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Everything posted by ~Videl~

  1. This girl sounds really nasty, you need to punish her - yes I'm evil too :devil: - but sadly, entertaing as it would be I don't think setting fire to her is the answer:D . She sounds like one of those peolpe who like to play head games, and most of the time these people can dish it out but they can't take it back. You need to make her suffer muahahaha!:devil: like she did to your brother, mess with her head a bit, make her afraid to open her e-mail or step out of the house - ok maybe I'm getting carried away here I'm :angel: really, honest:D - but just play her at her own game, chances are she won't be able to handle it, you'll have your revenge and your brother will still have the object of his desire in one piece.:naughty:
  2. I laughed, I laughed :rotflmao:......hang on, I laughed..........that means I'm insane:( .......oh well, I knew that anyway :naughty: :D It was funny though.......or was it just my warped mind?
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]i stayed awake for 4 days once when i took about 20 hits of acid... [/B][/QUOTE] :eek: Someone who's worse than me and thats a feat!:D Someone told me if you do more than 3 trips it makes you clinically insane.....but that could just be an urban myth *shrugs*. My record is three days when we had this really pure base mmmm.......played poker for 24 hours with monopoly money then quake 2 for 12 hours.......took me 4 hours after I lay down to go to sleep - don't do speed peeps, it's not pretty.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson]Why is life so complicated and guys so JERKISH? I just want to know what you think. I've had the worst luck with guys lately. And the guys that I like never like me back...they always like my friends who are a million times better than me...Maybe I should give up. I think humans should be like plants. We should just reproduce asexually by spores or just pollinate. Why be attracted to one another? We could just spew pollen and make babies that way. It'd be a whole lot easier. Oh maybe after high school life picks up. Maybe when I get out of this hell hole I'll meet someone worthwhile. So what do you guys think?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Unfortunately I've found that wherever you go there will always be people out there who will - whether on purpose or not - hurt your feelings and generally use and abuse you. I've been in enough relationships like that, i know how you feel. The problem is not with you personally, although you sound like you have low self esteem at the moment (
  5. Wow :wow: Darn I wish you could do one word posts coz nothing else needs to be said........but I'll say it anyway you have a really special talent and I hope you are getting the recognition you deserve outside this site as well. Do you illustrate books or manga or anything, coz you should do............ Wow :wow:
  6. Wow excellent pics krillen! My favourite is the ssj2 gohan, the perspective on that is spot on! 10/10 for that and the others range from 7-9 in my oppinion. Nice work!:)
  7. The Avengers has to be the worst movie ever made. It was soooooo bad I can't put it into words. Anyone remember it? Actually I hope no-one else has seen it, I wouldn't want anyone else to have been subjected to that horrible torture!
  8. Unless you are really sensible and want to put it in the bank then.......SPEND IT SPEND IT SPEND IT!!!!! If that was me I would be down the video store like that *clicks fingers* adding to my anime collection......or maybe a new outfit........or makeup.......*checks out the post again*....or not :o ;) but anyway, spend it on something, lifes too short :D but save enough for 1 more ticket, you never know............
  9. Hmmm, I've not had toys in a long time so apart from my computer I guess my only plaything is my slippery willy. It's a rubber gell type....urm floppy thingy.....*sweatdrop*. :o Ok I can't describe it but they were really big a few years ago, thats what we called them but I don't know what the proper name was ([I]anyone[/I] know what I'm on about?)and my mum brought it back from her holiday and it's really silly it jumps out of your and and you can play with it for hours.... Ok....shutting up now............:o :D
  10. I've played the piano since I was 5 - a long time now! - and I also play the clarinet, alto and tenor sax in a little jazz band, I'm learning the acoustic guitar and when I'm not feeling too shy - usually after a couple of drinks :D - I will get up and sing too.
  11. Yeah I was up all night till 6 am. I had 40 people round for a cocktail party - which was cool :D. But even though I put rugs down, someone still managed to spill grenadine all over my lovely pale green carpet - not so cool :( I've spent all today lugging an industrial carpet cleaner around to get the stain out before the landlord sees it:nervous: . But it was a really great night so I don't mind to much, if only my head didn't still hurt.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i] [B][b]Actually,...if it was me,...both my friend and the kids'll die...I have slow reaction time when it come to double situations... if it was only one situation on the other hand..[/b] [/B][/QUOTE] lol yeah if it actually happened to me I'd probably still be asleep under the tree while they all got shot. :laugh:
  13. lol this souds funny, I'm in Name: Nikki Age: 18 Job: Supervisor, likes to thinks she is more important than she really is.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]Has anyone ever heard of the author Robert Jordan? Or has any of you ever read his series "The Wheel of Time", I am on the first book "The Eye of the World" I am loving it so far, but I wanted some feed back on other people...I don't wanna keep reading this book if its just going to be a disappointment... [/B][/QUOTE] I've heard of Robert Jordan. I started reading the Wheel of time series and got to book five but got bored coz nothing was happening - he's on nine now!! The books were good but there is only so much of the same thing I can take. My best mate, however has read all of them and loved them, I guess I just love books that keep you on the edge of your seat. As a fellow fantasy fan I would recommend Terry Goodkinds Sword of Truth series that starts with Wizards First Rule. It's the best fantasy series I've read and thats high prise from me as I've read practically all of the modern ones. But I would say stick with it, most people I know who've read it have loved it. :)
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Smoky Joe [/i] [B]You are in a war with your best friend. After a battle, you decided to take a break and fall asleep by a tree. When you wake up, you see a man with a knife walking up to your friend (who's sleeping on a rock nearby). On the other side, you see 2 little kids playing and a soldier of the enemy walking towards them with a machine gun ready to shoot them. What do you do? [/B][/QUOTE] Well my best mate would want me to save the kids but I would have to save her. We've been through too much together to let her die. Bye bye little kiddies *watches as gunman mows down the little kiddies in a shower of bulletts and blood* Muwhahaha (
  16. Videl: *Pokes her head out from a huge pile pf papers* Sorry I've not posted in ages, I've been drowning under this huge mountain of paper work *sticks her head out further, covering everyone else in papers* Sorry all :o ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Earlier that day...... [I]It is a stormy, overcast morning as Raith leads Altara out of the school of Faltor. They walk silentley for a while then stop at a sheer cliff face.[/I] Raith: Ok. Now we are ready to begin your next lesson. Altara: :confused: Raith: *Smiles to himself* Just watch. [I]In the blink of an eye he unleashes a bleast of telekinetic power which shatteres the cliff face, raining down chunks of rock ranging from head size to that of a small house.[/I] Altara:wow: Raith: Your lesson is this....... [I]He reaches out and "lifts" the largest piece of rock into the air with his magic. It spins slowly in the air, before sinking slowly back to the ground.[/I] Altara: But I can't do that..... Raith: Ahhh..... but I don't expect you to........Your next lesson is to build up mental "muscles". You can start with this *he indicates the smallest rock* but I dont want to see you again until you can lift this one.*He inclines his head to the largest rock, similar in size to a small barn.* Altara: But I can't....... [I]She is cut short as Raith staggers forward, clutching his head as if in pain, his complexion suddenly white[/I] Altara: Are you all right...... Raith: *Waving his hand dismissively* I'm fine. *He pulles himself upright on a rock* Carry on with your lesson, I have some.......business......... to attend to in the school, but remember your instructions........... [I]Altara sighgs as she watches him stride towards the school and turns reluctanltly to her lesson, lifting the smallest rock shakilly off the ground.[/I] The present........ [I]Altara concenrates hard, the rock she is focussing on, the size of a cart, judders slightly on the ground, before rising smoothly into the air, where it hangs for a while before descending lazily to the ground. She smiles to herself before retiring to perch on a grassy bank as she removes a water skin from her pack to slake her thirst and wipes the sweat from her brow.[/I] ???: Very impressive. [I]Altara is instantly alert, her knife in her hand as she spins to face the new commer. He is dressed from head to foot to in black with a heavy cloak pulled forward over his face, hiding it in shadow.[/I] Altara: *Brandishes her knife which now seems very feeble. The stranger has an aura of power about him, despite his hidden features.* What is it to you?:mad: ???: Just that I know a strong power when I sense one. Altara:..... ???: I know you want power. There is a lot of anger in you. I could give that direction...........there are things I could teach you, ancient arcane arts you could only drean of....... Altara: And what makes you think I want to learn from the likes of you? ???: *Shrugs* It's your choice of course. I'll be here......*he turns and walks off* if you change your mind........ Altara: *Watches as the stranger disappears in the distance.* D@mn it!! *She sends out a kinetic blast which shatters the nearsest rock, and feeling no better stalks back to the school, all the time brooding about the immense power Zack has and how she would like nothing better than to best him in battle*
  17. I have a little bro who I love to bits but I hate him at the same time :devil: :D He is younger than me but he is richer than me, has a better job and a beautiful studio flat with his girlfirend. Not that I'm bitter or anything :flaming:
  18. My parents don't get on so I've never seen them kiss or show each other affection, but my brother and I had to come from somewhere and thats a far worse mental picture than any kiss could be :( :D If my parents saw me kissing a bloke I wouldn't care less, they stay out of my life and me theirs, but I wouldn't be embaressed, just proud, if I showed him affection in front of my family he would have to be special.
  19. [I]Altara glares after Zacks retreating back[/I] Raith: Well he seems like a nice young man....... Altara::mad: Braggard if you ask me...... Raith: Altara that is enough! He's just doing what comes naturally to him the same as you are...... Altara: *under breath* big head..... [I]Raith shakes his head slowly[/I] Raith: Why must you be so angry all the time? Altara: Well I guess it's just the kind of person I am.....:mad: [I]She raised her staff and assumed a fighting stance[/I] [I]Raith wiped the sweat off his brow[/I] Raith: Come on now I think we've both had enough for one day... Altara: *Still breathing hard* NO way.........if I'm to ever have a chance of keeping up with people like that I'm going to have to train every minute of the day. Raith: *Sighs* My dear I'm not as young as I used to be...... [I]Altara ploughed on oblivious[/I] Altara: And when we're done here I want to move on to bigger things...... Raith: ?? [I]She inclines her head towards one of the huge chunks of rubble Zacks spell has blasted from the wall[/I] [I]Raith sighs to himself as he assumes a stance[/I] Raith: I have a feeling this is going to be a very long couple of days. :rolleyes:
  20. ~Videl~


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by szyJYM [/i] [B]WOW... SOME PRETTY WILD STUFF HERE. WELL, TIME FOR A NEW TOPIC, IT MAY BE STUPID, BUT IT'S AN IDEA: SHOULD CHOCOLATE BE CONSIDERED A VEGETABLE? I MEAN, IT'S MADE FROM BEANS... [/B][/QUOTE] Videl: *Looks at szy*:therock: A vegetable? but it's never been alive :confused: I guess it is technically a "vegetable based product" :D but I don't see how it can be a vegetable. Oh and I know I'm late on the Bin-Laden debate but I'd just like to add that even though I hate him as much as the next person I hope he is never caught. If he is, whether he gets public execution - and lets face it, it would be - or life in jail he would become a martyr for his cause which would make it stronger. What he did was wrong but best punishment for an ego maniac is to fade into obscurity, sides, I believe in karma - he'll get his. Ok just had to say that - feel better now :D
  21. I'd take my mobile phone - it's got all my numbers in it, and my drawings and stories and my notes. Thats all I couln't replace, anything else can burn, at least I'd get insurance money and maybe get a new computer - one that works :flaming: :D
  22. I've done so may stupid things when I'm drunk. This was one of my worse nights: We went to Covent Garden (in London) for a large one. I was with some american mates who were visiting and I don't think they went away with a very good impression. After standing outside singing drinking songs for about an hour and visiting most of bars in the area we decided that as we could barely see it was time to head home. At this point it was 1 am and unbeknownst to us out train left at 1.30. If any of you have ever been on the underground in london at that time of night you know that you can barely move let alone get on the train, so when one pulled up with space for juust a few people I pushed my mates on with a "don't worry I'll get the next one and meet you at the station, get off in two stops". Unfortunately I had lost the ability to see and think beacuse I sent them in the wrong direction!! Oooops!:o So I got on the tube and went to the station but they weren't there. I spent two hours looking for them and waiting - they had got the train but I didn' know this. In the end the station shut and I got chucked out and to cut an already long story short I had to get a taxi from london to colchester which cost £80 - and that only after I grovelled with the taxi driver. And the worst part? When I got home at 5 am my flatmate told me that if I had just walked round the corner there was a 24 hour cafe where I could have waited to get the train!!! I really am stupid when I'm drunk!! And this is one of the least embarassing...........
  23. [I]Altatra strides purposefully through the halls of Faltor towards the small inner coutyard where she will finally get to exercise some of her powers. The halls are deserted which is strange as there are usually several students hurrying about to lessons - whom she manages to keep at a distance with a glare. Finding the small ivy covered door she lets herself in to find she is face to face with her teacher Raith. He is standing in front of a row of painted wooden targets and holding a handfull pf small throwing knives[/I] Raith: Ah Altara, you're early. Altara: Early? Raith: Yes, I thought you would be watching the new warlock display his powers. Altara: :rolleyes: Please, I didn't come here to watch some cocky kid show off all day. What is a warlock anyway? Raith: A warlock is a wizard who can cast when in contact with large amounts of steel. Altara: ?? Raith: You see steel inhibits our magic, hence.... [I]He holds out the knives[/I] Raith: These are small enough to make a deadly weapon in the hands of the right telekinetic. [I]Altara reaches out and takes one of the knives, she tosses it in her hand to test the balance then flases a grin at Raith.[/I] Raith: Ahh i see you've handled a weapon before. Good, that should make this a lot easier. Lets begin. [I]An hour later...........[/I] [I]Altara flipps the knife in her hand to hold it by the point. She ignores the gaping holes her many misses have blown in the ancient stone wall and focusses only on the last target. In a flash she releases the knife on the crest of a wave of telekinetic force and sends it hurtling into the centre of the last target which explods.[/I] [I]Raith walks forward clapping[/I] Raith: Well done my dear, well done. [I]He produces - seemingly from thin air - a long wooden fighting staff[/I] Raith: Now for something a little more complex. I sense you like fighting, maybe we can channel that anger inside you and put it to good use. [I]He flicks the staff around himself in series of comples flicks and spins, adds in a set of ferocious looking kicks and to finish it off runs straight up the wall and around the room.[/I] Raith: You see a telekinetic may not have the magic art of other mages but our power has a lot of other uses. Wood won't inhibit our magic like steel and any weapon with kinetic force behind it is more than a match for most swords. Altara: :eek: You have got to teach me how to do that! [I]Raith grinns and pulls another staff from thin air.........[/I]
  24. Hey D, nice to see a fellow Brit :D You hated R.E? Harsh man we had the coolest RE teacher who was also our guitar tutor ( Iwent to a very cool school, everyone learned guitar for a year :eek: :D )If you got him talking about ghosts and auras and such like he would go on all lesson, and we managed to keep this up all year!! And I too had a nutty physics teacher - what is it about science teachers :drunk: ? He looked like a toad, sweated like a pig and would go out every 10 minutes for a smoke. How I got A* in science I will never know! I wasn't a swot as in studying though. Peole thought I was but I just have a photographic memory. I can honestly say I didn't do a single nights revision for my GCSE's except to memorise my physics equations. As for my favourite subjects: English Science Art Yr 10, you must have mocks soon - good luck :wigout:
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B]I didn't know there were an Akira books, I guess it must be much more in depth. Please let me know where I can get them.:mrt: [/B][/QUOTE] Do you live in the UK? If so you should be able to get them from most reasonable sized book shops - I work in one so I should know :D I can give you the ISBN numbers if you need to get someone to order them for you. You could also try a company called Red Route distribution, who are one of the largest manga distributors in the uk - again I have their number if you want it, but I don't know if they do private orders. If you are the us they are published by dark horse so they should be in most comic shops or at least on Amazon. As we have the first 4 volumes out over here you should have at least these in the US. Hope I've been a little helpfull. Oh and I've read the first 4 volumes and they are really excellent. It's a bit different from the movie and more in depth but I love it. Bring out number 5 already :flaming: :D
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