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Ice Dragon v2

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon v2

  1. Ignoring and restraining order won't do jack. Don't resort to physical violence. Just, blow them off in anyway. Other than that, take it to extreme levels. Yes, I am an extremist. And I love it.
  2. Pranks??? Hehehe, I've got tons. Let's see. Ah, here's my recent one: Last Friday, we bought 15 stink bombs that was the strongest one they ever had. $25 down the drain, but thats pretty cheap for 15. Now, to the story. Lunch comes. My friend, who is a techincal genius, rigs the bombs with a time detanator(sp). I don't know how he did it, but he places it in the middle of the cafe: MY TABLE!!!!!!!!! Geez, it was set to go off at 12, but the timer was screwed. So, it sets off at 12:45. But I didn't have lunch anymore. My g/f did and she sits at the same table as I do. Oh man. 12:40, I tried skipping my spanish class to save my g/f but the dam teach won't let me out. Then, you can here this loud POP. The smell reached the main office in 5 minutes flat. And I was too late to save my g/f. So, I'm screwed, no by the school, but from my g/f. But she has good humor (thank god) and forgave on the spot. But the smell of the bomb was beyond reak. It burned people's sense to smell and dazed them completely. Oh man. It's Monday. Yet, no one knows who did it. There's a $500 reward in finding the person(s) who did it. But since we were wearing gloves, they have no evidence. Hehehehe. The evil within us. If they bust me, oh well. My luck. But I know the fact you people out there better not rat. :P :D
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i] [B]Just wanted to let everyone know that the original zoids series is currently airing on Cartoon Network at 6:30am eastern standard time. [/B][/QUOTE] A.M.??? Are you sure on that??? I don't wake up that early. Besides, how are the original series??
  4. Technically, people like G Gundam because of the fighting. Either way, the ratings are gonna be shot because of the dam name change.
  5. Ice Dragon v2. The Ice Dragon is from a fanfic I made. The v2 part is version 2 since this is my second year in otaku after the complete O3 change.
  6. From [url]http://www.alteredstatesmag.com/mar2002/bandai_gundam.shtml[/url] G Gundam G Gundam is coming to Cartoon Network this Fall, and Bandai is putting a huge support campaign behind it. Similar to the one that was used for the OYW Gundam stuff last year, fans can expect a huge quantity of product to spend their money on. So far it is known in the English version, the God Gundam will be called the Burning Gundam, and the Devil Gundam will be called the Dark Gundam. A few others of the mobile fighters also seem to have undergone renaming, though it is not yet clear which names apply to them. Heres more from [url]http://animeblues.netfirms.com/[/url] According to Altered States Magazine, not only will Gundam 0083 be coming to the Cartoon Network, it will be joined by Gundam movie 4: Char's Counterattack, and Mobile Fighter G-Gundam later this year. Altered States Magazine has published several photos of upcoming American release G-Gundam toys and models, along with word that several of the G-Gundam mecha will be given new names for the American release. Confirmed new names: GF13-017NJII God Gundam - new name: Burning Gundam JDG-009X Devil Gundam - new name: Dark Gundam Unconfirmed new names: GF13-021N Gundam Spiegel - new name Shadow Gundam GF13-003NEL Johnbull Gundam - new name: Royal Gundam GF13-052NT Minaret Gundam - new name: Gundam Scimitar GF4-001NE Pharoah Gundam IV - new name: Mummy Gundam Gundam Heaven Sword - new name: Raven Gundam Death Army - new name: Dark Army In my opinion, Cartoon Network just killed the series even before it came out. Wanna know why?? The name changes. Those fruitty :BLEEP:. The names God and Devil Gundams aren't gonna cause some religious controversy. If it does, then those :BLEEP: can die for it. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
  7. I'm The Ice Dragon v2. I'm a 5' 6" Flip with an attitude (j/k) and I'm into computer graphics, CADD, and above all any mecha anime. Lately, I'm getting back into oldschool anime, like Gatchaman. PS to Rick I finished the synopsis/review of the Gatchaman 94 OVA.
  8. Er....... Saw this pic all over the net. Bet you don't have this one.
  9. Oh geez. Not another Relena topic. Here's my two cent opinion: 1. Everyone hates her because she's a stuck up *BLEEP*. Whoa, that's a little too much there. (sorry mods, couldnt help it) 2. She's a goody two-shoe that takes out the action in fighting. 3. She makes peace proposals that up most episodes making the Wing series lousy to watch.
  10. Man, don't you wish you can trace that email. Cause you can sue them for fraud or false statements or something like that. So...............Way to go Adam.
  11. Ah.............. The day to get some love. :D :D :D Got your stuff for your valentine's??
  12. Persistense. A mental tool that gets you going. A tool saying never give up. A tool that gets you arse killed in a duel. Anywayz, my friend has persistense that would admire anyone. Ever since freshman year, he's been going to an academy and the girl he likes is going to my school. Now, couple of weeks ago, we had parties and he's been flirting around with her every time they were together. She knows that he like her and she said no all the time. Now here's something. Just today, I found out that he was planning on transferring to my HS. Everyone that knows him got riled up when we found out about this. He said his school was getting too hard on him and he couldn't take the pressure. Now then. That would be a good excuse if he never started there in the first place. I think his persistense has taken things to extreme levels that I can't control. How am I in all this??? I got to be the mediator. Dam, the things I get my arse into. I hate me for this. Now that I'm stuck in the middle, I need tips in getting out of this mess and changing his mind about transfering. I'm digging a hole and it's getting deeper. Tips?? Advice??? A rope at least???? C'mon ppl. I need a line here. Thank you all.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B] Mehe, that site isn't working..... Try going to..... Ice Dragon V.2's site, I think the link is in his sig..... [/B][/QUOTE] Yea. I got 107 pics and more are coming. Feel free to drop in n pick them up. No charge.............lol
  14. Wow!!!!!! Man, n i missed the celebration.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillen [/i] [B]Do you fall in love easily? Do you fall out of love easily? Whats the longest time youve ever dated someone? Whast the shortest time youve ever dated someone? How long do your average relationships last? [/B][/QUOTE] 1. Yes 2. Nope. If I do, I use my will power to get me back up. 3. 2 years (thats right now) 4. 1 month 5. Eh........3 months??
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zora [/i] [B]By the way what do you have to do to become anything other than a newbie, like a junior member? [/B][/QUOTE] Post ur butt off.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *GaLxY-GiRl* [/i] [B]not very creative... [/B][/QUOTE] How nice......... Someone that doesn't like the work. Well, it's everyone's opinion
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cibo [/i] [B]Hey...I have PSP 7.0 but dunno how to do the animation thingy's to make like cool avatar's or what not. Anyone wanna help me out please? :) [/B][/QUOTE] You need to make frames. Animation 3 just makes the gif. Preferably, use Paint for the basics and Paintshop Pro to go crazy.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B]i used to, then i grew up and got a g/f. [/B][/QUOTE] Ditto on that. Now its just on a shelf for display.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Treble [/i] [B] Hey!A Bass(Forte) gif looks pretty good,nicely done in a small size.:) [/B][/QUOTE] This one should make you happy.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]:laugh: Hehe, that's a funny one. Pretty kewl..... I don't do my gifs with that program. Do you have Gif Set Proffesional? [/B][/QUOTE] I d/led Paintshop Pro 7 and it came with an animation program. If you have Kazaa or Morpheus, use that to d/l it. Oh, heres some of the earlier works.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AlmightySSJ4 [/i] [B] Ooh, you went to GP? So did I! [/B][/QUOTE] GP is gone. :bawling:
  23. Gifs. Made by yours truely and Animation Shop 3. What do you think??
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