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Ice Dragon v2

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon v2

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MysticGohan [/i] [B]I actually am running a T3 Sonet connection on my computer right now! :) It's very fast,but eh, oh well. I have both cable and T3 on my computers. My lab top runs a cable modem.... very "nice" for a lab top. But my main computer runs a T3 Sonet connection. It's hyper fast.. haha... it's awesome.. oh and by the way... T3 and T3 Sonet are totally different. T3 is very fast,but T3 Sonet is a tiny bit faster and comes with many other various computer "CRAP" to make the connection go even faster. [/B][/QUOTE] oh yea, u told me about it
  2. oh my god this is sweet!!!!!!!!!!! this is (was) the eternal ice dragon i had exactly 346 before all was terminated
  3. i just swim only exercising and fun
  4. im on cable, hooked up to a scrambler :) :) :) :) :D :D :D :D
  5. mine is sept 5 to june.........uh...............um..................someday
  6. to all those ppl that hate 0079, heres a bit of info you should know THAT'THE VERY FIRST GUNDAM CREATED!!!!!!!!!!!! if that gundam wasnt created, it means no wing, no g-gundam, no v-gundam NADA!!!!!!!!!!
  7. big o is not even considered anime its neo-anime. in other words, american anime
  8. i used to have my filipino accent but i lost it wen i was 9
  9. r & b all the way!!!!!
  10. The choices you make will affect your outcome 1. When playing manhunt, would you rather be hunted or be the hunter?? 2. With a lot of ca$h, would u buy the boards or the site??? 3. If you were forced to join the military, would you go or injure yourself on purpose??? 4. If you bought Funimation, would you keep it running or shut it down??? 5. Would have gone bonkers or remained calm if the boards were completely shut down???? 6. Since Shinji was the ungrateful bastard that took us off the boards for nearly two days, would you leave him alone or smack him for the hell of it??? *This is last question is for people with a different nationality. If the U.S. went to war with the country you're from, would you stick to your home country or stay on the U.S. side even tho your country will be creamed???
  11. What's your favorite sportsd movie?? Mine is Any Given Sunday
  12. hello again to all who waited this is (was) the Eternal Ice Dragon since my name has been cut short, i was forced to lose the "eternal" part of my name (crap):( oh well, now im plain ice dragron version 2 :) :) :) now that the boards are back, lets start posting!!!!!
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