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Ice Dragon v2

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon v2

  1. hmmmm you didnt post this one up i like the cryptkeeper's laugh
  2. so far, no one is a crazy @$$ mofo i can wait until someone admits to that
  3. i got two chioces for you and youre not gonna like either of them: get a job or skip town to hustle ppl
  4. well know im the one and only ice dragon any other dragon that pops up will die by me n my kirbies and if any ingenuis bastard tries to steal my kirbies will also die I WANT MY ETERNITY BACK!!!!!!!!!!!! in my opinion, i think theres one too many sephiroths and gohans
  5. let me just get this off my back so are ya in love with the guy or something????? cuz youre so concerned about the dubs who gives (no offense)
  6. not really you just concerned them thats all no biggie (i hope)
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt.D [/i] [B][color=rainbow] Uhhhhh...u posted the exact same thing in Digimon....why post it again here?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] umm..............i have no idea why she did it n besides, i never went (and never will) go to the digimon section
  8. im just a psycho man [size=small]man wat a way to start off the 200th post[/size]
  9. oh well i mean the feddy's govt can last awhile you know
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ5 Vegeta [/i] [B]Race or ethnicity does not matter. A true friend is a friend no matter what, god just decided to paint some people different colors to show us that no matter what color you are, we are all human beings, and are uniqueness is what makes us us. Also in my opinion you don't have to be blood to be family. My friend once told me I am welcome under his roof anytime I am having a hard time and need to get away from things for a while. That's what a true friend is. [/B][/QUOTE] yup i heard somewhat the same thig you said from a movie. i think it was robin hood, the onewith kevin costner
  11. i know wat u mean i hate the email chain letter
  12. who does he remind you of???????? i have no idea
  13. ok, one question how the hell did u ever come back to the boards?????
  14. yup, now i know. ill give this to my friend as useless facts hehe
  15. i guess u were "used" it takes a lot of courage just to admit this but suck it up one day n dont scare me i have a relationship thats goin pretty well
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]Dude, that really sucks...I'm sorry...but it seems like you took it pretty well with her when you broke up. [/B][/QUOTE] i agree completely
  17. holy $h!t man wat the hell is goin on these dayz???
  18. wats the matter with you ppl??? wat happened to waterboy or little nicky??
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