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Ice Dragon v2

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon v2

  1. james is right but if those word games go to the other forums, its gonna be loaded with more n more games
  2. why??? look at the fourth word on the first line of your first post clear n simple
  3. yes, i do agree that threads about the WTC bombing is being repeated. n war has no solutions. all it does is cause more pain to others
  4. u lost fool dont be so stubborn i have an army ready i give an unconditional surrender before i take out my ultimate kirby (n im not talkin about the ones in my sig)
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i] [B][b]The above post was a quote by an american..I forgot who,..but it's online somewhere,..I was doin a little research, and I copied and pasted some of the most interesting thoughts, whether or not I agreed with them...[/b] [/B][/QUOTE] i dont really agree with that post but i respect its point of view
  6. no point in not liking you when i dont know u
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i] [B][b]Although Ice Dragon has full permission to use whenever she so wishes,..on one condition,..she never gives anyone else permission to use it, of course..;) [/b] [/B][/QUOTE] dude im a HE thanx man ill add it to my ultimate kirbies list hehehe
  8. well, im still dating except my gf is in boston (n no she did not fly there) so i gotta wade out until she returns
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by No-Name [/i] [B] egg-zacktly [/B][/QUOTE] point proven after all
  10. anyone wanna offer a challenge to me???
  11. well, if any of you people are still single, its better off to start in your teens because once youre an adult, you can learn from past experiences and mistakes during your time of dating
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by No-Name [/i] [B] id like to believe that id goto war if i cood, but theres always a chance that i cood get killed. but how can u say no to doing cool stuff like parachuting outta a plane and firing automatic weapons? [/B][/QUOTE] i know its pretty cool to jump out of the plane and fire automatic weaponry. but we see its really cool from a civilain point of view. in a soldier's point of view, he/she can be scared half to death because its the real thing, not knowing on whats gonna happen.
  13. well some people think that bush will lead the US to war. some think "hellz no." i say i dont care. if war does break, im goin whether its my choice or military draft
  14. yes, taking out civilians will lead to more serious matter. taking out bin laden is nothing. yes, i do agree that we should send a sniper to afghanistan n cap him there. heres the simple equation: sniper + kill bin laden = end to our problems
  15. some plan heres my plan: get good grades + whine to parents = gamecube :D :D :D
  16. lettme ask u guys this: how do u define love???
  17. well, theres nothing we can do about it its how nature gives life and takes life
  18. well sometimes, love hurts when someone gets dumped but that certain someone can be free or emotionally broken up
  19. i got a lot of versions to it i have the regular, to intrumental to like the 1 minute one if you want it, dl winmx then just put gundam wing in the search box self explanitory from this point
  20. i believed that the boards had a little democracy like the admins, gods, n mods as the bosses. when jeff said that theyre just like regular members, i stopped believing in that fact
  21. love.........hmmmm............i say its just fate so far, im still dating. weve been together since the school year started. but i consider it a little early too tell. but i did had experience in the past............i dumped her after 1 month
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=darkblue]Jeff is correct. Everyone has the same rights...and is on an equal footing. I'm not the boss of [i]anyone[/i], I just run the boards themselves.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] oh ok before, i believed that fact until today
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