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Ice Dragon v2

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon v2

  1. from what i heard, i think u do need a chip like psx or ps1. but finding the chip can be costly n pretty ddam expensive
  2. since this is spam ill post only once in here so................. [color=red][SIZE=3]KNOCK IT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/SIZE][/color]
  3. yes youre right hollywood doesnt know everything but i also do my own research. so, i know im right n im a military tech freak
  4. well, at least u guys are man enough to admit that ur a little "off" whoever picked straight will never stay straight in their lives permanently unless theyre goin through sometihng
  5. some character's ego got them killed who do u think has the worse ego n deserved to die???? i say freeza
  6. no problem, n can we get back to the topic????
  7. n since were still on the bloopers topic: theres a weird change in goku's medicine. when trunks gave it to goku for the first time, it was in a liquid form and only one bottle was given. when goku was down from the virus, chi-chi shook the bottle n it sounded like there were pills inside and trunks said the cure only existed in the future. what gives???? first FUNI screws up in visual effects, now they messed up the sound effects n yea, ill put these in the bloopers section
  8. well, not a while ago but the cold war
  9. geez some ppl dont appreciate good humor these dayz
  10. tacoma is okay, but my parents are planning to get a 4Runner or the Highlander
  11. im not really into tycoon games but but roller coaster tycoon is okay. im usually into flight simulators and ATC (air traffic controller), which is hard as hell.
  12. i beleive that anyone that is hyper to sugar has a sweet tooth
  13. youre lucky your in college transtic
  14. well, my friend also owns this so i just watch it wiith her.
  15. well, i respect the admins n mods no doubt about that
  16. theyre pretty good especially one more time. i also love that video. anime style!!!!!!
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B] [SIZE=1]If by "counter them" you mean blowing them up in the air before they reach its destination, then thats probably an even more stupid idea than just letting it hit it's target. If you blow em up in the air, they're nukes, they will radiate the air around it and winds will carry the radiation for who knows how far and everyone would die from radiation poisoning[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] thats impossible if you have seen the movie The Rock, a VX (the most powerful nerve gas, not even saddam could make this) warhead missile was launched. when one of the F-18s shot the the warhead, the gas didnt spread. so think of it when countering a nuke. oh yea, another thing most of the countries mentioned are communist except russia, or is it????? so im takin it that a communist country would wage war against the US????
  18. theyre all right u want proof go to the general forum n plus, hes still used to the japanese pronounciation
  19. theres some points i wanna cover first off we have US bases in the Middle East and theyre on stand-by just in case saddam does something funny second theres is a possibilty that nukes may reach the central US. I think Russia has. if Bush does set up that missle defense system, theres a chance that area is safe. if not we have class 2 tridents(sub launched missles) to counter them. n third um..............i guess theres no third point.........oh well
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