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Ice Dragon v2

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon v2

  1. im just lucky my cuz is alive after he experienced n witness the fall of the twin towers first hand im just glad hes still alive n kickin'
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]Ah yes, I think this is definitely a good idea. [i]I'm[/i] doing it :D And...Boy Wonder happens to be another friend of mine...as well as a friend of Master O Beans, who in turn is my close friend. Be nice to him as well, please :smirk:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] alrighty then
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=darkblue]I'm not saying that Americans are "stuck-ups" as such. I am, however, saying that Americans tend to be extremely naive when it comes to worldwide affairs. Americans, for the most part, know very little about the rest of the planet. Yet we know a lot about you. Why? Because for us to have good economies...and strong political systems, it is important for us to understand the United States and to be able to do business with you. But you don't phyiscally [i]need[/i] to understand us. So you often don't. That's the primary issue. Having said that, I think that Americans are great people...I think it's fair to say that, as our Prime Minister said "Australians on the whole love and admire the American people". And that's very true. Our two societies have many similarities...and a strong and close history together. So believe me, I feel very personally violated by this attack, even though it was based on the United States. I'm just saying that we shouldn't jump to conclusions. Let's be calm...let's find out what really occurred...let's find out who really did this...and then we'll take action.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] yes maybe u r right james i do realize that the US is based on economy n govt to other countries n yes, we shouldnt jump to conclusions
  4. my thoughts exactly i see the some symbols are used to censor the curses
  5. quote: yes, i do know on how you feel but taking revenge is not a good idea what if you kill that certain person, will it make the pain go away???? or what if there is a group that did this to us and you kill that entire group, will is make the pain and suffering go. for my sake and the sake of others, i rather not take revenge but just wait. going to war will just create more pain that is possibly impossible to get rid off. so take my advice, i rather be myself and let things go. i know its hard but hey, theres nothing we can do about it ~Eternal Jehuty hey, im takin that into effect if anyone has feelings for revenge, i suggest that u read this
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=darkblue]The problem with this situation is that Americans are highly naive when it comes to understanding why someone would want to attack them. As Americans, you see your countrymen going out there and doing good in the world... But you're only seeing it from your perspective. You aren't living in a smaller country...with less power...and with less independance. The Palestineans are often blamed for horrible acts, but you have to remember that their land was taken from them. Israel should not be allowed to just pretend like they aren't to blame. Israel essentially conquered Palestine and now occupy their land. If I was a Palestinean, I'd be pretty angry too. Having said that, no amount of anger justifies the attack of civilians under any circumstances. Firstly, we need to find out if this is indeed Osama (sp?) Bin Laden and/or his various terror groups. Once we know that, we need to mount a global effort to not only capture him and ALL involved in his groups...but we need to hold countries which have harboured him responsible. The bottom line is that the United States can't do this alone. Yes, it's a world power...but it is only one country out of more than 200 globally. Countries like Afghanistan have protected terrorists...and there has been little political will to do something about it. EVERY country in the world needs to band together and find this guy...and hold all those harbouring terrorists accountable for their actions. Even if it means strong military attacks -- it's worth it for the sake of protecting people.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] so ur trying to say is that americans are stuck-ups (no, i dont take that quite offensively) i know what u mean about this but i still dont see on why we should be attacked like this i dont care, but someday , we will nail that ****er that literally screw the USA over
  7. hey im just glad that ur alive in one piece i have no idea on wat would i do w/o u cuz
  8. im tellin ya' bush is gonna put the US to war dam, i wish al gore was pres
  9. i know for a fact that that this was a co-op mission. there is no way these hi-jackers could have done this on their own. i know that a country is backing them up. now we just need to find out which one
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alexander [/i] [B]Japan would not. They aren't like that. YES they had Kamikaze pilots, but they aren't like that. There are people in the middle east willing to die gloriously for the sake of god. WHICH IS STUPID! :flaming:Remember what I said? That nearly all common religions had the same common roots? WE WORSHIP THE SAME GOD! ARG!! STUPID, STUPID PEOPLE!:flaming: Yes, Normandy was a whole lot deadlier, but remember; these are CIVILIANS. They MURDERED THOUSANDS OF CIVILIANS! :Flaming:CIVILIANS! You DON'T HURT CIVILIANS! The military fights, you leave the civilians alone! :flaming: This, in my mind means one thing; whoever planned this wanted only to cause as much death and destruction as he could. No military targets; just cause death and pain and suffering. :mad::flaming::mad: I so want to go out there, and hurt those people..."Remember all the people he's hurt, all the pain that he's caused, make that your POWER!"...but I can't. It wouldn't do anything. It'd just cause me to die to. Then, more suffering. Who ever did this is a monster, through and through. Murderer. Fiend. Villain. I am very glad to hear they the two of you are okay. I had no idea you lived in NY, but I guess it's not too suprising. The US will not let whoever did this get away. They will pay for this, one way or another. [/B][/QUOTE] im guessing that u are referring this to me
  11. i know that the person is dead but there are 4 more unidentified planes up in the sky that is still on a kamkize mission. ill ease my suffering once those planes are shot down. but i dunno about the ppl on board. i can say they died for a good cause
  12. be grateful that masterfork n adam is in one piece
  13. i know violence isnt the solution, but i cant stand to see more suffering i wanna take out my anger out on something
  14. due to events that have occured, if you want to fight n make anyone suffer, i say that the battleground should be the middle east. the enemy: its your choice from which country u want the object: decimate anything n everything in your army's path
  15. number 1 suspect: some country in the middle east number 2 suspect: japan (it was kamikaze style attacks) but why would japan hold a grudge for this
  16. this is too much I WANT TO WAGE WAR!!!!!!!! i nearly lost my friends n my neighbor's family i dont want to see these ppl to suffer any longer my deepest sorrow
  17. this is too much I WANT WAR!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont anymore suffering i want to fight
  18. OMG i just realized something my next-door neighbor is home alone cuz her entire family is in NYC even her 2 year old sis. this is some intense sh!t. oh god i hope shes fine cuz she was breaking down along the way home
  19. i got 3 younger sisters to take care of its not even funny
  20. lets hold on a sec before we jump to conclussions, i thinkwere all pissed that this happened. i just found out my friends are fine n so is my cuz. we have no idea on who really did it in my opinion, there is another country backing this up. this was a series of attacks. once we found out on who did this, im gonna go there n start killing ppl with no mercy. ill go cold-blood on them. i dont care. i want them to suffer like i have
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiden [/i] [B]Did u no that the ginyu force r all mutants, Freiza and his family r 2. O n the Namekians r all male, u no what that means...:D [/B][/QUOTE] eh.....DUH!!!!!!!!! i knew this eve since i started watching it
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