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Ice Dragon v2

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon v2

  1. kamikaze = huge @$$ explosion final flash = vegeta's energy shot. in ther words, vegeta's version of the kamehameha wave
  2. okay, first off i thouhg this topic was gone n second why u pissed when someone called u a hip-hop guy??
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gold_Angewomon [/i] [B]This is the only thing I can think of... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: in this eppie, Veggie-boy is wearing a pink shirt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vegita: *notices Trunks staring at him* What are you looking at? Trunks: uhh...huh?...umm... Nothing... I like your shirt. Vegita: You would! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry I couldn't think of anything better. But that's what that friggin hilarious pic reminds me of... [/B][/QUOTE] hehehe i remember that part vegeta(ble) n slim in a pink shirt :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ok, im done now
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deranged Gerbil [/i] [B]bejita dies twice, once in the freeza saga when freeza shoots him in the chest, and once in the buu saga when he self explodes (final flash) to try and destroy buu [/B][/QUOTE] wait i thought he used kamikaze on buu???
  5. that was some pretty funny shiz they just showed it today
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deranged Gerbil [/i] [B] dude, I ain't transtic :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] i realize that he said something like that a lot earlier
  7. boy, i guess ur cable company shows the worst channels
  8. geez shes right in front of u n u dont know how to spell her name no offense man
  9. its sept 10 n like transtic said, theres no such thing as a new season or eps
  10. not really i got two scramblers so im not paying for either of them
  11. i cant believe no one mention this: when cell just b!tched-slapped mr satan of the ring n no vegitto, it doesnt really matter
  12. my friend this is wat happens when funi screws up the dubs
  13. geez marron can go to hell i hate her 18 all the way!!!!!!!!
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deranged Gerbil [/i] [B] hey, has anyone ever told you that you have a BIG mouth which needs shutting? appropriate methods are required, namely sticking a big shoe in your mouth :mad: [/B][/QUOTE] geez, get off ppl's business i get useless facts from my friends. im gonna send them these facts so shut up n stay away from my business n i wasnt insulting him which backfires your dis
  15. you also saw that commercial unless you have a satillite dish or a scrambler, which i have, then i dunno wat other channel
  16. okay, that covers it all up on the titles i know now
  17. whoever hates sephiroth should go to hell for that
  18. the mod chip enhances the system so in other words, the chip lets u play bootleg, burned, or imported games
  19. lettme point this out if youre name doesnt need explaination n others know where it came from, just simply say its self-explanitory. plus, it saves u a good amount of 15 secs
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deranged Gerbil [/i] [B] don't insult my intelligence! I remember when you first came to the boards you were asking for more avatars, particularly tenshinhan avatars [/B][/QUOTE] wat intelligence???
  21. gotta study military mumbo jumbo when im plannin to join it what area u ppl ask????? the navy n forget SEALs
  22. well now a lot of ppl dont really care except for those who joined set up a firewall genius only way to stop a hacker
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