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Ice Dragon v2

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon v2

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by firemac [/i] [B] oh cool you are an asian, asians are cool,on a side note: I'm very fond of asian women, anyways asains(overall) are cool [/B][/QUOTE] dam straight im an asian im one hot-headed, anime lovin pinoy(filipino, if u ppl dont know)!!!!!!!!
  2. i dont have a top 5 but i like dave matthews n eve 6
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Soft mush [/i] [B] 3.If you take an Asian & spin him around, does he become disoriented? [/B][/QUOTE] HEY!!!!!!!! i resent that
  4. lettme ask u guys this, whats worse big-o or samurai jack???
  5. AAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!! sooooo many questions!!!!!!!!!!! my head is spinning :wigout: :wigout: :wigout: :wigout: :wigout: :wigout: *faints*
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by firemac [/i] [B]the hell is a tonkatsu [/B][/QUOTE] its food man thats all u need to know
  7. do u think this thread will keep on going n going????
  8. heres my other lists of movies to my liking Romeo must die Crounching Tiger Hidden Dragon Rush Hour 2 Cast Away Rules of engagement whoooo..........second list finished
  9. im confused but since theres food invovled, ill make an exception
  10. n for sephiroth (the admin) heres a decent neith pic
  11. forget my other custom avatars i finally found a decent ZOE pic
  12. i have an HP n my AIM is also messed up n its not running
  13. usually any song thats from r&b, anime, n specified DDR songs of my liking
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tien [/i] [B]Why are they so many safers,it gets people confused,why dont they just change there name. [/B][/QUOTE] i should smack that incompetant fool that took the orignal's safer's name my head is spinning with all the sephiroths in the board
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gold_Angewomon [/i] [B] Yep, i respect you too!:D [/B][/QUOTE] thanx :D
  16. i am one of those 100 others, right angewoman????
  17. ah i just remembered other that matt d ill take shiiNe cuz shes one of my friends firemac - i dunno why n the last two is in reserve
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Heh, that's what I thought too...I thought maybe you were going to complain about how much you don't like it...like me :D[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] well wat a coincidence
  19. give me one good reason why u guys think safer is stuck up
  20. ever tried using the DDR dance pad for any other games. well i have. i used it in these games: final bout dbz legends tekken 1, 2, 3, n 4 its a good workout but its pretty confusing
  21. not really in the first movie, he escaped the planet in a capsule n headed for earth in the second movie, he stayed in a cryo-stasis (suspended animation) but i forgot how long. this is the movie where he officially dies by the triple kamehameha wave by goku, gohan, n goten. in the thrid movie, he was cloned. how u ask??? he blood was found by the village priest. he was kicked out of his village during the second movie. then he teamed up with this guy that made bio-fighters for revenge. but the brolly clone was soooooo weak and his body mutated when some chemical was dumped on his body. in my opinion, the 3rd movie sucked two was the best n the 1st is in between
  22. thats pretty cool if u played ssx, post up mac as another banner
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