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Ice Dragon v2

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon v2

  1. so........ you DO dare defy my power well then [B]BRING IT ON!!!!!!!![/B]
  2. well the last i was sick was 5 years ago i dunno how, but my doctor said i have an advanced immunce system. (nice :cool:)
  3. thats impossible!!! get sick from a doughnut???? homer simpson will be pissed if he heard this........lol get well soon
  4. heres the infantry: }>=/\ "Kirby with nunchucks (sp)" {}=:>===> "Rocket time Kirby"
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Smoky Joe [/i] [B]Hey, are there 1500, 2000 post ranks? [/B][/QUOTE] maybe im closing in to Otaku already
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Seifer [/i] [B]Thank you both. These have balls. [/B][/QUOTE] no problem
  7. well, i know im one of the top 10 number 5 to be exact
  8. Ice Dragon v2


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Seifer [/i] [B]uh.....no [/B][/QUOTE] my words exactly but i dont think this is SPAM, (is it???)
  9. well if you saw today's eps on DBZ (or Goku vs Pikkon), you'll realize that Gohan's face was in the crowds after they got singed by Pikkon's attack (n i forgot on whats it called) i think FUNI is running out of faces what do u think??
  10. well guys, you forgot the most famous USSJ Brolly (duh) theres USSJ right there bulky muscles, no speed
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Single H [/i] [B]Once my friend broke his arm while wrestling. He got a cast on his arm and the doctor put something metal inside. He said the doctor screwed it in. It was creppy!! [/B][/QUOTE] my friend experienced the same thing he said it was a little painful since his arm was numb
  12. [URL=http://www.ballericons.com]ballericons[/URL] or [URL=http://www.aimicons.net]aim icons[/URL] if all else fails, you can use the avatars since they too also require 50 x 50 size
  13. if all else fails (peacefully), lead her out to the city and leave her there. if she knows the way, we got a problem
  14. i havent broken any bones ever since the day i was born. when my doc to an x-ray, and on a scale of 1 - 10 (1 being the worst n 10 being the best), rated my bones a 9.5. it seems that drinking milk does keep me intact sorry for your inconvience man get well soon
  15. you dare defy my power????? if its a challenge u want, a challenge u shall get come kirbies let us go forth to battle!!!!!!!! ^( " )^ "Up yours Kirby" []=} "Shield Kirby" v( *~*)v "Kirby on weed" (no wait, he dont count)
  16. i had the exact same topic except it was someone i hated so i suggest that get away from them, ignore and hopefully they will leave you alone. leave violence as a last resort if you cant get rid of them, tell me i might do some business there (jk) :D
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i] [B]wiat a minute...didn't we already have this exact same conversation??:cross: :sleep: [/B][/QUOTE] i dunno did we????
  18. you know on whats cool??? click on pic
  19. dam man howd u do that??? but i have the blueprints of the gundams thats some intese sh!t right there
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Eternal Jehuty [/i] [B]i dont know and i dont really care about it. besides, i didnt see the water fight and that 2nd episode is one of my favorites [/B][/QUOTE] yeah, what my cuz said except i like the episode "Hour of Temptation"
  21. i know wat u mean rico but they never showed this in the news, there are 5 M1 abrams there. in other words, 5 tanks in NYC. this is some crazy sh!t
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