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Ice Dragon v2

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon v2

  1. i know i shouldnt be here but why not change it to the newbie club that way, all the newbies can join u. n their membership ends once they become a junior member but this is your club do as u please with it im just making a suggestion
  2. but in my belief, most ppl believe the brute strength is much stronger than thinkin yet, i still believe in that fact but in rare occasions, i sometimes go for the thinkin part
  3. If Japan was detroyed from the face of th earth and anime becomes extinct (like that will ever happen), what would you do???
  4. piromunkie is right its HIS choice n his alone we just cant force him to stay besides, he prolly has other better things to do, not that im offending th boards
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]could I ask how you could have used the pad for tekken 4? a game which has not been released yet? or are you talking about tekken tag.... I have never thought of using the pad for anything but ddr, I guess I'll give tekken 3 a go later on.... [/B][/QUOTE] whoops yeah, it was tekken tag my bad i keep getting those two confused
  6. i dunno on who he is but since it seems that u ppl like him so much, i guess ill say that he should stay
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]I don't fight.... physical fighting is for the weak minded.... [/B][/QUOTE] yes, i too, also prefer not to fight but if they start it, theyre asking for it
  8. no wonder ur called piromunkie yet, another born arsonist
  9. dam these are some very interesting facts, but i dunno who to believe either way, im gonna wade out for the answer
  10. ive heard of alcatraz island but mackinac???? nope, never heard of it
  11. Have u ever gone into a real fight, as in physical???? Did u KO(win) or KO'd(lose)???? and how bad were ur injuries???? as for me KO-2 KO'd-1
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiden [/i] [B] :rolleyes: no it's not deserted, it's just a suburb of dallas, n e 1 heard of [I]that[/I] city? [/B][/QUOTE] yes, we ALL have heard of that city if anyone dont know, u were either dropped on the head when u were a baby or ur brain capacity is freakin low (j/k)
  13. i dont really give if there was a thread on this or not
  14. n yet we are the bums(j/k) that do not see it
  15. well, ShiiNe is my friend and sparring partner in drawing
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cecil [/i] [B] I know who its was! It was Ceaser! Kill Ceaser! [/B][/QUOTE] ok, first off julius caesar is dead second point, someone got to him before us (NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) well, at least hes dead
  17. ok ok ok ok its rude n it dont sound right i understand how about...............um....................er..................dam i cant think of any other word
  18. why do u think they call it adult swim????? key word there is "adult" n u guys also notced it huh??
  19. its alright man, even though i have no dam idea on what just happened
  20. sheesh, everyone wants to go to japan for me, im going back to my home country: the Philippines besides, i can just visit Japan from there maybe i might see u guys there :) :)
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