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Ice Dragon v2

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon v2

  1. well here we go the second batch thats up for grabs since theres no decent ssj4 vegeta, i might as well put this in n if u want the original gundams from the wing series there ya go n since the other dragon avatars are slow to load, i also took the liberty in making the eternal dragon to an av ok enough said enjoy these
  2. so what was the point of this topic again????
  3. ok where the food at??? this is a party, isnt it??
  4. i got too many favorite songs to post up but ill give u my top 5 (not in any order) family affairs (mary j blige) area codes (ludacris) dance with me (112) im a thug (trick daddy) livin it up (ja rule feat case)
  5. thanx treble n yori if i finish my homework real fast, i can prolly get another 6 maybe 7 in but the real motherload is gonna take me a while to work on. i need to double up on pics so i can shrink one of them n not lose it for good. but i already printed these pics
  6. for members who have reached 500, n still dont know which avatar should they take, i took the liberty in making these 1st line: endless waltz gundams 2nd line: zone of the enders mechas jehuty (left) n neith (right) 3rd line: vegeta (when he was prolly 6 or 7) n to yori peacraft's favor, a decent milliardo peacecraft i got more coming but due to a packed schedule im in, its gonna take me another two days just to get the next shipment of avatars in.
  7. sheesh before flight simulator 2000 was $50 today, its $40 n if a flight simulator 2001 comes out, im getting it
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by piccolo [/i] [B]1. If Gohan want to marry Piccolo, how Goku and Chichi react? 2. If Trunks is a lazy and pervert like Master Roshi, how Vegeta and Bulma react? 3. If Goten is a villian, how the other going to react? [/B][/QUOTE] answers 1. thats nutz 2. thats even nuttier 3. thats the nuttiest
  9. black n white is pretty expensive plus only comps that is only a year old could run black n white
  10. dammit i knew i shouldve edited that post
  11. i know i think theres one too may f***s
  12. if its RPGs you can find it real easily
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=darkblue]That's an excellent idea! Send me a tape when it's over, Seph? :)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] n make sure u get the reception party included hehehe :D :) :D :) :D
  14. dont really have a fav. band only groups mostly r&b
  15. well someone can always tape the wedding n send it to james
  16. thats kinda off teh topic you know
  17. woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!! way to go seph!!!!!!!!! good luck man happy landings
  18. alright we get the point already ssj 5, 6, 7, n 8 dont exist can someone close this already????
  19. i say FUNI made a secret deal Toriyama about this
  20. so wat my science teacher cusses in front of us who cares we also cuss during gym n the teachers dont give
  21. so basically on what we're saying is enjoy life as how we know it dont worry about the future the future can always change any day whether its small or big but like i said before, just let fate decide on your future
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