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Ice Dragon v2

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon v2

  1. To fellow board members, Your Ice Dragon is leaving the boards for good due to my friends and Counter-Strike :D :D. Although Im gone for good, my name will still be used to Forte. We have already talked about this last night. I dont know on what he's going to do but I entrust him that he can make good use out of this. If he does keep my little factory open, Ill still make them but he'll post them up. If you want to contact me about the avatars, contact me at my AIM handle p1n0yfr0mh3ll or ssj48285. this is my last message of IDv2. Forte will take over the minute he reads this message. Farewell to all................
  2. alrighty then my sig is pretty short unlike last time
  3. well, to tell you the truth, the money question is there to determined on how many greedy people are out there hehehe and from the last survey, its all about the $$$$
  4. not gonna die a virgin. hehehe thats a first one
  5. i know its a little early but i just had to post these questions up cuz i might forget them as time passes by. heres survey number 2: 1. Would you rather let DBZ characters or Gundam characters exist??? 2. You're a sniper. Would you rather take out a foot soldier or an officer??? 3. Your defense line is being heavily bombarded. Would you surrender or fight to the last man?? 4. There is a miliatry draft going on in your town. Would you sign up or injure yourself on purpose so you cant go??? 5. You just inherited $1 billion dollars. 1/4 of that money will go to taxes. Would you spend the last 3/4 on charity or spend it like crazy??? The choice is once again yours................
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Exactly, though just about anyone that knows me enough here knows where I live..[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] heh, everyone just knows me they just dont know on where i live
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]WOOHOO! Another person with road rage! :D YAY!![/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] dam straight plus, im addicted to racing games. no one will trust me behind a wheel since i love speed. :devil: :devil:
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Ya, so why don't you put up what you'd do???[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] ok, heres my choices 1. go head on 2. go all out (i let heroics get to my head) 3. keep playing 4. cap him (my cuz was there for crying out loud) 5. microsoft 6. driver that has road rage (i have road rage)
  9. This was firemac's job since he quits, i guess we needed a new person. anywayz, happy birthday to all october babies
  10. man, where have u been??? heres an update: firemac quits the board ssjgoten just got his @$$ banned i think your a little late in congratulating babygirl but u have a reason
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] this is your first and final banning warning, should you post a hentai pic like that one again, then consider yourself banned, I will now delete that post.... [/B][/QUOTE] i hope you arent referring to me, seph
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Bad bad boy... thats very illegal....not that I've never done anything illegal with burning CD's or anything before :angel: [/B][/QUOTE] i know its illegal..........to burn full cds that is. i give the customer the choice in which songs i should put. yea, i know its illegal.....sorta, but its eay money other than being a bagboy at a grocery store
  13. man, these are some crazy chioces people make
  14. well, he was an @$$hole when i first met him, but we settled our differences. but i guess it was a fair decision since i personally told him to forget about it and dont make a big deal out of it
  15. 1. You've been ordered to attack the enemy head on. Theyre firing their machines guns at you. Your superior tells you youll get your @$$ killed if you retreat. Would you retreat or die?? 2. You're taking part of an invasion with a very heavy defense waiting for you. Would you follow orders or go all out??? 3. Your basketball team is in the lead 100 to 50 and theres 5 minutes in the 4th quarter. Would you fool around saying youll win anywayz or play till the clock is finished?? 4. You have found Osama Bin Laden. Would you torture him to a slow death or just cap him to get it over with it?? 5. You have won the lottery. Would you buy the entire Otaku websites from Adam or the Microsoft Company??? (not thinking thats even possible) 6. You need a ride home. Would you let someone drive you home that is drunk or has road rage, in other words, this person gets pi$$ed off on how people cuts traffic, slow driver, etc. The choice is yours.
  16. geez man get over it i know u feel whack after getting banned over a little discussion. but ur turning it as if its a big deal. who cares?? i got into this situation before n i just forgot about it. let it go. and theres no point in reporting him when hes only following the rules. thats just plain dumb.
  17. heh ed, edd n eddy is pretty decent gotta love courage
  18. dam, its always 01 for the liking. i guess im the only one that likes Unit 04. theres unlimited power right there. no more hassle with the cable line and no more 5 minute power. who cares if it was only shown once. i just hate it when it took out the nevada base.:mad: n i guess everyone hates Units 05 - 13. the worst EVAz created. I think SEELE could have done a lot better. they should start by giving them a major facelift
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *GaLxY-GiRl* [/i] [B] [color=purple]LoL...D@mn straight! The only new cd's I get now-a-days are freebies from Peter Glens'(they're not too bad...:rolleyes: ) I just force my man whores, I mean my...[i]good.. male friends[/i]..., to burn me trance cd's. Heh:smirk: Heck, now that I think about it....I might as well just trash my cd case! I couldn't get 5 cents and a ball of pocket lint off them at CD Exchange....:mad:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] if you think ur the only one that has old school music. i got some too. basically, half my burned cd collection are old school rap, techno, r&b, n dance
  20. well, in my opinion i think turn a gundam is just plain weird
  21. geez phil dont u think ur making a big deal outta this
  22. im not really into saturday morning cartoons
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i] [B] the first what? I'm sorry, what's that word...."vitcum" ...who's the moron? [/B][/QUOTE] ouch he got u there
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