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Everything posted by ~Videl~
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pave-Low [/i] [B]Anyone know if, The Redemption of Althalus is any good? [/B][/QUOTE] It is really good! Not quite up to the standard of the rest of his stuff as it's a little bit predictable but it's still a really good read.
My gran is into "traditional" english cooking so I've had ox - tail and tongue for sunday roast. She ued to serve up brains for my dad (no joke:eek: ) but thakfully you can't get sheeps brain from the butcher anymore. I've also eaten rabbit and sword fish. I don't think any of these are really exotic but they are a bit unusual.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by k9* [/i] [B]mine is piccolo-sama (esp. after he develops the soft spot for gohan) :love: [/B][/QUOTE] Hey cool! Someone else has a soft spot:love: for piccolo too:D And there's me thinking I was the only one. The thing I love about DBZ is the way they mix the action and the comedy moments, it just really works which is why I was addicted afier my first episode:)
Anything by my favourite authors, Michael Marshall Smith, Jeff Noon, Jon C Grimwood. I love messed up, cyberpunk sci fi.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dark Man X [/i] [B] That's the thing!! i hardly know her! and they're not cat calls, i just say she's really fine to make her feel good.. BUT I'M NOT SURE IF I LIKE HER OR NOT! I NEVER REALLY GOT A GOOD LOOK AT HER! She looks rather-- young. But from what i'v seen, shorty aiite. "CONFUSING... CONFUSING WHAAT IIIISS REEEEALL!!!!!" [/B][/QUOTE] Sounds like you're jumping the gun a bit there if you've never got a good look at her let alone talked to her. Go talk to the girl, get to know her (and see her up close as well;) ) then take it from there if you feel it's going anywhere. Like velvet paws said, us girls don't like a man who tries too hard to be nice or is too macho and distant (yes I know we're impossible to please;) :D ) just chat to her like a mate, she has to get to know you too to like you back.
My parents always fight too. I wish they would get a divorce! One day my dad sat me down and said he was having an affair with this woman, then he told me my mum was having an affair with this guys husband as well! I asked him why they were still together and he said it was because of me and my brother. And then they wonder why I'm so screwed up. You're parents may fight but at least you know it's their fault and not yours, that they are unhappy because of their own choice. I know it's not really my fault as I've not done anything, but i feel gulity for their unhappyness every day and I wish they would just split up and get it over with.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Defcon5 [/i] [B]Today at school (I'm in 8th grade) a girl in my class brought cigirets to school. A Cathoilc one I might add. The idiot smoked them and showed them to other girls. She started to throw up and was told on by another girl. Later she was taken away by the police. Can you say stupid? I can! [/B][/QUOTE] *Sighs*That's what comes of trying to be cool........and failing miserably:laugh:. Smoking is no way to make yourself look cool (I smoke but I do so because I enjoy it) and it oviously impressed all the other girls [I]so[/I] much they felt they had to let the teachers know as well:rolleyes: I've never heard of anyone being sick from smoking before, lol serves her right
Relationships - I just take them as it comes. I've been out with lots of people... let me see 1, 2........9, 10*runs out of fingers* 11,12........20.....*runs out of toes as well*;) :D well lots anyway, some of them seroius, most of them not . However I've been with the same guy now for nearly 4 years now and it's been wonderful. We're like two halves of the same person and never really argue. I believe that everyone has a soul mate (sentimental I know) but if you've not found him/her yet then enjoy the trying. The way I see it, the more people you date, the more chance you have of finding the one for you :D
Have you ever gotten yourself into a deadly situation?
~Videl~ replied to Fall's topic in General Discussion
The only time I've been near death was when I was about 5 and my family went to the beach. the tide had gone out a long way so my brother and I decided to play in all the new rock pools that were revealed. Unfortunately the first one I stepped into was quicksand and before I could get out I was up to my thighs. By the time I had persuaded my 3 year old brother to fetch mum I was up to my arm pits and the tide was comming in! She pulled me out in the end but I'm still wary now when I go the beach. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pharoh321 [/i] [B]Because, because.....::looks around:: [SIZE=3]seven eight nine[/SIZE] ahahahahahahaahahahah! oh sorry........ [/B][/QUOTE] :rolleyes:And there's me thinking you were going to say something witty and amusing to brighten up my otherwise dull evening........;) :D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pharoh321 [/i] [B]Mine is 99999999, actually mine would have to be 7. (ask me why) :) [/B][/QUOTE] Mine is 3.... So why is yours 7?:therock: :D
Mia:*flicks a piece of spider gut off her cloak*Just great:mad: My first planet and and I end up stuck with a load of pervy lads and giant spiders! I don't know whats worse:flaming: Kaiyu:Yeah but you do have great ........... *Mia brandishes her gun in his direction* Kaiyu:*raises his hands in mock surrender and grins*OK...... Forte:Nuff already you two! Cloud:We can't stand here all day, any suggestions people? Mia:I've got one. We follow those two *jerks her head in the direction Ken and the woman went in.* They must have had ships at some point, I say we follow them back to their base camp, "aquire" ourselves a ship and get the hell off this godforsaken planet! :flaming:
Ok so I'm english and may not have as many facts as americans......but that just makes me glad he's not running my country. The man seems to me to be completely dense, look into his eyes next time he's on the telly - vacant. No offence inteneded to americans at all - just my opinion.:)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B] [SIZE=1]No your advice is good! Thankz :D:D[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Hey, no problem :) I hope you work it out that's a tricky one you have there.
First off you have to tell your mate you gave out his number. If he is as frail as you say, this could be really upsetting him and if he really is a good friend if you explain you gave out his number in good faith he may be mad at first but hopefully he will forgive you. Also you should go round and explain to his dad and appologise. Next you need to have words with whoever is making the prank calls. It's one thing to call a mates phone and wind him up but it's entirely a different situation when they live with their parents - it's their house after all. Feel free to ignore my advice - I ignore me most of the time too:D but if this is upsetting your mate he will be more hurt in the long run when he finds out it was you - and he will, these things have a nasty habit of comming back to you. Good luck
When I was about 3 I had been out all day and was really tired so my mum decidied to give me my dinner - tomato soup - then put me to bed. She told me she looked away to the telly and when she looked back I was asleep with my face in the soup:laugh: Voodoo's head smashing antics have reminded me of when I was a little older and I was a huge fan of he-man (anyone remember this). I decided I wanted to be just like ram-man so ran at the back of the sofa as fast as I could - thinking it would be soft :rolleyes: - and head butted it. I did my back in something awful and couldn't walk for the rest of the day.:whoops:
I'm from sunny England, in a little village in the middle of nowhere, and my ancestors were from france and scotland.
got bored, thought id show you my painting entitled:
~Videl~ replied to a topic in General Discussion
Excellent painting. You're really talented:)! -
*Mia nearly walks off the cliff and catches hold of an oversized clump of grass at the last minute* Mia:Uuugh! *stares at her hands covered in sap in disgust*what is this cr..... *stumbles backwards and nearly falls of cliff again* Holy s...... *grabs hold of grass tighter, which promptly collapses leaving her staring up at the vast lilac sky* *Rolls under the grass and clutches her stomach* Mia:Mmmmm! I'm gonna puke! Ken:*Jerks his thumb in Mia's direction* WHats up with her? Mako:Agorophobia.(SP) Ken: Huh:confused: Mia:*crawls out from under the grass but is carful to keep a safe distance from the cliff and avoids looking around her.* I've never been on a planet before. All: *Fall over anime style* Mia: Look, you guys hired me to fly you here. No-one said anything about planets and plants *wipes hands on trousers* and............*her eyes widen in shock as she looks over Mako's shoulder* what the hell is that........!!
This year I have been to Paris and then to Amsterdam with my mates. If you ever get the chance, go to Amstedam - best holiday I've ever had. It's the most chilled out city in europe - wonder why ;) :D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gold_Angewomon [/i] [B]I've only got MSN... :) [/B][/QUOTE] Me too :)
Name:Mia Apperance:Long blonde hair, purple eyes. Short leather skirt and corsett top with chunky knee high boots and black cloak. Personality:A bit cynical for her age as she has seen a lot in space. she may come across cold but has a soft centre when it comes to her friends. Age:15 Bio:Mia was born and raised in space the daughter of a freighter captain turned renegade, she is small and slim but an excellent hand to hand fighter. This is her first planetfall.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]EST... i won't be able to abide it, not one more time. i swore the last time they would never do it to me again, & i'll kill myself before i let it happen. i really will. [/B][/QUOTE] Don't do anything to appease your parents, especially putting god knows how many volts through your brain!!!! If you've been given an ultimatum maybe you should stay with friends for a while until you can sort your head out - it's unfair of your parents putting pressure on you like this. Perhaps they are trying to make you sort yourself out by threatening you with stuff like this - my parents tried the same tactic on me. Get some space if you can for the moment and have a think, but if you want to chat pm or mail me I've been in a similar situation and I know how you feel. Good luck, whatever you decide to do I hope it works out ok.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson][b][size=1]Even better.... good poem.... :whoops: [/color][/b][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Thanks ;) I really liked yours too. Someone else living in that dark place......
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson][b][size=1]Very nice Videl.... good poem...[/color][/b][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] It wasn't finished. I posted it by accident!:o Don't ask me how I haven't a clue but read it now it's finished.