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Everything posted by ~Videl~
My parents have been really good to me over the years, helping me out of bad situations and takin me back when I've done awful stuff,but do I like them............Well I gess I will always love them - they're my parents - but they've messed me up more than they can ever imagine. Whatever I did in the past was not as bad as this.......it's hard to talk about too but suffice to say I love them for who they are but I don't really like them anymore, especially when they are together, then they either fight or ignore each other and I don't know what is worse. And Angel, my mum saved me from choking when I was little too. I was five and got a lolly stuck in throat. She picked me up by my ankles and dangled me upside down until it fell out lol :D I wish I could have seen that. i still have a fear of choking though and couldn't swallow pills until I was 13.
Hey this sounds really cool, I'll join. I missed the first one so I don't know whats going on but I'm sure I'll pick it up. Name: Altara Shinoin Race: 1/2 half human/elf Age: 17 Mage Type: Telekinetic Starting spell: Lv1 levitiation School: Faltor Weapon: An assortment of throwing knives and a short sword which coupled with her telekinetic power make her deadly. Description: Long black hair and violet eyes. She wears a long black skirt split high at the sides for fighting and a black leather bodice with thigh high black leather boots. Bio: Altara never knew her parnets. She was grew up on the streets of the city, scrounging a living by theiving, and unconsciously using her magic. She is a good lockpick and extememly stealthy. When she was 12 she was taken in by a powerful telekinetic who she tried to rob and who taught her everything she knew. She may come across as cold but is feircely(sp) loyal to her friends.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i] [B]Interesting fact no.3: Did you know that if you dream in colour, you are mad (Apparently. That's what my Science teacher said anyway) [/B][/QUOTE] I must be insane then coz I've never dreamt in black and white :wigout: :D
My all time favourite: Name: Motoko Kusanagi From: Ghost In The Shell
lol:laugh: keep em comin DBZ man. I'm ill with the flu and chucking at these is really cheering me up.:D
I was looking for stuff on DBZ as I'd just got into that and ended up at the otaku site. After a couple of days I checked out the boards which were still v1.0 then I stayed through part of 2, left for ages but now I'm back with a different name.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B]I keep getting strange dreams where someone decides to start a fight, and no matter how hard I throw a punch or kick, it always hits like a pillow and i can't hurt the guy. Have you ever had a dream where you realise that youre dreaming and you can do whatever you want. Theyre cool. Just after I wrote that I looked down the page and saw that some of you have had them, but I dont wake up after I realise Im dreaming, I lose control after a couple of minutes and kind of stop realising im in a dream. [/B][/QUOTE] Yup the key to lucid dreaming is lots of practice. I'm really lucky in that I've been ahving lucid dreams since I was about five although I didn't realise it at the time. I used to dream I was trapped in a cage and couldn't get out and it would stay like it the whole night untill one night I imagined myself into a super hero type figure and threw the cage off me. I also used to dream that I could fly but only if I concentrated really hard and turned the dream scenery from real life to animation, so I've had lots of practice from an early age. Now I can pretty much chosse what I want to dream about and controll most of my dreams except for if I'm really tired and don't have time to get into the right state of mind before I go to sleep. I think the best practice you can have is lots of daydreaming, I had and still have a hyperactive imagination which is a big help but daydreaming is the closesty ou can get to dreaming while still being in controll.
First off I have to say I like most old people, I think they can be really interesting and have a lot to say but I do know this one crazy lady. She keeps coming into my shop, and first off she'll just be really normal and ask where a book is but then she goes off on a mad one...........her usual ones are My company is stealing money from people to give to the evil King Ottakar who was responsible for starting WW2 (I don't have the heart to tell her it was a guy named hitler) Our computers are poisoning peoples brains (some peolpe might say this is debateable) I can't help her because appapently I have "too much computer in me" She says she was kept in her house for 20 years because "they" wouldn't let her leave. And the other day when she left her final words to me were "...and the problem is they just won't let us off the planet." If you ask me she is the one who's off the planet, there's so much more stuff but I can't remember it now coz it was so random. Nuts:nervous: :eek: :worried:
Here's one for you all A man is trying to get into an exclusive club but he needs the pass word so he hides near the door. A member comes up to the doorman who says twelve, to which the member replies six and the doorman lets him in. A second member arrives, the doorman says to him six, he replies three and is let in. The man, thinking he has heard enough goes up to the doorman who says to him ten. The man replies five but is not let in. Why not? [QUOTE][I]Originally posted by Saiyadude[/I] [B]The answer was surposed to be 1 1/2 because the guy said 12 and the answer was 6. The guy says 6 and the answer was 3. But the guy saw the guy listening in and said 10 when he was gonna say 3??[/B] [/QUOTE] Nope, keep thinking about it :D I'll give you a clue - it's not that hard really if you look at the words.
Well done AJ2K1 4 life. i just got that one after hours and now someones beaten me to it:mad: but well done you do rule:D Here's one for you all A man is trying to get into an exclusive club but he needs the pass word so he hides near the door. A member comes up to the doorman who says twelve, to which the member replies six and the doorman lets him in. A second member arrives, the doorman says to him six, he replies three and is let in. The man, thinking he has heard enough goes up to the doorman wo says to him ten. The man replies five but is not let in. Why not? Edit [B]26 are in a field. One dies. How many are left??[/B] There are still 26 left in the field even if 1 is dead.
lol thats really funny you two:laugh: are you going to writesome more?
I have lots of strange dreams, most of whats written here is a pretty normal night for me. A lot of the time I have lucid dreams which I can controll, which is especially good if they are about piccolo or vegeta;) But I think my weiredest dream has to be this one (please don't laugh it sounds funny but it was scary at the time) ; I was lost in this maze. It was pretty dark and the grey stone walls were glistening with slime and damp. Suddenly I could hear this slithering dragging noise in the distance but comming closer so I ducked into an alcove to hide. The rasping got louder and louder until it was almost as loud as the sound of my own breathing, I was sure this thing - whatever it was - would find me, when scraping along the corridoor came...........a giant painted wooden toy duck. It looked hundreds of years old, the paint was all tarnished and peeling, and like everything else in this place it was covered in - and leaving a trail of - horrible green slime. On top of it's head was a brain on a stalk, also covered in slime, and it had really white cartoon eyes which followed me as it went past my hiding place. I have to say I was absolutely terrified!! I woke up shaking and covered in sweat and didn't sleep for the rest of the night. As for my aspirations......I am really lucky that for me dreams are starting to come true. I write book reviews for a magazine and I'm hopefully getting one of my stories published soon so yeah, baring anymore giant slimy toys life is good:)
*sighs* I see your point on that one. Damn I hate ethical dilema's, it may need to be done at some point but it still doesn't seem right. Grrrrrr now my heads all messed up....and it's all your fault :mad: *brandishes kitchin knife again* maybe I should join GAA :D lol The thing that still gets me on the moral side, even though I agree with what you just said (but hope it never comes to that) stems from my not being religious. I believe that people only have one chance at life and who are we to use that one chance for our own ends (even though it's possible these people might chose to lay down their lives for the benefit of all people in the future) we have no right to make that choice for them. Oh the world is such a cruel place...........
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mornigndew [/i] [B][color=blue] Snow!!!! I loved snow, especially on Christmas. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] You are so lucky, I've never seen a white christmas :( Very rarely get snow in england except maybe in march when it should be getting warmer........grrrrr hate british weather.:mad:
Well I do agree with what you said there - this is a debate and we keep agreeing with each other, lol - but I was just wondering where you were going with........ [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B]...but we never know....having that ability later...like if we get someone really creative...could be useful... [/B][/QUOTE] it's late here and my brains not working, could you explain?
Don't worry I'm not going to skewer you *hides kitchen knife quicly behind back and pulls bast angelic grin*:p :D But I think we should be finding out more about how humans tick before we start trying to clone them, not using them as guinnea pigs. I agree it would be interesting to see the effect of this on religion.........and as a friendly kind of gal I wouldn't care if someone was cloned, I like virtually everyone I meet. I just don't think it would be fair on the clone, to make anyone suffer physically and mentally needlessly is wrong, and like I said I personally don't see the point of doing something just to say you can. 'Sides that it'll never be as fun as doing it the old fashioned way ;) :D I think we may have to agree to disagree on this one :)
I don't think that as an act, cloning a whole person is a wrong *ducks as lots of people throw stuff at her*. Ok, I think I'd better explain what I mean. I am not a religious person. I don't have the fear that some people do that cloning a human will prove we don't have souls (as if it works, how could we?) and as far as I'm concerned it's our DNA and we can do what we please with it. But after saying all of this I still don't think we should do it. I mean whats the point of doing something just to prove we can? Cloning a whole human would serve no medical purpose and just throw up a whole load of theological questions we are not yet ready for. And as for childless couples (sorry to sound heartless) but if you've tried everything that science has to offer today and still can't conceive then I think it's time to settle down and accept your lot. How could you love and accept a child that to all intents and purposes was you? Also any clone would most likely suffer horrible medical consequences (look at poor Dolly the sheep now) and who can imagine what sort of identitiy criis this poor person would go through knowing that they weren't an individual but just a copy of someone else *shudders* I can't even begin to imagine it. However I don't think all cloning research should be stopped. Theraputic cloning of cells whether for blood products or whole organs is a medical breakthrough that could significantly improve the quaility of life for a lot of people in the world. Imagine a time when you're dying of liver failure......."no problem" says the doc,"I'll just grow you a new one"- sounds far fetched but it's comming. Or perhaps growing bone marrow for a child with leukemia. The applications are endless and I really beleive we are standing on the brink of a new era of medicine, as long as closed mided politicians who only have the scantiest scientific knowledge don't ruin it for everone in the future.
[B]1. If you have heard about the first human cloned, do you agree that they should continue to research, drop it, or I don't give a crap?? If you have reasons, post them up.[/B] Yes research should be continued, but only for theraputic cloning. Cloning of cells and organs can only benefit people in the future but cloning whole people is wrong, I think, not as an act in itself but for the clone. It would have no sense of identity and could suffer all sorts of horrible medical complications. That and if a human being could be grown like like it would cause a huge upheaval in every religion that believes in the individual soul. [B]2. Do you think people who "intend" to bomb their own school is psycho or a madman???[/B] There has to be something wrong with you to want to do that. But are they mad? I don't know, bullying and anger can drive you to a lot, but as we can't read minds I don't think we'll ever really know what makes these people tick [B]3. What is paradise to you??[/B] For everyone in the world to be happy. I'm happiest when those around me are too. [B]4. Do you want the war in Afghanistan to be over??? (Oh, believe me, people I know still want that war to go on)[/B] Ye I want it to be over but I don't think it can be finished until Bin Laden is caught, but I hope after that our leaders will see sense and bring this to an end. [B]5. Even though it said that Nostradamus predicted a lot of major events, would you start believing him or just like "I don't care"?? Poust up reasons if you want to.[/B] Yes I do believe in his predictions, I've studied them and most are uncannily accurate. The most worrying the one that begins "the terrible war being prepared in the west....." [B]6. Do you have a reason of your existence???[/B] I'd like to think we have a higher purpose but I think the reality of it is we exist to perpetuate the human gene pool.....what can I say I'm a cynic. [B]7. What would you do if anthrax hits your town or one of it's resident's???[/B] Get on with life, you can't do anything else. But I'd be sad for the people affected. [B]8. Just for the fun of it. Do you think I should have this kind of thread posted up once in a awhile??? :D :D [/B] Yes it's fun:D
You're not blind d dark. Blindness is blindly (
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nothing674 [/i] [B]Live. Live is the greatest band ever. [/B][/QUOTE] Live are excellent, I didn't think anyone else had heard of them. I was this close*hold up fingers millimeters appart* from seeing them live a few years ago, but I got the flu:bawl: And sulked for a week afterwards. Anyways.....back on topic.... Skunk Anansie Muse Metallica AAF Linkin Park Offspring My Vitriole .....to name but a few.
Hmmm.....reincarnation.....thats a tricky one. For most of my life I would have to say no, I didn't believe in it. However once when I was meditating I had an experience that has since changed my mind. Oh grr, this is really hard to explain so please don't laugh if it sounds really stupid in words. I had kind of a vision/impression of dancing near a huge fire by a lake at night, I was holding hands with someone and there were voices and music in the background. It seemed so real I could almost feel the wind in my hair and smell the smoke. You probably all think I'm weired now........well at least you're not disappointed then:D This hasn't proved anything outright to me, I don't think anyone will really know. But I like to think we get the chance to improve ourselves and make up for past mistakes..........otherwise whats the point?
I can reccomend France, it's really beautiful, the people are nice and the food is great :tasty: Sticking on the mainland, Amsterdam is (I think) the coolest place to hang out in Europe, but I guess that depends what you're into :D . If you like rugged natural scenery then Scotland or Wales are great places to visit. I visit there to paint a lot and it may be a bit chilly compared to a lot of holiday spots but the views and the hospitality of the local people more than makes up for it. I've never visitedd egypt myself, but my best freind went on a diving holiday there and had an amazing time, even though loads of the local men kept trying to buy her hand in marriage lol :laugh: must be all that red hair.
Anime Which is the most Emotional/shocking scene in any anime?
~Videl~ replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]********SPOILER*********** I'd have to say in the Kenshin OAV or in the Manga, depending on what you've read or seen, when Himura-sama kills his wife, Tomoe as she trys to protect him from the secret knife the enemy was hiding.... she sacraficed herself to save the life of a killer, an assassin, the man she loved, the man she betrayed... Alot of things in Kenshin are extremely emotional... I cried through some of watching that series....[/B][/QUOTE] I cried too:bawl: Kenshin was so sad, just wondering did you see the motion picture and what did you think of it? I thought it was really bad compared to the orignal. I didn' t like the way the drawing style changed or the way te facial expresios and such like became more "mainstream anime" - if you know what I mean? -
Cal hastilly kicked earth over her campfire as the sounds of men crashing through the undergrowth approached her hiding place. Only Maccans guards would dare to be careless enough to make this much noise in broad daylight, she cursed silently and drew her swords, muscles tensed as the sounds grew louder. A man dressed in blue leather aromour stumbled into the clearing. Pike drawn, he lunged towards her but Cal's sowrds flicked out in a blur of movement, one sweeping the pike casually to one side while the other spilled the guards intestines onto the muddy earth. A rustle on the other side of the clearing sparked her senses, and she spun in a heatbeat, to find her swords levelled at the throats of a blue haired boy and his companion with the most amazing hazel eyes. Cal: *Glaring menacingly at the other two* You don't look like Maccans lot.....but you'd better explain what you're doing running about with his men right now.....or you'll end up like him. *she tipped her head in the direction of the dead guard*
I don't clean up - I never have to. One of my flatmates is an obsesive cleanliness freak. She does all the washing up, even if the dishes have only been in the sink a coouple of hours (cool:)) but hoovers the hall at 8am on a sunday (not so cool:() but useful none the less as I don't have to do it :D. I only have to clean my own room which I've not done for about a year now (:eek: yes I know it's gross but at least I know where everything is). lol