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Everything posted by ~Videl~

  1. :D *Swot alert* *Swot alert*:D lol I've finished with school now - thank good :p :D but while I was there I was one of those really annoying people who was good at everyting - I got all A*'s and A's. I liked most of my subjects but if I had to choose then PE - or gym (I think) for those of you in the states - was my worst subject. I was good at it, but I just hated running around outside in the cold and the wet :( . Luckilly my school was really cool and you could choose between PE or community service, so I ran a craft group for my local old peoples home for a couple of years. But when i tell people I did community service for 2 years they look at my really weird, like I'm a convicted criminal or someting :D
  2. Man you guys get huge pressies!! I would like some money towards a new video player, but there's only one thing I really want....the winning lottery ticket, then I can get whatever I want :D However the best pressie I'll get this year is that my best mate is coming to stay which wiil be so cool as since she moved away I only get to see her about twice a year :( All this stuff is all very well but christmas should be about spending time with the people you love. Just my thoughts.
  3. [I]Altara sits with her booted feet on the desk, picking her nails with a deadly looking knife[/I] Raith:...........and so the secret to gaining control of your abilities is the ancient art of meditation. Only by focussing your mind and facing your inner anger can you ever hope to gain control of your telekinetic powers. [I]Altara continues playing with the knife, making it dance across her finger tips[/I] Raith:Are you listeneing to me? [I]He bangs his hands down on the table, then sweeps Altara's feet off it.[/I] Raith: Well child!? This is not a game. There are forces out there that would gladly crush you if they had the chance, now that your power has awakened. If you like, I could return you to your former life and leave you to the mercy of those who would have their way with you? [I]Altara paled a little, but remained defiant.[/I] Altara: Yeah but all this stuff is so boring. I hate reading all these musty old books. [I]To demonstrate she flicks one with a finger, sending up a small plume of blue grey dust.[/I] Altara: I hate that I have to study to learn to read, all the others will be way ahead of me now. I'm sick of sitting here in this dingy old room...... [I]The pictures on the wall begin to rattle and the pages of the books stir as if in a breeeze[/I] Altara: I......want........to......see....some....action! [I]In a burst of rage, she inadvertantly sends the desk crashing across the room, giving Raith just enough time to duck[/I] [I]He comes up smiling[/I] Raith: Well well, very impressive... [I]He picks up an old book and dusts the ancient leather cover[/I] Raith:If a little excessive. Maybe it is time we started some practical work. [I]A slow, sly grin spreads across Altara's face[/I] Raith: Meet me tomorrow morning in the small interior courtyard, then we'll see what you can really do. [I]With a nod in acknowledgement to her teacher, Altara strides out of the classroom and into the hall. She decides to head for the dining room as it will hopefully be empty at this time of day. She serves herself from one of the dishes left to warm over the fire and settles at the head of one of the long tables with her book: Telekinetic theory - ancient and contemporary. As she flicks through she thinks to herself that if she can just avoid all the other students for the next few years this place may not be so bad[/I]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stormwing [/i] [B]stupid question... you post...errrmm... correct me if i'm wrong but 0-249-newbie 250-499-jr.member 500-1000-member 1000-1999-otaku 2000 and up- extreme otaku [/B][/QUOTE] Sorry Piro but I have to correct you now :D
  5. Several weeks ago........... [I]A young girl lurks in the concealing shadows of a narrow alleyway, stone still except her eyes which are constantly roaming the passing crowds looking for a suitable mark. A travelling merchant in splendid robes, pulling a small hancart....perfect. But wait, he turns and the sun glints from the well polished sword at his hip.........never mind....find another. There........an old man in long worm hemp robes with his hands tucked into his sleeves, his expression dreamy and his eyes glazed, his thoughts in another place. Silently she slips from her hiding place and blends seamlessly with the crowd, a movment she has practiced a hundred times before. It is perfect, but then it should be ......it's her survival. Casually she winds her way towards him through the morning maket crowds. Her sharp eyes have already picked out the leather purse at his hip and stay focussed there as she winds her way toward him. As she approaches she passes close to the merchant and stumbles as if he has bumped her. Letting her momentum carry her toward the mark, she crashes into him, seemingly off balance. With a flick of her wrist her knife is in her hand and the man has been separated from his purse before he can blink when... CRASH!!! A fist of invisible force slamms her backwards into the wall of a nearby house. Her head spinning, she looks up just in time to see the man produce a knife of his own - seemingly from thin air - which he hurls in her direction. She raises her hands to protect her face and waits for the pain to come, but it doesn't. The knife lands with a clutter in the ditch opposite. Tentatively she lowers her hands to risk a look, but the man moves almost faster than she can see. In a blur of movement, he has throun two more knives, pinning her arms to the wall by her shirt sleves. He strides over to her, and close up she can see that he is not as frail as he first appeared, in his eyes is the unmistakeable glint of power. He walks over to her and grips her chin in his fingers, tilting her head so he can look into her eyes. He obviously sees something he likes there for his stern expression softens. "Do you like this life?" She thinks this a stupid question, but cannot refuse this strange man, so she mutely shakes her head. "Then come with me" "Where?" She manages to force the one word out. He replies in the same way. *Faltor.............*[/I] The present........... [I]A small crystal sphere hoveres in the air above the desk of Raith, wizard at Faltor, school for telekinetics.[/I] Raith: Concentrate!! Altara: :mad: I'm trying!! [I]The crystal sphere wobbles in the air then crashes onto the desk, splintering into a million pieces. Raith grimaces at the loss of yet another priceless object from his ever dwindling collection[/I] Altara: I'm trying.:mad: I don't know why I have to do these stupid exercises anyway :mad: :flaming: :mad: [I]The furniture begins to shake and some of the glass lamps explode. Raith throws up a kinetic sheild to protect them from flying debris[/I] Raith: :rolleyes: That my dear is exactly why. I wanted you learn some control before you mixed with the other students [I] a gong sounds from nowhere[/I] but it's too late now. Time for you to turn in for the night. You have a long day tomorrow. [I] Altara looks worried[/I] Raith: Don't worry my dear, I'm sure you will be fine. Altara: :mad: I'm not worried, but none of those jerks had better get in my way...........[I]and with that she storms out of the room[/I] Raith: [I]Shakes his heqad grinning[/I] Going to be trouble that one.........
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B]I've had the flying dream...but I like them. But lately for like the past two weeks, I've had nightmares every single night. And during the summer it was the same way, too. Is something wrong with me? I mean, it's scary to wake up every morning with that horrible feeling of dread. And in every one it always seems that someone close to me dies. It's so scary. [/B][/QUOTE] Nightmares are horrible!! I have them too, not very often but when I do it terrifies me. But don't despair, dreaming of someone close to you dying is a good thing :eek: , yes really. It signifies good fortune, some people say for you, and some for the person in the dream, it may be scary but really it is good. Asuka::therock: No honestly it does. Either that or if you lean towards psychology it is a sign of anxiety and felling out of controll of you life. For you, I hope it's the first one :)
  7. I'm glad you don't think I'm crazy Akito. But didn't you know, we had a near miss with a "dinosaur killer" sized meteor a few years ago. You must have seen it, there were graphics of this great dumbell shaped thing all over the news, and it only missed us by about a million miles. Sounds huge you say, but as you probably know, thats nothing in terms on interstellar distances. And it does strike me as odd as well that the last couple of years have seen this sudden rush to search for near earth meteors....but maybe I'm just paranoid;) as well as crazy:D
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B]Well, it could signify a war like people coming towards this world, or that a giant meteor is going to strike near your house. Or, u could just be crazy. But I'm sure some people will have different veiws on your dreams. How big was the meteor? [/B][/QUOTE] Hmm....thats quite hard to say but I would guess sort of tower block size, like council flats about 10 storeys, but it was hard to see. The smoke and flames were billowing off it and it had got really dark, it really lit up the sky (don't mind the wordyness I'm just trying to make it as vivid for you as it was for me, I was shaken for a couple of days afterwards) and the noise was intense and the heat and the pain.........do you think I'm crazy?
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B] It's not really mine, it's a old theory I dug up on doin some research bout dreams last summer, i thought it was pretty interesting. Anyways, when does the world end? [/B][/QUOTE] I don't know a date. Mostly i dream of just standing one day in the rubble of my street and all my friends and family are dead. I usually wander about for a bit, sometimes I do the stuff that i've always wanted to do like wearing all the expensive clothes I could never afford, but then the emptiness kicks in and once I even killed mysely. Recently it has been more disturbing. I dreamed of this huge flaming meteor crashing though the sky outside my house. There were flames everywhere and smoke, the sky was dark and the groung was shaking. I could feel the heat and little bits of rock hitting me (I have really vivid dreams) Then it hit and boom.........I woke up. Will the world really end......What does this mean?........probably that I'm messed up a really unique way. And either way we'll probably never know.......... :D Ooops posted this before I saw your last post....must.....type faster.....:D
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B]Well, it's very interesting, although most of my dreams don't deal with flying. But I can possibly give u answer to why this happens. Have you heard that some people think that when you dream, your soul leaves your body and flies around through time, it explains why some ppl can see the future through their dreams. It's believed among some people in South America that the Witch Doctors, as we call them, who are called Shamen by their people, soul's leave their body and go to the other world. Some unexperienced Shamen use drugs to induce a sleep like state to have their souls leave their body, and some of the more experienced shamens do not require it. But it's evidently real, for a few shamens in the past, in other tribes, have predicted the downfall of the Aztec Empire and the Inca Empire by white men with beards with weapons that shot fire out of barrels. But, back on topic, basically when you dream, your soul leaves ur body, and flies around, sometimes going into the future, and sometimes going into the past. Thats how some repressed memories come back to you, and thats how I know my mid terms would be good, hehe. [/B][/QUOTE] In that case pack your bags and head for the hills coz for the last five years I've been dreaming of the end of the world. No, really I have. Your theory would explain how I knew how my new village looked, but I hope it's not true or we're all gonna die :eek: ;) :D
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B]AAAAAAGH! Sorry im from the uk and as far as I know there is only one channel that shows dragonball Z over here... cartoon network. And they never show dragonball or any of the movies. These guys have only just got up to the Saiyaman saga and now theyre playing the previous saga all over again, as they do near the end of each saga... I have noticed that other UKers dont seem to have any problem keeping up with the rest of you. Whats your secret? Is there some other channel in the uk that Im unaware of, do you buy all the videos (I think this very unlikely cos theres so many) do you just look all over the net, or is there some other source i am unaware of??? [/B][/QUOTE] I share your pain:mad: :bawl: It's just so unfair!! I've tried to buy the movies but you can't, or the episodes - in shops anyway - and I don't keep up with the others, I just don't usually complain. I guess I could look on the net to see what happens but I would rather watch the series when it finally does come on, knowing what happens takes a lot of the fun out of it.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by woody [/i] [B] $50. The company shouldn't send me that check. Beside, I don't know where thep person the check should go to address. [color=blue][size=1]That's not the first time I recieved those kind of mail :D [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Maybe you should consider changing your name:D ;) ........j/k
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by woody [/i] [B]Unsual mail, some company send me a refund check. It turn out that, the check isn't for me, it's for someone else who happen to have the same name and lived in the state with me. I kept the check anyway. [/B][/QUOTE] lol thats mean :( :D Was it for a lot of money?
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NorykoAngelcry [/i] [B] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Thanks Videl, I suppose that makes total sense, but to be honest, at the age I am, women are more interested in the flashy dangerous kind of men, and not really looking for the calm, luke-warm likes of myself ^_^ I don't mean to complain here, and if anyone thinks I am, sorry. . in a few cases, the wrong women have been attracted to me because they have been through the junkie relationships and wanted a more calm and sensitive guy to be with. But in those cases, I have heard the stories from themselves, and am not really ready for THOSE types of relationships . . . making no sense, I know =) *poof* [/SIZE][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Nope, you are making perfect sense to me. I think I am a similar kind of person to you. I'm not an extrovert kind of person, more reserved yet confident but ever since a young age I have been everyones agony aunt. Again I don't mind at all, I guess my purpose is to help people and I enjoy doing it. I always used to get the men who had bad relationships and wanted to be with me, but thet just expected me to carry them through their own troubles and I can't cope with that as well. But since I've been older, the men finally know what they want in a long term relationship, and it really is worth the wait;) :D I know how you feel but my best agony aunt advice:D is to enjoy your popularity and freedom while you have it. The girl situation may suck now, but you will only see with hindsight how much better realy solid mates are :) I'm probably not making much sense but that would be the :alcohol: - bad day :(
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NorykoAngelcry [/i] [B]Well, imagine when I am interested in a girl, and it turns out she loves me like a brother (I hate that) instead of anything else. . . *sigh*[/B][/QUOTE] Ok, so I don't know you personally, but take it from a girl, what we need a lot of the time is someone just like you. And believe me it can work to your advantage. I had a mate like that who I loved like a brother and we ended up dating for nearly 2 years. In the end we split up but it had nothing to do with our friendship. It sounds cliche but eventually the girls will realise that what they want to settle down with is someone just like you, a funny sensitve guy - again I'm guessing but you sound like that kind of person.
  16. No more exams for me ever :raspberry :laugh: :laugh: But seriously good luck, finals are tough, hope you do really well :)
  17. Rediculous mail - oh yes. American express sent me a letter offering me a platinum card!!! Hello this is the girl who used to make weekly trips to cash convertors to sell all my worldy goods to buy food. Please!!:rolleyes: (Again if you're not british you may not know what I'm on about.)
  18. My greatest acheivements: Hopefully getting my name credited on a paper I was working on doing molecular modelling of three dimensional protein - protein interactions (when it gets published in a journal called..........ah damn what is it called?! :o have to get back to you on that one. It's been a while since I worked on it.) Getting some of my sci-fi book reviews published in a magazine and in book trade magazines and news letters. And last but by no means least being poet of the month on the otakupoetry site. Yes I know it's a horrible photo but I had the flu :rolleyes: :D
  19. Ok so I've thought about it some more since the message I sent you and this is probably the best way to do it - as long as you can use live bacteria otherwise.......well......*shrugs* I don't know how they expect you to do it. You need to culture some common skin bacteria on nutrient agar plates- info on how to do this should be on most microbiology sites or on-line journals - and incubate them for a couple of days till you get some colonies growing. Next you need to make up some soap solutions for each of the soaps you are testing. For each one equal ammounts of soap by weight and equal ammounts of water by volume. You might want to use diffefnt concentrations of soap and you will need a control solution of plain water as well. When your plates are incubated you will be able to see the bacterial colonies on them they should look *misty*with some visible circular patches. Into each plate make about 3 wells and fill with a small amount of the solution - only the same solution on each plate - and incubate for a couple more days. When you take the plates out you should - hopefully:D - see clear areas around the wells of soap where the bacteria have been killed. Measure the diameter of these for each solution and the controll where nothing should have happened and take a mean average, and the solution that produces the largest clear areas is the best at killing bacteria. Simple :genius: ;) :D
  20. I dream about flying lots. When I was little I used to dream I could fly, but only if I concentrated really hard and made the dream change from real life to animation (I've always been an anime fan;) ). My strangest flying dream was when I moved to a new house, I dreamed I was flying over all the fields and farms out the back of me. A couple of days later me and a mate went to check it out and it was exactly like I dreamed. Weired huh?
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *GaLxY-GiRl* [/i] [B][color=darkblue] I have a discrepancy..... why are you people spelling Christmas, [i]X-mas[/i]. If you celebrate Christmas, you technically believe in Christ, right? You shouldn't have to literally, [i]ex[/i] out his name. People who don't have faith in Christ, spell Christmas as X-mas. Well, I don't believe in Christ..... but I still spell Christmas, christmas.... go figure. :therock: I'm doing it again! Why do my posts always turn into lectures? [url=http://files.fundimension.com/files/pictures/santa/santa_14.jpg]How to tell...[/url][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] I spell it X-mas because it's shorter than christmas and I'm lazy:rolleyes: :D And I'm not a christian either.:)
  22. I was just thinking, I don't know any of the background of this game, the plot line or how you progress up in the levels and the game play style etc. For me and anyone else who's not done this before, could someone perhaps put up a short summary and outline of how the game works. This might clear up some of the confusion we've been having as well.:)
  23. If I ever have kids I want to try really hard not to impose any of my preferences on them. I want to show them all the different types of music, teach them about all of the religions, philosophies, make sure they are well educated and then let then decide for thenselves. I think it's very important in our culture dominated by marketing as it is that kids are left to form their own opinions about things, armed with as much knowledge as we can give them. The only thing I will teach my kids are morals and mannars as these cannot be learned from birth, and then they are on their own. Of course I will always be there if they want any help or guidance, but only if they ask.
  24. Stayin home for X-mas with my family and lots of :alcohol: Visiting my mates for New years, also with lots of :alcohol: and maybe some :smoke: Hmmm.......I'm sensing a theme here.........:D
  25. I guess I kind of have two points *feeling very vague* it's late here I'm to bed soon. Firstly comedy is more tragic than tragedy because most of our humour from whatever era is based on laughing at the misfortune of others. For example, in a midsummer nights dream when bottom gets the head of an ***(a pun in itself, but I don't know if the bard intended it as such ;) ) we all find this really funny. If he had fallen and broken his leg - some might say less of a disability than losing your head - it just wouldn't be the same. On another level, some things are just so tragic, so absolutely terrible that you can't help but laugh. This is going somewhere.....honest....but I can't thinks it's so late...........
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