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Ice Dragon v2

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon v2

  1. First off, there are 13 series. 14 if you want to count Endless Waltz. I can't put all the info in one post, but I can give you the series. Here they are........... Mobile Suit Gundam (aka First Gundam) Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory/The Last Blitz of Zeon Mobile Suit Z Gundam Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack Mobile Suit Gundam F91 Mobile Suit V Gundam Mobile Fighter G Gundam New Mobile Report Gundam W (aka Mobile Suit Gundam Wing) New Mobile Report Gundam W: Endless Waltz (aka Mobile Suit Gundam Wing the Movie: Endless Waltz) After War Gundam X (aka Mobile New Century Gundam X) Turn-A Gundam/Earth Light/Moonlight Butterfly
  2. First and foremost: I highly doubt those people know jack on modeling. Two. I have the MGs Zeta, ZZ, FAZZ, RX-93, Ez8, TX-79G, RX-78, NT1, GP01, GP02, and the new 1/144 GP03 Dendrobium Orchis. Yea, the 40 inch model that cost me $217. I have not yet reached the PG level. Eventually I will since Pinoy modelers have crazy collections. As a Pinoy, I will uphold this tradition. :D :D
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B] 7. And for the closing question.......Are you a vegetable, straight or just mentally insane?? I don't understand the question, comrade.[/B][/QUOTE] It's basically how your mind works.
  4. Lol. So many choices, yet a lot of people are so confused.
  5. After War X is just another story between colonies and Earth and blah..... X isn't the newest one. Turn A is. In X, some of the Gundams aren't that weird but I don't recall in seeing a girl with orange hair.
  6. Ok, let's skip the death questions......hopefully.....and I did come up with some crazy ones. And yet, I'm keeping it short. 1. What's worse (oh joy): being greedy or spoiled?? 2. Say Adam retired from Otaku (like that's ever going happen). Who would inherit the sites: Seph or James 3. Which do you think is paradise: Land of Money, Land of Food, or Land of Anime (and this isn't Japan..lol)??? 4. What's worse: yourself (physically) or yourself (mentally) It's a shrink question. 5. Let's say $1 million just dropped out of nowhere and landed at your front door....literally. Are you going to give it to charity or go on a spending spree of your life. 6. What would you pilot: A Gundam, Zoid, or EVA??? 7. And for the closing question.......Are you a vegetable, straight or just mentally insane??
  7. There's 13. 14 if you want to count Endless Waltz. And here they are........... Mobile Suit Gundam (aka First Gundam) Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory/The Last Blitz of Zeon Mobile Suit Z Gundam Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack Mobile Suit Gundam F91 Mobile Suit V Gundam Mobile Fighter G Gundam New Mobile Report Gundam W (aka Mobile Suit Gundam Wing) New Mobile Report Gundam W: Endless Waltz (aka Mobile Suit Gundam Wing the Movie: Endless Waltz) After War Gundam X (aka Mobile New Century Gundam X) Turn-A Gundam/Earth Light/Moonlight Butterfly
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tigervx [/i] [B]With enough shots, maybe 30-50, it could wipe out the surface of earth. so libra's gun is better.:demon: [/B][/QUOTE] It could do that if the 5 scientists didn't put that mechanical fix in the cannon's recharging system.
  9. FINALLY!!!!!!!!! G Gundam is coming. Yet, those blasted name changes destroyed it. At least I can see the G in full action. NEVER MESS WITH THE G!!!!!
  10. Sheesh So many people want to die these days......lol Back to the survey......................
  11. Oh boy. Deathscythe was built by Professor G. The MS is specifically designed for close combat because it wields the beam scythe. Medium-range weaponry are the vulcans and its buster shield. The buster shield can fire from its left forearm and destroying its target in a rather messy, but destructive way. It's main weapon is its hyper jammer system making the Gundam invisible to any types of electronic radar. Good enough??? PM me if you need more info.
  12. Death............. What can I do about it?? I've always wanted to know what's on the other side. Who knows?? Maybe the other side is another world in our mind. Besides, there is no fear in death. It's a part of a life cycle.
  13. What's this?? It's like everyone has the sudden urge to die. LOL
  14. Man, I haven't made these in a while. Some of the older members might remember I made these. On to the questions!! I'll make these short. 1. You're part of an invasion force and your commander is a total nutcase (aka trigger-happy) about war. Would you rather follow his orders and die or just run??? 2. Your in a room filled with hydrogen tanks and you hear one of the tanks leak. Would you try to find the leak and patch it up or would you light up a match (if you're a pyromaniac that is) 3. What's worse: an all-out assualt by the Gundams or the Valkyrie series from Macross/Robotech??? 4. If you want to get rid the worlds from all the dictators, who would you get rid off first and why?? 5. What's worse: being persistent or being arrogant??? 6. Another what's worse question :rolleyes: and it's my last one. So what's worse: getting nuked or getting firebombed?? Yea, I'm a little crazed about dying today. :demon: I think this is the death version of the Choice and Opinion Survey.....LOL
  15. THE PAIN!!!!!! SUCH PUNISHMENT!!!!! Well, that's one good way to start of. My team was gunned down by that .50 caliber in the tower (That guy was good). Why???? The van I was driving broke down in the middle of the field.:flaming: :flaming: THAT'S NOT FUNNY!!!! Fortunately, we manage to escape the hellfire with very heavy casualties or pain to be exact. The fun part was the ATVs. Driving those things were awesome. I drove mine up to 45 mph. As a result, I started to jump over the sand dunes. WHOOO!!!!! Another best part was that we played chicken with the minivans, before it broke down. On the last second, I swerved it to the left and my team opened fire. Hehehehe. That was sweet. What else was there?? Oh yea. The hidden ammo dumps in the field. My team found 2 5 gallon jugs filled with paintballs. As a result, we had surplus ammo. We actually had reserves. Man, there's Staten Island for ya!! Wish all you people from Otaku can come down here and go for a challenge.:devil: :demon: :devil:
  16. I haven't made these in a looooong time. Let's see if these aren't too obvious. 1. Name the 3 Gundams that has the Core Block System incorporated into their bodies. 2. There are so many standards to the Gundams. Other than the vulcans, what is another standard to the Gundams. Hint: I mean EVERY one has it, and don't think weapon-wise. 3. There are 3 Gundams that has the FA (Full Armor) option. Name 2 out of the 3. Bonus: How many verniers does Wing Zero have?? How many does Epyon have?? Hint: Epyon has half the number of verniers. Opinion: Which do you think is stronger: the Atomic Bazooka, the Hyper Mega Cannon, or the Twin SATCAN (Satillite Cannon) Good luck. I'll post up the answers when I get enough replies.
  17. Learning about the series is one thing, but watching it is a whole lot different. Besides, some series isn't even aired or sold in the US. There are other methods though. :rolleyes: :)
  18. Ah...............1 more day till showdown. Must get a good night's rest to be wide awake. Wouldn't want to slack off in the driving now would I??? ;)
  19. Well, I would say Libra since it did take out an island.
  20. First things first. There is more than one series other than Wing. Basically there are 13 series. 14 if you wanna count Endless Waltz. Here they are: Mobile Suit Gundam (aka First Gundam) Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory/The Last Blitz of Zeon Mobile Suit Z Gundam Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack Mobile Suit Gundam F91 Mobile Suit V Gundam Mobile Fighter G Gundam New Mobile Report Gundam W (aka Mobile Suit Gundam Wing) New Mobile Report Gundam W: Endless Waltz (aka Mobile Suit Gundam Wing the Movie: Endless Waltz) After War Gundam X (aka Mobile New Century Gundam X) Turn-A Gundam/Earth Light/Moonlight Butterfly
  21. That's another thing I love about the Northeast. We have some of the good places here. No offense to the other people out there.
  22. What a way to celebrate Easter. My friends and I are going to a paintball course in Staten Island. This course is nearly 3 1/2 square miles. In the center, there is a tower that's 20 feet up with a .50 caliber machine paintball gun. I don't know how they did it, but they got a paintball gun that has a high rate of fire. The best part about this course are the vehicles that's in the course: 8 ATVs and 2 93 Plymouth minivans that has ALL their doors ripped out. Yea. Ultimate drive-bys. This course has no cover except for the bunkers. This is complete open terrain except for the sand dunes. The best part is that anyone 15 and up can drive any of the vehicles. No license required. OH YEA!!! The ultimate crash course in driving. Besides, the vans are pretty much banged up. The ATVs have custom mounts to put your guns. Whoooo!! I think I'm done here. Wish me luck on Sunday. I'll bring in results on Monday.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by _Shiro Amada_ [/i] [B]huh, Gundam? wtf is that?! [/B][/QUOTE] Hehehe......no. (spam) Fave series?? Hmmm. I got a bunch. Starting from the original 0079 up to CCA (Char's Counter-Attack). Its basically most of UC.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]g unit sucks, just like gundam wing.... hmm, I should tone down my gundam wing bashing for a while.... *goes to watch g gundam* [/B][/QUOTE] Same here........ *goes off to watch all of UC*
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alexander [/i] [B]Eh? What's a G-Unit? AFF001-G means Astar Foundation Force, Gundam Unit 001. [/B][/QUOTE] Lol. That's funny. You just give a techincal readout of the Gemini and you don't know the series.:laugh: G-Unit is the side story to Gundam Wing.
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