14. Even though this is the first time for me being in here.............. I was :rotflmao: when I saw this. I think Seph shouldbe very happy..............
  15. Ah, finally........... An NGE forum. I thought I never lived to see this day.
  16. Hehe. I just made this cuz I was bored.
  17. Just a week ago, my friend showed me UC 0083 Stardust memory and the famous GP01 Zephrantes and the GP02 Physalis. The Zephrantes itself has a regular 90mm machine gun which I think is a standard. What it doesn't have that the Physalis does is the Atomic Bazooka, loaded with an MK28 nuke warhead. Now I was comparing the other Gundam's weaponry with the bazooka and they "sort of" looked inferior. Other than Devil Gundam's Shoryu Death Beam Cannon, which weapon do you think can destroy the thngs alot quicker. Zero Custom's Rifle looks like it could be used for sniping because of its precise accuracy. And Heavy-Arms is just a walking arsenal of missles and bullets. If have seen the GP02 in action, do you think it can take out the Gundams from the wing series??? Here's a pic if you don't know on what it looks like. Believe me, looks can be deceiving. [url=http://www.animeforum.net/gal/0083/0083_4.jpg]Zephrantes vs Physalis[/url]
  18. UC 1. GP-02 Gundam Physalis 2. Automatic Reload on bazooka 3. Screw manual reload AC 1. Zero Custom 2. Double mode rifle from beam to shotgun :D :D 3. Why??? Cuz I like it!!!!! :D :D :D
  19. There was a question in my Choice and Opinion Survey that stated: "Should science mess with religion??" Well, heres an exteneded version. My friend and I talked about this last night and it turned out to be pretty funny. Well here goes: In science, the Big Bang was an explosion that created the universe. In religion, God created the universe. As of right now religion and science have been arguing over the years on who really created teh universe. Now here's the part the got me laughing my butt off. Why didn't anyone think that God created the Big Bang?? So which side you take: science, religion or my friend's theory?? On the side note: Do you think this is funny??
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dark lord [/i] [B]i don know where they came from but that black wing zero is definitly an improvement and i have to say your site is definitly one of the better anime ones i been 2 [/B][/QUOTE] Hey thanks for the complemrnt. And thank the all-mighty Seph for the info.
  21. Here's #3 of my famous Choice and Opinion Survey. 1. Is there any good left in the world??? Post reasons if you want to. 2. What do you think is the most dangerous thing in society?? And please keep it coherant. 3. Do you still believe in "Jolly ol' St. Nick" 4. Should science mess around with religion??? 5. Is it morally wrong to kill a person if you were told to??? 6. Is this saying right: "The World is a safer place." Post reasons if you want to. 7. What is worse?? Hatred or anger?? Post reasons if you feel like it. 8. If people say you're rich, do you brag about it or just say: "I'm in the upper-middle class." (Heh, that's what I say when people say I'm rich.) Now let the survey begin and have fun.
  22. Bad habits huh??? Heh, there's something that would scare people and anger your parents. Well, the world is full of bad habits. You can't make them go away at once. You gotta gradually let it wear out.
  23. Yeah, I saw this on NBC last night. I think it's suppose to help people balance or something. To make it go, he said that you have to think in making it go forward or backward.
  24. This isn't a weird dream I had. This was crazy. Imagine a normal kid in high school that has a temper problem. Well, this normal kid (yours truly) can go beserk and start a rampage of death and destruction. Anyone that angers him is a dead person. Now this isn't half of the story. The only way people knew that he turned beserk is the mark on his forehead. That mark was the Majin insignia. Crazy indeed.
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