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Ice Dragon v2

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon v2

  1. shes a cool artist my avatar will represent AZN PRYDE!!!!!!!!!! YEA!!!!!!!!!!
  2. well, its time to send these pics, if you dont have winzip (which i think u all do) ill also send it one by one. ok then enjoy these.
  3. well, this will be my custom avatar the minute i hit 500 but i got to shrink it. GOT RICE BIOTCH!!!!!!!
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pretty Sammy [/i] [B]I'd probably wish to win the powerball or something, then I could do anything thing with $300,000,000 *that's alotta 0's :eek: * [/B][/QUOTE] dam, i cant believe i also missed this one n yup, thats a lot of 0s cant be too greedy now :devil: :devil: :angel: :devil: :angel: :devil:
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by VEGGETO [/i] [B]well, i wouls use it so people could find a cure for everything! Even 'Handicaps'. If not that, then to make all Anime come true. [/B][/QUOTE] making all anime come to life will be chaos
  6. when i had to re-register, i cannot believe that i had to cut my name short. i was gona put eternal ice dragon v2 but noooooooooo, it had to become ice dragon v2
  7. i dont really care about the brands as long as theyre runing shoes
  8. ill send it to u guys until i get a certain amount of ppl so i dont have to send it one by one
  9. if you ppl are looking for those pics that is shown at the end with da credits, i have em all. i could put them all in a zip file, but it was too big. if you want them, just post your email address and ill send it to you.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]I would wish away all of my brother's physical "handicaps" as people like to say. That would be awesome. Actually, speaking of which, I was in a parade today, and I saw this guy wearing a money collection vest that said "help the retarded children" which got me to thinking...First off, that vest must have been at least 15 years old becaue that is not the politically correct word for children with mental challenges nowadays. And secondly, the context in which we use that word now, someone could assume that it meant "Help the stupid kids who have no mental challenges but act dumb anyway"...I dunno, I just thought it was weird...Plus, it was kind of offending. But of course, I just made a joke out of it, and got people laughing at the stupidity of the whole "Help the retarded children" vest. Ok, that's my story for the day :D[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] hmmmmm, good thinkin babygirl
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt.D [/i] [B][color=coral] I'd ask 4 unlimited wishes then do all the above. Espeacialy kill Sadam....[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] boy, thats a first why didnt i think of that
  12. How would u do it???? A strike force to side 3 is possible, but its actually a kamikazi mission since the place is heavily guarded
  13. Have you ever thought of creating a new DBZ power move??? If so, how would you power it up and wat would u call it??
  14. If you had one wish, what would u do with it???
  15. ok, in correction to "ppl", how aboout person???
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]That's bull. Amuro Ray and his RX-93 Nu Gundam would kick the Deathscythe Hell's *** into the ground. [/B][/QUOTE] let me tell u one think, the RX-93 will burn since its one of the very old models. n why always deathscythe n duo??? sheesh
  17. boy, u ppl are stumped like hell again heres your answer to the bonus question. i hope u ppl could see it.
  18. most of the games are imported. theres 6 versions. well actually, its called mixes. the dance pad is i think 4 x 4 at least. its crazy on your first try. but theres always practice. every asian in my town owns it or knows how to play it
  19. heres my list: sleep hang out with friends get drunk (YEAH!!!!!!!!) drive my @$$ anywhere
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