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Everything posted by ~Videl~

  1. By day I shield my eyes from the garish "real world" At night I leave them open running from the creeping darkness in my soul. Surrounded by friends and family yet I always am so alone, I retreat to my safe haven inside my head. Prison of flesh and bone. Outside the pettyness and chaos drive me inside myself. But inside is no better, the constant battle with my light always just ahead of the creeping blackness. This coldness inside me is like a dead weight destined forever to be carried in the warm place where my soul should rest. YOU put it there, but your memory is what keeps me chained to this millstone of self doubt anger and hate. Free me! But even now something inside, some little remaing spark of me knows that only I can free myself from the internal prison laid on me. One day the flames of my soul rekindled only by a kind of love I have yet to feel, will burn away my prison sear away the weak flesh. Then I will be revealed in all the beauty no-one else sees. In the meantime I will wait. Biding my time knowing one day I will soar free. And you will be forever trapped in the enduring bleakness of you black unfeeling soul. Untitled By Andra Williams This is about someone who hurt me a lot. Nuff said.
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