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Ice Dragon v2

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon v2

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Mystical Pan~ [/i] [B] Same here..that's what I thought it was...how is it possible that it makes the eva pilots feel the pain of the evas? [/B][/QUOTE] Here we go again......... The little things on their heads are the ones that make the pilots feel what the EVAs feel. Let's take note here: those two things help the pilots synch with the EVAs because most of the piloting is based on how the pilots think. Also, like the MTS (mobile trace system) from G Gundam, those two things cerbrally (sp) linked the pilot and EVA. Clear enough??
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by k9* [/i] [B]lol :D but aren't all llamas naked? :freak: [/B][/QUOTE] No really man........lol
  3. Well, heres a bunch that I got off.
  4. The suits are there to protect them from the normal causes like temperature, climate etc. (note: Asuka had hers "improvised" to protect her from the high temp and pressure from the volcano. The triangles things on their heads is for the synch ratios with the EVAs. That's how they always feel the pain the EVA takes.
  5. My relationship was reached over two years already, so I guess the best thing to say is let it all flow in one direction, but remember the fact to have courage man. Courage and determination counts. But don't let it go to your head.
  6. Yea, I'm feeling a little better than yesterday, but now, my best friend caught it. Great.............. So much for our one-on-one duel on Counter-Strike
  7. Well now, today seemed pretty good this morning until I felt a little queasy on the stomach. At first, I thought it was just indigestion from the very good chili I had last night. When I got to school, my stomach started to cramp up like crazy. I went to the nurse and I stayed there for 2 periods, out cold (that's an hour and 20 min). When I woke up, she told me that there was a little case of everyone having a small stomach virus. It wasn't like a big one that can bring me home but it was just painful. I even sacrificed lunch today. At the end of the day, I heard two of my friend's caught it and it was "passed" down. Man, my g/f got worried sick about me when I started to zone out during lunch. Sheesh, what a day. Hopefully, I can feel better cuz tomorrow is our second year anniversary. Well, it's time for me to relax and see if this virus let's off.
  8. In light of my recent topics (which I think I got you guys pretty good except 1), what do you think is the true nature of humanity?? In other words, why do you think humans where put on this planet?? What is our purpose?? What would happen if the human race was eliminated?? Post your reasons. Lets share the knowledge. [EDIT]If this is a dangerous topic to dicuss, close it and I'm sorry.[EDIT]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] Ah yes I see, H-C=N (only three lines between C and N instead of 2), not C-H-N as i thought u meant. [/B][/QUOTE] Bingo, there's your equation. Hehehe, I'm sorry to do this again but what do you think is dinitrogen monoxide??? (Hint: the dentist always use this)
  10. Ok, ok, ok, ok. Hehehe, I finally got all of you stumped. One molecule of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen makes up cyanide. Hopefully you should know what that is.
  11. Owe it all to me friend. So you guys are welcome.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]You sound like my science teacher. .....I haven't got the faintest idea in what any of them are. .....Anyway Ice, how do you know all of these? :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] Snail, welcome to chemistry class.
  13. Bah, TN always gets it right. I was hoping for the others to get this. Now a harder one. This is one molecule of each. C-H-N Correct me if I'm wrong TN.
  14. Hehehe....... Let's see if you guys can get this little question. I can tell you that all my friends (including my freshman friends) got this correctly. So................ Without further interruption........ What is dihydrogen monoxide???
  15. Hehe. A cool site I found. [url]http://www.sodaplay.com/constructor/index.htm[/url] Just hit: Click here to play and everything should be common sense.
  16. To answer the question on how I got them, it's pretty easy. First off, I have the games on an SNES emulator. Then I just made a snapshot of the bosses screen and cut out each one of them. Since they're pretty small, it took a good 2 1/2 hours to do.
  17. # 1 Sepiroth " Cool" # 2 Shyguy "Sorry, you should have tried harder" # 3 Ginnylyn "Digimon Goddess, Watch out for her mod rod" # 4 James "Smarter AND more powerful than you" # 5 Noryoko Angelcry "The Ultimate Gamer" # 6 Queen Asuka "Otaku and all around nice person" # 7 kuja "Kuji - Wuji" # 8 Forte "..." # 9 Lady Macaidoh "One of Adam's Angel's" # 10 Newbie "My power level is higher than yours!" # 11 Transtic Nerve "Gackt!" # 12 Babygirl "Jedi Master" # 13 Cera "The Cynic" # 14 Thimoc "Legendary Spammer" Me as the almighty Seph. Hehe. Oooooooh the power.
  18. Man, I wish I can get the animated bosses. Oh well, might as well resort to simple stand still gifs.
  19. .................. OK, I think that's a little odd don't you think so??? Man, cmon. We had little children in here. *looks for some kids*. Well, they are here..........................somewhere.
  20. Ok, that just killed the name anime right there.
  21. FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Time to get the other bosses out.
  22. Oh man!!!!!! I saw it and scare the daylights out of me. Whoa, that better not give me nightmares.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Lol, it looks like my basement, only a tiny bit messier :p What's it supposed to be exactly? As in, what's that actual point here?[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] That's what I wanted to know. From the looks of it, I think it's a one room house that's just been evenly divided in a way.
  24. I haven't made these in a while. The time to freeze, cut, paste and place these guys. All from Megaman X, X2, and X3. I'll make more but here are the bosses to X, X2, and X3. Order as follows X Top row: Flame Mammoth, Chill Penguin, Spark Mandrill, Armor Armadillo Bottom row: Launch Octopus, Boomer Kuwanger (he's a mantis), Sting Chameleon, Storm Eagle X2 Top row: Wire Sponge, Wheel Gator, Flame Stag, Morph Moth Bottom row: Magna Centipede, Crystal Snail, Overdrive Ostrich, Bubble Crab X3 Top row: Blizzard Buffalo, Toxic Seahorse, Tunnel Rhino, Volt Catfish(I dunno why there's a catfish in the game) Bottom row: Crush Crawfish, Neon Tiger, Gravity Beetle, Blast Hornet Well, enjoy these icons for your purposes. I dont' really give about credit so use them wherever. I'll get more sprites once I finish X3. [size=1]Yea, I'm done with X and X2.[/size]
  25. Great job............. Man, I hope Adam gets to see this.
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