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Ice Dragon v2

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon v2

  1. first day of 10th grade turned out to be the crapiest moments of my life. i have no one in particular in any of my classes. im surrounded with a lot of smart @sses. the only time i see my friends is lunch. at first i thought being in the honors classes would be great, but i have decided to drop them all. it seems it was too hard for me and yet, no one is still in any of my classes. n the bad part to all this is that i dont see my g/f in lunch or the hallways :flaming: the worst part to all this is the school year has jumped from a 180 days to 200 (dam board of ed) now i have to suffer an extra 20 days of school. even lunch is horrible. im surrounded with a sh!tload of freshman. man, i never saw that many freshman go to a high school. but its easy picking on freshman friday. other than the freshman, our lunch prices jumped. this is the part where i wish bush's tax plan would take effect.
  2. i think my topics keep stirring up some controversy
  3. ugh, yet again someone mentions school oh well happy bday to treble n milliardo
  4. How long can u hold a grudge over someone or something???
  5. which mystic????? theres one too many mystics thse dayz
  6. well i had two dogs but i left them in the philippines
  7. hey at least it isnt the SUB-7 virus this virus can open a direct line to anyone's comp in other words, hackers can go to ur comp n u cant do anything to stop them. only a firewall could stop the virus but it affects only cable modem users like me
  8. i got a white house with some red decorations on the windows
  9. to me, being cranky is a good thing, sorta
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinji v2.0 [/i] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]A) I thought you were leaving? B) You didn't invent the Kirby dance thing, so don't take credit for it, you plageristic b astard ;-) Peace, Shinji (^_^)/[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] answers: A. i was lucky n im not grounded n im leaving for school like everyone else, duh B. why do u think i dropped the whole copyright thing
  11. man, this topic reminds me of the movie Bring It On
  12. nope i never heard of punky brewster i was only inrested to the 80s anime ah those were the good ol' days
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gold_Angewomon [/i] [B] Too bad.... Hey, before you leave. Can I use the Kirbies? [/B][/QUOTE] i dropped that whole copyright thingy so the kirbies are basically free. so yea, go ahead
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]is she expecting more kids? ugh.... [/B][/QUOTE] exactly how many kids do u want seph?????
  15. n yeah, the person that beat u to it is me n yea, i think u did copy off from me
  16. yet another "favorite gundam" topic judging fromt the fact that u only put down gundams form the wing series, im picking the old RX-79, (i have the crystal 1/60 scale model, a sh!tload of $$$$$, $120 to be precise)
  17. im never a happy person just a cranky one
  18. i have a love life thats going pretty sweet me n my girl did have problems in the past, but we talked about it n now we are a very happy couple
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i] [B][b]With Japan gone, then no more PSX games as well :( Then end is upon us all....or did you say [i]'if'[/i]?[/b] [/B][/QUOTE] yes man the keyword to all this is "if"
  20. macavee sux literally always go for dr. norton but u can set up a firewall go to [URL=http://www.zonealarms.com]zonealram[/URL]
  21. this is my last night on otaku due to the fact that im in honors classes in high school, i know im gonna be loaded with work so i have no more time on the boards. maybe i can post like once in a while. but im extpecting with a lot of work. n i have to work double time in my anime club since were expecting new members. dam, so much work just for being vice president
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mztik_Gohan10 [/i] [B]i like chickin parmesean [/B][/QUOTE] ah, i also like that except it give me gas
  23. well now as you may recall, cell did power himself up to a very beefy stage just before he self destructed. in cases with a ssj, the ussj is the very beefy stage which makes them slow. when he regenerated, he was charged up with electricity but i still say he didnt go to ssj2. if he did, it would have been game over
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