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Ice Dragon v2

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon v2

  1. i just want to fight i live so close to NYC i dont have contact with my friends n im worried sick about them geez, i hope theyre all right
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sia [/i] [B]James, I wouldn't be too sure about that. Bush is talking WWIII. he said, one more attack and he is declairing war on palistien. [/B][/QUOTE] once we declare war in the middle east, we'll nuke their asses n end it there
  3. i just cant believe the wtc is gone for good my friends n i were plannin to good there this weekend for some apparent reason, i want to attack the middle east for this
  4. be grateful that the majority of u guys live in the central US. for me, i live only 6 miles from NYC. my cuz is stuck there. the palastinians are celebrating :flaming: :mad: :flaming: :mad:. i dont care that i die, i want those punks to die for making the US into a war zone. for my guess, im pointing out that the middle east is involved in this, even though the attacks were kamikaze style. for all i care, i want the person responible for this [B]DEAD!!!!!!!!!![/B]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tursi [/i] [B] Didn't i say that all ready! Guys, if this is going to be world war three, and i know it is, get ready for the hardest times of your lives! Get ready to be drafted too! [/B][/QUOTE] i want to fight i wanna kill
  6. you dont know im pissed off right now i live only 6 miles for NYC n i say i want to kill those assholes that did this to the USA
  7. guys this is it we are gonna head for world war 3 im cuz (n thats eternal jehuty) just go out of there just in time
  8. oh great here i go again: goodbye america hiroshima patriot saving private ryan u-571 three kings whooo!!! first section done second list any given sunday the replacements double take rush hours 1 & 2 top gun n i think i have more thats coming
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] It's still illegal and if you do it. It's battery... hell just threatening him is assualt.... just tell him to go away in a powerful tone and maybe a slight word change... making a threat is constituted as assualt, which is illegal. Beating someone up is constituted as battery and is ALSO illegal.... this kids tells his parents and next thing you know cops are at your front door and you're in the back seat in cuffs... [/B][/QUOTE] for some apparent reason, i think ur spoiling my fun but i thank u for that i know is better off to listen to u rather than going ballistic up his @$$
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i] [B] Heh! me laughs. There is only one definition for Decapitation....to cut off someones' head!!! FREEEEEEEEEDDOOOOOOMMM!!!!!! -William Wallice,seconds before losing his head.:eek: [/B][/QUOTE] thats a good movie
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mike [/i] [B] what do you mean [I]if[/I]? with James here, nobody will touch him, haha. He'll blow their head off if he does, and masterfork can beat them up case Adam is an important person from the THEOBWAKU.COM, hehe. :devil: [/B][/QUOTE] if???? define if in this situation
  12. i have my own dedfinition of decapitate (permanently injure the bastard) if things go real smooth tomorrow, then ill be a happy person if not, then im gonna ask one of my friends to hold me back
  13. well at least theres a digimon section
  14. oh hellz no not another one why me???? dammit, i cannot believe i have two 12 year olds are my bosses :( oh well i guess this is how life revolves around me
  15. ghost in a shell part 2??? never heard of it where did u find that out
  16. i think thats one too many beans......hehehe
  17. boy he sure missed out on the big anime titles
  18. renee is 12 im 16 i got a 12 year old as my boss????? now thats just not right
  19. ugh........ the one topic i thiought no one was ever gonna put up oh well mrs perl, 8th grade eng teacher she was my last subject of the school day dam, i wish i can show u guys our class pic
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i] [B]ICE - I cannot believe you would ever want to use a gun... ...WHEN YOU'VE GOT CHOPPERS!! Me get on over Comm. units. *not to worry Ice, I got this one under control* me loads missles and other shi!t that goes "BOOM" onto chopper.. *You're clear for take off* Hmm, now me just need coordinates of this loser.... [/B][/QUOTE] first off choppers were rental $1000 per hour n i dont know on where this @$$ monkey lives but thanx for the cheerup
  21. im saving capping as last resort n im not exactly gonna kill him, ill decapitate him either way, i just want him off my back
  22. *smacks himself* ok go to general discussion look on the stickies one topic that deals with avatars is there
  23. whoo!! i cant believe this topic is getting brought back up again. nicknames: the jedi (real name is jed) crazy saiyan (im into dragonball) psycho (high temper flare ups)
  24. Heres the ground rules: 1. You can either make your own army or join with others. If you plan to join with others, only 2 ppl per team. that way i can manage it easily. PM me if you want to join up with someone. If you want to make your own, PM me on what your army is. It can be imaginary or use real ppl. 2. Limit your army down to a 500 and its 500 per person if there are teams. You can have divisions like the front lines, reserves, etc. 3. Weapons are allowed but dont overdo it. Be reasonable. Weapons from perfect dark can be used. If you know any weapons made for the military, those are allowed. Tanks and artillery are also allowed. NO NUKES!!!! Its gonna be game over for all of us if nukes are used. Then its stalemate. 4. An air force is allowed for each member. So its 50 planes each. It can be a wide variety of fighters, attack planes, bombers recon, etc. The F-117 and B-2 are not allowed. In other words, no stealth fighters. Too cheap. i cant really tell on what kind of place were gonna fight on. but im gonna wade it out till some ppl join if youre interested, PM me or post up your name and army. U can also have a team name.
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