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Everything posted by ~Videl~

  1. [color=blue]Here's a selection of my poetry for you to (hopefully :D) enjoy. These ones are quite old, I did them a few months ago but I'll try to update this thread next time I get inspired. Any comments gratefully appreciated. [U]Untitled[/U] By day I shield my eyes From the garish "real world" At night I leave them open Running from the creeping darkness in my soul. Surrounded by friends and family Yet I always am so alone, I retreat to my safe haven Inside my head. Prison of flesh and bone. Outside the pettyness and chaos Drive me inside myself. But inside is no better, The constant battle with my light Always just ahead of the creeping blackness. This coldness inside me is Like a dead weight destined Forever to be carried In the warm place where My soul should rest. YOU put it there, but Your memory is what keeps me Chained to this millstone of self doubt Anger and hate. Free me! But even now something inside, Some little remaing spark of me Knows that only I can free myself From the internal prison Laid on me. One day the flames of my soul Rekindled only by a kind of love I have yet to feel, Will burn away my prison Sear away the weak flesh. Then I will be revealed In all the beauty no-one else sees. In the meantime I will wait. Biding my time knowing One day I will soar free. And you will be forever trapped In the enduring bleakness Of your black unfeeling soul. [U]Glazed[/U] What do I see When I look in your eyes? No spark of friendship, Warmth or recognition. Just my own reflection Staring back at me. Beacause they're galzed. Another day, another bottle, Swinging limply from your pallid hand. This sick compulsion slowly drawing The light of life from within your soul, Leaving only emptiness in it's place And a stronger need. Because you're glazed. What dreadful feeling drives you? Is the outside world really so bad? Did all your walls come crashing down? Your hopes in ashes at your feet. And you standing alone In the midst of carnage Looking glazed. Can you not see the harm you're causing? Body and mind weakening day by day. The light within you slowly fading, People around you lost, despairing. But of course you can't Because you've always Been glazed. This one is about an alcoholic. [U]The Fast Lane[/U] Nothing is without a price Life is never simple Sell your soul for pretty things Pay the toll in blood. So here you find my story A lesson to you all Life in the fast lane may be fun That is until you fall... Lonely girl Pretty thing Young at heart Got sucked in Crazy man Lots of cash "Come back to mine, raid my stash" Man and girl Whirlwind life Highs and lows Mostly high Expensive Tates Designer Clothes Is it love? She doesn't know Dangerous times Hide from cops The leser evil Fear the boss Blue and cold Stiff but rich Crazy man Dead in a ditch Fear and panic Girl escapes Draughty doorways At least it's safe Haunted eyes Tormented dreams Now nothing is ever As it seems So now you know the price to pay Is it worth the pain? Life in the fast lane gets you dead All for material gain. This is about some trouble I got myself into a few years ago. I varied the pace in the middle to try to convey how fast the whole experience flew past me. Life can overtake you sometimes if you're not careful.[/color]
  2. ~Videl~

    dark stone

    [color=blue]Name: Calla Class: Magician Weapon: A wooden staff topped by a clear crystal. Clothing: Calla is a rogue magician with no allegience to any particular god, so she wears simple belted grey robes with many pouches attached containing her herbs and spell components.[/color]
  3. [color=blue]Every story needs a good bad guy so........... Name: Ashkara Spirit: Commander of the legions of hell. Body: She is the most beautiful woman most people have ever seen. Ash has long white hair and huge innocent looking purple eyes, she wears flowing white robes and has white feathered wings. Weapon: A staff topped by a glowing white crystal. Magic: Highest level dark magic. Physical: Fair skill, but she is a dirty fighter not affraid to use every trick in the book. Background: She is the highest ranking of the legions of hell second only in power to the dark lord. Ashkara may have the face of an angel but she has a dark and twisted soul that relishes in the suffering of others. As everyting has two sides, black and white, good and evil, so Ashkara is diametrically opposed to her opposite number Ben, two huge powers with equal and oposite force. Should be interesting...............[/color]
  4. [color=blue]I don't know abot the worst but the stupidest question I've ever been asked was "Why do you wear those glasses?"[/color]
  5. [color=blue]Thats really good D.D, I didn't know you did poetry too. Have you done anything else? if you have I'd really like to read it so mail it to me if you do.:)[/color]
  6. [color=blue]The most romantic thing I've ever done was a few years ago on valentines day I didn't have much money but I wanted to give my boyfriend a really romantic night. I got a cheap bottle of champagne and put it in a plastic bowl with lots of ice then I filled the room with candles on all the cupboards and tiny cake candles around the edges of the furniture with rose pettals on the bed. Needless to say it went really well and we both had a great night. Just goes to show it's the thought that counts. The worst depression I've been in was also a few years ago. I'm pretty messed up from my parents affairs and emotional black mail - my mum used to threaten to walk out on us until me and my brother were crying and begging her not to go - and bullying at school. I thought I was over all that but then I was really stupid and got into drugs and basically scrambled my brains, the depression came back and I tried to kill myself. But hey, I'm over that now and I know it's cliche but I am stronger now because of it.[/color]
  7. [color=blue]We never had a food fight coz we didn't have a cafeteria, we had to use two of the class rooms. This wouldn't have been so bad but the mess never got cleaned up until the end of the day so if we had a food fight we would have had to sit in it for the rest of the day. Eugh!! :( I guess it was a cunning plan by the teachers to stop us making any mess. :D[/color]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i] [B]~Videl~, I get the feeling that you like Piccolo...:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=blue]Really? Whatever gave you that idea? ;) :D [/color]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]not only that but ya [i]never know[/i] who's who on the internet. I mean, for the most part I haven't seen/met anyone on here who might be.... um,.... more than what they're letting on...:nervous: , but still........ it's not all that safe. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=blue]Yeah I agree it's a nice idea, there are people here I'd really like to meet, but like you say it could be a bit dodgy. Makes me think of what I saw on some weird chat show when I was off sick recently. The topic was meeting people from the net and there was this one woman who met a guy in a chat room and decided she wanted to have sex with him. So, instead of doing what any partly normal person might do and meeting the guy and maybe going out on a date she gave him her address and said come round at x time I'll leave the door unlocked. The man came over and she was waiting blinfolded on the bed and they did their thing and he left!!!! Insane :eek: :worried: !!!!!!! As the presenter said, she could have had her throat cut, but the woman replied that she loved the thrill that it could have even been anyone in the audience. Ok............. that was a bit random :o daytime TV has addled my brain :wigout: :D [/color]
  10. ~Videl~

    favorite song

    [color=blue]I love Nirvana too, thy're one of my all time favourite bands. One of those bands that were and always will be great.[/color]
  11. [color=blue]Piccolo's definately.....*drools*....or maybe it's just because of who's in the outfit......*drools some more*......ok, need to concentrate. The main thing I like about his outfit is the cloak, that is so cool but also the way the rest of it shows off his muscles..... Ok, I really need to get this out of my system, I've been off ill for 3 days and all I've been able to do is lie in bed and watch DBZ and my piccolo obsession just seems to have got worse.....oh well there's only one thing for it.......*goes off to watch some more DBZ*.[/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i] [B]Gah! I spend WAAAY too much time watching anime! I need to go out more often and get a life...-_- [/B][/QUOTE] [color=blue]lol thats funny, but don't worry, if I could get more anime then I would have less of a life too........ *scratches head* .....wait a minute, is that a good thing? :confused: :D BTW I'm a fellow Brit, where do you get your anime? as I'm having trouble getting a good selection.[/color]
  13. ~Videl~

    favorite song

    My favourite song is Cheap Honesty by Skunk Anansie.
  14. ~Videl~

    Slayfest (play)

    [I]Calla lay on the floor staring up at the opening as it closed and howled in rage[/I] Calla: Fenooooorrrrrrr!!!!!! How dare you treat me this way!!! I am your own kind, not a pathetic halfling. When I rule this realm you and all other beings will suffer for all eternity at my hands. Consider your training so far to be but a mere sample of the pain I shall inflict on you when you are mine!! [I]In a fit of firey rage she sped upwards towards the sealed portal, fists extended before her and surrounded by crackling black fire. She reached the portal and before it was fully opened punced straight through the remaining rock and into the building. Her entrance ripped a huge gash in the floor sending rock and debris flying in all directions as she ascended on a column of flame. The others and the remaing demons were sent flying by the shockwave, but Calla only had eyes for one person.[/I] Calla: Fenor!!!!!!! [I]She screamed in rage as she dove straight at the huge demon and caught him off guard tending his wounds she grasped his throat tightly in her claws and pinned him backwards against a wall.[/I] Calla: Tell......me.......how.......you.....did.........that!!!!!!! [I]She was shaking with rage and her eyes burned a firey red.[/I] Calla: Only my father and I have access to those arcane rituals!! [I]She slammed him harder against the wall, their fetid breaths mingled their faces were so close[/I] Calla: It's just not possible!!!!
  15. Cool! Finally a star wars RPG!:D WHy didn't I think of this ages ago...... ___________________________________ Name: Calla Ashran Race: Human Occupation: Jedi Padawan Age: 16 Bio: Calla was given into the custody of the Jedi's as a child by parents who couldn't stand the thought of having a "freak" as a child. To make up for this she has trained rigorously for 12 years to become a jedi knight and prove to herself that she is worth something. [I]Calla ducked just in time as her masters light sabre narrowly missed her head.[/I] Raith: Concentrate Calla. Clear your mind of all distractions and let the force guide you. [I]Calla spared only a nod for her master as she circled to find an opening. Raith feinted to the right and seeing the opening she drove in with an attack to his left side which he dodged easilly and sent her tumbling against the wall with a blast of force. Raith sighed and shut down his lightsabre[/I] Raith: That will be all for today. I'm sorry to say I've never seen you so unfoccussed. What is troubling you? Calla: *Picks herself up from the floor* Troubled? no it's not that it's just...........*she twisted her hands nervously* well master skwalker is coming today and I've never had the chance to meet him and I really wanted to and............*she broke off at the look of disapproval from Raith. Raith: A Jedi must always keep thier emotions in check, never be ruled by them, you must learn focus. *He looks at her crestfallen expression* But just this once I will make an exception, master Skywalkers shuttle will be docking shortly and I suppose a break in our traing will do no harm........ Calla: *Very excited* oh thank you master, thank you........ [I]She dashes off in the direction of the shuttle bay[/I]
  16. [color=blue]I had a cancer scare a couple of years ago and it was the most horrible thing that's ever happened to me. The worst thing was that after the test I had to wait another 6 months for another test and then the results of that and it was terrifying. I just kept thinking about what death would be like, and what if there was nothing and I just didn't exist anymore and I became quite depressed. Luckilly my friends and family were really supportive and I got a negative re-test but I really don't know what I would have done if I had cancer. I like to think I would have been strong and just lived the time I had left but it's impossible to say when you've not been in the situation.[/color]
  17. [color=blue]My hero is a guy called Jeff Noon he is my favouirte author and his work just blows my mind. I look up to him because he had the same life I'm having now and I really hope mine go's the same way. He stared off working in a bookshop writing stuff which people just thought was really weired and now he has 6 books out, has a small but cult following and lives in Brighton - my favouite place in the Uk. I just hope if I work hard enough my life will go the same way.[/color]
  18. [color=blue]I'm reading the manga of Dominion Tank Police at the moment and I'm waiting for the video to arrive - my mate wanted to get it for me for christmas but it's still not here - it's only dubbed but I can't wait to see it. As for the other :confused: never heard of it but it sounds pretty cool.[/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B] Thats all i do, watch anime! And if their making a anime about it, it better have ppl being killed, and hot chicks running around in skimpy outfits! Or I'm leading a big mob right to CN, and it's no mercy! Hot Chicks in skimpy outfits good!:D :D :D [/B][/QUOTE] [color=blue]*Sighs* You men you're all the same, lol, two brains and it's not the ones in your head that's in chrage ;) :D But I'm the same, most of my time is spent watching anime so if they make this and it's bad (could it really be good?) then I'll be right there with you with my flame thrower and machine gun ready! If they're not going to kill people then we'll have to oblige :devil:[/color]
  20. ~Videl~

    Slayfest (play)

    [I]Meanwhile across town in an old abandoned barn the air erupts in black lightning and Calla tumbles to the ground. She pushes herself up on her elbows and grunts in pain as purple demon blood spills from her stab wounds and from the gash in her wing. Damn then both! How dare they defy her fathers wishes!! Well, she would be loyal to her race. Hell on earth was comming and she was the instrument of mankinds deliverence and if they got in her way again......she coughs blood and sinks back to the floor......she's in no state to fight right now.....first she must head home to heal and grow stronger. Calla drags herself along the dusty floor and places her hand on the wooden wall. It seems to ripple for a moment then the fabric twists to be replaced by a gateway to hell, raging fires and twisted rocks that echoed with the screams of the tortured. Slowly she drags herself across the threshold and watches in satisfaction as the potrtal pops closed behind her. Some time later, as hell is timeless in relation to the outside world....... Calla rests on her knees on the floor of a dimly lit cavern that smells strongly of brimstone and decay. Along the walls fires rage in hollows in the rock and distant screams can be heard echoing through the halls.[/I] Voice: You have failed me!! [I]The sound of it was like breaking glass and a thousand screaming souls.[/I] Calla: I tried!! If it was just the vampires they would have been no match for me but Fenor was there with another Demon..... Voice: Amber....... Calla: You know her?!? Voice: Do not question me!! [I]Calla bowed her head closer to the floor.[/I] Calla: *In a quiet voice* Of course, I'm sorry. But that is the reason I am here. Voice:....... Calla: I may be strong for my age but my 250 years is no match for Fenors 3 milennia of battles........and the other is an unknown quantity. *Calla swallows nervously* If they are set to impete the progress of our plan then I may be forced to destroy them, and for that I will need more power. *She dares to say no more and kneels waiting in silence.* Voice:........Granted [I]From the concealing shadows at the rear of the chamber shoots a beam of pure blackness. It's very prescence seems to suck what little light there is from the room as it pierces Calla's chest. She screams in agony as it wracks her body with convulsions and black lightning but as these fade she rises to her feet, surrounded by a visible aura of black power.[/I] Voice: No go and bring about destruction. Calla: *Inclines her head slightly with a wicked grin* I hear and obey. [I]She strides from the chamber towards the portal as hundreds of dark demon shapes break from the shadows to follow her.[/I]
  21. ~Videl~

    Slayfest (play)

    Grr 3rd edit - I type too slow :mad: -------------------------------------------------- [I]Calla slowly pulled herself up to stare at Fenor, and glared around her at the others closing around her with weapons poised.[/I] Calla: *Runs her hand over her face.* Now look what you've done, I've got all mad *sighs* and I always get pufy when I'm mad. *Pants as blood starts to flow from the wound in her back**Watches as the others start to advance* And you lot have got to go! [I]She closes her eyes briefly and the air around the fighters seems to thicken. The fabric of reality twists for a moment then from the shadows around the edge of vision, creeping black shapes begin to form.[/I] Calla: Well, you know what I'd love to stay and play, it's just getting exciting, but I have work to do here and I'm sure all of you are going to have enough fun here without me. *To Fenor* You have crossed me for the last time Fenor, you have proven to me and my father where your loyalties lie.....he will be most displeased with this interference in the plan. *Giggles and wiggles her fingers in a wave.* Oh and Fenor, you're not the only one who knows that little trick. *In a crackle of black lighting Calla is gone.*:flaming:
  22. ~Videl~

    Slayfest (play)

    Calla: Oh Nabashi :smooch: you seem to be the only one here who want's to have any fun. Well you can't play by yourself, so I guess I'll have to oblige...... [I]She hurtled towards the vampire and struck him in the jaw with her fist. His head snapped back from the impact and while he was reeling she let her momentum carry her around and planted a kick with her hoof squarely in his chest. She dropped lightly to the floor and stood ready as Nabashi got his wind back for his next attack[/I] Calla: *Smoothes her short blonde hair* This is fun, and you know the best bit *giggles* you're going to die anyway. As we speak the poison is working deeper into your body. I give you what.....a couple of days at most, but if you fight me then your blood starts pumping faster......*she stretches out her arms and starts to spin*........and faster......*she whips round again and comes to face him with both her swords in her hands*..........it's terribly painful you know..........it's what I used on your little friend *she inclines her head to Thorn*...........now she was lots of fun! Maybe I'll try it on one of these others too. Nabashi: :flaming: :mad: :flaming: Calla: So what'll it be [I]halfbreed[/I]?
  23. [color=blue]I'd transform into a cat, sounds like a great life. Eat, sleep and get hugged all day.....mmmm......I could live with that. I have a mate who want's to be re-incarnated as an orange segment....no really....*shrugs* but that's off topic.......[/color]
  24. [color=blue]*Falls over anime style* OMG surely no more Harry Potter merchandising!! Please I can't take it anymore!! *STarts pulling out hair* I saw Harry potter kitchin roll before Christmas and somone came in my shop today (bookshop BTW) and asked for Harry Potter jewelery!! :rolleyes: The last nightmare I had was me lost in an oversized shop looking up at rows and rows of Harry Potter sweets, toys............. Anyway.......my point being anime fans have a hard enough time getting taken seriously by most people who think we spend all out time watching cartoons, this would just ruin it's reputation once and for all.....and be completely pointless ........and harry potter overkill :flaming: :flaming: I'm fed up of Harry Potter now.....anyone notice that? :o :freak: :babble: [/color]
  25. ~Videl~

    Slayfest (play)

    [I]Calla alighted on an old brick chimney and licked the vampire blood from her sword, before sliding it home with a soft whoosh. Interesting...... daddy would be pleased she wasn't going to have to kill his favourite general. *She squimed in excitement and clapped her hands*, this game was just staring to become fun.[/I]
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