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Ice Dragon v2

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon v2

  1. if ppl are saying theres is no right or wrong to worship religion, does orthodox aetheist count????
  2. um aya..........just watch out for shiiNe ill deal with her n dont worry about it ill take care of things
  3. oh yes, MS are very hard to draw, not unless u get the blueprints and layout designs. hehehehe with those two, its pretty easy to draw them especially heavy-arms custom
  4. car always da car even tho a sweet 16 is once in a lifetime take the car................wait a sec...............youre not even old enough to drive...............but ill be happy to drive ya...................get a honda civic...............
  5. just talk it over chill, relax knock her up (j/k) :D :D :D :D
  6. AH!!!!!! adam has spoken welcome back adam as u can see, the boards are still in one piece n shinji is back i thought u banned him permanently
  7. HELLO!!!!!!!!!! the feds only have tanks n space battlecruisers n only 3 MS n only one of them is equipped with space mobility
  8. she was aya since the 6th grade. ive known her by that name for 4 years already. now u got one of my friends pissed. dont worry tho. ill talk to her. besides u n i both know this was an un-expected event
  9. Ice Dragon v2


    does it look like we really care???
  10. man, look at this im gone for only two hours and already theres 6 ppl who are crazy @$$ mofos inbelievable
  11. hey, where are all the flips n chinks????
  12. i dont like golf n i dont bother in playing in it
  13. ill be numero tres if you dont mind
  14. thats some crazy shiz now u do know that there is a God
  15. i just remembered i cant believe i forgot to put deranged maniac down **** oh well
  16. yet again, ppl are stumped answers will be posted tomorrow with reasons
  17. well now it seems i found another avatar of my choosing i gotta pick which one tho
  18. this was a thread from the old boards lets see if you changed
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ5 Vegeta [/i] [B]Well I'm not a crazy@$$ mofo. I can be when I want to, but everyone can be a little crazy every now and then. I usually write poems and songs and such to express feelings I am experiencing or have experienced, or things that have happened to me in my life. That really helps when you can pull a little bit of hatred out of you have stuffed down inside and keep it on a piece of paper instead of stuffed down in me. [/B][/QUOTE]hmmmm interesting
  20. thats why we always play unreal on fridays we are the Viper Alpha Team
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