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Ice Dragon v2

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon v2

  1. i cant believe no one picked bulma
  2. oh well it was a good thought
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt.D [/i] [B][color=rainbow] Thank u. And thank u too, Ice Dragon.;) I apreciate it.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] ur welcome
  4. i got a 100 more to go, but im not really gonna go nutz about it
  5. im goin with outlaw's idea in his belief of the Survival of the Fittest theory. besides, we need some anmals to be cooked as food n no im not a member
  6. i know for a fact that ur already an a$$hole in the boards. n i bet ur dam proud of it
  7. but i dont get this, why show samurai jack commercials during toonami??
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJGoten [/i] [B]Whose a back stabber? [/B][/QUOTE] u genius
  9. this is some weird site actually. both of them are weird
  10. ok u admitted to be an a$$hole in one of those posts, n i respect that (well, sorta) dont kill his joy
  11. oh yes original like mine n gerbil, u got yours from transtic didnt you????
  12. i dont really give about planet namek.com so no it isnt true
  13. dam, i thought this topic was long gone
  14. good point but i still dont give
  15. heres a tip if u want to make a "be my friend" thread, dont do it in your sig like others
  16. whooooo i cant stop laughingsome pretty funny shiz
  17. i dont really give about toonami i just watch it when im bored
  18. well now your assumming ppl arent friendly these dayz oh sure we can be a$$holes in one point of our lives, but dont take it into consideration besides, we are all friendly correction. [B][I]most[/I][/B] of us are friendly
  19. its richardson like the deserted area of tx???
  20. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! too many movies to pick must choose the rigght ones lets see air force 1 saving private ryan goodbye america (dont what it is??? i can just tell u its another military movie) three kings U-571 whoooo............i got more but i dont wanna fill this thread up
  21. thank you matt d other than u, i dont know who to pick
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