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Ice Dragon v2

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon v2

  1. why is this topic called "for Gal only" ???? oh well favorite anime character, gohan seen anyone thats anime-like: yea who?? me i have gohan's hair n im cut (looks weak but actually strong as hell)
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i] [B]Tapes in a PSX? Ur bro is messed up man, seriously messed up! ;) [/B][/QUOTE] yea, no kidding
  3. i never think about the future i just let fate decide on whats in stored for us
  4. goofy??? with a face like that it looks like shes gonna kill someone
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Lol, um...I don't know if there was sarcasm involved in that post or not, but it sure contradicts its self.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] there was no sarcasm in that
  6. im guessing from this point the symbols are sold out oh well i still have my jehuty this is jehuty's rival right here
  7. n besides im still sleeping during sat morning and i dont wake up till lunch
  8. yeah toying around the settings is pretty cool ever try in maxing up everything???
  9. hmmmm....... maybe ur right but its kinda annoying to hear that question but u cant blame the n00bs
  10. oh well u cant blame adam for the way he sets up the boards
  11. yup were all siked up about it
  12. ok if u wanna upload it did u happen to save it in a folder????? cuz if u did its pretty much self-explanitory on w\how to upload it
  13. im on everyday dont really care about the time
  14. my sis has the tape n i dont bother in watchin that
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Fish [/i] [B] you shouldn't be talking you did it in the old boards... [/B][/QUOTE] what the hell are u talking about????? i was only in the old boards for a couple of weeks
  16. ah yes i remember the good ol days of the original transformers
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tien [/i] [B]i dont swear unless someone makes me angry,Ill try and cut down in swearing. [/B][/QUOTE] swearing, cussin n etc etc they all make ppl angry its the same reason with other: they dont swear or cuss unless theyre pissed off at something or someone
  18. to make life a lot simple if you have AOL, go to file, open picture gallery n its self explanitory from there once you got your pick for ur choosing there is a cut option n u can make that pic 50 x 50 but if its a favorite pic of yours, its highly recommended that u get 2 pics: one for the avatar n the other for something else cuz once its down to 50 x 50, u cant undo the process
  19. i dont really give about saturday morning cartoons anymore
  20. who is the genius in making dbaf????
  21. i can tell ya im 16+ no more info about me
  22. man ppl shinji is right (wow, i cant believe im agreeing with him) japan is gonna get crowded if all of u guys pack up n leave at the same time geez go somewhere else but at least make it closer to japan other than crowd it up even more
  23. james not liking Blink 182 who cares???? does it really offend you its not a big deal
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