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Ice Dragon v2

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon v2

  1. Well to ppl's requests, I have added ch 2 and 3. I think it's a little whack but I need your opinion's on how to fix it.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Mystical Pan~ [/i] [B]well, i think it's kewl for the beginning! :) Keep it up. :) Hey when are you going to put in Chp. 2? :D [/B][/QUOTE] I already have 5 Chapters down But, I want ppl's opinion's first on the intro.
  3. Well, here's the complete origin of moi.........:D :D :D [url]http://communities.msn.com/AnimePicCollection/legendoftheicedragon.msnw[/url] If anyone says it's crap, I'll knock 'em out cold.:p :p (j/k) Catch my drift :therock: (j/k)
  4. My name originated from a fan fic I created. Back in v2, I was the Eternal Ice Dragon, but since we had a limit.........oh well, I became mortal. The v2 is there because I first signed up in v2 and this is the second time I'm with Otaku.
  5. Techinally, they do work like the EVAs but they only feel the pain to the arms. I never saw them feel pain to the feet.
  6. Awww man............ This sux............ R.I.P Dave Thomas and we'll keep the Wendy's legacy alive.
  7. Hopefully, I can be back in some time during my day of my 7 day suspension.
  8. Piloting an EVA??? I do want to but I have second thoughts about it. For example, the synch ratio must by in a certain level to pilot it. And you gotta have a clear mind. I mean crystal clear.
  9. [url]www.Animenation.com[/url] Very good place to buy anime goods.
  10. Lately, I've seen arguements about which Gundam has the best cockpit system or the newtypes can outperform the Zero System or whichever. Well, in those arguements, I never saw anyone mention the MTS or the Mobile trance System from G Gundam. This cockpit system is a complete standard to all the Gundams. However, the pilot doesn't rely on the Gundam's abilities but he/she relies on their own ability to fight. The bad part about this is that they have to wear a spandex-like suit to control the system. omething like Batman Beyonds suit where theres all those wires below the out layer. Here's the complete drawback to the MTS: when the Gundam is hit in a certain area, the pilot feels it. So basically, if the Gundam is being crushed, the pilot feels like he/she is being crushed. So here are my and only [I]my[/I] conclusions: Zero System: Only enhances the pilot's brainwaves to increase reaction time in combat. Newtypes: Use telepathy or watever to enhance the Gundams' abilities or something like that. MTS: Pilots relies on their own fighting abilities. Only enhancement is that their Gundams are effective fighting machines.
  11. The God Gundam............. GO DOMON!!!!!!!!
  12. Well, I don't really care whos the worst among them. They basically did the worst things to humanity. But there is someone that did help humanity (in a way). That's Stalin. Yea, I know it sounds crazy, but he did help us win the war against Hitler, yet we did have second thoughts about it. So, if Stalin didn't exist, the Soviet Union would have fell to the Nazis. So I do think that Stalin was decent (I think)
  13. Well, I'm a real genius when it comes to this one............. All went well this morning at school today, all usual and boring. Then comes lunch. A perfect time to relax, chat, have a great laugh, etc. Now, this kid passes my table and starts dissing me and my girl. Ok, I wanted to defend her but my friends held my back cuz it wasn't worth it. Fine, I let him pass. After lunch, he comes up to me and starts dissing again. With no one to hold me back this time, I lifted my arm and gave one good head shot, knocking him out, then his friends ganged up on me. I managed to get two of my back but one of those two accidently hit my g/f. Now, I went ballistic and start to fight this other person who was already down on the floor. (I know that's dishonorable, but I was pissed) After that fight, I went to check up on my g/f and she was fine. She was only knocked down. (And I thank goodness it was only minor) Well, I'm out of school for 7 days and I'm pretty much grounded. Once I come back, I know I have started a one-man war against that certain group and I WILL defend myself, my g/f and my friends if needed to. And you're wondering how I'm on the comp. Well, as of right now, my parents are working, my sisters are sleeping and practicaly, I'm the only one wide awake. :D :D :D. So, farewell from OB as I serve my 7 day sentence. I hope my g/f can forgive me for this.
  14. hehe. Not bad. remember, practice makes perfect.
  15. Hehe I'm surrounded by amusement parks. Oh how I love the Northeast. To the west: Hershey Park, Dorney Park/Wildwater Kingdom To the east: Coney Island To the south: Six Flags, Atlantic City, and the beach resort. To the north: uh...................eh..........i don't think there's on up north And that's about it......................I think.....................
  16. Well, life's never fair. You know, she could get in serious trouble cuz she's a con-artist. Believe me, you should like keep an eye out just in case.
  17. Argh........ Man, I knew i should've came here more often.
  18. Well yea. It's an everyday thing that the weather reports can screw up. Besides, I don't really care. I had the same problem before and I know it can be a pain in the arse. But who really cares?? I know I don't.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]Wow you guys look great together! I can see it now! You have your little webvideo and put it on otaku and we all watch as you have the wedding...*sniff sniff* And everyone would laugh as I cry...lol....Well anywayz...You guys do look great together! What a cute couple..*sigh* Lol... 16:eek: ...look more like 20...WEll..I guess I can see it *shrugs* [/B][/QUOTE] LOL Man, a wedding would be a little too much don't you think??? :p Seriously people, do I really look older for my age??? I mean c'mon, I'm pretty old, but I'm not that old. :p
  20. Very good art. Man, I hope one day I can show you guys my art.
  21. WHOA!!!!!!!! Close-up of PF. Very nice.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B] No way! lol. You think Blue Sub. 6 is crap?!? Blue sub 6 was awesome. It [i]was[/i] kinda confusing, though...... [/B][/QUOTE] Well, it's an opinion so I can't argue on that.
  23. Aw man, this was gonna one of my questions in my Choice and Opinion Survey. Anywayz........... My definition: One who protects, defends and cares for family, friends and a relationship that I'm having Who is my hero??: Basically nobody. My own hero is my own self Who is my childhood hero??:Eh...........to tell you the truth, nobody in particular.
  24. Well if you start off really basic, use [url=http://communities.msn.com/home]MSN Communites[/url] That's how I started my website. Then as you learn more, you can move to Angelfire or some other server that can suit you well. If you want a Gif editor, just IM me at Anubis9156 and I'll file transfer you everything. It's pretty useful when resizing.
  25. Wanna know what's crap??? Final Genesis of Evangelion and so are the movies. I know it's pretty confusing but it's still crap to me. Hmm.......... What else is bad??? Blue Sub 6. Man, I don't even understand the story. Only thing I liked about it was the graphics. And that's basically the "bad" anime I saw.
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