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Ice Dragon v2

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon v2

  1. My g/f nearly had this experience when i was away in canada. so when she told me on what happened, i just simply went to the cops (and punch the guy's lights out before i went) but the reasonable thing to do is go to the cops. dont let the violence and anger get the best of you. if you know the guy personaly, talk to him in a reasonable matter (hmm..maybe i shouldve tried that)
  2. well, theres always counter-strike now THATS a game
  3. not into diablo 2 although my friend is trying to get me into it im more of a tech person. so im into starcraft.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonfire1477 [/i] [B]Never had a g/f, soul mate, or even a date. Probably never will, but that's just me. Whether people at school think I'm a geek or not, I'm fine by myself. It's always "but you're such a good friend", well I'm tired of being the friggen nice guy. Maybe if I change cities.... [/B][/QUOTE] well man you can try
  5. i dont have a soulmate but does a g/f count?? tonight is our 3rd month anniversery (sp)
  6. heh, well at least this gives some practicce to those who will be future poets :D :D
  7. man, i think im the only person that has a zip drive installed to their comp :D :D :D
  8. stats 1.7 ghz 80 GB (yea, thats a lot of space) 512 ram 32 MB of video dolby surround sound 6.1 cable a 20x burner dvd-rom whew........... what else?? oh yea a zip drive :D :D
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] oro? Didn't you leave.....? nevermind... I dunno... [/B][/QUOTE] yea i left........... for a month
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Plus the whole option of name changing in the UBB was a loop hole in security. [/B][/QUOTE] and i cant believe i missed that loop hole :( :(
  11. dont u think u should PM them other than tell them here???
  12. yea i know i d/l a weeks worth of dbz and they started showing blood (finally)
  13. 3 younger sisters im the oldest :( :(
  14. Dam, does FUNi sure screw up the episodes. If you seen the episode called Eighteen Unmasks, you'll see that after she sliced Mighty Mask (Trunks and Goten in diguise) it revealed the true identity. After they were sliced, they threw down the shreded clothing and attacked 18. Keep in mind that they threw the clothing. Now in the next episode called Pay to Win (that's today's eps, but I already d/l a weeks worth of episodes :D :D). Trunks and Goten were disqualified and it showed that they still had the shreded clothing on. Now theres a blooper right there.
  15. To Admins and other otaku members. Last night, Forte and TN couldn't get on otaku last night. I not sure if their comp has accepted the new server, but they couldn't get on. As for me, I could get on (and if I couldn't I wouldn't be typing this now would I??) but I keep have to log in everytime I go on. I dunno on why Forte and TN couldn't on, but I think that someone could take this into consideration. Thank you for the cooperation.
  16. controlling anger is a thing thats absolutel hard to do. i have an anger problem and my friends are helping my to control it. if friends keep helping you control your anger, you can be in complete control of yourself
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Adam [/i] [B] Come on dude, all this costs me a ton of money, at least let me make some of it back...:blush: -Adam [/B][/QUOTE] hey, the pop up killer lasts once so once i shut down my comp, the use of the program is over
  18. any other records u can think of??
  19. finally a fast server with my 1.7 ghz comp, its wicked fast and i have a pop ad killer and ad blocker :D :D :D
  20. well, i WAS the most active member before...........
  21. Here's my first topic in GD for a while. Let's see if some of members are record holders and record breakers. For example, who do you think has stayed out of otaku for a long time?? Who is the most active member???? Who do you think was banned so many times but keeps coming back?? If you have any other record in mind, post them here.
  22. heh got banned from those jokes??
  23. you want me word of the day??? "DUH" theres MY word
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *GaLxY-GiRl* [/i] [B] [color=red]Do you live in America? Do you have cable? Three's Company and Diff'rent Strokes are shown on Nick-at-Nite......I'm not sure what times, though(they fluctuate..)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] yes i live in america i have cable but i dont watch nick at nite
  25. when did they last show it or is it showing
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