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Ice Dragon v2

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon v2

  1. Laterz Matt yup, i guess this day would never come also its been nice knownig ya
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Is this the lovely Lake Michigan you speak of?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] hehe i could imagine very clearly
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Same here. Long walks on the beach are fun too (helps to have a friend with you... Preferably a g/f or b/f...), although I only like walks on the beach when it's raining... I wonder why... [/B][/QUOTE] yea, i also walk with my g/f very very romantic :) :) :) :) just to get me off my routine (or something like a routine)
  4. i got this off from a hentai site knowing the rules, im not posting up the site n yea, i can get u the escaflowne gimme two days
  5. um....u also posted this in the DBZ forum just look in there theres a link that will give you every anime known to man
  6. routine huh?? i dont have one i just sleep in some of my classes n early morning when i get to school on the weekends, i just sleep till lunch
  7. wat gives?? who keeps wonderin that other dragonball shows exist??? the answer is always NO!!!! now back to the topic: it really is based on the power of the saiyans (thats wat me thinks) but i really, sometimes i dont care if its true or not
  8. :eek: i think im seeing this but seph actually thinks satan is the greatest??? crap, i think hell froze over by now (j/k) i hate satan to the bone but i respect his thoughts cant reject to that
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mr. Shiny Happy [/i] [B]I've got one word for you : puberty. [/B][/QUOTE] heh passed that i looong time ago
  10. hehehe the dreaded braces i had them on for 4 n a half years its not funny
  11. first off i have this pic n to shadowgohan, still interested in the escaflowne avatar???
  12. dam i remember my friend IMing me about Q33NY i never understood it till now
  13. you really dont wanna know on where i got that pic all i can say that the site is unappropriate for the little children 500 post huh?? need help or you got it under control
  14. hmm, change is good but sometimes, change is bad. what i think of change is thinkin about my future. many things can alter over the time. so yea, there is change all around us
  15. hehehe heres an absolute drawback to wufei's quote
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]What should I do now? I just got blamed for smoking when I don't even touch the **** things.My friend smokes, so everyone thinks I do! I dunno what I should do!:flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] dam snail u got screwed over i suggest that u rat on him but thats if that certain is not ur friend
  17. sorry man winmx is working perfectly for me i got tons of eps from DBZ so i dont know how its not working for u
  18. n oh yea another time otaku is deserted is during school hours :D :D
  19. well, when im at school i get out of my study hall class and go to the library to use the comps very nice n pratically no one but myself are on good way in catching up on my posts
  20. heh anger management thats wat my friends tell me
  21. erased topic??? oh well, i guess........um.......i say goku is strong but a little air-headed
  22. need DBZ??? go to [URL=http://www.anipike.com]anipike[/URL]
  23. i figured this topic would come up one day well, i would say i used to be i was one of the active ones n i was in the top 3, but with conmplications to the boards, i have dropped to 5 n became inactive for the past two weeks oh well but in my opinion, other than moi of course i would say james, seph, and TN thats if you hang out in the GD forum for the most of the time of course it was I that started the kirby fad :D :D :D
  24. answers 1. 12 2. 6 3. Phoenix Mobile Armor Mode 4. Its my quiz, no point in answerin this one
  25. popularity??? hmmm........ this is how it works im with an asian group n its basically the most popular we dont care about the individuals, we care on the group
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